/// <summary>
 /// Check if the path thickness, the selection state and the arrows of this instance
 /// are equal to another <see cref="RenderDataCache"/>'s properties.
 /// </summary>
 public bool StateEquals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(other.PathThickness == PathThickness && other.Selected == Selected && Equals(other.Arrows, Arrows) &&
            //////////////// New in this sample ////////////////
            other.obstacleHash == obstacleHash);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the visual appearance of an edge
    /// </summary>
    private void Render(IRenderContext context, IEdge edge, VisualGroup container, RenderDataCache cache) {
      // store information with the visual on how we created it

      GeneralPath gp = cache.GeneralPath;
      Path path = new Path
        // convince WPF to render the path even if all coordinates are negative 
        Stretch = Stretch.None,
        MinWidth = 1,
        MinHeight = 1,
        Data = CreateGeometry(gp)

      if (cache.Selected) {
        // Fill for selected state
        path.Stroke = animatedPathStroke;
      } else {
        // Fill for non-selected state
        path.Stroke = pathStroke;

      path.StrokeThickness = cache.PathThickness;
      path.StrokeLineJoin = PenLineJoin.Round;

      // add the arrows to the container
      base.AddArrows(context, container, edge, gp, cache.Arrows, cache.Arrows);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the visual for an edge.
 /// </summary>
 protected override VisualGroup CreateVisual(IRenderContext context, IEdge edge) {
   // This implementation creates a VisualGroup and uses it for the rendering of the edge.
   var visual = new VisualGroup();
   // Get the necessary data for rendering of the edge
   RenderDataCache cache = CreateRenderDataCache(context, edge);
   // Render the edge
   Render(context, edge, visual, cache);
   return visual;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the visual for a node.
        /// </summary>
        protected override VisualGroup CreateVisual(IRenderContext context, INode node)
            // This implementation creates a VisualGroup and uses it for the rendering of the node.
            var visual = new VisualGroup();
            // Get the necessary data for rendering of the edge
            RenderDataCache cache = CreateRenderDataCache(context, node);

            // Render the node
            Render(context, node, visual, cache);
            // set the location
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the visual for a label to be drawn
        /// </summary>
        protected override VisualGroup CreateVisual(IRenderContext context, ILabel label)
            // This implementation creates a VisualGroup and uses it for the rendering of the label.
            var container = new VisualGroup();
            // Get the necessary data for rendering of the label
            RenderDataCache cache = CreateRenderDataCache(context, label, Typeface);
            // Render the label
            var labelLayout = label.GetLayout();

            Render(context, label, container, labelLayout, cache);
            // move container to correct location
            ArrangeByLayout(context, container, labelLayout, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the visual for a label to be drawn
        /// </summary>
        protected override VisualGroup CreateVisual(IRenderContext context, ILabel label)
            // This implementation creates a VisualGroup and uses it for the rendering of the label.
            var container = new VisualGroup();
            // Get the necessary data for rendering of the label
            RenderDataCache cache = CreateRenderDataCache(context, label, Typeface);
            // Render the label
            var labelLayout = label.GetLayout();

            Render(context, label, container, labelLayout, cache);
            // move container to correct location
            // We delegate to LabelStyleBase's ArrangeByLayout method to position the container.
            // This method sets the layout properly and applies auto flipping to the text if necessary.
            ArrangeByLayout(context, container, labelLayout, true);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the visual for the label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Implementation of LabelStyleBase.CreateVisual.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="context">The render context.</param>
        /// <param name="label">The label to which this style instance is assigned.</param>
        /// <returns>The visual as required by the <see cref="IVisualCreator.CreateVisual"/> interface.</returns>
        protected override VisualGroup CreateVisual(IRenderContext context, ILabel label)
            // Updates the dummy label which is internally used for rendering with the properties of the given label.
            UpdateDummyLabel(context, label);
            // creates the container for the visual and sets a transform for view coordinates
            var container = new VisualGroup();

            // ReSharper disable once PossibleUnintendedReferenceComparison
            if (container.Transform != context.IntermediateTransform)
                container.Transform = context.IntermediateTransform;

            RenderDataCache cache = CreateRenderDataCache(context, label);


            var creator = InnerLabelStyle.Renderer.GetVisualCreator(dummyLabel, InnerLabelStyle);

