public override bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi) { if (ClickThrough || !RenderBounds.Contains(mi.Location)) { return(false); } if (!Draggable || (moving && (!TakeMouseFocus(mi) || mi.Button != MouseButton.Left))) { return(true); } if (prevMouseLocation == null) { prevMouseLocation = mi.Location; } var vec = mi.Location - (int2)prevMouseLocation; prevMouseLocation = mi.Location; switch (mi.Event) { case MouseInputEvent.Up: moving = false; YieldMouseFocus(mi); break; case MouseInputEvent.Down: moving = true; Bounds = new Rectangle(Bounds.X + vec.X, Bounds.Y + vec.Y, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height); break; case MouseInputEvent.Move: if (moving) { Bounds = new Rectangle(Bounds.X + vec.X, Bounds.Y + vec.Y, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height); } break; } return(true); }
public override bool HandleInput(GestureSample gs) { if (ClickThrough || !RenderBounds.Contains(gs.Position.ToInt2())) { return(false); } if (!Draggable || (moving && (!TakeFocus(gs) || gs.GestureType == GestureType.Tap))) { return(true); } if (prevMouseLocation != null) { prevMouseLocation = gs.Position.ToInt2(); } var vec = gs.Position.ToInt2() - (Int2)prevMouseLocation; prevMouseLocation = gs.Position.ToInt2(); switch (gs.GestureType) { case GestureType.DragComplete: moving = false; YieldFocus(gs); break; case GestureType.Tap: moving = true; Bounds = new Rectangle(Bounds.X + vec.X, Bounds.Y + vec.Y, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height); break; case GestureType.FreeDrag: //if (moving) Bounds = new Rectangle(Bounds.X + vec.X, Bounds.Y + vec.Y, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height); break; } return(true); }
public override bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi) { if (IsDisabled()) { return(false); } if (mi.Event != MouseInputEvent.Down) { return(false); } // Attempt to take keyboard focus if (!RenderBounds.Contains(mi.Location) || !TakeKeyboardFocus()) { return(false); } blinkCycle = 15; return(true); }
public override bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi) { if (IsDisabled()) { return(false); } if (mi.Event != MouseInputEvent.Down) { return(false); } // Attempt to take keyboard focus if (!RenderBounds.Contains(mi.Location) || !TakeKeyboardFocus()) { return(false); } ResetBlinkCycle(); CursorPosition = ClosestCursorPosition(mi.Location.X); return(true); }
public RenderBounds MakeRenderBounds(MapRectangle imageBounds) { RenderBounds renderBounds = new RenderBounds(); renderBounds.MinZoom = this.ZoomRange.min; renderBounds.MaxZoom = this.ZoomRange.max; renderBounds.TileSize = this.GetTileSize(); renderBounds.imageBounds = imageBounds; renderBounds.tileRectangle = new TileRectangle[renderBounds.MaxZoom + 1]; for (int i = renderBounds.MinZoom; i <= renderBounds.MaxZoom; i++) { renderBounds.tileRectangle[i] = new TileRectangle(); renderBounds.tileRectangle[i].zoom = i; LatLonZoom llz = new LatLonZoom(imageBounds.GetNW().lat, imageBounds.GetNW().lon, i); renderBounds.tileRectangle[i].TopLeft = this.GetTileContainingLatLonZoom(llz); llz = new LatLonZoom(imageBounds.GetSE().lat, imageBounds.GetSE().lon, i); renderBounds.tileRectangle[i].BottomRight = this.GetTileContainingLatLonZoom(llz); renderBounds.tileRectangle[i].StrideX = 1; renderBounds.tileRectangle[i].StrideY = 1; } return(renderBounds); }
protected virtual void InternalDraw(SKCanvas canvas) { using (var paint = new SKPaint()) { if (BackgroundColor.A > 0) { paint.Color = BackgroundColor.ToSKColor(); canvas.DrawRect(RenderBounds.ToSKRect(), paint); } if (FrameColor.A > 0) { paint.Color = FrameColor.ToSKColor(); paint.IsStroke = true; paint.StrokeWidth = (float)FrameThickness; canvas.DrawRect(RenderBounds.ToSKRect(), paint); } } if (Drawing != null) { Drawing(canvas); } }
public override bool HandleInput(GestureSample gs) { return(!ClickThrough && RenderBounds.Contains(gs.Position.ToInt2())); }
