private static void SetupRegistryForFrontMan(String appImageExe, RegistryOperation oper) { if (!IsUserAdmin()) { Console.WriteLine("You must be admin to do that. Run the app from the administrative console."); return; } // extrace image.exe if path is provided appImageExe = Path.GetFileName(appImageExe); var regkey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options", true); // add to image file execution path if (oper == RegistryOperation.INSTALL) { regkey = regkey.CreateSubKey(appImageExe); regkey.SetValue("Debugger", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); } else if (oper == RegistryOperation.UNINSTALL) { regkey.DeleteSubKey(appImageExe, false); } }
private string GetSccmToolsExe() { const string appKeyPath = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SccmTools.exe"; string valueName = null; var rootKey = Registry.LocalMachine; var sccmToolsExe = RegistryOperation.GetValue(rootKey, appKeyPath, valueName) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sccmToolsExe) && File.Exists(sccmToolsExe)) { return(sccmToolsExe); } const string appKeyPath32 = @"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SccmTools.exe"; sccmToolsExe = RegistryOperation.GetValue(rootKey, appKeyPath32, valueName) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sccmToolsExe) && File.Exists(sccmToolsExe)) { return(sccmToolsExe); } Log.LogWarning($"Did not find SccmTools.exe by look up in Apps Paths (neither '{appKeyPath}' or '{appKeyPath32}'). SccmTools.exe do not seem to be installed. Please download and install SccmTools from or manually specify path to SccmTools.exe"); return(null); }
public static void SetupRegistryForProcessGovernor(ProcessGovernor procgov, string appImageExe, RegistryOperation oper) { if (!IsUserAdmin()) { Console.Error.WriteLine("You must be admin to do that. Run the app from the administrative console."); return; } // extrace image.exe if path is provided appImageExe = Path.GetFileName(appImageExe); var regkey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options", true); // add to image file execution path if (oper == RegistryOperation.INSTALL) { regkey = regkey.CreateSubKey(appImageExe); regkey.SetValue("Debugger", PrepareDebuggerCommandString(procgov, appImageExe)); } else if (oper == RegistryOperation.UNINSTALL) { regkey.DeleteSubKey(appImageExe, false); var appEnvironmentFilePath = GetAppEnvironmentFilePath(appImageExe); if (File.Exists(appEnvironmentFilePath)) { File.Delete(appEnvironmentFilePath); } } }
public static int Main(string[] args) { ShowHeader(); using (var procgov = new ProcessGovernor()) { List <string> procargs = null; bool showhelp = false, nogui = false, debug = false; int pid = 0; RegistryOperation registryOperation = RegistryOperation.NONE; var p = new OptionSet() { { "m|maxmem=", "Max committed memory usage in bytes (accepted suffixes: K, M or G).", v => { procgov.MaxProcessMemory = ParseMemoryString(v); } }, { "env=", "A text file with environment variables (each line in form: VAR=VAL). Applies only to newly created processes.", v => LoadCustomEnvironmentVariables(procgov, v) }, { "c|cpu=", "If in hex (starts with 0x) it is treated as an affinity mask, otherwise it is a number of CPU cores assigned to your app.", v => { if (v.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { procgov.CpuAffinityMask = long.Parse(v.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber); } else { procgov.CpuAffinityMask = CalculateAffinityMaskFromCpuCount(int.Parse(v)); } } }, { "r|recursive", "Apply limits to child processes too (will wait for all processes to finish).", v => { procgov.PropagateOnChildProcesses = v != null; } }, { "newconsole", "Start the process in a new console window.", v => { procgov.SpawnNewConsoleWindow = v != null; } }, { "nogui", "Hide Process Governor console window (set always when installed as debugger).", v => { nogui = v != null; } }, { "p|pid=", "Attach to an already running process", (int v) => pid = v }, { "install", "Install procgov as a debugger for a specific process using Image File Executions. " + "DO NOT USE this option if the process you want to control