Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Build excel and export
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildExcel()
            strWhere = strWhere.IndexOf("WHERE") != -1 ? strWhere + " AND" : "WHERE";
            string ngayChon            = Convert.ToDateTime(strDateChoose).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string ngayDauThangSauChon = Convert.ToDateTime(strDateChoose).AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            string sql = string.Format("select EMP_NM,EMP_N1, nhanvien.EMP_ID, INH_DT, POS_NM " +
                                       "from FILB01A nhanvien " +
                                       "join FILA02A bophan on nhanvien.DEP_ID = bophan.DEP_ID " +
                                       "join FILA07A chucvu on nhanvien.POS_ID = chucvu.POS_ID " +
                                       "join FILB01AC nghiviec on nghiviec.EMP_ID = nhanvien.EMP_ID " +
                                       "{0} (nhanvien.VAC_BT = 1 and nghiviec.VAC_DT > '{1}' and nghiviec.VAC_DT < '{2}')", strWhere, ngayChon, ngayDauThangSauChon);

            Func.RecordSet rsData = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);

            //Build excel title
            BuildTitle("A", "A", 3, "BÁO BIỂU THỐNG KÊ LƯƠNG / 工資統計表 [MM/YYYY]", string.Format("BÁO BIỂU THỐNG KÊ LƯƠNG / 工資統計表 {0}", strDateChoose));

            if (rsData != null && rsData.rows > 0)
                //Build excel row
                int iRow = BuildExcelRow(rsData, true, "A", "T", 7);

                //Format cells date
                Excel.Range rgDate = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[7, 5], oSheet.Cells[iRow - 1, 5]);
                rgDate.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy";

                //Format cells currency
                Excel.Range rgCurrency = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[7, 7], oSheet.Cells[iRow - 1, 20]);
                rgCurrency.NumberFormat = "#,##0";

                //Format total:
                Excel.Range rgTotal = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[iRow, 1], oSheet.Cells[iRow, 6]);
                rgTotal.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                rgTotal.VerticalAlignment   = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

                //Draw border
                ReportExcel2.DrawBorders(oSheet, 7, 1, iRow, 20);

                //Build footer
                BuildFooter(iRow, 1, 6, "TOTAL:");

                BuildFooter(iRow, 7, 7, string.Format("=sum(G7:G{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 8, 8, string.Format("=sum(H7:H{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 9, 9, string.Format("=sum(I7:I{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 10, 10, string.Format("=sum(J7:J{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 11, 11, string.Format("=sum(K7:K{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 12, 12, string.Format("=sum(L7:L{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 13, 13, string.Format("=sum(M7:M{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 14, 14, string.Format("=sum(N7:N{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 15, 15, string.Format("=sum(O7:O{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 16, 16, string.Format("=sum(P7:P{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 17, 17, string.Format("=sum(Q7:Q{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 18, 18, string.Format("=sum(R7:R{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 19, 19, string.Format("=sum(S7:S{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 20, 20, string.Format("=sum(T7:T{0})", iRow - 1));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Build excel and export
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildExcel()
            string ngayChon            = Convert.ToDateTime(dateChuyenKhoan).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string ngayDauThangSauChon = Convert.ToDateTime(dateChuyenKhoan).AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            strWhere = strWhere.IndexOf("WHERE") != -1 ? strWhere + " AND" : "WHERE";
            string sql = string.Format("SELECT bophan.DEP_NM, nhanvien.EMP_ID, bophan.DEP_ID, nhanvien.EMP_NM, bangluong.thucnhan "
                                       + "FROM FILB01A nhanvien "
                                       + "join FILA02A bophan on nhanvien.DEP_ID = bophan.DEP_ID "
                                       + string.Format("join {0} bangluong on nhanvien.EMP_ID = bangluong.EMP_ID ", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD)
                                       + "join FILB01AC nghiviec on nghiviec.EMP_ID = nhanvien.EMP_ID "
                                       + "{3} ((ACC_NM is null or acc_no is  null) "
                                       + "or (nhanvien.ACC_NM ='' or nhanvien.ACC_NO ='')) "
                                       + "AND (nhanvien.VAC_BT = 1 and nghiviec.VAC_DT > '{1}' and nghiviec.VAC_DT < '{2}') "
                                       + "and bangluong.SEQ_NO = 2 and YYY_MM= '{0}'  order by bophan.DEP_NM, nhanvien.EMP_ID asc", Convert.ToDateTime(dateChuyenKhoan).ToString("yyyyMM"), ngayChon, ngayDauThangSauChon, strWhere);

