public void setGarageInfo() { string teratmentID = Request.QueryString["tid"].ToString(); RepairJobl repairJob = new RepairJobl(Convert.ToInt32(teratmentID)); var amountsTime = repairJob.totalWorkingHours; Garge garge = new Garge(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"])); LblbisanceName.Text = garge.GetNameGarga(); LblbisanceName2.Text = garge.GetNameGarga(); city.Text = garge.get_city(); lblstreet.Text = garge.GetAddress(); lblphone.Text = garge.GetPhone(); name.InnerText = garge.Get_Full_Name(); phonenumber.InnerText = garge.GetPhone(); email.InnerText = garge.GetEmail(); Phone.InnerText = garge.GetPhone(); mail.InnerText = garge.GetEmail(); priceHour.InnerText = garge.GetPricePerHour().ToString() + "₪"; amountTime.InnerText = amountsTime.ToString(); //////// DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now; lbldatatime.Text = currentTime.ToString(); Random random = new Random(); lblidinvoic.Text = "##" + random.Next(10001, 9999999).ToString() + "##"; totelTimePrice.InnerText = string.Format("{0:0.00}", Convert.ToDouble((amountsTime * garge.GetPricePerHour())).ToString()) + "₪"; totelTimePrice2.InnerText = string.Format("{0:0.00}", Convert.ToDouble((amountsTime * garge.GetPricePerHour())).ToString()) + "₪"; totel = Convert.ToDouble((amountsTime * garge.GetPricePerHour())); }
protected async void SendSms_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var cid = Request.QueryString["cid"]; CustomerModel customer = new CustomerModel(Convert.ToInt32(cid)); string customerPhone = customer.phonNumber; string customername = customer.firstnmae + " " + customer.lastname; string teratmentID = Request.QueryString["tid"].ToString(); RepairJobl repairJob = new RepairJobl(Convert.ToInt32(teratmentID)); string LicensePlate = repairJob.license_Number; Garge garge = new Garge(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"])); string garageName = garge.GetNameGarga(); string garageNumber = garge.GetPhone(); //This Method Sends Using API and its ASYNC (You have to wait until the process ends) await SmsSender.SendUsingAPIAsync( garageNumber, garageName, customerPhone, customername, LicensePlate ); Thread.Sleep(5000); //Sleep for 5 SECOND Until API FINISH His Work showmodel(); }
// submit new work card for customer protected void Submit_RepairJob_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { try { var Dblist = new List <DbListAdapter>(); Dblist.Add(new DbListAdapter("GaragID", Session["UserID"].ToString())); Dblist.Add(new DbListAdapter("CustomerID", CustomID.Value)); Dblist.Add(new DbListAdapter("TypeID", SelectTipol.Value)); Dblist.Add(new DbListAdapter("License_Number", License_id.Text)); Dblist.Add(new DbListAdapter("description", description_ID.Value)); Dblist.Add(new DbListAdapter("StartDate", Data_ID.Value)); Dblist.Add(new DbListAdapter("Approved_by", UserName_ID.Value)); Dblist.Add(new DbListAdapter("Mileage_start", Mileage_start.Value)); bool Repair = RepairJobl.New_RepairJob(Dblist); if (Repair) { annualTreatment(); Error_ID.Text = "כרטיס עבודה חדש נפתח בהצלחה ! "; showmodel(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } else { Error_ID.Text = "חובה למלא שדות חובה ! "; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack & Session["UserID"] != null) { Garge garge = new Garge(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"])); RepairJobl allJobs = new RepairJobl(); List <RepairJobl> data = allJobs.AllHistory(Session["UserID"].ToString()); ShwoHistory.DataSource = data; ShwoHistory.DataBind(); } }
public List <RepairJobl> GetTeratments() { List <RepairJobl> list = new List <RepairJobl>(); DataTable sql = new sql_class().Where("GaragID", this.GaragID.ToString()).Where("Status", "true").Get("RepairJob", "teratmentID"); for (int i = 0; i < sql.Rows.Count; i++) { RepairJobl Teratment = new RepairJobl(Convert.ToInt32(sql.Rows[i]["teratmentID"])); list.Add(Teratment); } return(list); }
public static bool deltetJob(string teratmentID) { RepairJobl job = new RepairJobl(); bool deleteOrnot = job.deleteJob(teratmentID); if (deleteOrnot) { CartModel cart = new CartModel(); cart.deleteAllCart(teratmentID); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static bool closeRepiarJob(string teratmentID, string amountTime) { sql_class sql = new sql_class(); var Dblist = new List <DbListAdapter>(); Dblist.Add(new DbListAdapter("TotalWorkingHours", amountTime)); sql.Where("teratmentID", teratmentID); sql.Update("RepairJob", Dblist); RepairJobl jobl = new RepairJobl(); bool closeOrnot = jobl.closeRepiarJob(teratmentID); if (closeOrnot) { CartModel cart = new CartModel(); cart.cartItemChengaStatus(teratmentID); return(true); } else { return(false); } }