public static Entity SpawnVisualElement(EntityManager EntityManager, Entity parent, float3 localPosition, float2 iconSize, Texture2D iconTexture, Material baseIconMaterial, int queuePriority = 5000) { if (iconArchtype.Valid == false) { iconArchtype = EntityManager.CreateArchetype( typeof(Parent), typeof(LocalToParent), typeof(LocalToWorld), //transform typeof(Translation), typeof(Rotation), typeof(NonUniformScale), // renderer typeof(RenderMesh)); } Material iconMaterialInstance = null; if (baseIconMaterial != null) { iconMaterialInstance = new Material(baseIconMaterial); iconMaterialInstance.enableInstancing = true; //iconMaterialInstance.renderQueue = 6666; // iconMaterialInstance.SetFloat("_QueueOffset", queuePriority); if (iconTexture != null) { iconMaterialInstance.SetTexture("_BaseMap", iconTexture); } } Mesh iconMesh = MeshUtilities.CreateQuadMesh(iconSize); Entity newBar = EntityManager.CreateEntity(iconArchtype); if (EntityManager.Exists(parent)) { EntityManager.SetComponentData(newBar, new Parent { Value = parent }); } else { EntityManager.RemoveComponent <Parent>(newBar); EntityManager.RemoveComponent <LocalToParent>(newBar); EntityManager.AddComponentData(newBar, new FaceCameraComponent { }); } EntityManager.SetComponentData(newBar, new Translation { Value = localPosition }); EntityManager.SetComponentData(newBar, new Rotation { Value = quaternion.identity }); EntityManager.SetComponentData(newBar, new NonUniformScale { Value = new float3(1, 1, 1) }); EntityManager.SetSharedComponentData(newBar, new RenderMesh { material = iconMaterialInstance, mesh = iconMesh, castShadows = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off }); RenderBounds b = new RenderBounds { Value = new AABB { Extents = new float3(iconSize.x, iconSize.y, 0.5f) } }; EntityManager.AddComponentData(newBar, b); return(newBar); }
public static Entity SpawnPanel(EntityManager EntityManager, Entity character, Material baseMaterial, Material outlineMaterial, float2 panelSize) { //float3 orbitPosition =; if (panelArchtype.Valid == false) { panelArchtype = EntityManager.CreateArchetype( typeof(PanelUI), typeof(CameraLink), typeof(OrbitCamera), typeof(RenderBounds), // transform typeof(Translation), typeof(Rotation), typeof(NonUniformScale), typeof(LocalToWorld), // renderer typeof(RenderMesh)); } //float3 spawnPosition = EntityManager.GetComponentData<Translation>(character).Value; Material materialInstance = new Material(baseMaterial); //materialInstance.SetFloat("_QueueOffset", 100); Mesh panelMesh = MeshUtilities.CreateQuadMesh(panelSize); Entity characterUI = EntityManager.CreateEntity(panelArchtype); // fix bounds flickers mesh RenderBounds b = new RenderBounds { Value = new AABB { Extents = new float3(panelSize.x, panelSize.y, 0.5f) } }; EntityManager.SetComponentData(characterUI, b); EntityManager.SetComponentData(characterUI, new Rotation { Value = quaternion.identity }); EntityManager.SetComponentData(characterUI, new NonUniformScale { Value = new float3(1, 1, 1) }); EntityManager.SetSharedComponentData(characterUI, new RenderMesh { material = materialInstance, mesh = panelMesh, receiveShadows = true }); if (EntityManager.HasComponent <CameraLink>(character)) { CameraLink cameraLink = EntityManager.GetComponentData <CameraLink>(character); EntityManager.SetComponentData(characterUI, cameraLink); if (EntityManager.HasComponent <CharacterUIList>( { // update UI List CharacterUIList uiList = EntityManager.GetComponentData <CharacterUIList>(; // expand list Entity[] oldUIs = uiList.uis.ToArray(); List <Entity> uisList = new List <Entity>(); for (int i = 0; i < oldUIs.Length; i++) { if (EntityManager.Exists(oldUIs[i])) { uisList.Add(oldUIs[i]); } } uisList.Add(characterUI); uiList.uis = new BlitableArray <Entity>(uisList.Count, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent); for (int i = 0; i < uisList.Count; i++) { uiList.uis[i] = uisList[i]; } // uiList.uis[uis.Length] = characterUI; EntityManager.SetComponentData(, uiList); } } else { Debug.LogError("No Camera link assigned on character.."); } if (outlineMaterial) { // Debug.LogError("Spawning Outline Renderer."); var outline = SpawnVisualElement(EntityManager, characterUI,,, null, outlineMaterial); EntityManager.AddComponentData(characterUI, new OutlineLink { outline = outline }); } return(characterUI); }
public override bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi) { return(RenderBounds.Contains(mi.Location) && Skippable); }
