Пример #1
 private bool AddUpdateRepositoryLink(bool blResult, string strAction, RepositoryVo repoVo)
     repoBo = new RepositoryBo();
         blResult = (strAction.Equals(Constants.Add.ToString())) ? repoBo.AddRepositoryItem(repoVo, issueId) : repoBo.UpdateRepositoryItem(repoVo);
     catch (BaseApplicationException Ex)
         throw Ex;
     catch (Exception Ex)
         object[] objects = new object[1];
         objects[0] = repoVo;
         PageException(objects, Ex, "ManageRepository.ascx:AddClick()");
Пример #2
        private bool AddFile(out bool blZeroBalance, out bool blFileSizeExceeded)
            // If the upload type is file
            // We need to see if the adviser has a folder in Repository folder
            // Case 1: If not, then encode the adviser id and create a folder with the encoded id
            // then create a folder for the repository category within the encoded folder
            // then store the encoded adviserID + GUID + file name
            // Case 2: If folder exists, check if the category folder exists.
            // If not then, create a folder with the category code and store the file as done above.
            // If yes, then just store the file as done above.
            // Once this is done, store the info in the DB with the file path.
            strRepositoryPath = Server.MapPath(strRepositoryPath) + "\\advisor_" + advisorVo.advisorId;
            AdvisorBo advBo = new AdvisorBo();

            repoBo = new RepositoryBo();
            bool blResult = false;

            blZeroBalance      = false;
            blFileSizeExceeded = false;

                // Reading File Upload Control
                if (radUploadRepoItem.UploadedFiles.Count != 0)
                    // Put this part under a transaction scope
                    using (TransactionScope scope1 = new TransactionScope())
                        UploadedFile file     = radUploadRepoItem.UploadedFiles[0];
                        float        fileSize = float.Parse(file.ContentLength.ToString()) / 1048576; // Converting bytes to MB

                        // If space is there to upload file
                        if (fStorageBalance >= fileSize)
                            if (fileSize <= 20)   // If upload file size is less than 10 MB then upload
                                // Check if directory for advisor exists, and if not then create a new directoty
                                if (!Directory.Exists(strRepositoryPath))
                                strGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                string newFileName = SaveFileIntoServer(file, strGuid, strRepositoryPath);
                                repoVo              = new RepositoryVo();
                                repoVo.AdviserId    = advisorVo.advisorId;
                                repoVo.CategoryCode = ddlRCategory.SelectedValue;
                                repoVo.Description  = txtDescription.Text.Trim();
                                repoVo.HeadingText  = txtHeadingText.Text.Trim();
                                repoVo.IsFile       = true;
                                repoVo.Link         = newFileName;
                                if (Request.QueryString["NCDProspect"] != null)
                                    issueId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["issueId"].ToString());
                                blResult = repoBo.AddRepositoryItem(repoVo, issueId);

                                if (blResult)
                                    // Once the adding of repository is a success, then update the balance storage in advisor subscription table
                                    fStorageBalance = UpdateAdvisorStorageBalance(fileSize, 0, fStorageBalance);
                                blFileSizeExceeded = true;
                            blZeroBalance = true;

                        scope1.Complete();   // Commit the transaction scope if no errors
                    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "pageloadscript", "alert('Please select a file to upload!');", true);
            catch (BaseApplicationException Ex)
                throw Ex;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                object[] objects = new object[2];
                objects[0] = repoVo;
                objects[1] = repoBo;
                PageException(objects, Ex, "ManageRepository.ascx:AddClick()");