// GET: Reports/Create public ActionResult Create() { var vm = new ReportViewModel(); vm = RefreshViewModel(vm); return View(vm); }
public ActionResult PhenotypeEntry(PhenotypeReportViewModel mapView) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(mapView)); } ReportViewModel reportVM = r_repo.GetReportForPhenotype(mapView); TempData["ReportViewModel"] = reportVM; return(RedirectToAction("ReportView")); }
public IActionResult SubmitReport(string postId) { ReportViewModel viewModel = this.reportsService.GetSubmitReportViewModel(postId, User); if (viewModel == null) { var result = this.View("Error", this.ModelState); ViewData["Message"] = ErrorConstants.PageNotAvaivableMessage; result.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; return(result); } return(View(viewModel)); }
public ActionResult MapComponents(MapComponentReportViewModel mapView) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(mapView)); } ReportViewModel reportVM = r_repo.GetReportForMapComponent(mapView); TempData["ReportViewModel"] = reportVM; return(RedirectToAction("ReportView")); }
public ActionResult MapInventory(MapInventoryReportViewModel mapInventory) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(mapInventory)); } ReportViewModel reportVM = r_repo.GetReportForMapInventory(mapInventory); TempData["ReportViewModel"] = reportVM; return(RedirectToAction("ReportView")); }
public ActionResult Distributions(DistributionReportViewModel vm) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(vm)); } ReportViewModel reportVM = r_repo.GetReportForDistributions(vm); TempData["ReportViewModel"] = reportVM; return(RedirectToAction("ReportView")); }
public void ReportViewModel_NumberOfUsers_Set_Default_Should_Pass() { // Arrange var myTest = new ReportViewModel(); int myTestNumUsers = 3; // Act myTest.NumberOfUsers = myTestNumUsers; var result = myTest.NumberOfUsers; // Assert Assert.AreEqual(3, result); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="CompletenessReportUserControl"/> class. /// </summary> public CompletenessReportUserControl() { InitializeComponent(); ReportUserControl userControl = new ReportUserControl(); ReportViewModel viewModel = userControl.ViewModel; viewModel.ReportType = "Completeness"; viewModel.ReportGenerationTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0); viewModel.OriginalReportGenerationTime = viewModel.ReportGenerationTime; AddChild(userControl); }
public static Report ToServiceModel(this ReportViewModel viewModel) { return(viewModel != null ? new Report { Id = viewModel.Id, Title = viewModel.Title, Summary = viewModel.Summary, Author = viewModel.Author, PublicationDate = viewModel.PublicationDate, File = viewModel.File, DownloadCount = viewModel.DownloadCount, } : null); }
/// <summary> /// Shows a report on received, withdrawn, sold and moved products /// </summary> /// <param name="reportFilter">Filtering data</param> /// <returns></returns> public IActionResult Index(IDictionary <string, string> data) { var a = Request.QueryString.ToString().Split('&').Where(s => s.Contains("WarehouseId")).Select(s => s.Substring(s.IndexOf('=') + 1)).ToList(); data.Remove("WarehouseId"); for (int i = 0; i < a.Count(); i++) { data.Add($"Warehouse{i}", a[i]); } if (!FilterValid()) { return(BadRequest()); } ReportViewModel reportFilter = new ReportViewModel(data); var user = _context.Users.Find(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value); //var wareHouseId = user.WarehouseId; ViewBag.Names = new SelectList(_context.Products, "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.Types = new SelectList(_context.Types, "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.Users = new SelectList(_context.Users.Where(u => u.Id != user.Id), "Id", "UserName"); ViewBag.Warehouses = new SelectList(_context.Warehouses, "Id", "Number"); if (reportFilter.Deal == null) { if (reportFilter.DateFrom == DateTime.MinValue) { reportFilter.DateFrom = DateTime.MinValue.Date; } return(View(reportFilter)); } if (reportFilter.Deal.Equals("0")) { Import(reportFilter); } else if (reportFilter.Deal.Equals("1")) { Saled(reportFilter); } else if (reportFilter.Deal.Equals("2")) { Export(reportFilter); } else if (reportFilter.Deal.Equals("3")) { Moved(reportFilter); } else { return(BadRequest()); } return(View(reportFilter)); }
