Пример #1
        // Callback triggered when group is deleted
        private void EndDeleteGroupCompleted(IAsyncResult ar)
            ContactGroupServices services = ar.AsyncState as ContactGroupServices;

                Console.WriteLine("Group {0} was successfully deleted.", _groupName);
            catch (PublishSubscribeException psex)
                Console.WriteLine("Group {0} could not be deleted due to exception: {1}",
                                  _groupName, psex.ToString());
            catch (InvalidOperationException ioex)
                Console.WriteLine("Delete Group failed due to exception: {0}", ioex.ToString());
            catch (OperationFailureException ofex)
                Console.WriteLine("Delete Group failed due to exception: {0}", ofex.ToString());
            catch (RealTimeException rtex)
                Console.WriteLine("Delete Group failed due to exception: {0}", rtex.ToString());
                // Unsubscribe to target user
                _remotePresenceView.StartUnsubscribingToPresentities(new string[] { _target.Address.Uri });
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Unsubscribe from a specific uri.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sipUri">Sip uri to unsubscribe from. Cannot be null or empty.</param>
        private void Unsubscribe(string sipUri)
            Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sipUri), "Sip uri is null or empty");
            SipUriParser uriParser;

            if (SipUriParser.TryParse(sipUri, out uriParser))
                m_remotePresenceView.StartUnsubscribingToPresentities(new List <string> {
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the application configuration and begins running the
        /// sample.
        /// </summary>
        private void Run()
            // Prepare and instantiate the platform and an endpoint.
            _helper       = new UCMASampleHelper();
            _userEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "SubscribePresenceView Sample User" /*endpointFriendlyName*/);

            // Get the Uri of the remote user to subscribe to.
            _remoteUserUri = "sip:" +
                "Please enter the URI, in the format User@Host, of the user to subscribe to => ",

            Console.WriteLine("\nChanging PresenceSubscriptionCategory Filter to only include ContactCard " +
                              "and PresenceState");
            // Set category filter. This is a global filter for all persistent
            // subscriptions and can only be changed before any subscriptions
            // are active.
            // BUGBUG: error CS0618: 'Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.LocalEndpoint.RemotePresence' is obsolete: 'This property will be removed from future Versions. Please see RemotePresenceView and PresenceServices instead.'
            // _userEndpoint.RemotePresence.PresenceSubscriptionCategories =
            //    new string[] { PresenceCategoryNames.ContactCard, PresenceCategoryNames.State };

            // RemotePresencView objects can be used to group subscriptions.
            // When a RemotePresenceView is created, it is created with the
            // specified RemotePresenceViewSettings and associated with the
            // specified LocalEndpoint. The views can then be accessed via the
            // LocalEndpoint setting: RemotePresenceViews.

            // RemotePresenceView.ApplicationContext can be used to pass or
            // store information related to the view (seen below).

            // Create a RemotePresenceView with a persistent subscription mode.
            // This type of view can represent a contact list, for example.
            // Note: The Default SubscriptionMode will start a subscription as
            // Persistent and downgrade to Polling if an error occurs.
            var persistentSettings = new RemotePresenceViewSettings();

            persistentSettings.SubscriptionMode = RemotePresenceViewSubscriptionMode.Default;
            _persistentView = new RemotePresenceView(_userEndpoint, persistentSettings);
            _persistentView.ApplicationContext = "Persistent View";

            // Wire up event handlers for the view

            // Create a RemotePresenceView with a polling subscription mode
            // This type of view can represent a list of people
            // on the To: line of an e-mail, for example.
            var pollingSettings = new RemotePresenceViewSettings();

            pollingSettings.SubscriptionMode = RemotePresenceViewSubscriptionMode.Polling;
            // The line below is not necessary; PollingInterval has a default
            // (and minimum) value of 5 minutes.
            pollingSettings.PollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
            _pollingView = new RemotePresenceView(_userEndpoint, pollingSettings);
            _pollingView.ApplicationContext = "Polling View";

            // Wire up event handlers for the view

            Console.WriteLine("\nChanging Polling View's category filter to only include Note.");
                new string[] { PresenceCategoryNames.Note });

                // This constructor does very basic validation on the uri
                _target = new RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget(_remoteUserUri);
            catch (ArgumentException argumentException)
                // ArgumentException will be thrown if the parameter used to
                // create the RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget is an
                // invalid sip Uri.

                // TODO (Left to the reader): Error handling code to either
                // retry creating the target with corrected parameters, log
                // the error for debugging or gracefully exit the program.

            Console.WriteLine("\nInitiating subscriptions for both Views to user: "******"succeed", but the StateChanged notifications will indicate the
            // subscription went to a Terminated state.
            _persistentView.StartSubscribingToPresentities(new RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget[] { _target });
            _pollingView.StartSubscribingToPresentities(new RemotePresentitySubscriptionTarget[] { _target });

            // There is no callback for the StartSubscribingToPresentities
            // operation because subscriptions to multiple targets can
            // complete at different times. Completion or failure of the
            // subscription can be monitored through the
            // SubscriptionStateChanged event handler,
            // RemotePresenceView_NotificationReceived.

            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to unsubscribe.");

            Console.WriteLine("\nBoth Views are terminating any subscriptions to user: "******"Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");

            // Shutdown Platform