public TestRepoBuilder(string testName, RepoResources repoResources, bool deleteOnDispose = true)
            RepoResources   = repoResources;
            TestName        = testName;
            DeleteOnDispose = deleteOnDispose;

            // Truncate the test name to 8 chars and compute the test repo
            const int testNameMaxLength = 8;
            string    truncatedTestName = testName.Length > testNameMaxLength?testName.Remove(testNameMaxLength) : testName;

            TestRepoRoot = TestRepoUtils.CreateUniqueTempDir(truncatedTestName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a set of repo resources.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="useIsolatedRoots">
        ///     Should isolated .dotnet and .packages locations
        ///     be used? If false, then to share a dotnet root, a simple repo is created
        ///     and restored. Then the resulting .dotnet and .packages directories are
        ///     </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <RepoResources> Create(bool useIsolatedRoots)
            string dotnetVersion;
            string arcadeVersion;
            string dotnetRoot   = null;
            string packagesRoot = null;
            string commonRoot   = null;

            var globalJsonLocation = TestRepoBuilder.GetTestInputPath("global.json");

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(globalJsonLocation))
                using (JsonDocument doc = JsonDocument.Parse(reader.BaseStream))
                    dotnetVersion = doc.RootElement.GetProperty("tools").GetProperty("dotnet").GetString();
                    arcadeVersion = doc.RootElement.GetProperty("msbuild-sdks").GetProperty("Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk").GetString();

            // If not using isolated roots, create a quick test repo builder
            // to restore things.
            if (!useIsolatedRoots)
                // Common repo resources for constructing a simple repo. The
                // repo's test dir is set to not be deleted, and the .dotnet and .packages paths are extracted.
                // During the disposal of the returned set of resources, the common dir is deleted.
                var commonRepoResources = new RepoResources()
                    ArcadeVersion = arcadeVersion, DotNetVersion = dotnetVersion
                using (var builder = new TestRepoBuilder("common", commonRepoResources, deleteOnDispose: false))
                    await builder.AddDefaultRepoSetupAsync();

                    // Create a simple project
                                           targetFramework: "net5.0",
                                           outputType: "Exe"),
                    await builder.AddSimpleCSFile("./src/FooPackage/Program.cs");

                        Path.Combine(builder.TestRepoRoot, "src/FooPackage/FooPackage.csproj"))();

                    commonRoot = builder.TestRepoRoot;
                    dotnetRoot = Path.Combine(builder.TestRepoRoot, ".dotnet");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(dotnetRoot))
                        // Coming from the machine
                        dotnetRoot = null;
                    packagesRoot = Path.Combine(builder.TestRepoRoot, ".packages");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(packagesRoot))
                        packagesRoot = null;

            RepoResources repoResources = new RepoResources()
                ArcadeVersion      = arcadeVersion,
                DotNetVersion      = dotnetVersion,
                CommonPackagesRoot = packagesRoot,
                CommonDotnetRoot   = dotnetRoot,
                CommonRoot         = commonRoot

 public CommonRepoResourcesFixture()
     CommonResources = RepoResources.Create(useIsolatedRoots: false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();