public CommandResponse Execute(GameState game, string[] args) { var updatedRegions = new Regions(); // Update visible regions for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i += 3) { int regionId = int.Parse(args[i]); int armies = int.Parse(args[i + 2]); string ownerId = args[i + 1]; Region region = game.Map.Regions[regionId]; region.Armies = armies; region.IsVisible = true; if (ownerId == "neutral") region.Owner = null; else region.Owner = ownerId == game.Bot.BotPlayer.Id ? game.Bot.BotPlayer : game.Opponents[args[i + 1]]; updatedRegions.Add(region); } // Mark invisible regions as such. Leave the previous info in place for now. game.Map.Regions.Except(updatedRegions).ToList().ForEach(r => { r.IsVisible = false; }); return new CommandResponse(CommandAction.None); }
public MasterServerRequestBatchPacket(Regions regionCode, string startIp, string filter) : base(SteamPacketTypes.A2M_GET_SERVERS_BATCH2) { Region = regionCode; StartIP = startIp; Filter = filter; }
public static string BuildApiStaticDataUrl(Regions region, Config currentConfiguration) { string staticDataFormat = "{0}{1}/{2}/{3}"; string baseUrl = Config.GetBaseUrl(; string staticDataUrl = string.Format(staticDataFormat, baseUrl, currentConfiguration.StaticData, region, currentConfiguration.ApiLatestStaticDataVersion); return staticDataUrl; }
public Maticsoft.Model.Shop.Shipping.ShippingAddress GetModel(int ShippingId) { Regions regions = new Regions(); Maticsoft.Model.Shop.Shipping.ShippingAddress model = this.dal.GetModel(ShippingId); if (model != null) { model.RegionFullName = regions.GetFullNameById4Cache(model.RegionId); } return model; }
public string GetRegionName(object target) { string str = string.Empty; if (!StringPlus.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { int id = Globals.SafeInt(target, 0); str = new Regions().GetFullNameById4Cache(id); } return str; }
public CommandResponse Execute(GameState game, string[] args) { var availableOptions = new Regions(); for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) availableOptions.Add(game.Map.Regions[int.Parse(args[i])]); Regions selectedRegions = game.Bot.PickStartingRegions(game.Map, availableOptions); return new CommandResponse(CommandAction.SendData, string.Join(" ", selectedRegions.Select(r => r.Id.ToString()))); }
public Regions PickStartingRegions(Map map, Regions availableOptions) { int numberToPick = availableOptions.Count > GameSettings.StartingRegions ? GameSettings.StartingRegions : availableOptions.Count; var selectedRegions = new Regions(); // Sgt. Stupid picks random regions from the ones he was provided. availableOptions.OrderBy(x => _random.Next()).Take(numberToPick) .ToList() .ForEach(selectedRegions.Add); return selectedRegions; }
public Regions PickStartingRegions(Map map, Regions availableOptions) { int numberToPick = availableOptions.Count > 6 ? 6 : availableOptions.Count; IEnumerable<RegionScore<StartRegion>> scores = _calc.CalculateStartRegions(map); var pickList = new Regions(); pickList.AddRange(scores .OrderByCumulativeScore() .Where(r => availableOptions.Contains(r.Region)) .Select(r => r.Region) .Take(numberToPick)); return pickList; }
private void ShowInfo(int ID) { AccountsPrincipal existingPrincipal = new AccountsPrincipal(ID); User user = new User(existingPrincipal); UsersExpModel usersExpModel = new UsersExp().GetUsersExpModel(ID); if ((user != null) && (usersExpModel != null)) { this.lblUserName.Text = user.UserName; this.lblTrueName.Text = user.TrueName; this.lblPhone.Text = user.Phone; this.lblNickName.Text = user.NickName; this.lblEmail.Text = user.Email; this.lblAblums.Text = usersExpModel.AblumsCount.ToString(); this.lblFans.Text = usersExpModel.FansCount.ToString(); this.lblFav.Text = usersExpModel.FavouritesCount.ToString(); this.lblFellows.Text = usersExpModel.FellowCount.ToString(); this.lblProducts.Text = usersExpModel.ProductsCount.ToString(); this.lblSex.Text = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Sex) && (user.Sex.Trim() == "0")) ? "女" : "男"; this.lblActivity.Text = user.Activity ? "正常使用" : "已经冻结"; this.lblCreTime.Text = user.User_dateCreate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } if (usersExpModel != null) { Regions regions = new Regions(); this.imageGra.ImageUrl = string.Format("/Upload/User/Gravatar/{0}.jpg", usersExpModel.UserID); string regionNameByRID = regions.GetRegionNameByRID(Globals.SafeInt(usersExpModel.Address, 0)); if (regionNameByRID.Contains("北京北京")) { regionNameByRID = regionNameByRID.Replace("北京北京", "北京"); } else if (regionNameByRID.Contains("上海上海")) { regionNameByRID = regionNameByRID.Replace("上海上海", "上海"); } else if (regionNameByRID.Contains("重庆重庆")) { regionNameByRID = regionNameByRID.Replace("重庆重庆", "重庆"); } else if (regionNameByRID.Contains("天津天津")) { regionNameByRID = regionNameByRID.Replace("天津天津", "天津"); } this.lblAddress.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(usersExpModel.Address) ? "暂未设置" : regionNameByRID; this.lblPoints.Text = usersExpModel.Points.ToString(); this.lblLoginDate.Text = usersExpModel.LastLoginTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } }
public List<Maticsoft.Model.Shop.Shipping.ShippingAddress> DataTableToList(DataTable dt) { Regions regions = new Regions(); List<Maticsoft.Model.Shop.Shipping.ShippingAddress> list = new List<Maticsoft.Model.Shop.Shipping.ShippingAddress>(); int count = dt.Rows.Count; if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Maticsoft.Model.Shop.Shipping.ShippingAddress item = this.dal.DataRowToModel(dt.Rows[i]); if (item != null) { item.RegionFullName = regions.GetFullNameById4Cache(item.RegionId); list.Add(item); } } } return list; }