starts child instances of itself (for example, Chrome).", v => { registryOperation = RegistryOperation.INSTALL; } }, { "t|timeout=", "Kill the process (with -r, also all its children) if it does not finish within the specified time. " + "Add suffix to define the time unit. Valid suffixes are: ms, s, m, h.", (string v) => procgov.ClockTimeLimitInMilliseconds = ParseTimeStringToMilliseconds(v) }, { "process-utime=", "Kill the process (with -r, also applies to its children) if it exceeds the given " + "user-mode execution time. Add suffix to define the time unit. Valid suffixes are: ms, s, m, h.", (string v) => procgov.ProcessUserTimeLimitInMilliseconds = ParseTimeStringToMilliseconds(v) }, { "job-utime=", "Kill the process (with -r, also all its children) if the total user-mode execution " + "time exceed the specified value. Add suffix to define the time unit. Valid suffixes are: ms, s, m, h.", (string v) => procgov.JobUserTimeLimitInMilliseconds = ParseTimeStringToMilliseconds(v) }, { "uninstall", "Uninstall procgov for a specific process.", v => { registryOperation = RegistryOperation.UNINSTALL; } }, { "debugger", "Internal - do not use.", v => debug = v != null }, { "v|verbose", "Show verbose messages in the console.", v => procgov.ShowTraceMessages = v != null }, { "h|help", "Show this message and exit", v => showhelp = v != null }, { "?", "Show this message and exit", v => showhelp = v != null } }; try { procargs = p.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException ex) { Console.Error.Write("ERROR: invalid argument"); Console.Error.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); showhelp = true; } catch (FormatException) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: invalid number in one of the constraints"); Console.WriteLine(); showhelp = true; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); showhelp = true; } if (!showhelp && registryOperation != RegistryOperation.NONE) { if (procargs.Count == 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: please provide an image name for a process you would like to intercept."); return(1); } SetupRegistryForProcessGovernor(procgov, procargs[0], registryOperation); return(0); } if (!showhelp && (procargs.Count == 0 && pid == 0) || (pid > 0 && procargs.Count > 0)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: please provide either process name or PID of the already running process"); Console.WriteLine(); showhelp = true; } if (showhelp) { ShowHelp(p); return(0); } if (nogui) { WinWindows.NativeMethods.ShowWindow(WinWindows.NativeMethods.GetConsoleWindow(), WinWindows.NativeMethods.SW_HIDE); } try { ShowLimits(procgov); if (debug) { return(procgov.StartProcessUnderDebuggerAndDetach(procargs)); } if (pid > 0) { return(procgov.AttachToProcess(pid)); } return(procgov.StartProcess(procargs)); } catch (Win32Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} (0x{1:X})", ex.Message, ex.ErrorCode); return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}", ex.Message); return(1); } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { using (var procgov = new ProcessGovernor()) { List <string> procargs = null; bool showhelp = false, nogui = false, debug = false; int pid = 0; RegistryOperation registryOperation = RegistryOperation.NONE; var p = new OptionSet() { { "m|maxmem=", "Max committed memory usage in bytes (accepted suffixes: K, M or G).", v => { procgov.MaxProcessMemory = ParseMemoryString(v); } }, { "env=", "A text file with environment variables (each line in form: VAR=VAL). Applies only to newly created processes.", v => LoadCustomEnvironmentVariables(procgov, v) }, { "c|cpu=", "If in hex (starts with 0x) it is treated as an affinity mask, otherwise it is a number of CPU cores assigned to your app.", v => { if (v.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { procgov.CpuAffinityMask = long.Parse(v.