            Func.RecordSet rsData = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);

            //Build excel title
            BuildTitle("A", "A", 3, "[MM/YYYY]", dateChuyenKhoan);
            BuildTitle("A", "A", 4, "[YYYY]", Convert.ToDateTime(dateChuyenKhoan).ToString("yyyy"));
            BuildTitle("A", "A", 4, "[MM]", Convert.ToDateTime(dateChuyenKhoan).ToString("MM"));

            if (rsData != null && rsData.rows > 0)
                //Build excel row
                int iRow = BuildExcelRow(rsData, true, "A", "G", 6);

                //Draw border
                ReportExcel2.DrawBorders(oSheet, 6, 1, iRow, 7);

                BuildFooter(iRow, 1, 5, "TOTAL:");
                //BuildFooter(iRow,6,6,string.Format("=sum({0}{1}:{0}{2}) ","F",6,iRow-1));

                //Build footer
                BuildFooter(iRow, 1, 2, "Tổng Giám Đốc");
                BuildFooter(iRow, 3, 5, "Phó Tổng Giám Đốc");
                BuildFooter(iRow, 6, 6, "Kế Toán");
                BuildFooter(iRow, 8, 8, "Nhân Sự");
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Build excel and export
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildExcel()
            string sql = string.Format("select * from table_test where test_date >= '{0}' and test_date <= '{1}'", dateFrom, dateTo);

            Func.RecordSet rsData = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);

            //Build excel title
            BuildTitle("A", "A", 4, "D1", dateFrom);
            BuildTitle("A", "A", 4, "D2", dateTo);

            if (rsData != null && rsData.rows > 0)
                //Build excel row
                int iRow = BuildExcelRow(rsData, true, "A", "D", 8);

                //Draw border
                ReportExcel2.DrawBorders4(oSheet, 8, 1, iRow - 1, 4);

                //Build footer
                BuildFooter(iRow, 3, 4, "Lập biểu 制表:");
                BuildFooter(iRow + 3, 3, 4, "Nguyễn Văn A");
Пример #4
        private void cmd_ok_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                string tenfile = "";
                tenfile = vs.Rows[vs.Row]["FIL_NM"].ToString();
                if (tenfile == "fvn_Test01.xltm")
                    Hashtable hs = new Hashtable();
                    hs["dateFrom"] = ((DateTime)dt_dt1.Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    hs["dateTo"]   = ((DateTime)dt_dt2.Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    ReportExcel2.TemplateToExcel(tenfile, hs);
                else if (tenfile == "Rehong_DanhSachTangCa.xltm")
                    DateTime  dateTimeFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(dt_dt1.Text);
                    DateTime  dateTimeTo   = Convert.ToDateTime(dt_dt2.Text);
                    object    dtResult     = dateTimeTo.Subtract(dateTimeFrom);
                    Hashtable hs           = new Hashtable();

                    hs["strBoPhan"]    = control1.CB_DEP.Text.ToString();               //bophan;
                    hs["dateTimeFrom"] = dateTimeFrom.ToString("HH:mm");                //time from;
                    hs["dateTimeTo"]   = dateTimeTo.ToString("HH:mm");                  //time to;
                    hs["WorkHour"]     = ((System.TimeSpan)(((TimeSpan)dtResult))).TotalHours.ToString();
                    ReportExcel2.TemplateToExcel(tenfile, hs);
                else if (tenfile == "Rehong_TheNhanVien.xltm" || tenfile == "Rehong_TheNhanVienNV.xltm")
                    Hashtable hs = new Hashtable();
                    hs["strWhere"] = BuildWhereQuery();
                    ReportExcel2.TemplateToExcel(tenfile, hs);
                    if (vs.Row <= 0)