public RenderBounds MakeRenderBounds(MapRectangle imageBounds) { RenderBounds renderBounds = new RenderBounds(); renderBounds.MinZoom = this.ZoomRange.min; renderBounds.MaxZoom = this.ZoomRange.max; renderBounds.TileSize = this.GetTileSize(); renderBounds.imageBounds = imageBounds; renderBounds.tileRectangle = new TileRectangle[renderBounds.MaxZoom + 1]; for (int i = renderBounds.MinZoom; i <= renderBounds.MaxZoom; i++) { renderBounds.tileRectangle[i] = new TileRectangle(); renderBounds.tileRectangle[i].zoom = i; LatLonZoom llz = new LatLonZoom(imageBounds.GetNW().lat, imageBounds.GetNW().lon, i); renderBounds.tileRectangle[i].TopLeft = this.GetTileContainingLatLonZoom(llz); llz = new LatLonZoom(imageBounds.GetSE().lat, imageBounds.GetSE().lon, i); renderBounds.tileRectangle[i].BottomRight = this.GetTileContainingLatLonZoom(llz); renderBounds.tileRectangle[i].StrideX = 1; renderBounds.tileRectangle[i].StrideY = 1; } return renderBounds; }
public RenderBoundsPresent(RenderBounds renderBounds) { this.renderBounds = renderBounds; }
public HitResult HitTest(Vector2 hitPosition) { return(bodyGeometry?.HitTest(this, hitPosition) ?? (RenderBounds.Contains(hitPosition) ? new HitResult(this, HitTarget.Node) : null)); }
void CreateLodEntity(float3 position, List <LodElelement> lodElements, float4 lodDistances) { EntityManager entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager; //Create a LOD group Component. var lodGroupType = entityManager.CreateArchetype( typeof(LocalToWorld), // Even if the group entity here has no renderer, it requires LocalToWorld typeof(Translation), // Transform position. The Lod-Distance is calculated against this. //typeof(Rotation), // Transform rotation - doesn't seem to be required //typeof(Scale), // Transform scale (version with X, Y and Z) - doesn't seem to be required typeof(MeshLODGroupComponent) //MeshLODGroupComponent defines the distances and the local reference point. ); // Create an entity which represents the LOD group Entity lodGroupEntity = entityManager.CreateEntity(lodGroupType); entityManager.SetComponentData(lodGroupEntity, new Translation() { Value = position }); entityManager.SetComponentData(lodGroupEntity, new MeshLODGroupComponent() { LODDistances0 = lodDistances, LODDistances1 = lodDistances, //XXX:What are LODDistances1 for? Addional Detail Levels? LocalReferencePoint = //XXX:Why is a reference point needed for distance calculation? Setting this to the position of the element gives strange results. }); // // The creation of the simple LOD group Component is finished here. Next step is adding addional entities which could be rendered. // //Generate RenderBounds for LOD Entities RenderBounds bounds = new RenderBounds { Value = GetBoxRenderBounds(new float3(1, 1, 1)) }; float3 pos = position; Quaternion rot = Quaternion.identity; float scale = 1f; //Create the Archetype for the LOD Trees (The things actually rendered) var treeType = entityManager.CreateArchetype( typeof(RenderMesh), // Rendering mesh typeof(LocalToWorld), // Needed for rendering typeof(Translation), // Transform position typeof(Rotation), // Transform rotation typeof(Scale), // Transform scale (version with X, Y and Z) typeof(RenderBounds), //Bounds to tell the Renderer where it is typeof(MeshLODComponent), //The actual LOD Component typeof(PerInstanceCullingTag) // Required for Occlusion Culling ); //Create an Array of the LOD entities NativeArray <Entity> lods = new NativeArray <Entity>(4, Allocator.Temp); //Create all the LOD Entities in bulk entityManager.CreateEntity(treeType, lods); //Loop through each entity of a detail level for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { CreateLOD(lods[i], lodGroupEntity, lodElements[i].mesh, lodElements[i].mat, GetLODMask(i), pos, rot, scale, bounds, entityManager); } lods.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets up the various information for a single LOD entity. /// </summary> /// <param name="lodLevelEntity"> An rendered Entity for a specific detail level </param> /// <param name="lodGroupEntity"> The manager for the LOD group. A single entity with 'MeshLODGroupComponent' </param> /// <param name="mesh">The mesh for this detail level</param> /// <param name="mat">The material for this detail level</param> /// <param name="LODMask">The LODMask (does this define which view range applies in some kind of bitfield-manner?) </param> /// <param name="position">The mesh world position</param> /// <param name="rotation">The mesh rotation</param> /// <param name="size">The mesh scale</param> /// <param name="bounds">The render bounds of the mesh</param> /// <param name="manager">The entity manager to set