            // create a new IRenderContext with a zoom of 1
            var cc           = new ContextConfigurator(context.CanvasControl.ContentRect);
            var innerContext = cc.CreateRenderContext(context.CanvasControl);

            //The wrapped style should always think it's rendering with zoom level 1
            var visual = creator.CreateVisual(innerContext);

            if (visual == null)

            // add the created visual to the container
            // if the label is selected, add the selection visualization, too.
            if (cache.Selected)
                UIElement selectionVisual = CreateSelectionVisual(innerContext, dummyLabel.GetLayout()) as UIElement;
                if (selectionVisual != null)
                    selectionVisual.IsHitTestVisible = false;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-renders the node using the old visual for performance reasons.
        /// </summary>
        protected override VisualGroup UpdateVisual(IRenderContext context, VisualGroup oldVisual, INode node)
            // get the data with which the old visual was created
            RenderDataCache oldCache = oldVisual.GetRenderDataCache <RenderDataCache>();
            // get the data for the new visual
            RenderDataCache newCache = CreateRenderDataCache(context, node);

            // check if something changed except for the location of the node
            if (!newCache.Equals(oldCache))
                // something changed - re-render the visual
                Render(context, node, oldVisual, newCache);
            // make sure that the location is up to date
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-renders the label using the old visual for performance reasons.
        /// </summary>
        protected override VisualGroup UpdateVisual(IRenderContext context, VisualGroup oldVisual, ILabel label)
            // get the data with which the old visual was created
            RenderDataCache oldCache = oldVisual.GetRenderDataCache <RenderDataCache>();
            // get the data for the new visual
            RenderDataCache newCache    = CreateRenderDataCache(context, label, Typeface);
            var             labelLayout = label.GetLayout();

            if (!oldCache.Equals(newCache))
                // something changed - re-render the visual
                Render(context, label, oldVisual, labelLayout, newCache);
            // nothing changed, return the old visual
            // arrange because the layout might have changed
            ArrangeByLayout(context, oldVisual, labelLayout, true);
    /// <summary>
    /// Re-renders the edge using the old visual for performance reasons.
    /// </summary>
    protected override VisualGroup UpdateVisual(IRenderContext context, VisualGroup oldVisual, IEdge edge) {
      // get the data with which the old visual was created
      RenderDataCache oldCache = oldVisual.GetRenderDataCache<RenderDataCache>();
      // get the data for the new visual
      RenderDataCache newCache = CreateRenderDataCache(context, edge);

      // check if something changed
      if (!newCache.StateEquals(oldCache)) {
        // more than only the path changed - re-render the visual
        Render(context, edge, oldVisual, newCache);
        return oldVisual;

      if (!newCache.PathEquals(oldCache)) {
        // only the path changed - update the old visual
        UpdatePath(context, edge, oldVisual, newCache);

      return oldVisual;
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if the path thickness is equal to another <see cref="RenderDataCache"/>'s path thickness.
 /// </summary>
 public bool StateEquals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(other.PathThickness == PathThickness);
Пример #12
 public bool Equals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(other.Color == Color && other.Size.Equals(Size));
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if the path of this instance is equals to another <see cref="RenderDataCache"/>'s path.
 /// </summary>
 public bool PathEquals(RenderDataCache other)
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if the path thickness, the selection state and the arrows of this instance
 /// are equal to another <see cref="RenderDataCache"/>'s properties.
 /// </summary>
 public bool StateEquals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(other.PathThickness == PathThickness && other.Selected == Selected && Equals(other.Arrows, Arrows));
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the edge path data as well as the arrow positions of the visuals stored in <param name="container" />.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdatePath(IRenderContext context, IEdge edge, VisualGroup container, RenderDataCache cache)
            // The first child must be a path - else re-create the container from scratch
            if (container.Children.Count == 0 || !(container.Children[0] is Path))
                Render(context, edge, container, cache);

            // store information with the visual on how we created it

            // update the path
            GeneralPath gp   = cache.GeneralPath;
            Path        path = (Path)container.Children[0];

            path.Data = CreateGeometry(gp);

