Пример #1
        public void AutoSize(Renderer2D ren)
            var sz = ren.MeasureString(fnt, FNT_SIZE, Label);

            Width  = sz.X + 18;
            Height = fnt.LineHeight(FNT_SIZE) + 5;
Пример #2
        public static List <string> WrapText(Renderer2D renderer, Font font, int sz, string text, int maxLineWidth, int x, out int newX, ref int dY)
            List <string> strings = new List <string>();

            string[]      words      = text.Split(' ');
            StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();
            int           lineWidth  = x;
            int           spaceWidth = renderer.MeasureString(font, sz, " ").X;

            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                var size = renderer.MeasureString(font, sz, words[i]);
                if (lineWidth + size.X < maxLineWidth)
                    lineWidth += size.X + spaceWidth;
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                    dY       += (int)font.LineHeight(sz);
                    lineWidth = size.X + spaceWidth;
                if (i != words.Length - 1)
                    sb.Append(" ");
            newX = lineWidth;
            if (sb.Length > 0)
Пример #3
        public void UpdateLayout()
            commands = new List <TextCommand>();
            int           dX = 0, dY = 0;
            TextAlignment lastAlignment = TextAlignment.Left;
            int           size;
            Font          fnt = fnts.GetInfocardFont(0, FontStyles.Regular, out size);

            foreach (var card in infocards)
                for (int idx = 0; idx < card.Nodes.Count; idx++)
                    var node = card.Nodes[idx];
                    if (node is InfocardParagraphNode)
                        dY += (int)fnt.LineHeight(size);
                        dX  = 0;
                        var n     = (InfocardTextNode)node;
                        var style = FontStyles.Regular;
                        if (n.Bold)
                            style |= FontStyles.Bold;
                        if (n.Italic)
                            style |= FontStyles.Italic;
                        fnt = fnts.GetInfocardFont(n.FontIndex, style, out size);
                        if (lastAlignment != n.Alignment)
                            dX = 0;
                        int origX = dX;
                        int origY = dY;
                        if (n.Alignment == TextAlignment.Left)
                            var text = WrapText(renderer, fnt, size, n.Contents, rectangle.Width, dX, out dX, ref dY);
                            commands.Add(new TextCommand()
                                String    = string.Join <string>("\n", text),
                                X         = origX,
                                Y         = origY,
                                Color     = n.Color,
                                Underline = n.Underline,
                                Align     = n.Alignment,
                                Font      = fnt,
                                FontSize  = size,
                        else if (n.Alignment == TextAlignment.Center)
                            var text   = WrapText(renderer, fnt, size, n.Contents, rectangle.Width, dX, out dX, ref dY);
                            var width0 = renderer.MeasureString(fnt, size, text[0]).X / 2f;
                            var newX   = (rectangle.Width / 2f) - origX - width0;
                            if (commands.Count > 0 && origX != 0)                             //Don't shift if we're at the beginning
                                for (int i = commands.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                    if (commands[i].Y != origY || commands[i].Align != n.Alignment)
                                    commands[i].X = (int)((float)commands[i].X - width0);
                                newX = commands[commands.Count - 1].X + renderer.MeasureString(commands[commands.Count - 1].Font, size, commands[commands.Count - 1].String).X;
                            //Append our text
                            commands.Add(new TextCommand()
                                String    = text[0],
                                X         = (int)newX,
                                Y         = origY,
                                Color     = n.Color,
                                Underline = n.Underline,
                                Align     = n.Alignment,
                                Font      = fnt,
                                FontSize  = size
                            for (int i = 1; i < text.Count; i++)
                                commands.Add(new TextCommand()
                                    String    = text[i],
                                    X         = (int)((rectangle.Width / 2f) - (renderer.MeasureString(fnt, size, text[i]).X / 2f)),
                                    Y         = origY + (int)fnt.LineHeight(size) * i,
                                    Color     = n.Color,
                                    Underline = n.Underline,
                                    Font      = fnt,
                                    FontSize  = size
                        else if (n.Alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                            var text = WrapText(renderer, fnt, size, n.Contents, rectangle.Width, dX, out dX, ref dY);
                            //Shift previous text left
                            int width0 = renderer.MeasureString(fnt, size, text[0]).X;
                            int newX   = rectangle.Width - origX - width0;
                            if (commands.Count > 0 && origX != 0)                             //Don't shift if we're at the beginning
                                for (int i = commands.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                    if (commands[i].Y != origY || commands[i].Align != n.Alignment)
                                    commands[i].X -= width0;
                                newX = commands[commands.Count - 1].X + renderer.MeasureString(commands[commands.Count - 1].Font, size, commands[commands.Count - 1].String).X;
                            //Append our text
                            commands.Add(new TextCommand()
                                String    = text[0],
                                X         = newX,
                                Y         = origY,
                                Color     = n.Color,
                                Underline = n.Underline,
                                Align     = n.Alignment,
                                Font      = fnt,
                                FontSize  = size
                            for (int i = 1; i < text.Count; i++)
                                commands.Add(new TextCommand()
                                    String    = text[i],
                                    X         = rectangle.Width - renderer.MeasureString(fnt, size, text[i]).X,
                                    Y         = origY + (int)fnt.LineHeight(size) * i,
                                    Color     = n.Color,
                                    Underline = n.Underline,
                                    Font      = fnt,
                                    FontSize  = size
                        lastAlignment = n.Alignment;
                dY += (int)fnt.LineHeight(size);
                dX  = 0;
            Height = commands[commands.Count - 1].Y + renderer.MeasureString(fnt, size, commands[commands.Count - 1].String).Y;