Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The current flight's checkpoint's duration request method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="req">the request from the user side</param>
        /// <returns>the response to the user side</returns>
        public ResponseCheckpointDuration GetCheckpointDuration(RequestCheckpointDuration req)
            double duration = default(double);

                //if the flight' checkpoint has values
                if (req.CheckpointSerial != "-1" || req.CheckpointType != null)
                    //set the local value using the repository
                    duration = ctRepo.GetCheckpoint(req.CheckpointSerial, req.CheckpointType).Duration;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(e.Message);
            return(new ResponseCheckpointDuration()
                IsSuccess = true,
                CheckpointDuration = duration
Пример #2
 public ResponseCheckpointDuration GetCheckpointDuration(RequestCheckpointDuration req)
        /// <summary>
        /// The flight's checkpoint promotion evaluation method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">the proxy caller</param>
        /// <param name="flight">the current flight object</param>
        void SimProxy_OnPromotionEvaluationEvent(object sender, FlightDTO flight)
            //a request is being made to the service in order to calculate the flight's next checkpoint
            RequestFlightPosition reqPosition = new RequestFlightPosition()
                //a hash of all the checkpoints flight serial
                TxtblckNameFlightNumberHash = SetTxtblckHash(txtblckCheckpoints),
                //a hash of the the stand-by flight serial list
                LstvwNameFlightsListHash = SetLstvwHash(lstvwsCheckpoints),
                //the cuurent flight's serial
                FlightSerial = flight.FlightSerial.ToString(),
                //bool value for is flight boarding
                IsBoarding = EvaluateTerminalState(flight)

            //the service retrieves all the data for the flight's next checkpoint & updates database
            ResponseFlightPosition resPosition = simProxy.GetFlightPosition(reqPosition);

            /**simproxy flight_timer hash update**/
            //values to remove from the simproxy flight_timer hash
            KeyValuePair <FlightDTO, Timer> keyToRemove = new KeyValuePair <FlightDTO, Timer>(flight, simProxy.flightsTimers[flight]);
            //flight object with values in 'FlightSerial' property only
            FlightDTO previousFlightObject = flight;

            //flight object with full properties
            flight = simProxy.GetFlight(flight.FlightSerial);
            //values to replace the current flight_timer values in the simproxy hash
            KeyValuePair <FlightDTO, Timer> keyToAdd = new KeyValuePair <FlightDTO, Timer>(flight, simProxy.flightsTimers[previousFlightObject]);

            simProxy.UpdateflightsTimersHash(flight, keyToRemove, keyToAdd);

            if (resPosition.IsSuccess)
                /**current flight's timer's interval set to next checkpoint's duration**/
                //if the next checkpoint in not to land or depart,
                if (flight.Checkpoint != null && resPosition.NextCheckpointName != "Departed!")
                    //set timer's interval to updated flight's checkpoint's duration
                    double duration = flight.Checkpoint.Duration;
                    simProxy.flightsTimers[flight].Interval = duration;
                //if the next checkpoint serial & type has values,
                else if (resPosition.CheckpointSerial != -1 && resPosition.CheckpointType != null)
                    //request is made to service to retrieve the next checkpoint object
                    RequestCheckpointDuration reqDur = new RequestCheckpointDuration()
                        CheckpointSerial = resPosition.CheckpointSerial.ToString()
                    ResponseCheckpointDuration resDur = simProxy.GetCheckpointDuration(reqDur);
                    //and set timer's interval to next checkpoint duration
                    if (resDur.IsSuccess)
                        simProxy.flightsTimers[flight].Interval = resDur.CheckpointDuration;

                /**binding data update**/
                //if the last flight's position was in terminal
                if (resPosition.LastCheckpointPosition == "txtblckFlightTerminal1" || resPosition.LastCheckpointPosition == "txtblckFlightTerminal2")
                    //update the binding data by next checkpoint serial
                    SwitchOnCheckpointSerial(airportUserControl.Dispatcher, resPosition.CheckpointSerial, resPosition.CheckpointType,
                                             resPosition.NextCheckpointName, resPosition.LastCheckpointPosition, flight);
                //update binding data by next checkpoint's textblock or listview name property
                bool?isFound = SwitchOnNextCheckpointName(airportUserControl.Dispatcher, resPosition.NextCheckpointName, flight);
                //if last switch returns null,
                if (isFound == null)
                    //check if the flight's next checkpoint is to cercle around or depart
                    if (resPosition.NextCheckpointName == "Departed!" || resPosition.NextCheckpointName == "No access to field!")
                        //dispose flight
                        KeyValuePair <FlightDTO, Timer> keyToDispose = new KeyValuePair <FlightDTO, Timer>(flight, simProxy.flightsTimers[flight]);
                        //dispose timer
                        simProxy.UpdateflightsTimersHash(null, keyToDispose, new KeyValuePair <FlightDTO, Timer>());
                //if the last switch returns false,
                if (isFound == false)
                    //update the binding data by next checkpoint serial for all other checkpoints
                    SwitchOnCheckpointSerial(airportUserControl.Dispatcher, resPosition.CheckpointSerial, resPosition.CheckpointType,
                                             resPosition.NextCheckpointName, resPosition.LastCheckpointPosition, flight);