public static String GetImageFolder(Regions region) { //const string basic = @"~/ifd/gallery/"; string basic = String.Empty; switch (region) { case Regions.CC: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.CC); case Regions.NR1: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.NR1); case Regions.NR2: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.NR2); case Regions.WR1: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.WR1); case Regions.WR2: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.WR2); case Regions.SR1: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.SR1); case Regions.SR2: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.SR2); case Regions.ER1: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.ER1); case Regions.ER2: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.ER2); case Regions.NER: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.NER); case Regions.POSCC: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.POSCC); case Regions.NRLDC: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.NRLDC); case Regions.NERLDC: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.NERLDC); case Regions.SRLDC: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.SRLDC); case Regions.WRLDC: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.WRLDC); case Regions.ERLDC: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.ERLDC); default: return basic + Enum.GetName(typeof(Regions), Regions.INVALID); } }
public static bool Match(Value left, Value right, bool required, Block condition, string bindingName = "", bool assigning = false) { if (left is IMatch matching) { return(returnMatched(matching.Match(right), required, condition)); } switch (right) { case BoundValue boundValue: { var fieldName = boundValue.Name; var realResult = Match(left, boundValue.InnerValue, required, condition, fieldName); if (realResult && !(boundValue.InnerValue is Class)) { Regions.SetBinding(fieldName, left, assigning); } return(realResult); } case Block block: right = block.Evaluate(); break; } if (left is Some leftSome) { var(someMatched, cargoName, cargo) = leftSome.Match(right); if (someMatched && cargoName != "_") { Regions.SetBinding(cargoName, cargo, assigning); } return(returnMatched(someMatched, required, condition)); } if (left.Type == ValueType.None && right.Type == ValueType.None) { return(returnMatched(true, required, condition)); } switch (left) { case Failure leftFailure: { var(someMatched, messageName, message) = leftFailure.Match(right); if (someMatched && messageName != "_") { Regions.SetBinding(messageName, message, assigning); } return(returnMatched(someMatched, required, condition)); } case List leftList when right is List rightList: return(returnMatched(leftList.Match(rightList), required, condition)); case List when right.IsNil: return(returnMatched(false, required, condition)); } bool leftWasAnObject; bool matched; if (right.Type != ValueType.Any && right.Type != ValueType.Placeholder) { matched = matchToLeftObject(left, right, required, condition, out leftWasAnObject, bindingName, assigning); if (leftWasAnObject) { return(returnMatched(matched, required, condition)); } } if (right is Object rightObject) { var rightClass = rightObject.Class; if (rightClass.RespondsTo("match")) { left = rightClass.StaticObject.SendToSelf("match", left); if (left?.IsNil ?? true) { return(returnMatched(false, required, condition)); } matched = matchToLeftObject(left, right, required, condition, out leftWasAnObject, bindingName, assigning); if (leftWasAnObject) { return(returnMatched(matched, required, condition)); } } } if (left is Record leftRecord && right is Record rightRecord) { return(returnMatched(leftRecord.Match(rightRecord, required), required, condition)); } if (right is AutoInvoker autoInvoker) { right = autoInvoker.Resolve(); } if (left.IsNil || right.IsNil) { return(returnMatched(false, required, condition)); } if (right is Alternation alternation) { alternation.Reset(); while (true) { var value = alternation.Dequeue(); if (value.IsNil) { return(returnMatched(false, required, condition)); } var result = Match(left, value, required, condition); if (result) { return(returnMatched(true, required, condition)); } } } if (left.ID == right.ID) { return(returnMatched(true, required, condition)); } if (left.Type == ValueType.String && right.Type == ValueType.String) { return(returnMatched(string.Compare(left.Text, right.Text, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0, required, condition)); } switch (right.Type) { case ValueType.Any: return(returnMatched(true, required, condition)); case ValueType.TypeName: return(returnMatched(right.Compare(left) == 0, required, condition)); case ValueType.Placeholder: Regions.SetBinding(right.Text, left, assigning); return(returnMatched(true, required, condition)); case ValueType.Symbol: return(returnMatched(string.Compare(right.Text, left.Text, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0, required, condition)); } if (right.IsArray) { var rightArray = (Array)right.SourceArray; if (left is Generator generator) { return(returnMatched(generator.Match(rightArray, required, assigning), required, condition)); } if (left.IsArray) { var leftArray = (Array)left.SourceArray; return(returnMatched(leftArray.MatchArray(rightArray, required, assigning), required, condition)); } var verb = new Equals(); return(returnMatched(verb.DoComparison(left, rightArray).IsTrue, required, condition)); } if (right.Type == ValueType.Tuple && left.Type == ValueType.Tuple) { var leftTuple = (OTuple)left; var rightTuple = (OTuple)right; return(returnMatched(leftTuple.Match(rightTuple, required, assigning), required, condition)); } switch (right.Type) { case ValueType.Block: return(returnMatched(((Block)right).IsTrue, required, condition)); case ValueType.Lambda: var closure = (Lambda)right; var variableName = closure.Parameters.VariableName(0, State.DefaultParameterNames.ValueVariable); Regions.SetBinding(variableName, left, assigning); return(returnMatched(closure.Block.Evaluate().IsTrue, required, condition)); case ValueType.Message: var message = (Message)right; return(returnMatched(message.MessageName.EndsWith("?") ? SendMessage(left, message).IsTrue : MessageManager.MessagingState.RespondsTo(left, message.MessageName), required, condition)); case ValueType.MessagePath: var messageChain = (MessagePath)right; return(returnMatched(messageChain.Invoke(left).IsTrue, required, condition)); case ValueType.Null: return(returnMatched(left.Type == ValueType.Null, required, condition)); case ValueType.Set: var set = (Set)right; return(returnMatched(set.Contains(left), required, condition)); } return(right switch { Unto unto => returnMatched(unto.CompareTo(left), required, condition), Regex regex => returnMatched(regex.Match(left.Text).IsTrue, required, condition), _ => returnMatched(right is Pattern pattern ? pattern.MatchAndBind(left.Text) : Runtime.Compare(left, right) == 0, required, condition) });
public EntityService(string subscriptionKey, Regions region) : base(subscriptionKey, region) { }
public override void ReadDataXML(XElement ele, ElderScrollsPlugin master) { XElement subEle; if (ele.TryPathTo("EditorID", false, out subEle)) { if (EditorID == null) { EditorID = new SimpleSubrecord <String>(); } EditorID.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("Name", false, out subEle)) { if (Name == null) { Name = new SimpleSubrecord <String>(); } Name.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("CellFlags", false, out subEle)) { if (CellFlags == null) { CellFlags = new SimpleSubrecord <CellFlags>(); } CellFlags.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("Grid", false, out subEle)) { if (Grid == null) { Grid = new CellGrid(); } Grid.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("Lighting", false, out subEle)) { if (Lighting == null) { Lighting = new CellLighting(); } Lighting.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("FootstepMaterial", false, out subEle)) { if (FootstepMaterial == null) { FootstepMaterial = new FootstepMaterial(); } FootstepMaterial.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("LightTemplate", false, out subEle)) { if (LightTemplate == null) { LightTemplate = new RecordReference(); } LightTemplate.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("LightTemplateInherit", false, out subEle)) { if (LightTemplateInherit == null) { LightTemplateInherit = new SimpleSubrecord <LightTemplateInheritFlags>(); } LightTemplateInherit.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("WaterHeight", false, out subEle)) { if (WaterHeight == null) { WaterHeight = new SimpleSubrecord <Single>(); } WaterHeight.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("WaterNoiseTexture", false, out subEle)) { if (WaterNoiseTexture == null) { WaterNoiseTexture = new SimpleSubrecord <String>(); } WaterNoiseTexture.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("Regions", false, out subEle)) { if (Regions == null) { Regions = new SortedFormArray(); } Regions.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("ImageSpace", false, out subEle)) { if (ImageSpace == null) { ImageSpace = new RecordReference(); } ImageSpace.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("Unknown", false, out subEle)) { if (Unknown == null) { Unknown = new SimpleSubrecord <Byte>(); } Unknown.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("EncounterZone", false, out subEle)) { if (EncounterZone == null) { EncounterZone = new RecordReference(); } EncounterZone.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("Climate", false, out subEle)) { if (Climate == null) { Climate = new RecordReference(); } Climate.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("Water", false, out subEle)) { if (Water == null) { Water = new RecordReference(); } Water.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("Owner", false, out subEle)) { if (Owner == null) { Owner = new RecordReference(); } Owner.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("FactionRank", false, out subEle)) { if (FactionRank == null) { FactionRank = new SimpleSubrecord <Int32>(); } FactionRank.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("AcousticSpace", false, out subEle)) { if (AcousticSpace == null) { AcousticSpace = new RecordReference(); } AcousticSpace.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("Unused", false, out subEle)) { if (Unused == null) { Unused = new SimpleSubrecord <Byte>(); } Unused.ReadXML(subEle, master); } if (ele.TryPathTo("MusicType", false, out subEle)) { if (MusicType == null) { MusicType = new RecordReference(); } MusicType.ReadXML(subEle, master); } }
public override void WriteData(ESPWriter writer) { if (EditorID != null) { EditorID.WriteBinary(writer); } if (Name != null) { Name.WriteBinary(writer); } if (CellFlags != null) { CellFlags.WriteBinary(writer); } if (Grid != null) { Grid.WriteBinary(writer); } if (Lighting != null) { Lighting.WriteBinary(writer); } if (FootstepMaterial != null) { FootstepMaterial.WriteBinary(writer); } if (LightTemplate != null) { LightTemplate.WriteBinary(writer); } if (LightTemplateInherit != null) { LightTemplateInherit.WriteBinary(writer); } if (WaterHeight != null) { WaterHeight.WriteBinary(writer); } if (WaterNoiseTexture != null) { WaterNoiseTexture.WriteBinary(writer); } if (Regions != null) { Regions.WriteBinary(writer); } if (ImageSpace != null) { ImageSpace.WriteBinary(writer); } if (Unknown != null) { Unknown.WriteBinary(writer); } if (EncounterZone != null) { EncounterZone.WriteBinary(writer); } if (Climate != null) { Climate.WriteBinary(writer); } if (Water != null) { Water.WriteBinary(writer); } if (Owner != null) { Owner.WriteBinary(writer); } if (FactionRank != null) { FactionRank.WriteBinary(writer); } if (AcousticSpace != null) { AcousticSpace.WriteBinary(writer); } if (Unused != null) { Unused.WriteBinary(writer); } if (MusicType != null) { MusicType.WriteBinary(writer); } }
