public bool Deletar() { Episodio = (Episodio)FormularioSimples(); if (ValidarSimples()) { var atual = (Episodio)Rep.Buscar(Episodio); if (atual == null) { Utils.Pausar("Episodio não localizado"); return(false); } return(Rep.Deletar(Episodio)); } else { return(false); } }
public ActionResult AddOrEdit(ServiceList model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(UIHelper.Result()); } try { if (model._id == 0) { if (!CheckRepeat(model)) { Alert.Show("已有相同记录存在!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { model._id = (int)(Rep.Max(t => t._id) ?? 0) + 1; model.PrimaryId = (int)(Rep.Max(t => t.PrimaryId) ?? 0) + 1; model.SecondaryId = (int)(Rep.Max(t => t.SecondaryId) ?? 0) + 1; SetRegContent(model); Rep.Add(model); // 关闭本窗体(触发窗体的关闭事件) PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); } } else { SetRegContent(model); Rep.Update(t => t._id == Convert.ToInt32(model._id), Builders <ServiceList> .Update.Set(t => t.ServiceName, model.ServiceName) .Set(t => t.SecondaryName, model.SecondaryName) .Set(t => t.Host, model.Host) .Set(t => t.Version, model.Version) .Set(t => t.Remark, model.Remark)); // 关闭本窗体(触发窗体的关闭事件) PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show(ex.Message, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } return(UIHelper.Result()); }
public ActionResult GetOrderById(int id) { try { var result = Rep.GetOrderById(id); if (result != null) { return(Ok(Mapper.Map <Order, OrderViewModel>(result))); } else { return(NotFound()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError($"Failed to retrive order by id :{ex}"); return(BadRequest("Failed to retrieve order")); } }
/// <summary> /// Check if all links in diagram are visible (diagram local approach). /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsCompleteDiagram() { EA.Diagram dia = Rep.GetDiagramByID(_diaObj.DiagramID); foreach (EA.DiagramLink l in dia.DiagramLinks) { if (l.IsHidden == true) { var con = Rep.GetConnectorByID(l.ConnectorID); var sourceObject = dia.GetDiagramObjectByID(con.SupplierID, ""); var targetObject = dia.GetDiagramObjectByID(con.ClientID, ""); if ((sourceObject.ElementID == _diaObj.ElementID && sourceObject.ObjectType == _diaObj.ObjectType) || (targetObject.ElementID == _diaObj.ElementID && targetObject.ObjectType == _diaObj.ObjectType)) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
///<summary> /// 获取地址 /// </summary> /// <param name="LinkStr">连接字符串,储存在fother</param> /// <returns>歌曲地址</returns> public static string GetSong(string LinkStr) { HttpWebRequest Req; HttpWebResponse Rep; try { Req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(@"" + LinkStr + "-1.html"); Rep = (HttpWebResponse)Req.GetResponse(); StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Rep.GetResponseStream()); string str = Reader.ReadToEnd(); str = Regex.Split(str, "<audio src=\"")[1]; str = Regex.Split(str, "\" id=\"player\" volume=\"0.5\"></audio>")[0]; return(str); } catch (Exception ex) { return(""); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取歌曲下载信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="Hash">必选,歌曲Hash</param> /// <returns>歌曲地址</returns> public static string GetSongUrl(string Hash) { HttpWebRequest Req; HttpWebResponse Rep; try { Req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(@"" + Hash + @"&key=" + GetMd5HashStr(Hash + "kgcloud") + "&pid=1"); Rep = (HttpWebResponse)Req.GetResponse(); StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Rep.GetResponseStream()); string str = Reader.ReadToEnd(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(str); JObject p = JObject.Parse(str); return(p["url"].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(""); } }