            // update the arrows
            base.UpdateArrows(context, container, edge, gp, cache.Arrows, cache.Arrows);
 public bool Equals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(other.Color == Color && other.Size.Equals(Size) && other.DrawPrerenderedShadow == DrawPrerenderedShadow);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the visual appearance of a label
        /// </summary>
        private void Render(IRenderContext context, ILabel label, VisualGroup container, IOrientedRectangle labelLayout, RenderDataCache cache)
            // store information with the visual on how we created it

            // background rectangle
            System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle rect = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle
                Width           = labelLayout.Width,
                Height          = labelLayout.Height,
                RadiusX         = labelLayout.Width / 10,
                RadiusY         = labelLayout.Height / 10,
                Stroke          = Brushes.SkyBlue,
                Fill            = fillBrush,
                StrokeThickness = 1

            // TextBlock with label text
            TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock
                Text        = cache.LabelText,
                FontFamily  = cache.Typeface.FontFamily,
                FontStretch = cache.Typeface.Stretch,
                FontStyle   = cache.Typeface.Style,
                FontWeight  = cache.Typeface.Weight,
                Foreground  = Brushes.Black,

            textBlock.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));

            // if edit button is visible align left, otherwise center
            double textPositionLeft = cache.ButtonVisibility == Visibility.Visible
                                  ? HorizontalInset
                                  : (labelLayout.Width - textBlock.DesiredSize.Width) / 2;

            textBlock.SetCanvasArrangeRect(new Rect(textPositionLeft,
                                                    (labelLayout.Height - textBlock.DesiredSize.Height) / 2,

            //////////////// New in this sample ////////////////

            if (cache.ButtonVisibility == Visibility.Visible)
                // get style for edit button from XAML resources

                // create edit button
                Button editLabelButton = new Button
                    Style = editButtonStyle
                editLabelButton.SetCanvasArrangeRect(new Rect(labelLayout.Width - HorizontalInset - ButtonSize, VerticalInset, ButtonSize, ButtonSize));

                // set button command
                editLabelButton.Command          = GraphCommands.EditLabel;
                editLabelButton.CommandParameter = label;
                editLabelButton.CommandTarget    = context.CanvasControl;


Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the edge-like connectors from a node to its labels
        /// </summary>
        private void RenderLabelEdges(IRenderContext context, INode node, VisualGroup container, RenderDataCache cache)
            if (node.Labels.Count > 0)
                // Create a SimpleEdge which will be used as a dummy for the rendering
                SimpleEdge simpleEdge = new SimpleEdge(null, null);
                // Assign the style
                simpleEdge.Style = new PolylineEdgeStyle();

                // Create a SimpleNode which provides the sourceport for the edge but won't be drawn itself
                SimpleNode sourceDummyNode = new SimpleNode {
                    Layout = new RectD(0, 0, node.Layout.Width, node.Layout.Height), Style = node.Style

                // Set sourceport to the port of the node using a dummy node that is located at the origin.
                simpleEdge.SourcePort = new SimplePort(sourceDummyNode, FreeNodePortLocationModel.NodeCenterAnchored);

                // Create a SimpleNode which provides the targetport for the edge but won't be drawn itself
                SimpleNode targetDummyNode = new SimpleNode();

                // Create port on targetDummynode for the label target
                targetDummyNode.Ports =
                    new ListEnumerable <IPort>(new[] { new SimplePort(targetDummyNode, FreeNodePortLocationModel.NodeCenterAnchored) });
                simpleEdge.TargetPort = new SimplePort(targetDummyNode, FreeNodePortLocationModel.NodeCenterAnchored);

                // Render one edge for each label
                foreach (PointD labelLocation in cache.LabelLocations)
                    // move the dummy node to the location of the label
                    targetDummyNode.Layout = new MutableRectangle(labelLocation, SizeD.Zero);