public static Regions CreateRegions(int regionID) { Regions regions = new Regions(); regions.RegionID = regionID; return regions; }
private void GetRelated() { // Clear related Regions.Clear(); Properties.Clear(); AttachedContent.Clear(); // Get group parents DisableGroups = SysGroup.GetParents(Page.GroupId); DisableGroups.Reverse(); // Get template & permalink Template = PageTemplate.GetSingle("pagetemplate_id = @0", Page.TemplateId); Permalink = Permalink.GetSingle(Page.PermalinkId); if (Permalink == null) { // Get the site tree using (var db = new DataContext()) { var sitetree = db.SiteTrees.Where(s => s.Id == Page.SiteTreeId).Single(); Permalink = new Permalink() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Type = Permalink.PermalinkType.PAGE, NamespaceId = sitetree.NamespaceId }; Page.PermalinkId = Permalink.Id; } } // Get placement ref title if (!IsSite) { if (Page.ParentId != Guid.Empty || Page.Seqno > 1) { Page refpage = null; if (Page.Seqno > 1) { if (Page.ParentId != Guid.Empty) { refpage = Page.GetSingle("page_parent_id = @0 AND page_seqno = @1", Page.ParentId, Page.Seqno - 1); } else { refpage = Page.GetSingle("page_parent_id IS NULL AND page_seqno = @0", Page.Seqno - 1); } } else { refpage = Page.GetSingle(Page.ParentId, true); } PlaceRef = refpage.Title; } } if (Template != null) { // Only load regions & properties if this is an original if (Page.OriginalId == Guid.Empty) { // Get regions var regions = RegionTemplate.Get("regiontemplate_template_id = @0", Template.Id, new Params() { OrderBy = "regiontemplate_seqno" }); foreach (var rt in regions) { var reg = Region.GetSingle("region_regiontemplate_id = @0 AND region_page_id = @1 and region_draft = @2", rt.Id, Page.Id, Page.IsDraft); if (reg != null) { Regions.Add(reg); } else { Regions.Add(new Region() { InternalId = rt.InternalId, Name = rt.Name, Type = rt.Type, PageId = Page.Id, RegiontemplateId = rt.Id, IsDraft = Page.IsDraft, IsPageDraft = Page.IsDraft }); } } // Get Properties foreach (string name in Template.Properties) { Property prp = Property.GetSingle("property_name = @0 AND property_parent_id = @1 AND property_draft = @2", name, Page.Id, Page.IsDraft); if (prp != null) { Properties.Add(prp); } else { Properties.Add(new Property() { Name = name, ParentId = Page.Id, IsDraft = Page.IsDraft }); } } } } else { throw new ArgumentException("Could not find page template for page {" + Page.Id.ToString() + "}"); } // Only load attachments if this is an original if (Page.OriginalId == Guid.Empty) { // Get attached content if (Page.Attachments.Count > 0) { // Content meta data is actually memcached, so this won't result in multiple queries Page.Attachments.ForEach(a => { Models.Content c = Models.Content.GetSingle(a, true); if (c != null) { AttachedContent.Add(c); } }); } } // Get page position Parents = BuildParentPages(Sitemap.GetStructure(Page.SiteTreeInternalId, false), Page); Parents.Insert(0, new PagePlacement() { Level = 1, IsSelected = Page.ParentId == Guid.Empty }); Siblings = BuildSiblingPages(Page.Id, Page.ParentId, Page.Seqno, Page.ParentId, Page.SiteTreeInternalId); // Only load extensions if this is an original if (Page.OriginalId == Guid.Empty) { // Get extensions Extensions = Page.GetExtensions(); } // Initialize regions foreach (var reg in Regions) { if (Extend.ExtensionManager.ExtensionTypes.ContainsKey(reg.Type)) { var m = Extend.ExtensionManager.ExtensionTypes[reg.Type].GetMethod("Init"); if (m != null) { m.Invoke(reg.Body, new object[] { this }); } } } // Get whether comments should be enabled EnableComments = Areas.Manager.Models.CommentSettingsModel.Get().EnablePages; if (!Page.IsNew && EnableComments) { using (var db = new DataContext()) { Comments = db.Comments. Include("CreatedBy"). Where(c => c.ParentId == Page.Id && c.ParentIsDraft == false). OrderByDescending(c => c.Created).ToList(); } } // Get the site if this is a site page if (Permalink.Type == Models.Permalink.PermalinkType.SITE) { using (var db = new DataContext()) { SiteTree = db.SiteTrees.Where(s => s.Id == Page.SiteTreeId).Single(); } } // Check if the page can be published if (Page.OriginalId != Guid.Empty) { CanPublish = Page.GetScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM page WHERE page_id=@0 AND page_draft=0", Page.OriginalId) > 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the page and all of it's related regions. /// </summary> /// <param name="publish">If the page should be published</param> /// <returns>If the operation succeeded</returns> public virtual bool SaveAll(bool draft = true) { using (IDbTransaction tx = Database.OpenConnection().BeginTransaction()) { try { bool permalinkfirst = Page.IsNew; // Save permalink first if the page is new if (permalinkfirst) { if (Permalink.IsNew && String.IsNullOrEmpty(Permalink.Name)) { Permalink.Name = Permalink.Generate(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Page.NavigationTitle) ? Page.NavigationTitle : Page.Title); var param = SysParam.GetByName("HIERARCHICAL_PERMALINKS"); if (param != null && param.Value == "1" && Page.ParentId != Guid.Empty) { var parent = Page.GetSingle(Page.ParentId, true); Permalink.Name = parent.Permalink + "/" + Permalink.Name; } } Permalink.Save(tx); } // Save page if (draft) { Page.Save(tx); } else { Page.SaveAndPublish(tx); } // Save regions & properties Regions.ForEach(r => { r.IsDraft = r.IsPageDraft = true; r.Save(tx); if (!draft) { if (Region.GetScalar("SELECT COUNT(region_id) FROM region WHERE region_id=@0 AND region_draft=0", r.Id) == 0) { r.IsNew = true; } r.IsDraft = r.IsPageDraft = false; r.Save(tx); } }); Properties.ForEach(p => { p.IsDraft = true; p.Save(tx); if (!draft) { if (Property.GetScalar("SELECT COUNT(property_id) FROM property WHERE property_id=@0 AND property_draft=0", p.Id) == 0) { p.IsNew = true; } p.IsDraft = false; p.Save(tx); } }); // Save extensions foreach (var ext in Extensions) { ext.ParentId = Page.Id; ext.Save(tx); if (!draft) { if (Extension.GetScalar("SELECT COUNT(extension_id) FROM extension WHERE extension_id=@0 AND extension_draft=0", ext.Id) == 0) { ext.IsNew = true; } ext.IsDraft = false; ext.Save(tx); } } // Save permalink last if the page isn't new if (!permalinkfirst) { Permalink.Save(tx); } // Change global last modified if (!draft) { Web.ClientCache.SetSiteLastModified(tx); } // Clear cache for all post regions if we're publishing if (!draft) { foreach (var reg in Regions) { if (reg.Body is Extend.Regions.PostRegion) { ((Extend.Regions.PostRegion)reg.Body).ClearCache(Page, reg); } } } tx.Commit(); if (IsSite) { using (var db = new DataContext()) { var site = db.SiteTrees.Where(s => s.Id == Page.SiteTreeId).Single(); site.MetaTitle = SiteTree.MetaTitle; site.MetaDescription = SiteTree.MetaDescription; db.SaveChanges(); } if (!draft) { PageModel.RemoveSitePageFromCache(Page.SiteTreeId); WebPages.WebPiranha.RegisterDefaultHostNames(); } } } catch { tx.Rollback(); throw; } } return(true); }
private async void mttxtboxUserID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Regions regions = new Regions(); IUserDetails userdetails = new UserDetails(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mttxtboxUserID.Text) && Regex.Match(mttxtboxUserID.Text, "[A-Za-z0-9]+", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant).Success) { lstViewDefaultPaths.Items.Clear(); try { objPerson = await userdetails.GetUserDetails(Regex.Match(mttxtboxUserID.Text, "[A-Za-z0-9]+", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant).Value); DisplayView(objPerson); if (Directory.Exists($@"C:\Users\{mttxtboxUserID.Text}")) { var dirItems = Directory.EnumerateDirectories($@"C:\users\{mttxtboxUserID.Text}", "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (dirItems.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in dirItems) { lstViewDefaultPaths.Items.Add(item); } } else { lstViewDefaultPaths.Items.Clear(); lstViewDefaultPaths.Items.Add("Nothing found / user profile is empty"); } } else { lstViewDefaultPaths.Items.Add("Nothing found / user profile is empty"); } } catch (Exception Ex) { InitializeUIException(Ex.Message); } } else { try { objPerson = await userdetails.GetUserDetails(Environment.UserName); if (objPerson != null) { DisplayView(objPerson); } lstViewDefaultPaths.Items.Clear(); } catch (Exception Ex) { InitializeUIException(Ex.Message); } } }
// Todo: Initialize via reflection & injection from configuration static DarkestDungeonGame() { Regions = GameBot.Plugins.Get <RegionPlugin>(); CampaignButton = Regions.GetRegion("CampaignButton"); }
/// <summary> /// Returns Base Url to the WoW API /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> internal static string GetBaseUrl(Regions region) { string regionShortcut = EnumHelper.GetDisplayName<Regions>(region); return string.Format(BASE_URL, regionShortcut); }
/// <summary> /// Geofence plugin iOS implementation /// </summary> public GeofenceImplementation() { mGeofenceResults = new Dictionary <string, GeofenceResult>(); using (var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool()) { pool.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { locationManager = new CLLocationManager(); locationManager.DidStartMonitoringForRegion += DidStartMonitoringForRegion; locationManager.RegionEntered += RegionEntered; locationManager.RegionLeft += RegionLeft; locationManager.Failed += OnFailure; locationManager.DidDetermineState += DidDetermineState; locationManager.LocationsUpdated += LocationsUpdated; }); } string priorityType = "Balanced Power"; switch (CrossGeofence.GeofencePriority) { case GeofencePriority.HighAccuracy: priorityType = "High Accuracy"; locationManager.DesiredAccuracy = CLLocation.AccuracyBest; break; case GeofencePriority.AcceptableAccuracy: priorityType = "Acceptable Accuracy"; locationManager.DesiredAccuracy = CLLocation.AccuracyNearestTenMeters; break; case GeofencePriority.MediumAccuracy: priorityType = "Medium Accuracy"; locationManager.DesiredAccuracy = CLLocation.AccuracyHundredMeters; break; case GeofencePriority.LowAccuracy: priorityType = "Low Accuracy"; locationManager.DesiredAccuracy = CLLocation.AccuracyKilometer; break; case GeofencePriority.LowestAccuracy: priorityType = "Lowest Accuracy"; locationManager.DesiredAccuracy = CLLocation.AccuracyThreeKilometers; break; default: locationManager.DesiredAccuracy = CLLocation.AccurracyBestForNavigation; break; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - {1}: {2}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Location priority set to", priorityType)); if (CrossGeofence.SmallestDisplacement > 0) { locationManager.DistanceFilter = CrossGeofence.SmallestDisplacement; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - {1}: {2} meters", CrossGeofence.Id, "Location smallest displacement set to", CrossGeofence.SmallestDisplacement)); } if (locationManager.MonitoredRegions.Count > 0 && IsMonitoring) { NSSet monitoredRegions = locationManager.MonitoredRegions; foreach (CLCircularRegion region in monitoredRegions) { //If not on regions remove on startup since that region was set not persistent if (!Regions.ContainsKey(region.Identifier)) { locationManager.StopMonitoring(region); } else { locationManager.RequestState(region); } } locationManager.StartMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges(); string message = string.Format("{0} - {1} {2} region(s)", CrossGeofence.Id, "Actually monitoring", locationManager.MonitoredRegions.Count); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(message); } SetLastKnownLocation(locationManager.Location); }