static void ItemUI(Rep ρ, ref bool dirty) { if (Skip(ρ)) { return; } Section(ρ.header); BeginHorizontal(); var style = toggle; style.richText = true; bool flag = Toggle(ρ.@sel, ρ.alt != null ? $"<color=brown>{ρ.alt}</color>" : ρ.a, Width(60) /*, EditorStyles.richText */); dirty |= ρ.@sel != flag; ρ.@sel = flag; Label(ρ.name); EndHorizontal(); }
/// <summary> /// Abre la ventana detalle en modo Add /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <history> /// [emoguel] created 18/04/2016 /// </history> private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { frmRepDetail frmRepDetail = new frmRepDetail(); frmRepDetail.Owner = this; frmRepDetail.enumMode = EnumMode.Add; if (frmRepDetail.ShowDialog() == true) { Rep rep = frmRepDetail.rep; if (ValidateFilter(rep))//Verificamos que cumpla con los filtros { List <Rep> lstReps = (List <Rep>)dgrReps.ItemsSource; lstReps.Add(rep); //Agregamos el registro lstReps.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.rpID, y.rpID)); //Ordenamos la lista int nIndex = lstReps.IndexOf(rep); //Obtenemos la posicion del registro dgrReps.Items.Refresh(); //Actualizamos la vista GridHelper.SelectRow(dgrReps, nIndex); //Seleccionamos el registro nuevo StatusBarReg.Content = lstReps.Count + " Reps."; //Actualizamos el contador } } }
public DualCallReport ConvertToRePort(PublicClassDualCall dc, string dateCreate, Rep rp) { DualCallReport sendreport = new DualCallReport(); if (dateCreate == null) { dateCreate = DateTime.Today.ToString(); } controlpage.maindata.dateSendReport = dateCreate; sendreport.clientDate = dateCreate; sendreport.ObjectiveID = dc.longterm.ObjectiveID; sendreport.AM_ID = UserAuthentication.instance.aminfo.AM_ID; sendreport.rep = rp; sendreport.step1.adoctor = dc.step1.adoctor; sendreport.step1.bkadoctor = dc.step1.bkadoctor; sendreport.step1.odoctor = dc.step1.odoctor; sendreport.step1.period = dc.step1.period; sendreport.step2.Achieve = dc.step2.Achieve; sendreport.step2.datefrom = dc.step2.datefrom; sendreport.step2.dateto = dc.step2.dateto; sendreport.step2.longterm = ReplateText(dc.step2.longterm); sendreport.step2.howto = ReplateText(dc.step2.howto); sendreport.step3.objective = (int)dc.step3.dataChar[0]; sendreport.step3.CatchyHook = (int)dc.step3.dataChar[1]; sendreport.step3.KeyMessage = (int)dc.step3.dataChar[2]; sendreport.step3.EvisualAd = (int)dc.step3.dataChar[3]; sendreport.step3.DocumentUsed = (int)dc.step3.dataChar[4]; sendreport.step3.BrandReminder = (int)dc.step3.dataChar[5]; sendreport.step3.Interaction = (int)dc.step3.dataChar[6]; sendreport.step3.Comitment = (int)dc.step3.dataChar[7]; sendreport.step3.QualityOfNote = (int)dc.step3.dataChar[8]; sendreport.step4.QualityNoteEvaluate = ReplateText(dc.step4.evaluaateQualityofNotes); sendreport.step5.Evaluatetheoptimization = ReplateText(dc.step5.evaluaateQualityofVisit); sendreport.step6.Evaluateknowledgeandskills = ReplateText(dc.step6.evaluateProductExpertise); sendreport.step7.Agreementbetween = ReplateText(dc.step7.evaluateCommentAgreement); return(sendreport); }
// // GET: /Service/Manage/ public override ActionResult Index() { var type = Request["type"]; var filter = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) ? t => t.ServiceType == (ServiceTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(ServiceTypeEnum), type) : (Expression <Func <ServiceList, bool> >)null; _typeFilter = filter; var hostList = new List <ListItem> { new ListItem("全部", "", true) }; hostList.AddRange(Rep.Distinct(t => t.Host, filter).Select(t => new ListItem(t, t))); ViewBag.ddlHost = hostList.ToArray(); ViewBag.TreeNodes = _tree.GetTreeNodes(filter); var list = Rep.QueryByPage(0, PageSize, out var count, filter); ViewBag.RecordCount = count; ViewBag.PageSize = PageSize; return(View(list)); }