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber); } else { procgov.CpuAffinityMask = CalculateAffinityMaskFromCpuCount(int.Parse(v)); } } }, { "newconsole", "Start the process in a new console window.", v => { procgov.SpawnNewConsoleWindow = v != null; } }, { "nogui", "Hide Process Governor console window (set always when installed as debugger).", v => { nogui = v != null; } }, { "p|pid=", "Attach to an already running process", (int v) => pid = v }, { "install", "Installs procgov as a debugger for a specific process using Image File Executions.", v => { registryOperation = RegistryOperation.INSTALL; } }, { "uninstall", "Uninstalls procgov for a specific process.", v => { registryOperation = RegistryOperation.UNINSTALL; } }, { "debugger", "Internal - do not use.", v => { debug = v != null; } }, { "h|help", "Show this message and exit", v => showhelp = v != null }, { "?", "Show this message and exit", v => showhelp = v != null } }; try { procargs = p.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException ex) { Console.Write("ERROR: invalid argument"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); showhelp = true; } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: invalid number in one of the constraints"); Console.WriteLine(); showhelp = true; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); showhelp = true; } if (!showhelp && registryOperation != RegistryOperation.NONE) { if (procargs.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: please provide an image name for a process you would like to intercept."); return; } SetupRegistryForProcessGovernor(procgov, procargs[0], registryOperation); return; } if (!showhelp && (procargs.Count == 0 && pid == 0) || (pid > 0 && procargs.Count > 0)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: please provide either process name or PID of the already running process"); Console.WriteLine(); showhelp = true; } if (showhelp) { ShowHelp(p); return; } if (nogui) { WinWindows.NativeMethods.ShowWindow(WinWindows.NativeMethods.GetConsoleWindow(), WinWindows.NativeMethods.SW_HIDE); } try { if (debug) { procgov.StartProcessUnderDebuggerAndDetach(procargs); } else if (pid > 0) { procgov.AttachToProcess(pid); } else { procgov.StartProcess(procargs); } } catch (Win32Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} (0x{1:X})", ex.Message, ex.ErrorCode); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}", ex.Message); } } }
public static RegistryKey RegistryGetKey(String key, RegistryView registryView, RegistryOperation operation) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); RegistryKey baseRegistryKey = RegistryGetBaseKey(key); if (baseRegistryKey == null) return null; if (key.IndexOf('\\') == -1 || (key.IndexOf('\\') != -1 && key.IndexOf('\\') + 1 >= key.Length)) return baseRegistryKey; if (SgiUtils.GetRegistryKeyDangerousHandle(baseRegistryKey) == IntPtr.Zero) return null; String subkeyName = key.Substring(key.IndexOf('\\') + 1); RegistryKeySecurityAndAccessRightsKey registryViewKey; if (registryView == RegistryView.Registry64) registryViewKey = RegistryKeySecurityAndAccessRightsKey.Wow6464Key; else if (registryView == RegistryView.Registry32) registryViewKey = RegistryKeySecurityAndAccessRightsKey.Wow6432Key; else registryViewKey = RegistryKeySecurityAndAccessRightsKey.None; Int32 subKeyHandle; RegistryResultDisposition disposition = RegistryResultDisposition.None; Int32 result; switch (operation) { case RegistryOperation.CreateKey: result = UnsafeNativeMethods.RegCreateKeyEx(GetRegistryKeyDangerousHandle(baseRegistryKey), subkeyName, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, (Int32)(RegistryKeySecurityAndAccessRightsKey.AllAccess | registryViewKey), IntPtr.Zero, out subKeyHandle, out disposition); break; case RegistryOperation.OpenKey: result = UnsafeNativeMethods.RegOpenKeyEx(GetRegistryKeyDangerousHandle(baseRegistryKey), subkeyName, 0, (Int32)(RegistryKeySecurityAndAccessRightsKey.AllAccess | registryViewKey), out subKeyHandle); break; default: return null; } if (result != 0) // Oh noooes! Unknown error :( return null; RegistryKey registryKey = SubkeyHandleToRegistryKey((IntPtr)subKeyHandle, true, false); if (disposition == RegistryResultDisposition.CreatedNewKey) registryKey.Flush(); // Fix name of registryKey cuz it is empty and return return RegistryKeyFixName(registryKey, baseRegistryKey, subkeyName); }