Пример #1
        static IResource CreateResource(JObject jObj, Type resourceType)
            // remove _links and _embedded so those don't try to deserialize, because we know they will fail
            JToken links;

            if (jObj.TryGetValue(HalLinksName, out links))
            JToken embeddeds;

            if (jObj.TryGetValue(HalEmbeddedName, out embeddeds))

            // create value properties in base object
            var resource = jObj.ToObject(resourceType) as IResource;

            if (resource == null)

            // links are named properties, where the name is Link.Rel and the value is the rest of Link
            if (links != null)
                foreach (var rel in links.OfType <JProperty>())
                    CreateLinks(rel, resource);
                var self = resource.Links.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Rel == "self");
                if (self != null)
                    resource.Href = self.Href;

            // embedded are named properties, where the name is the Rel, which needs to map to a Resource Type, and the value is the Resource
            // recursive
            if (embeddeds != null)
                foreach (var prop in resourceType.GetProperties().Where(p => Representation.IsEmbeddedResourceType(p.PropertyType)))
                    // expects embedded collection of resources is implemented as an IList on the Representation-derived class
                    if (typeof(IEnumerable <IResource>).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType))
                        var lst = prop.GetValue(resource) as IList;
                        if (lst == null)
                            lst = ConstructResource(prop.PropertyType) as IList ??
                                typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(prop.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments)) as IList;
                            if (lst == null)
                            prop.SetValue(resource, lst);
                        if (prop.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments != null &&
                            prop.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments.Length > 0)
                            CreateEmbedded(embeddeds, prop.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0],
                                           newRes => lst.Add(newRes));
                        var prop1 = prop;
                        CreateEmbedded(embeddeds, prop.PropertyType, newRes => prop1.SetValue(resource, newRes));