/*/// <summary> * /// Process the Text template. * /// </summary> * private void ProcessTextTemplate(string content) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Processing the TEXT template.", 1); * * // Initialize strings to be used later * string line = string.Empty, lineUpper = string.Empty; * * // Initialize the StringReader to read line per line * StringReader reader = new StringReader(content); * * // Initialize the actual body count * int bodyCount = _bodies.Count, lineNumber = 0; * * // Read and parse each line. Append the data in the properties. * while (reader.Peek() > -1) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Line parsed. Body count: + " + bodyCount.ToString() + ".", 0); * * line = reader.ReadLine(); * lineNumber++; * lineUpper = line.ToUpper(); * * // If a property, then set value * if (lineUpper.StartsWith("TO:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("TO property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Message.To.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line))); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BCC:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BCC property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Message.Bcc.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line))); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("CC:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("CC property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Message.Cc.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line))); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("FROM:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("FROM property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Message.From = Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line)); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("SUBJECT:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("SUBJECT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Message.Subject += ExtractValue(line); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("SMTPSERVER:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("SMTPSERVER property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.SmtpServers.Add(ExtractValue(line), 25); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BODYTEXT:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODYTEXT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Bodies.Add(ExtractValue(line), BodyFormat.Text); * bodyCount++; * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BODYHTML:")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODYHTML property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Bodies.Add(ExtractValue(line), BodyFormat.Html); * bodyCount++; * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("FIELDFORMAT:") && lineUpper.IndexOf("=") > -1) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("FIELDFORMAT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.FieldsFormats.Add(ExtractFormat(line)); * } * else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("//")) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("COMMENT line found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * // Line is a comment, so do nothing * } * // If not a property, then it's a message line * else * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODY line found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * this.Bodies[bodyCount-1].Content += line + "\r\n"; * } * } * }*/ /*/// <summary> * /// Extract the format options from a text template line. * /// </summary> * /// <param name="line">The text template line.</param> * /// <returns>A FieldFormat object with the options.</returns> * private FieldFormat ExtractFormat(string line) * { * ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Extracting FieldFormat from line: + " + line + " (raw).", 0); * * FieldFormat fieldFormat = new FieldFormat(); * string property, val; * * foreach(string format in ExtractValue(line).Split(';')) * { * string[] lineSplit = format.Split('='); * * if (lineSplit.Length > 1) * { * property = lineSplit[0]; * val = lineSplit[1]; * * switch (property.ToUpper()) * { * case "NAME": fieldFormat.Name = val; break; * case "FORMAT": fieldFormat.Format = val; break; * case "PADDINGDIR": * if (val.ToUpper() == "LEFT") * fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Left; * else * fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Right; * break; * case "TOTALWIDTH": * try * { * fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(val); * } * catch * { * throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number."); * } * break; * case "PADDINGCHAR": fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(val.Substring(0, 1)); break; * } * * }// End if line split length > 1 * } * * return fieldFormat; * }*/ /// <summary> /// Process the Xml