                    // now create the visual using the style interface:
                    IEdgeStyleRenderer renderer = simpleEdge.Style.Renderer;
                    IVisualCreator     creator  = renderer.GetVisualCreator(simpleEdge, simpleEdge.Style);
                    Visual             element  = creator.CreateVisual(context);
                    if (element != null)
        protected override VisualGroup UpdateVisual(IRenderContext context, VisualGroup oldVisual, IStripe stripe)
            var       layout = stripe.Layout.ToRectD();
            Thickness stripeInsets;
            //Check if values have changed - then update everything
            StripeDescriptor descriptor;

            if (stripe is IColumn)
                var col = (IColumn)stripe;
                stripeInsets = new Thickness(0, col.GetActualInsets().Top, 0, col.GetActualInsets().Bottom);
                var row = (IRow)stripe;
                stripeInsets = new Thickness(row.GetActualInsets().Left, 0, row.GetActualInsets().Right, 0);

            Thickness actualBorderThickness;

            if (stripe.GetChildStripes().Any())
                descriptor            = ParentDescriptor;
                actualBorderThickness = descriptor.BorderThickness;
                int index;
                if (stripe is IColumn)
                    var col   = (IColumn)stripe;
                    var leafs = col.Table.RootColumn.GetLeaves().ToList();
                    index                 = leafs.FindIndex((curr) => col == curr);
                    descriptor            = index % 2 == 0 ? EvenLeafDescriptor : OddLeafDescriptor;
                    actualBorderThickness = descriptor.BorderThickness;
                    var row   = (IRow)stripe;
                    var leafs = row.Table.RootRow.GetLeaves().ToList();
                    index                 = leafs.FindIndex((curr) => row == curr);
                    descriptor            = index % 2 == 0 ? EvenLeafDescriptor : OddLeafDescriptor;
                    actualBorderThickness = descriptor.BorderThickness;

            // get the data with which the oldvisual was created
            var oldCache = oldVisual.GetRenderDataCache <RenderDataCache>();
            // get the data for the new visual
            RenderDataCache newCache = CreateRenderDataCache(context, descriptor, stripe, stripeInsets);

            // check if something changed except for the location of the node
            if (!newCache.Equals(oldCache))
                // something changed - just re-render the visual
                return(CreateVisual(context, stripe));

            Border borderVisual = (Border)oldVisual.Children[0];

            borderVisual.Width           = layout.Width;
            borderVisual.Height          = layout.Height;
            borderVisual.BorderThickness = stripeInsets;

            Border stripeVisual = (Border)oldVisual.Children[1];

            stripeVisual.Width           = layout.Width;
            stripeVisual.Height          = layout.Height;
            stripeVisual.BorderThickness = actualBorderThickness;
Пример #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if this instance is equals to another <see cref="RenderDataCache"/> object
 /// </summary>
 public bool Equals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(other.Selected == Selected);
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the visual previously created by <see cref="CreateVisual"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Implementation of LabelStyleBase.UpdateVisual.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="context">The render context.</param>
        /// <param name="oldVisual">The visual that has been created in the call to <see cref="CreateVisual"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="label">The label to which this style instance is assigned.</param>
        /// <returns>The visual as required by the <see cref="IVisualCreator.CreateVisual"/> interface.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="CreateVisual"/>
        protected override VisualGroup UpdateVisual(IRenderContext context, VisualGroup oldVisual, ILabel label)
            // get the data with which the old visual was created
            RenderDataCache oldCache = oldVisual.GetRenderDataCache <RenderDataCache>();
            // get the data for the new visual
            RenderDataCache newCache = CreateRenderDataCache(context, label);


            // create a new visual if the cache has been changed or the container's contents seem to be wrong
            bool cacheChanged = !newCache.Equals(oldCache);

            if (cacheChanged)
                return(CreateVisual(context, label));

            if (oldVisual == null || oldVisual.Children.Count != (newCache.Selected?2:1))
                return(CreateVisual(context, label));

            var visual = oldVisual.Children[0];

            if (visual == null)
                return(CreateVisual(context, label));

            // Updates the dummy label which is internally used for rendering with the properties of the given label.
            UpdateDummyLabel(context, label);

            // create a new IRenderContext with a zoom of 1
            var cc           = new ContextConfigurator(context.CanvasControl.ContentRect);
            var innerContext = cc.CreateRenderContext(context.CanvasControl);

            // ReSharper disable once PossibleUnintendedReferenceComparison
            if (oldVisual.Transform != context.IntermediateTransform)
                oldVisual.Transform = context.IntermediateTransform;