public ActionResult UpdateDelete(MenuItemMasterViewModel MIMViewModel, string command) { UserSession user = (UserSession)Session["User"]; string PageAction = ""; bool result = false; if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files["FileUploaded"]; if ((file != null) && (file.ContentLength > 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName)) { //string fileName = file.FileName; // store the file inside ~/App_Data/uploads folder //string path = "~/App_Data/uploads/" + fileName; //file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(path)); ReportViewModel report = MenuItemMasterManager.ImportExcelUpdate(file.InputStream, user.Username); PageAction = "Import"; result = report.Result; if (!result) { if (report.ErrorLevel == 2) { PageAction = report.Message + ": Import partially"; } else { PageAction = report.Message + ": Import"; } } else { PageAction = report.Message + ": Import"; } } } if (command == "Save") { result = MenuItemMasterManager.UpdatePriceTier(MIMViewModel, user.Username); PageAction = "Update price"; } if (result) { TempData["SuccessMessage"] = PageAction + " successful"; new AuditLogManager().Audit(user.Username, DateTime.Now, "Menu Item Price Update", PageAction, MIMViewModel.MIMMIC, MIMViewModel.MIMNAM); } else { TempData["ErrorMessage"] = PageAction + " failed"; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, ReportViewModel reportVM) { if (id != reportVM.ReportID) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { var report = await _context.Report .Include(r => r.Category) .Include(r => r.Shift) .Include(r => r.Type) .Include(r => r.User) .Include(r => r.onCallEscalate) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ReportID == id); if (User.IsInRole(Constants.ADMIN)) { report.Category = _context.Category.SingleOrDefault(e => e.CategoryId.ToString() == reportVM.CategoryID); } report.TicketNo = reportVM.TicketNo; report.Description = reportVM.Description; report.ArrivalTime = reportVM.ArrivalTime != null ? reportVM.ArrivalTime : null; report.TimeSpent = reportVM.TimeSpent; report.StartTime = reportVM.StartTime; report.EndTime = reportVM.EndTime != null ? reportVM.EndTime : null; report.Shift = _context.Shift.Find(Convert.ToInt32(reportVM.ShiftID)); report.Type = _context.Type.Find(Convert.ToInt32(reportVM.TypeID)); report.onCallEscalate = _context.onCallEscalates.Find(Convert.ToInt32(reportVM.OnCallEscalateID)); _context.Update(report); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ReportExists(reportVM.ReportID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(reportVM)); }
public ActionResult DriverWiseBataReport(ReportViewModel model) { try { DateTime startDate; DateTime EndDate; DateTime.TryParse(model.ReportDto.StartDate.ToLongDateString(), out startDate); DateTime.TryParse(model.ReportDto.EndDate.ToLongDateString(), out EndDate); model.ReportDto.StartDate = startDate.AddHours(6); model.ReportDto.EndDate = EndDate.AddHours(6); IEnumerable <TripDto> trips = _tripService.RetrieveDriverWiseBataDetails(model.ReportDto).Where(a => a.IsReopened != true).ToList(); IEnumerable <BataReportModel> bata = trips.Where(a => a.CustomBata != null || a.TripBata != null).GroupBy(a => a.UpdatedDate.Date).Select(a => new BataReportModel { Date = a.Key, BataDetails = a.Select(x => new DailyDriverPerformanceDto { VoucherNumber = x.VoucherNumber, DispatchedHotel = x.DispatchedHotel, Createdby = x.Createdby, Updatedby = x.Updatedby, DriverName = x.DriverName, VehicleNumber = x.VehicleNumber, Packages = x.Packages, CreatedDate = x.CreatedDate, UpdatedDate = x.UpdatedDate, EmployeeNumber = x.EmployeeNumber, BataAmount = x.TripBata == null ? 0 : x.TripBata.FirstOrDefault().Amount, BataDescription = x.TripBata == null ? "" : x.TripBata.FirstOrDefault().Description, CustomBataAmount = x.CustomBata == null ? 0 : x.CustomBata.FirstOrDefault().CustomAmount, }).ToList() }).ToList(); ReportViewModel models = new ReportViewModel() { DriverReportList = Mapper.Map <List <DailyDriverPerformanceDto> >(trips).ToList(), BataList = bata, CurrentDate = CustomDataHelper.CurrentDateTimeSL.GetCurrentDate(), Driver = GetDriverNames(), Vehicle = GetVehicleNumbers(), Employee = GetEmployeeNumbers(), ReportDto = model.ReportDto, }; ViewBag.Content = true; TempData["DriverReportTemp"] = models; return(View(models)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void ReportViewModel_NumberOfUsers_Set_Default_Should_Pass() { //Arrange var myTest = new ReportViewModel(); //Act var myTestNumberOfUsers = myTest.NumberOfUsers; myTest.NumberOfUsers = 7; //Assert Assert.AreNotEqual(myTestNumberOfUsers, myTest.NumberOfUsers); Assert.AreEqual(myTest.NumberOfUsers, 7); }
