Пример #1
    protected void btn_bind_data_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string dh = dh_record.Text;

        DataRow drow   = dt_append.NewRow();
        string  sql    = "";
        string  strsql = @"select sku,lot_no,cast(qty-off_qty as decimal(18,4)) as need_off_qty,need_no,cast(ps_qty_per as decimal(18,4))ps_qty_per from Mes_App_WorkOrder_Wip wip
                          join[].QAD.DBO.QAD_PS_MSTR ps on wip.sku = ps_comp and wip.domain = ps_domain
                          where 1 = 1 and loading_type = 1 and ps_par='" + txt_xmh.SelectedValue + "' ";

        dh = dh.Substring(1, dh.Length - 1) + ",";
        string[]  strdh       = dh.Split(',');
        int       strdh_lenth = strdh.Length;
        DataTable dt          = new DataTable();

        for (int i = 0; i < strdh.Length - 1; i++)
            sql = strsql + " and lot_no='" + strdh[i].ToString() + "'";
            DataTable dt_ = SQLHelper.Query(sql).Tables[0];
            if (dt_.Rows.Count == 0 || dt_ == null)
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", "alert(\"来源单号不存在\"); $('#source_dh').val('') ", true);

        strsql += " and lot_no in  (select *  from dbo.StrToTable('" + dh.Substring(0, dh.Length - 1) + "'))";
        dt      = SQLHelper.Query(strsql).Tables[0];

        ViewState["DT_Source"] = dt;
        DataTable dtnew = GetAll();

        Repeater_lotno.DataSource = dtnew;
Пример #2
    protected void Bind_reperter()
        string sql = @"exec usp_app_yz_hsolve_load_v1 '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}'";

        sql = string.Format(sql, txt_emp.Text, _workshop, txt_dh.Text, txt_xmh.Text, dh_record.Text);
        DataSet   ds  = SQLHelper.Query(sql);
        DataTable dt1 = ds.Tables[0];

        if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
            txt_xmh.Text      = dt1.Rows[0]["pgino"].ToString();
            txt_pn.Text       = dt1.Rows[0]["pt_desc1"].ToString();
            txt_qty.Text      = dt1.Rows[0]["pt_ord_mult"].ToString();
            txt_ztsl.Text     = dt1.Rows[0]["pt_ord_mult"].ToString();
            txt_off_qty.Text  = dt1.Rows[0]["off_qty"].ToString();
            txt_curr_qty.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["curr_qty"].ToString();
            txt_desc2.Text    = dt1.Rows[0]["pt_desc2"].ToString();
        //    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", "alert('员工未上岗,请先上岗');", true);
        //    return;
        //ViewState["DT_Grid"] = ds.Tables[1];
        //DataTable dtnew = GetAll();
        Repeater_lotno.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];
        DataTable dt_record = ds.Tables[2];

        if (dt_record.Rows.Count > 0)
            Repeater_record.DataSource = dt_record;
        string stepvalue = ds.Tables[3].Rows[0]["StepValue"].ToString();
        int    op        = int.Parse(ds.Tables[3].Rows[0]["op"].ToString());

        g2.Checked = (stepvalue == "终检") ? true : false;
        g3.Checked = (stepvalue == "GP12") ? true : false;
        g4.Checked = (stepvalue == "入库") ? true : false;
        if (ds.Tables[3].Rows[0]["cz"].ToString() == "Y")
            g2.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
            g3.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
            g4.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
        if (op < 600)
            lb2.Visible = false;
            lb3.Visible = false;
            lb2.Visible = true;
            lb3.Visible = true;

        if (op > 600)
            lb4.Visible = false;
            lb4.Visible = true;
Пример #3
    //protected void save(int btn)
    //    string sqlstr = @"select emp_code+emp_name,pgino,location,id from [dbo].[Mes_App_EmployeeLogin] where emp_code='{0}' and off_date is null";
    //    sqlstr = string.Format(sqlstr, txt_emp.Text);
    //    var dt = SQLHelper.reDs(sqlstr).Tables[0];
    //    if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
    //    {
    //        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", "alert(\"员工未上岗,请跳转至上岗页面\");window.location.href = 'Emp_Login.aspx?workshop=" + _workshop + "'", true);
    //        return;
    //    }
    //    string script = "";
    //    string ms = "";
    //    string dh_source = "";
    //    txt_curr_qty.Text = (double.Parse(txt_qty.Text) - double.Parse(txt_off_qty.Text)).ToString();