            // update the visual created by the inner style renderer
            var creator       = InnerLabelStyle.Renderer.GetVisualCreator(dummyLabel, InnerLabelStyle);
            var updatedVisual = creator.UpdateVisual(innerContext, visual);

            if (updatedVisual == null)
                // nothing to display -> return nothing

            // ReSharper disable once PossibleUnintendedReferenceComparison
            if (updatedVisual != visual)

            // if selected: update the selection visual, too.
            if (newCache.Selected)
                var oldSelectionVisual = oldVisual.Children[1];

                Visual selectionVisual = UpdateSelectionVisual(innerContext, oldSelectionVisual, dummyLabel.GetLayout());
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleUnintendedReferenceComparison
                if (oldSelectionVisual != selectionVisual)
Пример #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if this instance is equal to another RenderDataCache object
 /// </summary>
 public bool Equals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(other.LabelText.Equals(LabelText) && other.ButtonVisibility == ButtonVisibility && other.Typeface.Equals(Typeface));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the visual appearance of a label
        /// </summary>
        private void Render(IRenderContext context, ILabel label, VisualGroup container, IOrientedRectangle labelLayout, RenderDataCache cache)
            // store information with the visual on how we created it

            // background rectangle
            System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle rect = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle
                Width           = labelLayout.Width,
                Height          = labelLayout.Height,
                RadiusX         = labelLayout.Width / 10,
                RadiusY         = labelLayout.Height / 10,
                Stroke          = Brushes.SkyBlue,
                Fill            = fillBrush,
                StrokeThickness = 1

            // TextBlock with label text
            TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock
                Text        = cache.LabelText,
                FontFamily  = cache.Typeface.FontFamily,
                FontStretch = cache.Typeface.Stretch,
                FontStyle   = cache.Typeface.Style,
                FontWeight  = cache.Typeface.Weight,
                Foreground  = Brushes.Black,

            textBlock.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));

            // text is left aligned
            double textPositionLeft = HorizontalInset;

            textBlock.SetCanvasArrangeRect(new Rect(textPositionLeft,
                                                    (labelLayout.Height - textBlock.DesiredSize.Height) / 2,

            //////////////// New in this sample ////////////////

            // create edit button
            Button editLabelButton = new Button
                Style = editButtonStyle

            editLabelButton.SetCanvasArrangeRect(new Rect(labelLayout.Width - HorizontalInset - ButtonSize, VerticalInset,
                                                          ButtonSize, ButtonSize));

            // let the button edit the label
            editLabelButton.Click += (sender, args) => ((GraphEditorInputMode)context.CanvasControl.InputMode).EditLabel(label);


 public bool Equals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(other.Descriptor == Descriptor && other.Insets == Insets && other.Stripe == Stripe);
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if this instance is equal to another RenderDataCache object
 /// </summary>
 public bool Equals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(other.LabelText.Equals(LabelText) && other.Typeface.Equals(Typeface));
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Actually creates the visual appearance of a node given the values provided by <see cref="RenderDataCache"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This renders the node and the edges to the labels and adds the visuals to the <paramref name="container"/>.
        /// All items are arranged as if the node was located at (0,0). <see cref="CreateVisual"/> and <see cref="UpdateVisual"/>
        /// finally arrange the container so that the drawing is translated into the final position.
        /// </remarks>
        private void Render(IRenderContext context, INode node, VisualGroup container, RenderDataCache cache)
            // store information with the visual on how we created it

            // draw the drop shadow
            DrawShadow(container, cache.Size);
            // draw edges to node labels
            RenderLabelEdges(context, node, container, cache);

            // determine the color to use for the rendering
            Color color = GetNodeColor(node);

            // the size of node
            SizeD nodeSize = cache.Size;

            Ellipse shape = new Ellipse
                Width  = nodeSize.Width,
                Height = nodeSize.Height

            // max and min needed for reflection effect calculation
            double max = Math.Max(nodeSize.Width, nodeSize.Height);
            double min = Math.Min(nodeSize.Width, nodeSize.Height);