public IActionResult Report(ReportViewModel model) { if (!baseRepository.ValidationToken()) { return(Redirect("/Login/Index")); } SetViewBag(); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } model.Result = new ReportResult(); model.Result = baseRepository.ExecuteCommand(conn => conn.Query <ReportResult>("SELECT" + " (SELECT COUNT([HV].Approved) FROM [TavanirStage].[Basic].[TimeSeries] AS [TS]" + " INNER JOIN [TavanirStage].[Stage].[HistoricalValues] AS [HV] ON [TS].[Id] = [HV].[TimeSeriesId] AND [HV].[Approved] = '1'" + " WHERE [TS].[Token] = [AT].[Token]) AS [ApprovedCounts]," + " (SELECT COUNT([HV].Approved) FROM [TavanirStage].[Basic].[TimeSeries] AS [TS]" + " INNER JOIN [TavanirStage].[Stage].[HistoricalValues] AS [HV] ON [TS].[Id] = [HV].[TimeSeriesId] AND [HV].[Approved] = '0'" + " WHERE [TS].[Token] = [AT].[Token]) AS [NotApproveCounts]" + " FROM [TavanirStage].[Stage].[AuthorizationTokens] AS [AT]" + " WHERE [AT].[Code] = @Code", new { @Code = model.Code }).FirstOrDefault()); if (model.Result.ApprovedCounts > 0 || model.Result.NotApproveCounts > 0) { model.Result.CodeFounded = true; model.Result.ListNotAproved = baseRepository.ExecuteCommand(conn => conn.Query <ReportNotAproved>("SELECT [HV].[RowIndex], [HV].[RecivedValue], [HV].[Mesaage]" + " FROM [TavanirStage].[Stage].[AuthorizationTokens] AS [AT] " + " INNER JOIN [TavanirStage].[Basic].[TimeSeries] AS [TS] ON [AT].[Token] = [TS].[Token]" + " INNER JOIN [TavanirStage].[Stage].[HistoricalValues] AS [HV] ON [TS].[Id] = [HV].[TimeSeriesId] AND [HV].[Approved] = '0'" + " INNER JOIN [TavanirStage].[Stage].[DataMembers] AS [DM] ON [HV].[DataMemberId] = [DM].[Id]" + " INNER JOIN [TavanirStage].[Basic].[DataItems] AS [DI] ON [DM].[DataItemId] = [DI].[Id]" + " WHERE [AT].[Code] = @Code", new { @Code = model.Code }).ToList()); } else { model.Result.CodeFounded = false; ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(model.Code), "کد پیگیری وارد شده معتبر نمیباشد."); } return(View(model)); }
// GET: Reports/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(Guid?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } ReportViewModel report = Mapper.Map <ReportViewModel>(reportService.Get(id.Value)); if (report == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(report)); }
public JsonResult getyear(int compid, int compliancetypeid) { int sd = 0; int ed = 0; List <string> years = new List <string>(); ReportViewModel model = new ReportViewModel(); OrgService.OrganizationServiceClient organizationservice = new OrgService.OrganizationServiceClient(); string strxmlcompliancetype = organizationservice.GetParticularCompliance(compliancetypeid); DataSet dsComplianceType = new DataSet(); dsComplianceType.ReadXml(new StringReader(strxmlcompliancetype)); if (dsComplianceType.Tables.Count > 0) { string ComplianceName = Convert.ToString(dsComplianceType.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Compliance_Type_Name"]); DateTime StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dsComplianceType.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Start_Date"]); DateTime EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dsComplianceType.Tables[0].Rows[0]["End_date"]); sd = StartDate.Year; ed = EndDate.Year; } string strxmlyear = organizationservice.getDefaultCompanyDetails(compid); DataSet dsyear = new DataSet(); dsyear.ReadXml(new StringReader(strxmlyear)); if (dsyear.Tables.Count > 0) { model.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dsyear.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Calender_StartDate"]); model.yearid = model.StartDate.Year; if (sd == ed) { model.years = Enumerable.Range(model.yearid, DateTime.Now.Year - (model.yearid - 1)).OrderByDescending(i => i); //model.yearid = DateTime.Now.Year; } else { int count = DateTime.Now.Year - (model.yearid - 1); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { years.Add(model.yearid.ToString() + "-" + (model.yearid + 1)); ++model.yearid; } years.Reverse(); return(Json(years, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } return(Json(model.years, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
protected void ReportEditButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { ReportBLL bll = new ReportBLL(connectionString); ReportViewModel report = new ReportViewModel(); report.ReportID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ReportID"]); report.ReportName = ReportName.Text; report.ReportDescription = ReportDescription.Text; report.DateOfIncident = Convert.ToDateTime(DateOfIncident.Text); bll.EditReport(report); Response.Redirect("~/Reports.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ReportBLL bll = new ReportBLL(connectionString); ReportViewModel report = bll.GetReportById(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ReportID"])); ReportID.Text = report.ReportID.ToString(); DateOfIncident.Text = report.DateOfIncident.ToString(); CarID.Text = report.CarID.ToString(); ReportName.Text = report.ReportName; ReportDescription.Text = report.ReportDescription; } }
public void ReportViewModel_NumberOfUsers_Set_Default_Should_Pass() { // Arrange var myTest = new ReportViewModel { NumberOfUsers = 1 }; // Act myTest.NumberOfUsers = 2; // Assert Assert.AreEqual(2, myTest.NumberOfUsers); }