public AwaitableWrapper WriteReply(Rep rep, AddrType atyp, byte[] addr, int port) { if (Status == Socks5Status.ReplySent) { throw getException("Socks5 reply has been already sent."); } Status = Socks5Status.ReplySent; var buf = this.buf; this.buf = null; buf[0] = (0x05); buf[1] = ((byte)rep); buf[2] = (0x00); buf[3] = ((byte)AddrType.IPv4Address); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { buf[4 + i] = addr[i]; } buf[8] = (0x00); buf[9] = (0x00); return(Stream.WriteAsyncR(new BytesSegment(buf, 0, 10))); }
public ActionResult AddOrEdit(AppContacts model, bool isAdd = false) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(UIHelper.Result()); } try { if (isAdd) { if (!CheckRepeat(model)) { Alert.Show("已有相同记录存在!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { Rep.Add(model); // 关闭本窗体(触发窗体的关闭事件) PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); } } else { Rep.Update(t => t._id == model._id, Builders <AppContacts> .Update.Set(t => t.Tel, model.Tel) .Set(t => t.Email, model.Email) .Set(t => t.WeiXin_UID, model.WeiXin_UID) .Set(t => t.DingTalk_UID, model.DingTalk_UID) .Set(t => t.AlarmType, model.AlarmType) .Set(t => t.Remark, model.Remark)); // 关闭本窗体(触发窗体的关闭事件) PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show(ex.Message, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } return(UIHelper.Result()); }
public void Conv_numarrayfrom1and0to21_string1returned() { Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); // arrange int[] x = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 }; string expected = "1"; // act stopWatch.Start(); string actual = Rep.Check(x); stopWatch.Stop(); // assert Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds / 10); Console.WriteLine("RunTime " + elapsedTime); }
public ActionResult RegService(int id, FormCollection values) { try { var model = Rep.Get(t => t._id == id); if (model.IsApproved) { Alert.Show("服务已经审批", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(UIHelper.Result()); } var serverName = $"{model.ServiceName}/{model.SecondaryName}"; //ServerDiscoveryHelper.ServiceRegister(serverName, model.Version, model.RegContent); Rep.Update(t => t._id == id, Builders <ServiceList> .Update.Set(t => t.IsApproved, true)); ShowNotify("注册成功"); OnUpdated(values); } catch (Exception e) { Alert.Show(e.Message, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); throw; } return(UIHelper.Result()); }
/// <summary> /// Llena el grid de Reps /// </summary> /// <param name="rep">Objeto a seleccionar</param> /// <history> /// [emoguel] created 18/04/2016 /// </history> private async void LoadReps(Rep rep = null) { try { status.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; int nIndex = 0; List <Rep> lstReps = await BRReps.GetReps(_repFilter, _nStatus); dgrReps.ItemsSource = lstReps; if (lstReps.Count > 0 && rep != null) { rep = lstReps.Where(rp => rp.rpID == rep.rpID).FirstOrDefault(); nIndex = lstReps.IndexOf(rep); } GridHelper.SelectRow(dgrReps, nIndex); StatusBarReg.Content = lstReps.Count + " Reps."; status.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } catch (Exception ex) { UIHelper.ShowMessage(ex); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (eBase.showHelp()) { Response.Write("<div class=\"tips\" style=\"margin-bottom:8px;\">"); Response.Write("<b>对应关系</b><br>"); Response.Write("设置数据子模块回填数据到主模块的对应关系。"); Response.Write("</div> "); } me = eOleDB.getDataTable("select * from a_eke_sysModels where modelID='" + modelid + "'").Select()[0]; parent = eOleDB.getDataTable("select * from a_eke_sysModels where modelID='" + me["ParentID"].ToString() + "'").Select()[0]; List(); System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); Rep.RenderControl(htw); Rep.Visible = false; Response.Write(sw.ToString()); Response.End(); }
public void Conv_numarray01and1and0001and00001_string1returned() { Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); // arrange int[] x = { 01, 1, 0001, 00001 }; string expected = "1"; // act stopWatch.Start(); string actual = Rep.Check(x); stopWatch.Stop(); // assert Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds / 10); Console.WriteLine("RunTime " + elapsedTime); }