            // Create Background gradient from specified background color
            shape.Fill = new LinearGradientBrush()
                GradientStops =
                    new GradientStop
                        Color =
                            Color.FromArgb((byte)Math.Max(0, color.A - 50),
                                           (byte)Math.Min(255, color.R * 1.7),
                                           (byte)Math.Min(255, color.G * 1.7),
                                           (byte)Math.Min(255, color.B * 1.7)),
                        Offset = 1
                    new GradientStop {
                        Color = color, Offset = 0.5
                    new GradientStop
                        Color =
                            Color.FromArgb((byte)Math.Max(0, color.A - 50),
                                           (byte)Math.Min(255, color.R * 1.4),
                                           (byte)Math.Min(255, color.G * 1.4),
                                           (byte)Math.Min(255, color.B * 1.4)),
                        Offset = 0
                StartPoint   = new Point(0, 0),
                EndPoint     = new Point(0.5 / (nodeSize.Width / max), 1 / (nodeSize.Height / max)),
                SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Pad

            // Create light reflection effects
            Ellipse reflection1 = new Ellipse
                Width  = min / 10,
                Height = min / 10,
                Fill   = Brushes.White
            Ellipse reflection2 = new Ellipse
                Width  = min / 7,
                Height = min / 7,
                Fill   = Brushes.AliceBlue

            PathGeometry reflection3 = new PathGeometry();
            PathFigure   figure      = new PathFigure();
            Point        startPoint  = new Point(nodeSize.Width / 2.5, nodeSize.Height / 10 * 9);
            Point        endPoint    = new Point(nodeSize.Width / 10 * 9, nodeSize.Height / 2.5);
            Point        ctrlPoint1  = new Point(startPoint.X + (endPoint.X - startPoint.X) / 2, nodeSize.Height);
            Point        ctrlPoint2  = new Point(nodeSize.Width, startPoint.Y + (endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y) / 2);
            Point        ctrlPoint3  = new Point(ctrlPoint1.X, ctrlPoint1.Y - nodeSize.Height / 10);
            Point        ctrlPoint4  = new Point(ctrlPoint2.X - nodeSize.Width / 10, ctrlPoint2.Y);

            figure.StartPoint = startPoint;
            figure.Segments.Add(new BezierSegment {
                Point1 = ctrlPoint1, Point2 = ctrlPoint2, Point3 = endPoint
            figure.Segments.Add(new BezierSegment {
                Point1 = ctrlPoint4, Point2 = ctrlPoint3, Point3 = startPoint
            figure.IsFilled = true;
            Path p = new Path();

            p.Data = reflection3;
            p.Fill = Brushes.AliceBlue;


            // place the reflections
            reflection1.SetCanvasArrangeRect(new Rect(nodeSize.Width / 5, nodeSize.Height / 5,
                                                      min / 10, min / 10));
            reflection2.SetCanvasArrangeRect(new Rect(nodeSize.Width / 4.9, nodeSize.Height / 4.9,
                                                      min / 7, min / 7));
            // and add all to the container for the node
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the visual appearance of a label
        /// </summary>
        private void Render(IRenderContext context, ILabel label, VisualGroup container, IOrientedRectangle labelLayout, RenderDataCache cache)
            // store information with the visual on how we created it

            // background rectangle
            System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle rect = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle
                Width           = labelLayout.Width,
                Height          = labelLayout.Height,
                RadiusX         = labelLayout.Width / 10,
                RadiusY         = labelLayout.Height / 10,
                Stroke          = Brushes.SkyBlue,
                Fill            = fillBrush,
                StrokeThickness = 1

            // TextBlock with label text
            TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock
                Text        = cache.LabelText,
                FontFamily  = cache.Typeface.FontFamily,
                FontStretch = cache.Typeface.Stretch,
                FontStyle   = cache.Typeface.Style,
                FontWeight  = cache.Typeface.Weight,
                Foreground  = Brushes.Black,

            textBlock.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));

            double textPositionLeft = (labelLayout.Width - textBlock.DesiredSize.Width) / 2;

            textBlock.SetCanvasArrangeRect(new Rect(textPositionLeft,
                                                    (labelLayout.Height - textBlock.DesiredSize.Height) / 2,
Пример #28
 public bool Equals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(other.Color == Color && other.Size.Equals(Size) &&
            ListsAreEqual(LabelLocations, other.LabelLocations));
 public bool Equals(RenderDataCache other)
     return(ListsAreEqual(LabelLocations, other.LabelLocations));