public ActionResult CreatePost(ReportViewModel model) { if (!this.services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ManageQueries, T("Not authorized to list Reports"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } if (!this.ModelState.IsValid) { model = model ?? new ReportViewModel(); this.FillRelatedData(model); return(this.View("Create", model)); } var groupByDescriptor = this.DecodeGroupByCategoryAndType(model.CategoryAndType); if (groupByDescriptor == null) { this.ModelState.AddModelError("CategoryAndType", T("There is no GroupBy field matched with the given parameters").Text); this.FillRelatedData(model); return(this.View("Create", model)); } AggregateMethods selectedAggregate = (AggregateMethods)model.AggregateMethod; if (!groupByDescriptor.AggregateMethods.Any(c => c == selectedAggregate)) { this.ModelState.AddModelError("AggregateMethod", T("The selected field does't support the selected Aggregate method").Text); this.FillRelatedData(model); return(this.View("Create", model)); } ReportRecord newReport = new ReportRecord { Title = model.Title, Name = model.Name, Query = new QueryPartRecord { Id = model.QueryId.Value }, GroupByCategory = groupByDescriptor.Category, GroupByType = groupByDescriptor.Type, AggregateMethod = model.AggregateMethod, GUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; this.reportRepository.Create(newReport); this.reportRepository.Flush(); return(this.RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Report(ReportViewModel inputModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { var result = this.View("Error", this.ModelState); result.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; return(result); } var currentUserId = this.userServices.GetUserId(User); await reportsService.AddReport(currentUserId, inputModel.PostId, inputModel.ReportReason); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "NewsFeed")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Report(string username) { string accessToken = await HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token"); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken); ReportViewModel report = new ReportViewModel(); report.Username = username; return(View(report)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateReport([Bind("Title, LocationOfReport, DateTimeOfReport, TypeOfHazard, Description, Status, ImageToUpload")] ReportViewModel newReport) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { string fileName = ""; if (newReport.ImageToUpload != null) { // Store image locally var extension = "." + newReport.ImageToUpload.FileName.Split('.')[newReport.ImageToUpload.FileName.Split('.').Length - 1]; fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + extension; var path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\wwwroot\\images\\reports\\" + fileName; using (var bits = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { newReport.ImageToUpload.CopyTo(bits); } } // Create Object Report report = new Report() { Title = newReport.Title, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, ModifiedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, LocationOfReport = newReport.LocationOfReport, DateTimeOfReport = newReport.DateTimeOfReport, TypeOfHazard = newReport.TypeOfHazard, Description = newReport.Description, Status = newReport.Status, Image = "/images/reports/" + fileName, Reporter = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User) }; _logger.LogInformation("User: "******", created a report"); _reportRepository.AddReport(report); return(RedirectToAction("ViewReports")); } else { return(View(newReport)); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e.Message); return(View("Error")); } }
public IActionResult Create(int postId, string slug) { ReportViewModel viewModel = new ReportViewModel(); JobPost jobPost = this.jobPostsService.GetJobPost(postId); if (jobPost == null) { return(this.NotFound()); } viewModel.PostId = jobPost.Id; viewModel.PostTitle = jobPost.Title; return(this.View(viewModel)); }
public ActionResult SetReport(int?id) { try { //string WorkerE = Request.QueryString["email"]; var r = new ReportViewModel(); //r.Worker = WorkerE; return(View(r)); } catch (ValidationException ex) { return(Content(ex.Message)); } }
public ActionResult DeleteReport(int?id) { try { ReportDTO Report = ReportService.GetReport(id); var r = new ReportViewModel(); return(View(r)); } catch (ValidationException ex) { return(Content(ex.Message)); } }
// GET: Reports public ActionResult Index(int id, int rptID = 0) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(Redirect("~/")); } ReportViewModel model = new ReportViewModel(id, rptID); model.AgreementNumber = Security.GetMemberID(); model.ContactName = Security.GetFullName(); return(View(model)); }