    //    string sql = @"exec usp_app_qc_Insert_V1 '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}'";
    //    if (dh_record.Text.Contains(","))
    //    { dh_source = dh_record.Text.Substring(1, dh_record.Text.Length - 1); }
    //    sql = string.Format(sql, txt_dh.Text, txt_curr_qty.Text, txt_emp.Text, txt_pgino.Text,  btn, dh_source, txt_remark.Value, Request.Form["step"]);
    //    DataTable re_dt = SQLHelper.Query(sql).Tables[0];
    //    string flag = re_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
    //    string msg = re_dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();
    //    if (btn == 0) { ms = "部分"; }
    //    if (flag == "N")
    //    {
    //        if(Request.Form["step"]=="入库")
    //        {
    //            script = "已"+ms+"完成,待入库";
    //        }
    //        else
    //        {
    //            script = "已"+ms+"完成,待GP12";

    //        }
    //        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", "alert('"+script+"');window.location.href='/Cjgl1.aspx?workshop=" + _workshop + "'", true);
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", "alert('" + msg + "')", true);
    //    }
    protected void btn_bind_data_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sql_dh = "select top 1 1 from Mes_App_WorkOrder_hege where workorder='{0}' ";

        sql_dh = string.Format(sql_dh, txt_dh.Text);
        DataTable dt_dh = SQLHelper.Query(sql_dh).Tables[0];

        sql_dh += " and right(routing,1)='R' ";
        sql_dh  = string.Format(sql_dh, txt_dh.Text);
        DataTable dt_r = SQLHelper.Query(sql_dh).Tables[0];

        string dh = dh_record.Text;

        ViewState["STEPVALUE"] = txt_step.Text.ToString();
        DataRow drow     = dt_append.NewRow();
        string  sql      = "";
        string  pgino    = "";
        double  ztsl     = 0;
        string  sqlspend = "";
        string  strsql   = "";

        if (dt_r.Rows.Count > 0)
            sqlspend = @"SELECT * FROM (
						   select wip.pgino,SUM(isnull(wip.qty,0)) as need_off_qty,wip.workorder,'0' loading_type   from Mes_App_WorkOrder_hege  wip where b_end=1 and routing<>'R'    
						   GROUP BY wip.pgino,wip.workorder  UNION ALL 
						   SELECT  pgino,off_qty-hege_qty as need_off_qty,workorder,loading_type from Mes_App_WorkOrder_QC_Wip )wip where 1=1"                        ;
            strsql   = sqlspend;
            //txt_tiaoxuan.Text = "挑选";
            sqlspend = @"select wip.pgino,wip.off_qty,isnull(wip.off_qty,0)-isnull(hege_qty,0)-isnull(ng.qty,0) as need_off_qty,wip.workorder,loading_type  from Mes_App_WorkOrder_QC_Wip wip 
                               left join (SELECT  pgino,workorder_qc,SUM(QTY) qty from   Mes_App_WorkOrder_Ng group by workorder_qc,pgino) ng on wip.pgino=ng.pgino and wip.workorder=workorder_qc
                                   where 1=1";

            strsql = "select  pgino,pn,off_qty,hege_qty,off_qty-hege_qty as need_off_qty,workorder,loading_type from Mes_App_WorkOrder_QC_Wip where 1=1   ";
        if (dh_record.Text.Contains(","))
            { dh = dh_record.Text.Substring(1, dh_record.Text.Length - 1); }
            string[]  strdh       = dh.Split(',');
            int       strdh_lenth = strdh.Length;
            DataTable dt          = new DataTable();
            string    status      = "";
            string    script      = "";
            for (int i = 0; i <= strdh.Length - 1; i++)
                sql = strsql + " and workorder='" + strdh[i].ToString() + "'";
                DataTable dt_ = SQLHelper.Query(sql).Tables[0];
                if (dt_.Rows.Count == 0 || dt_ == null)
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", @"$.toptip('来源单号不存在',3000); $('#source_dh').val('');$('#dh_record').val('') ", true);
                    dh_record.Text = "";

            sqlspend += "  and wip.workorder  in  (select *  from dbo.StrToTable('" + dh + "'))";
            dt        = SQLHelper.Query(sqlspend).Tables[0];
            if (dt_r.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Rows.Count >= 2)
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", "alert(\"不可扫多个来源单号同时下线\");", true);
            string re_sql = @"exec [usp_app_source_ver] '{0}','{1}'";
            re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, txt_dh.Text, dh);
            //string re_sql = @"exec [usp_app_source] '{0}'";
            //re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, dh);
            DataTable re_dt = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql).Tables[0];
            if (re_dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ztsl = double.Parse(re_dt.Rows[0]["pt_ord_mult"].ToString());
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                status = dt.Rows[0]["loading_type"].ToString();
                pgino  = dt.Rows[0]["pgino"].ToString();

                if (status != dt.Rows[i]["loading_type"].ToString())
                    if (status == "9")
                        script = "该单号为GP12,请勿重复终检";
                    else if (status == "99" && dt_dh.Rows.Count > 0)
                        script = "请使用新的检验单号";
                    else if (status == "99")
                        script = "请统一扫描为挑选的单号";
                        script = "该单号为终检,不可GP12";
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", @"$.toptip('" + script + "',30000); $('#source_dh').val('') ", true);
                if (pgino != dt.Rows[i]["pgino"].ToString() && status != "99")
                    script = "物料号不一致,不可一起操作!";