                    string filename = "";
                    string st = "", st1 = "", st2 = "", st3 = "", st4 = "";
                    filename = PublicFunction.Path + "\\ReportsVBA\\" + vs.Rows[vs.Row]["FIL_NM"];
                    string where, where1, where2, where3, where4, where5, where6, where7, where8, where9, where10, where11, where12, where13;
                    where = where1 = where2 = where3 = where4 = where5 = where6 = where7 = where8 = where9 = where10 = where11 = where12 = where13 = "";
                    if (chk_CUR_DEP.Checked)
                        st = control1.GetWhere("m", false);
                        st = st.Replace("DEP_ID", "DEP_I1");
                        st = control1.GetWhere("FILB01A", false);
                    if (st.Length > 255)
                        st1 = st.Remove(0, 255);
                        st  = st.Remove(255, st.Length - 255);
                        if (st1.Length > 255)
                            st2 = st1.Remove(0, 255);
                            st1 = st1.Remove(255, st1.Length - 255);
                            if (st2.Length > 255)
                                st3 = st2.Remove(0, 255);
                                st2 = st2.Remove(255, st2.Length - 255);
                                if (st3.Length > 255)
                                    st4 = st3.Remove(0, 255);
                                    st3 = st3.Remove(255, st3.Length - 255);

                    where   = st;
                    where1  = dt_m.Text;
                    where2  = ((DateTime)dt_dt1.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                    where3  = ((DateTime)dt_dt2.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                    where4  = dt_y.Text;
                    where5  = cb_q.Text;
                    where6  = ck_labour.Checked + "";
                    where7  = ck_vat.Checked + "";
                    where8  = this.Tag + "";
                    where9  = st1;
                    where11 = st2;
                    where12 = st3;
                    where13 = PublicFunction.GPS.ToString();
                    where10 = PublicFunction.Path;
                    string xmlname = vs.Rows[vs.Row]["FIL_NM"] + "";
                    //Thu sua lam the bang C1Report
                    if (xmlname.Substring(xmlname.Length - 3, 3) == "xml")
                        filename = PublicFunction.Path + "\\Reports\\" + vs.Rows[vs.Row]["FIL_NM"];
                        frmPrintCard dlg = new frmPrintCard(st, filename, xmlname.Substring(0, xmlname.Length - 4));
                        dlg.Tag = this.Tag;
                    //end Thu
                    //				rp.PrintExcel(filename,PublicFunction.C_ConStrForRPT,vs.Rows[vs.Row][PublicFunction.L_Lag]+"","",
                    //					PublicFunction.L_Lag,where,where1,where2,where3,where4,where5,where6,where7,where8,where9,where10,PublicFunction.A_UserID);
                    //khoa bao bieu
                    string        keyD    = "";
                    string        ktype   = "";
                    int           iphut   = 0;
                    SqlConnection SqlCon1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString);
                    Func.RecordSet rsK = new Func.RecordSet("Select * from GP_KEY", SqlCon1);
                    if (rsK.rows > 0)
                        ktype = rsK.record(0, "TYP_MN");
                        keyD  = PublicFunction.encode(rsK.record(0, "COL_DT"), "");
                        iphut = T_String.IsNullTo0(rsK.record(0, "COL_MN"));
                    if (DateTime.Now >= DateTime.Parse(keyD) && ktype.ToUpper() == "RE")
                        MessageBox.Show("Office DLL was error");
                    ReportExcel.PrintExcel(filename, PublicFunction.C_ConStrForRPT, vs.Rows[vs.Row][PublicFunction.L_Lag] + "", "",
                                           PublicFunction.L_Lag, where, where1, where2, where3, where4, where5, where6, where7, where8, where9, where10, where11, where12, where13, PublicFunction.A_UserID);
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Build excel and export
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildExcel()
            strWhere = strWhere.IndexOf("WHERE") != -1 ? strWhere + " AND" : "WHERE";
            string sql = "";


            sql = string.Format("select nhanvien.INH_DT, nhanvien.EMP_NM, nhanvien.EMP_N1, chucvu.POS_NM, " +
                                "nhanvien.EMP_ID, bophan.DEP_NM, l.muc_luongcoban, giocong, luongcoban, giohuongluong50, " +
                                "tienhuongluong50, choviec, tienchoviec, tonggiocong, trachnhiem, kynang, nhatro, dochai, " +
                                "tongphucap, gio15, tien15, TangCaNgayThuong, ThanhTienCa, gio195, tien195, gio2, tien2, " +
                                "TangCaQuaDemCN, ThanhTienCaQuaDemCN, GioTangCaNgayLe3, TienTangCaNgayLe3, tongtienTC, thucnhan " +
                                "from FILB01A nhanvien " +
                                "join FILA02A bophan on nhanvien.DEP_ID = bophan.DEP_ID " +
                                "join FILA07A chucvu on nhanvien.POS_ID = chucvu.POS_ID " +
                                "left join FILB01AC nghiviec on nghiviec.EMP_ID = nhanvien.EMP_ID " +
                                string.Format("left join {0} l on nhanvien.EMP_ID = l.EMP_ID ", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) +
                                "{0} (nghiviec.VAC_DT is null or nghiviec.VAC_DT > '{1}') and l.YYY_MM = '{2}' " +
                                "order by bophan.DEP_NM, nhanvien.EMP_ID asc", strWhere, ngayCuoiThangChon, strThangChon);
            //else if(strStatus=="NV")