component data</param> void CreateLOD(Entity lodLevelEntity, Entity lodGroupEntity, Mesh mesh, Material mat, int LODMask, float3 position, quaternion rotation, float size, RenderBounds bounds, EntityManager manager) { //Create Render Mesh fpr the Index RenderMesh renderMesh = new RenderMesh { mesh = mesh, material = mat, subMesh = 0, castShadows = ShadowCastingMode.Off, receiveShadows = false }; //Set all Data manager.SetComponentData(lodLevelEntity, new Translation { Value = position }); manager.SetComponentData(lodLevelEntity, new Scale { Value = size }); manager.SetSharedComponentData(lodLevelEntity, renderMesh); manager.SetComponentData(lodLevelEntity, bounds); manager.SetComponentData(lodLevelEntity, new Rotation { Value = rotation }); //Setup the LOD Component. Set the Group to be the Parent, and get a Mask for the LOD manager.SetComponentData(lodLevelEntity, new MeshLODComponent { Group = lodGroupEntity, LODMask = LODMask }); }
private void EnemyCollision(ref EnemyData _enemyData, Translation _targetPos, ref Translation _bulletPos, ref RenderBounds _bounds, ref BulletData _bullet) { float3 bound = _bounds.Value.Extents; if (_bulletPos.Value.x - bound.x <= _targetPos.Value.x && _targetPos.Value.x <= _bulletPos.Value.x + bound.x && _bulletPos.Value.y - bound.y <= _targetPos.Value.y && _targetPos.Value.y <= _bulletPos.Value.y + bound.y && _bulletPos.Value.z - bound.z <= _targetPos.Value.z && _targetPos.Value.z <= _bulletPos.Value.z + bound.z) { // バレットを消すように見せかける Debug.Log($"EnemyHit\nRange ({_bulletPos.Value.x -bound.x}, {_bulletPos.Value.x +bound.x})\n({_bulletPos.Value.y -bound.y}, {_bulletPos.Value.y +bound.y})\n({_bulletPos.Value.z -bound.z}, {_bulletPos.Value.z +bound.z})\n"); _bulletPos.Value.x = GameConst.SCREEN_WIDTH; _bulletPos.Value.z = GameConst.SCREEN_HEIGHT; _enemyData.HP -= _bullet.Damage; _bullet.IsCollide = true; } }
private void PlayerCollision(ref PlayerData _playerData, Translation _targetPos, ref Translation _bulletPos, ref RenderBounds _bounds, ref BulletData _bullet) { float3 bound = _bounds.Value.Extents; if (_bulletPos.Value.x - bound.x <= _targetPos.Value.x && _targetPos.Value.x <= _bulletPos.Value.x + bound.x && _bulletPos.Value.y - bound.y <= _targetPos.Value.y && _targetPos.Value.y <= _bulletPos.Value.y + bound.y && _bulletPos.Value.z - bound.z <= _targetPos.Value.z && _targetPos.Value.z <= _bulletPos.Value.z + bound.z) { // バレットを消すように見せかける _bulletPos.Value.x = GameConst.SCREEN_WIDTH; _bulletPos.Value.z = GameConst.SCREEN_HEIGHT; _playerData.Life -= _bullet.Damage; _bullet.IsCollide = true; } }
public override bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi) { return(!ClickThrough && RenderBounds.Contains(mi.Location)); }
private void SpawnParticles(int count) { float2 bottomLeft = (Vector2)Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(0, 0)); float2 topRight = (Vector2)Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height)); RenderMesh rm = new RenderMesh { mesh = _particleMesh, material = _particleMaterial, castShadows = ShadowCastingMode.Off, receiveShadows = false }; RenderBounds bounds = new RenderBounds { Value = { Extents = new float3(1, 1, 1) } }; NativeArray <Entity> particles = new NativeArray <Entity>(count, Allocator.TempJob); _entityManager.CreateEntity(_particleType, particles); Random r = new Random((uint)(1 + count + Time.time * 1000)); float2 minVal = new float2(-_particleMaxSpeed, -_particleMaxSpeed); float2 maxVel = new float2(_particleMaxSpeed, _particleMaxSpeed); for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++) { float mass = r.NextFloat(_particleMass.x, _particleMass.y); float radius = math.pow(3 / (4 * math.PI) * mass / _particleDensity, 1f / 3f); float scale = radius * 2f; Translation pos = new Translation() { Value = new float3(r.NextFloat2(bottomLeft, topRight), 0f) }; Entity particle = particles[i]; _entityManager.SetComponentData(particle, pos); _entityManager.SetComponentData(particle, bounds); _entityManager.SetSharedComponentData(particle, rm); _entityManager.SetComponentData(particle, new Mass() { Value = mass }); _entityManager.SetComponentData(particle, new Velocity() { Value = r.NextFloat2(minVal, maxVel) }); _entityManager.SetComponentData(particle, new Radius() { Value = radius }); _entityManager.SetComponentData(particle, new Scale() { Value = scale }); } particles.Dispose(); }