                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", @"$.toptip('" + script + "',30000); $('#source_dh').val('') ", true);
                else if (pgino.Substring(0, 6) != dt.Rows[i]["pgino"].ToString().Substring(0, 6) && status == "99")
                    script = "物料号不一致,不可一起操作!";

                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", @"$.toptip('" + script + "',30000); $('#source_dh').val('') ", true);
                    drow["pgino"]        = dt.Rows[i]["pgino"].ToString();
                    drow["workorder"]    = dt.Rows[i]["workorder"].ToString();
                    drow["need_off_qty"] = dt.Rows[i]["need_off_qty"].ToString();
                    drow["idno"]         = i;

            //ViewState["DT_Source"] = dt;
            //DataTable dtnew = GetAll();
            //txt_pgino.Text = dt_append.Rows[0]["pgino"].ToString();
            Repeater_lotno.DataSource = dt_append;

            double total = dt_append.AsEnumerable().Select(d => Convert.ToDouble(d.Field <string>("need_off_qty"))).Sum();
            //txt_source_sum.Text = total.ToString();

            //double total = Convert.ToDouble(dt_append.Compute("SUM(need_off_qty)", ""));
            if (total < ztsl)
                txt_source_sum.Text = total.ToString();// (total - double.Parse(txt_off_qty.Text)).ToString();
                //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page,this.GetType(), "set", "setvalues();",true);
Пример #4
    protected void Bind_reperter()
        string sql = @"exec usp_app_yz_xmh_sel_ver '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}'";

        sql = string.Format(sql, txt_emp.Text, _workshop, txt_dh.Text, txt_pgino.Text, txt_yzj.Text);
        DataSet ds = SQLHelper.Query(sql);

        //DataTable dt1 = ds.Tables[2];
        //if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0 && txt_pgino.Text != "")
        //    txt_pn.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["pt_desc1"].ToString();
        //    txt_qty.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["pt_ord_mult"].ToString();
        //    txt_ztsl.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["pt_ord_mult"].ToString();
        //    txt_off_qty.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["off_qty"].ToString();
        //    txt_curr_qty.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["curr_qty"].ToString();
        //    txt_desc2.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["pt_desc2"].ToString();
        ViewState["DT_Grid"] = ds.Tables[3];
        DataTable dtnew = GetAll();

        Repeater_lotno.DataSource = dtnew;
        DataTable dt_record = ds.Tables[4];

        if (dt_record.Rows.Count > 0)
            Repeater_record.DataSource = dt_record;
        string stepvalue = ds.Tables[5].Rows[0]["StepValue"].ToString();
        int    op        = int.Parse(ds.Tables[5].Rows[0]["op"].ToString());

        g1.Checked = (stepvalue == "后处理完成") ? true : false;
        g2.Checked = (stepvalue == "终检") ? true : false;
        g3.Checked = (stepvalue == "GP12") ? true : false;
        g4.Checked = (stepvalue == "入库") ? true : false;
        if (ds.Tables[5].Rows[0]["cz"].ToString() == "Y")
            g1.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
            g2.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
            g3.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
            g4.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
        if (op < 600)
            lb2.Visible = false;
            lb3.Visible = false;
            lb2.Visible = true;
            lb3.Visible = true;

        if (op > 600)
            lb4.Visible = false;
            lb4.Visible = true;
Пример #5
    protected void btn_bind_data_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string dh = dh_record.Text;
        //ViewState["STEPVALUE"] = txt_step.Text.ToString();
        DataRow drow     = dt_append.NewRow();
        string  sql      = "";
        string  pgino    = "";
        double  ztsl     = 0;
        string  sqlspend = "";
        string  strsql   = "";

        sqlspend = @"select zyb,right(lot_no,8)zyb_lot,zl as act_qty,cl,yzj_no,lot_no,pgino,yzj_no,pn from Mes_App_WorkOrder_YZ_Wip wip where 1=1 ";
        strsql   = sqlspend;
        if (dh_record.Text.Contains(","))
            { dh = dh_record.Text.Substring(1, dh_record.Text.Length - 1); }
            string[]  strdh       = dh.Split(',');
            int       strdh_lenth = strdh.Length;
            DataTable dt          = new DataTable();
            string    status      = "";
            string    script      = "";
            for (int i = 0; i <= strdh.Length - 1; i++)
                sql = strsql + " and workorder_wip='" + strdh[i].ToString() + "'";
                DataTable dt_ = SQLHelper.Query(sql).Tables[0];
                if (dt_.Rows.Count == 0 || dt_ == null)
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", @"$.toptip('来源单号不存在',3000); $('#source_dh').val('');$('#dh_record').val('') ", true);