public bool EditorOnly_SetSuper(ref Rep rep, VisClass _super) { VisClass class2 = _super; int num = 50; while (class2 != null) { if (class2 == this) { Debug.LogError("Self Reference Detected", this); return(false); } class2 = class2._super; if (--num <= 0) { Debug.LogError("Circular Dependancy Detected", this); return(false); } } rep = null; this._super = _super; return(true); }
public ActionResult AddOrEdit(int?id) { ViewBag.ServiceList = _group.Find().ToList().Select(t => new ListItem { Text = t.ServiceNameCN, Value = t.ServiceNameCN }).ToArray(); if (id == null) { return(View()); } var model = Rep.Get(t => t._id == id); if (model == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.RegContent)) { InitAddr(model); } return(View(model)); }
public void Conv_string2147483647_numarray2147483647returned() { Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); // arrange string x = "2147483647"; int[] expected = { 2147483647 }; // act stopWatch.Start(); int[] actual = Rep.Conv(x); stopWatch.Stop(); // assert CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds / 10); Console.WriteLine("RunTime " + elapsedTime); }
/// <summary> /// Inventory a Module. It adds the EA Interface reference to the Interface Element if exists. /// </summary> public void Inventory() { // get interface: Interface string sql = $@"select object_id from t_object where name = '{Name}' AND object_type = 'Interface' "; // Get Element list from sql=2 EA.Collection col = Rep.GetElementSet(sql, 2); if (col.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show("More than one 'Interface' available.", "Can't inventory Interface {Name}"); return; } if (col.Count == 0) { El = null; } else { // Interface existing El = (EA.Element)col.GetAt(0); List <MethodItem> methods = new List <MethodItem>(); foreach (EA.Method m in El.Methods) { methods.Add(new MethodItem(m, m.Name)); } // update existing methods var existingMethods = from provided in ProvidedFunctions join ea in methods on provided.Name equals ea.Name select new { ea.Method, provided }; foreach (var f in existingMethods) { f.provided.Op = f.Method; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { dr = eOleDB.getDataTable("select * from a_eke_sysModels where ModelID='" + modelid + "'").Select()[0]; if (eBase.showHelp()) { Response.Write("<div class=\"tips\" style=\"margin-bottom:6px;\">"); Response.Write("<b>搜索</b><br>"); Response.Write("设置列表搜索条件。"); Response.Write("</div> "); } Response.Write("<div style=\"margin:6px 0px 8px 0px;\">"); Response.Write(" 搜索列数:<input type=\"text\" value=\"" + dr["searchcolumncount"].ToString() + "\" oldvalue=\"" + dr["searchcolumncount"].ToString() + "\" class=\"edit\" style=\"width:40px;\" onBlur=\"setModel(this,'searchcolumncount');\" />"); if (eBase.showHelp()) { Response.Write(" <img src=\"images/help.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\" onclick=\"showHelp(107);\" title=\"查看帮助\" alt=\"查看帮助\" style=\"cursor:pointer;margin-bottom:4px;\">"); } Response.Write("</div> "); eList datalist = new eList("a_eke_sysModelConditions"); datalist.Where.Add("delTag=0 and ModelID='" + modelid + "'"); datalist.OrderBy.Add("show desc,px,addTime"); Rep.ItemDataBound += new RepeaterItemEventHandler(Rep_ItemDataBound); datalist.Bind(Rep); System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); Rep.RenderControl(htw); Rep.Visible = false;//不输出,要在获取后设,不然取不到内容。 Response.Write(sw.ToString()); Response.End(); }