public void RepoertViewModel_Set_NumberOfUsers_Default_Should_Pass() { //Arrage var myTest = new ReportViewModel(); var myNumberOfUsers = 5; //Act myTest.NumberOfUsers = myNumberOfUsers; var result = myTest.NumberOfUsers; //Assert Assert.AreEqual(5, result); }
public ReportView(ReportViewModel viewModel, string helpFileName) { // Inicializa los componentes InitializeComponent(); // Inicializa la vista de datos grdData.DataContext = ViewModel = viewModel; FormView = new BaseFormView(ViewModel); // Inicializa el editor udtEditor.ChangeHighLightByExtension("xml"); udtEditor.Text = ViewModel.Content; // Inicializa el árbol de ayudas udtHelpTree.HelpFileName = helpFileName; udtHelpTree.OpenHelp += (sender, evntArgs) => OpenHelp(evntArgs.HelpItem); }
public ActionResult View_Report(int rid, string name) { if (Session["userId"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "UserHome")); } _ReportService.SetSeen(rid); ReportViewModel m = new ReportViewModel(); m.ReportCount = _ReportService.GetByUnseenStatus().Count(); m.report = _ReportService.GetById(rid); m.name = _MemberService.GetById(m.report.MemeberId).Name; return(View(m)); }
public ActionResult Create(ReportViewModel reportViewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { reportViewModel.Report.CleanName(); using(var db = new RptContext()) { db.Reports.Add(reportViewModel.Report); db.SaveChanges(); } return RedirectToAction("Index"); } reportViewModel = RefreshViewModel(reportViewModel); return View(reportViewModel); }
// GET: Reports/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int? id) { if (id == null) return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); var report = _db.Reports.Find(id); if (report == null) return HttpNotFound(); var reportViewModel = new ReportViewModel(); reportViewModel.Report = report; reportViewModel = RefreshViewModel(reportViewModel); return View(reportViewModel); }
public ActionResult Edit(ReportViewModel reportViewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { reportViewModel.Report.CleanName(); using(var db = new RptContext()) { db.Entry(reportViewModel.Report).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } return RedirectToAction("Index"); } reportViewModel = RefreshViewModel(reportViewModel); return View(reportViewModel); }
// GET:Exportar public ActionResult Index() { var ReportViewModel = new ReportViewModel(); ReportViewModel.Countries = db.Countries.Where(c=>c.Active == true) .Select(c => new CountryView() { Id = c.ID.ToString(), Name = c.Name }).ToArray(); IQueryable<Institution> institutions = null; var user = UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId()); ReportViewModel.CountryID = user.Institution.CountryID ?? 0; if (user.Institution.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.All) { ReportViewModel.DisplayCountries = true; ReportViewModel.DisplayHospitals = true; } else if (user.Institution is Hospital || user.Institution is AdminInstitution) { ReportViewModel.DisplayHospitals = true; if (user.Institution.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Country) { institutions = db.Institutions.OfType<Hospital>() .Where(i => i.CountryID == user.Institution.CountryID); } else if (user.Institution.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Area) { institutions = db.Institutions.OfType<Hospital>() .Where(i => i.AreaID == user.Institution.AreaID); } else { institutions = db.Institutions.OfType<Hospital>() .Where(i => i.ID == user.Institution.ID); } } else { ReportViewModel.DisplayLabs = true; if (user.Institution.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Country) { institutions = db.Institutions.OfType<Lab>() .Where(i => i.CountryID == user.Institution.CountryID); } else if (user.Institution.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Area) { institutions = db.Institutions.OfType<Lab>() .Where(i => i.AreaID == user.Institution.AreaID); } else { institutions = db.Institutions.OfType<Lab>() .Where(i => i.ID == user.Institution.ID); } } if (institutions != null) { ReportViewModel.hospitals = institutions.OfType<Hospital>().Select(i => new LookupView<Hospital>() { Id = i.ID.ToString(), Name = i.Name }).ToArray(); ReportViewModel.labs = (from institution in db.Institutions.OfType<Lab>() select new LookupView<Lab>() { Id = institution.ID.ToString(), Name = institution.Name }).ToArray(); }; return View(ReportViewModel); }
private ReportViewModel RefreshViewModel(ReportViewModel reportViewModel) { reportViewModel.Connections = _db.Connections.OrderBy(ob => ob.Name).ToList(); reportViewModel.SqlTypes = _db.SqlTypes.OrderBy(ob => ob.Name).ToList(); return reportViewModel; }