            sqlspend += "  and wip.workorder_wip  in  (select *  from dbo.StrToTable('" + dh + "'))";
            dt        = SQLHelper.Query(sqlspend).Tables[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                pgino = dt.Rows[0]["pgino"].ToString();

                if (pgino != dt.Rows[i]["pgino"].ToString())
                    script = "物料号不一致,不可一起操作!";

                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "setinfo", "alert('" + script + "'); $('#source_dh').val('') ", true);
                //    drow["zyb"] = dt.Rows[i]["zyb"].ToString();
                //    drow["lot_no"] = dt.Rows[i]["lot_no"].ToString();
                //    drow["act_qty"] = dt.Rows[i]["act_qty"].ToString();
                //    drow["cl"] = dt.Rows[i]["cl"].ToString();
                //    drow["yzj_no"] = dt.Rows[i]["yzj_no"].ToString();
                //    drow["zyb_lot"] = dt.Rows[i]["zyb_lot"].ToString();
                //    drow["idno"] = i;
                //    dt_append.Rows.Add(drow.ItemArray);

            ViewState["DT_Source"] = dt;
            DataTable dtnew = GetAll();
            //  txt_pgino.Text = dt_append.Rows[0]["pgino"].ToString();
            Repeater_lotno.DataSource = dt_append;

            //txt_pgino.Text = dt.Rows[0]["pgino"].ToString();
            //txt_pn.Text = dt.Rows[0]["pn"].ToString();
            //txt_qty.Text = dt.Rows[0]["act_qty"].ToString();
Пример #6
    protected void Bind_reperter()
        string    pgino   = "";
        DataTable dt1     = new DataTable();
        string    sql_his = "select top 1 pgino   from [dbo].[Mes_App_WorkOrder_History] where workorder='{0}'";

        sql_his = string.Format(sql_his, txt_dh.Text);
        DataTable dt_his = SQLHelper.Query(sql_his).Tables[0];

        if (dt_his.Rows.Count > 0)
            pgino = dt_his.Rows[0]["pgino"].ToString();
            txt_xmh.SelectedValue = pgino;
            txt_xmh.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
        //if (txt_xmh.Items.Contains(new ListItem(pgino)))


        string sql = @"exec usp_app_off_material_Bind_xmh_ver '{0}','{1}'";

        sql = string.Format(sql, txt_xmh.SelectedValue, txt_emp.Text);
        DataTable redt = SQLHelper.Query(sql).Tables[0];

        if (txt_xmh.SelectedValue != "")
            if (redt.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow[] drs2 = redt.Select("pgino = '" + txt_xmh.SelectedItem.Text + "' ");
                if (drs2 != null && drs2.Length > 0)
                    txt_qty.Text  = drs2[0]["ztsl"].ToString();
                    txt_pn.Text   = drs2[0]["pn"].ToString();
                    txt_ztsl.Text = drs2[0]["ztsl"].ToString();
            dt1 = SQLHelper.Query(sql).Tables[1];

            ViewState["DT_Grid"] = dt1;
            DataTable dtnew = GetAll();
            Repeater_lotno.DataSource = dtnew;
            string strsql = @"exec usp_app_off_num_ver '{0}','{1}'";
            strsql = string.Format(strsql, txt_dh.Text, txt_xmh.SelectedValue);
            DataTable dt2 = SQLHelper.Query(strsql).Tables[0];

            txt_off_qty.Text = dt2.Rows[0]["off_qty"].ToString();
            //if (double.Parse(txt_qty.Text) - double.Parse(txt_off_qty.Text) < 0)
            //    txt_qty.Text = txt_off_qty.Text;
            //    txt_curr_qty.Text = "0";
            txt_curr_qty.Text = (double.Parse(txt_qty.Text) - double.Parse(txt_off_qty.Text)).ToString();
            if (double.Parse(txt_qty.Text) < double.Parse(txt_off_qty.Text))
                txt_qty.Text      = txt_off_qty.Text;
                txt_curr_qty.Text = "0";

            ViewState["STEPVALUE"] = dt2.Rows[0]["step"].ToString();
            txt_step.Text          = dt2.Rows[0]["step"].ToString();
            DataTable dt_record = SQLHelper.Query(strsql).Tables[1];
            if (dt_record.Rows.Count > 0)
                Repeater_record.DataSource = SQLHelper.Query(strsql).Tables[1];