public DataResponse <bool> Delete(int repid) { var response = new DataResponse <bool>(); try { base.DBInit(); Rep rep = DBEntity.Reps.Find(repid); try { DBEntity.RepServiceMappers.RemoveRange(DBEntity.RepServiceMappers.Where(u => u.RepId == repid)); DBEntity.SaveChanges(); DBEntity.Reps.Remove(rep); if (DBEntity.SaveChanges() > 0) { response.Status = DataResponseStatus.OK; response.Message = "Successfully Deleted."; response.Model = true; } } catch (DbUpdateException ex) { response.Status = DataResponseStatus.InternalServerError; response.Message = "There are some releted item in database, please delete those first."; response.Model = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Log(); } finally { base.DBClose(); } return(response); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (eBase.showHelp()) { Response.Write("<div class=\"tips\" style=\"margin-bottom:8px;\">"); Response.Write("<b>导出</b><br>"); Response.Write("设置模块导出到Excel的列及宽度。"); Response.Write("</div> "); } eList datalist = new eList("a_eke_sysModelItems"); datalist.Where.Add("ModelID='" + modelid + "' and delTag=0"); datalist.OrderBy.Add("showExport desc,ExportOrder, addTime"); datalist.Bind(Rep); System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); Rep.RenderControl(htw); Rep.Visible = false; Response.Write(sw.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Inventory a Module. It adds the EA Module reference if exists. /// </summary> public void InventoryAddEaModuleReference() { // get module: Component, Stereotype: 'LE Modul' string sql = $@"select object_id from t_object where name = '{Name}' AND object_type = 'Component' AND Stereotype = 'LE Modul'"; EA.Collection col = Rep.GetElementSet(sql, 2); if (col.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show("More than one 'LE Module' available.", "Can't inventory Module {Name}"); return; } if (col.Count == 0) { El = null; } else { El = (EA.Element)col.GetAt(0); } }
public override byte[] ToBytes() => ByteHelpers.Combine(new byte[] { Ver.ToByte(), Rep.ToByte(), Rsv.ToByte(), Atyp.ToByte() }, BndAddr.ToBytes(), BndPort.ToBytes());
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the Reps EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToReps(Rep rep) { base.AddObject("Reps", rep); }
private void btnPrintSET_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool bMod = false; if (sUserID == "admin" || sUserID == "system" || sUserID == "demo") { bMod = true; } if (!Directory.Exists(sProPath + "\\UAP\\Runtime\\print")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(sProPath + "\\UAP\\Runtime\\print"); } if (!Directory.Exists(sProPath + "\\UAP\\Runtime\\print\\Model")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(sProPath + "\\UAP\\Runtime\\print\\Model"); } if (!Directory.Exists(sProPath + "\\UAP\\Runtime\\print\\User")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(sProPath + "\\UAP\\Runtime\\print\\User"); } if (bMod) { if (File.Exists(sPrintLayOutMod)) { Rep.LoadLayout(sPrintLayOutMod); } } else { if (File.Exists(sPrintLayOutUser)) { Rep.LoadLayout(sPrintLayOutUser); } else if (File.Exists(sPrintLayOutMod)) { Rep.LoadLayout(sPrintLayOutMod); } } Rep.ShowDesignerDialog(); DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("是否保存?模板调整将在下次打开窗体时体现\n是:保存打印模板\n否:恢复默认打印模板\n", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); if (DialogResult.Yes == d) { if (bMod) { Rep.SaveLayoutToXml(sPrintLayOutMod); } else { Rep.SaveLayoutToXml(sPrintLayOutUser); } } else if (DialogResult.No == d) { if (File.Exists(sPrintLayOutUser)) { File.Delete(sPrintLayOutUser); } } }