//			sql=string.Format("select nhanvien.INH_DT, nhanvien.EMP_NM, nhanvien.EMP_N1, chucvu.POS_NM, " +
//					"nhanvien.EMP_ID, bophan.DEP_NM, l.muc_luongcoban, giocong, luongcoban, giohuongluong50, " +
//					"tienhuongluong50, choviec, tienchoviec, tonggiocong, trachnhiem, kynang, nhatro, dochai, " +
//					"tongphucap, gio15, tien15, TangCaNgayThuong, ThanhTienCa, gio195, tien195, gio2, tien2, " +
//					"TangCaQuaDemCN, ThanhTienCaQuaDemCN, GioTangCaNgayLe3, TienTangCaNgayLe3, tongtienTC, thucnhan " +
//					"from FILB01A nhanvien " +
//					"join FILA02A bophan on nhanvien.DEP_ID = bophan.DEP_ID " +
//					"join FILA07A chucvu on nhanvien.POS_ID = chucvu.POS_ID " +
//					"left join FILB01AC nghiviec on nghiviec.EMP_ID = nhanvien.EMP_ID " +
//					"left join FILD02A l on nhanvien.EMP_ID = l.EMP_ID " +
//					"{0} (nhanvien.VAC_BT = 1 and nghiviec.VAC_DT > '{1}' and nghiviec.VAC_DT < '{2}') and l.YYY_MM = '{3}' " +
//					"order by bophan.DEP_NM, nhanvien.EMP_ID asc", strWhere,ngayChon,ngayDauThangSauChon,strThangChon);

            Func.RecordSet rsData = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);

            //Build excel title
            BuildTitle("A", "A", 3, "[DD]", Convert.ToDateTime(strDateChoose).ToString("dd"));
            BuildTitle("A", "A", 3, "[MM]", Convert.ToDateTime(strDateChoose).ToString("MM"));
            BuildTitle("A", "A", 3, "[YYYY]", Convert.ToDateTime(strDateChoose).ToString("yyyy"));

            if (rsData != null && rsData.rows > 0)
                //Build excel row
                int iRow = BuildExcelRow(rsData, true, "A", "AI", 7);

                //Format cells date
                Excel.Range rgDate = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[8, 2], oSheet.Cells[iRow - 1, 2]);
                rgDate.NumberFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy";

                //Format cells currency
//				Excel.Range rgCurrency = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[7,7],oSheet.Cells[iRow-1,20]);
//				rgCurrency.NumberFormat = "#,##0";

                //Format total:
//				Excel.Range rgTotal = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[iRow,1],oSheet.Cells[iRow,6]);
//				rgTotal.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
//				rgTotal.VerticalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

                //Draw border
                ReportExcel2.DrawBorders(oSheet, 7, 1, iRow, 35);

                //Build footer
                BuildFooter(iRow, 1, 3, "合計 TỔNG CỘNG");

                //Build Chu ky
                BuildFooter(iRow, 3, 3, "總  經  理");
                BuildFooter(iRow, 13, 14, "副總");
                BuildFooter(iRow, 20, 20, "会计");
                BuildFooter(iRow, 32, 32, "人事");

                BuildFooter(iRow, 3, 3, "Tổng Giám Đốc");
                BuildFooter(iRow, 13, 14, "Phó Giám Đốc");
                BuildFooter(iRow, 20, 20, "Kế Toán");
                BuildFooter(iRow, 32, 32, "Nhân Sự");
//				iRow= iRow + 7;
//				BuildFooter(iRow,5,6,"Yang Cheng Lung");
//				BuildFooter(iRow,47,53,"Huỳnh Bửu Dinh");
//				BuildFooter(iRow,71,73,"Trương Thị Kim Thoa");