Пример #1
        public ActionResult Month(int month, int year)
            int       monthAdded = 1;
            int       yearAdded  = 1;
            const int startDay   = 1;

            if (month == 12)
                monthAdded = 1;
                yearAdded  = year + 1;
                monthAdded = month + 1;
                yearAdded  = year;
            //int month = DateTime.Now.Month;
            //int year = DateTime.Now.Year;
            DateTime      thisMonthStart = new DateTime(year, month, startDay, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime      thisMontEnd    = new DateTime(year, monthAdded, startDay, 0, 0, 0);
            ReportHandler RH             = new ReportHandler();

            ReportDBHelper           db       = new ReportDBHelper(Session["ReportDB"].ToString(), 2);
            DataReportModel          model    = db.SelectHeaderData(thisMonthStart, thisMontEnd, Session["ReportTable"].ToString());
            List <ColumnReportModel> cleaning = model.Data.Where(p => p.RecordType == Operations.PipWorkCleaning || p.RecordType == Operations.YeastCleaning).ToList();

            foreach (var report in model.Data)
                int dest = int.Parse(report.Destination);
                if (tankNames.Keys.Contains(dest))
                    report.Destination = tankNames[dest];
                    Session["tempforview"] = "Check configuration of report config";
                //report.Destination = tankNames[int.Parse(report.Destination)];
            ViewBag.month = month;
            ViewBag.year  = year;
            return(View("calender", model));
Пример #2
        // GET: ReportCalender
        public ActionResult Index()
            int       monthAdded = 1;
            int       yearAdded  = 1;
            const int startDay   = 1;

            tankNames = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            string DB    = string.Empty;
            string table = string.Empty;
            int    cfNum = 1;

            foreach (string key in Session.Keys)
                if (key.Contains("dbName" + Request.QueryString["name"] + Request.QueryString["plc"]))
                    DB = Session[key].ToString();
                if (key.Contains("tableName" + Request.QueryString["name"] + Request.QueryString["plc"]))
                    table = Session[key].ToString();
                if (key.Contains("congirationNumber" + Request.QueryString["name"] + Request.QueryString["plc"]))
                    cfNum = int.Parse(Session[key].ToString());
            Session["ReportDB"]    = DB;
            Session["ReportTable"] = table;
            Session["ReportConfigrationNumber"] = cfNum;
            int month = DateTime.Now.Month;
            int year  = DateTime.Now.Year;

            if (month == 12)
                monthAdded = 1;
                yearAdded  = year + 1;
                monthAdded = month + 1;
                yearAdded  = year;
            DateTime      thisMonthStart = new DateTime(year, month, startDay, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime      thisMontEnd    = new DateTime(yearAdded, monthAdded, startDay, 0, 0, 0);
            ReportHandler RH             = new ReportHandler();

            if (cfNum != 0)
                tankNames = RH.getTanknames(cfNum);
                tankNames = RH.getTanknames();

            ReportDBHelper  db    = new ReportDBHelper(Session["ReportDB"].ToString(), 2);
            DataReportModel model = db.SelectHeaderData(thisMonthStart, thisMontEnd, Session["ReportTable"].ToString());

            foreach (var report in model.Data)
                int dest = int.Parse(report.Destination);
                if (tankNames.Keys.Contains(dest))
                    report.Destination = tankNames[dest];
                    Session["tempforview"] = "Check configuration of report config";
            ViewBag.month = month;
            ViewBag.year  = year;
            return(View("calender", model));