/// <summary> /// Sort diagram objects alphabetic like: /// - Classifier /// - Port, Parameter, Pin /// - Packages /// If it sorts for Ports, it ignores other element types. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override bool SortAlphabetic() { //EA.Element el = _rep.GetElementByID(diaObj.ElementID); var list = from item in _eaDia.SelObjects let el = Rep.GetElementByID(item.ElementID) select new { item.ElementID, el.Name, el.Type, item.left, item.right,, item.bottom, item } into temp where temp.Type != "RequiredInterface" && temp.Type != "ProvidedInterface" orderby temp.Name select temp; var llist = list.ToList(); // run query // sort only Port, Pin, Parameter if (llist.Count(t => t.Type == "Port" || t.Type == "Pin" || t.Type == "Parameter") > 0) { llist = llist.Where(t => t.Type == "Port" || t.Type == "Pin" || t.Type == "Parameter").ToList(); } // nothing to sort if (llist.Count() < 2) { return(false); } // estimate the direction bool isVertical = (Math.Abs(llist[0].top - llist[1].top)) > (Math.Abs(llist[0].left - llist[1].left)) ? true : false; if (isVertical) { // vertical int topItem = llist.Max(t =>; int bottomItem = llist.Min(t => t.bottom); int sum = llist.Sum(t => - t.bottom); int diff = (topItem - bottomItem - sum) / (llist.Count - 1); int top = topItem; foreach (var item in llist) { int itemDif = - item.item.bottom; = top; item.item.bottom = - itemDif; top = item.item.bottom - diff; item.item.Update(); } Rep.ReloadDiagram(_eaDia.Dia.DiagramID); return(true); } else { // horizontal int leftItem = llist.Min(t => t.left); int rightItem = llist.Max(t => t.right); int sum = llist.Sum(t => t.right - t.left); int diff = (rightItem - leftItem - sum) / (llist.Count - 1); int left = leftItem; foreach (var item in llist) { int itemDif = item.item.right - item.item.left; item.item.left = left; item.item.right = item.item.left + itemDif; left = item.item.right + diff; item.item.Update(); } Rep.ReloadDiagram(_eaDia.Dia.DiagramID); return(true); } }
public static void WriteSettings() { try { XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Settings.xml"); doc.Root.Element("SaveTab").ReplaceWith(new XElement("SaveTab", new XAttribute("SO", SaleOrderId.Trim()), new XAttribute("RP", Rep.Trim()), new XAttribute("Comments", Comments.Trim()), new XAttribute("Licence", Licence) )); doc.Save("Settings.xml"); } catch { } }
private Table(Rep rep) { rep_ = rep; }
/// <summary> /// Attempt to open the table that is stored in bytes [0..file_size) /// of "file", and read the metadata entries necessary to allow /// retrieving data from the table. /// /// If successful, returns ok and sets "*table" to the newly opened /// table. The client should delete "*table" when no longer needed. /// If there was an error while initializing the table, sets "*table" /// to NULL and returns a non-ok status. Does not take ownership of /// "*source", but the client must ensure that "source" remains live /// for the duration of the returned table's lifetime. /// /// *file must remain live while this Table is in use. /// </summary> public static Status Open(Options options, RandomAccessFile file, UInt64 size, out Table table) { table = null; if (size < Footer.kEncodedLength) { return Status.InvalidArgument("file is too short to be an sstable"); } ByteArrayPointer footerSpace = new ByteArrayPointer(Footer.kEncodedLength); Slice footerInput; Status s = file.Read(size - Footer.kEncodedLength, Footer.kEncodedLength, out footerInput, footerSpace); if (!s.IsOk) return s; Footer footer = new Footer(); s = footer.DecodeFrom(ref footerInput); if (!s.IsOk) return s; // Read the index block BlockContents contents; Block indexBlock = null; if (s.IsOk) { s = FormatHelper.ReadBlock(file, ReadOptions.Default, footer.IndexHandle, out contents); if (s.IsOk) { indexBlock = new Block(contents); } } if (s.IsOk) { // We've successfully read the footer and the index block: we're // ready to serve requests. Rep rep = new Rep(); rep.Options = options; rep.File = file; rep.MetaindexHandle = footer.MetaindexHandle; rep.IndexBlock = indexBlock; rep.CacheId = (options.BlockCache != null ? options.BlockCache.NewId() : 0); rep.FilterData = ByteArrayPointer.Null; rep.Filter = null; table = new Table(rep); table.ReadMeta(footer); } return s; }