public object GetReportDesignerModel(string reportUrl)
            string modelJsonScript = new ReportDesignerClientSideModelGenerator(HttpContext.RequestServices)
                                     .GetJsonModelScript(reportUrl, null, "/DXXRD", "/DXXRDV", "/DXQB");

            return(new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <object>(modelJsonScript));
Пример #2
        public ActionResult GetReportDesignerModel(string reportUrl)
            string modelJsonScript =
                new ReportDesignerClientSideModelGenerator(HttpContext.RequestServices)
                    reportUrl,                 // The URL of a report that is opened in the Report Designer when the application starts.
                    GetAvailableDataSources(), // Available data sources in the Report Designer that can be added to reports.
                    "DXXRD",                   // The URI path of the default controller that processes requests from the Report Designer.
                    "DXXRDV",                  // The URI path of the default controller that that processes requests from the Web Document Viewer.
                    "DXXQB"                    // The URI path of the default controller that processes requests from the Query Builder.

            return(Content(modelJsonScript, "application/json"));
        public object GetReportDesignerModel([FromForm] string reportUrl)
            Dictionary <string, object> dataSources = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            SqlDataSource ds = new SqlDataSource("SevenR");

            // Create a SQL query to access the Products data table.
            SelectQuery query = SelectQueryFluentBuilder.AddTable("GN_EMPRE").SelectAllColumnsFromTable().Build("GN_EMPRE");

            dataSources.Add("Northwind", ds);

            string modelJsonScript = new ReportDesignerClientSideModelGenerator(HttpContext.RequestServices).GetJsonModelScript(reportUrl, dataSources, "/DXXRD", "/DXXRDV", "/DXXQB");

            return(new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <object>(modelJsonScript));
        public ActionResult GetReportDesignerModel(string reportUrl)
            Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

            string modelJsonScript =
                new ReportDesignerClientSideModelGenerator()
                    reportUrl,                  // The URL of a report that is opened in the Report Designer when the application starts.
                    GetAvailableDataSources(),  // Available data sources in the Report Designer that can be added to reports.
                    "ReportDesigner/Invoke",    // The URI path of the controller action that processes requests from the Report Designer.
                    "WebDocumentViewer/Invoke", // The URI path of the controller action that processes requests from the Web Document Viewer.
                    "QueryBuilder/Invoke"       // The URI path of the controller action that processes requests from the Query Builder.

            return(Content(modelJsonScript, "application/json"));
        public ActionResult PostReportDesignerModel([FromForm] DesignerModelRequest request)
            var info = _reportGeneratorService.GetReportInfoFromUrl(request.ReportUrl);

            if (info.Mode != ReportMode.Edit)
                throw new System.Exception("This endpoint can only be called from designer (edit mode)");

            string modelJsonScript =
                new ReportDesignerClientSideModelGenerator(HttpContext.RequestServices)
                    request.ReportUrl,                                                                                         // The URL of a report that is opened in the Report Designer when the application starts.
                    _reportGeneratorService.GetDataSourcesForTemplate(info.PrintType, info.CustomerId.Value, info.LanguageId), // Available data sources in the Report Designer that can be added to reports.
                    "DXXRD",                                                                                                   // The URI path of the default controller that processes requests from the Report Designer.
                    "DXXRDV",                                                                                                  // The URI path of the default controller that that processes requests from the Web Document Viewer.
                    "DXXQB"                                                                                                    // The URI path of the default controller that processes requests from the Query Builder.

            return(Content(modelJsonScript, "application/json"));