template. /// </summary> private void ProcessXmlTemplate(string content) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Processing the XML template.", 1); StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(content); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader); string element = string.Empty; while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: element = reader.Name; ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("New element found: {0}", element), 0); switch (element.ToUpper()) { case "MESSAGE": { if (reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY") != string.Empty) { this.Message.Priority = (MessagePriority)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessagePriority), reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY"), true); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("priority") != null && reader.GetAttribute("priority") != string.Empty) { this.Message.Priority = (MessagePriority)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessagePriority), reader.GetAttribute("priority"), true); } } break; case "FIELDFORMAT": if (reader.HasAttributes) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Element has attributes.", 0); FieldFormat fieldFormat = new FieldFormat(); if (reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Name = reader.GetAttribute("NAME"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("Attribute NAME: {0}", fieldFormat.Name), 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("Attribute name: {0}", fieldFormat.Name), 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Format = reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("Attribute FORMAT: {0}", fieldFormat.Format), 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("format") != null && reader.GetAttribute("format") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.Format = reader.GetAttribute("format"); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("Attribute format: {0}", fieldFormat.Format), 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR") != string.Empty) { if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR").ToUpper() == "LEFT") { fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Left; } else { fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Right; } ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("Attribute PADDINGDIR: {0}", reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR")), 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir") != null && reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir") != string.Empty) { if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir").ToUpper() == "left") { fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Left; } else { fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Right; } ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("Attribute paddingdir: {0}", reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir")), 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH") != null && reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH") != string.Empty) { try { fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH")); } catch { throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number."); } ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("Attribute TOTALWIDTH: {0}", fieldFormat.TotalWidth.ToString()), 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth") != null && reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth") != string.Empty) { try { fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth")); } catch { throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number."); } ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("Attribute totalwidth: {0}", fieldFormat.TotalWidth.ToString()), 0); } if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR").Substring(0, 1)); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("Attribute PADDINGCHAR: '{0}'", fieldFormat.PaddingChar), 0); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar") != null && reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar") != string.Empty) { fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar").Substring(0, 1)); ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry(string.Format("Attribute paddingchar: '{0}'", fieldFormat.PaddingChar), 0); } this.FieldsFormats.Add(fieldFormat); } break; case "FROM": case "TO": case "CC": case "BCC": if (reader.HasAttributes) { ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Address address = new ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Address(); if (reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty) { address.Name = reader.GetAttribute("NAME"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty) { address.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL") != string.Empty) { address.Email = reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("email") != null && reader.GetAttribute("email") != string.Empty) { address.Email = reader.GetAttribute("email"); } if (element.ToUpper() == "FROM") { if (reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Name = reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("replyname") != null && reader.GetAttribute("replyname") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Name = reader.GetAttribute("replyname"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Email = reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("replyemail") != null && reader.GetAttribute("replyemail") != string.Empty) { InitReplyTo(); this.Message.ReplyTo.Email = reader.GetAttribute("replyemail"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL") != string.Empty) { this.Message.ReturnReceipt.Email = reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail") != null && reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail") != string.Empty) { this.Message.ReturnReceipt.Email = reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail"); } } switch (reader.Name.ToUpper()) { case "FROM": /*this.Message.From.Add(address);*/ this.Message.From = address; break; case "TO": this.Message.To.Add(address); break; case "CC": this.Message.Cc.Add(address); break; case "BCC": this.Message.Bcc.Add(address); break; } } break; case "LISTTEMPLATE": { ListTemplate template = new ListTemplate(); string RegionID = string.Empty; string NullText = string.Empty; if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty) { RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty) { RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty) { NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty) { NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext"); } if (reader.HasAttributes && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty) { template = new ListTemplate(reader.GetAttribute("NAME"), reader.ReadString()); } else if (reader.HasAttributes && reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty) { template = new ListTemplate(reader.GetAttribute("name"), reader.ReadString()); } template.RegionID = RegionID; template.NullText = NullText; this.ListTemplates.Add(template); } break; case "SMTPSERVER": { Server server = new Server(); if (reader.GetAttribute("SERVER") != null && reader.GetAttribute("SERVER") != string.Empty) { server.Host = reader.GetAttribute("SERVER"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("server") != null && reader.GetAttribute("server") != string.Empty) { server.Host = reader.GetAttribute("server"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("PORT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PORT") != string.Empty) { server.Port = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("PORT")); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("port") != null && reader.GetAttribute("port") != string.Empty) { server.Port = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("port")); } if (reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME") != string.Empty) { server.Username = reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("username") != null && reader.GetAttribute("username") != string.Empty) { server.Username = reader.GetAttribute("username"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD") != string.Empty) { server.Password = reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("password") != null && reader.GetAttribute("password") != string.Empty) { server.Password = reader.GetAttribute("password"); } SmtpServers.Add(server); } break; case "CONDITION": { Condition condition = new Condition(); if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty) { condition.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty) { condition.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR") != string.Empty) { condition.Operator = (OperatorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OperatorType), reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR"), true); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("operator") != null && reader.GetAttribute("operator") != string.Empty) { condition.Operator = (OperatorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OperatorType), reader.GetAttribute("operator"), true); } if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty) { condition.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty) { condition.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("FIELD") != null && reader.GetAttribute("FIELD") != string.Empty) { condition.Field = reader.GetAttribute("FIELD"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("field") != null && reader.GetAttribute("field") != string.Empty) { condition.Field = reader.GetAttribute("field"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("VALUE") != null && reader.GetAttribute("VALUE") != string.Empty) { condition.Value = reader.GetAttribute("VALUE"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("value") != null && reader.GetAttribute("value") != string.Empty) { condition.Value = reader.GetAttribute("value"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE") != null && reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE") != string.Empty) { condition.CaseSensitive = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE")); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive") != null && reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive") != string.Empty) { condition.CaseSensitive = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive")); } Conditions.Add(condition); } break; case "REGION": { Region region = new Region(); if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty) { region.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty) { region.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty) { region.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty) { region.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext"); } if (reader.GetAttribute("URL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("URL") != string.Empty) { region.URL = reader.GetAttribute("URL"); } else if (reader.GetAttribute("url") != null && reader.GetAttribute("url") != string.Empty) { region.URL = reader.GetAttribute("url"); } Regions.Add(region); } break; } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: switch (element.ToUpper()) { case "SUBJECT": this.Message.Subject += reader.Value; break; /*case "SMTPSERVER": * this.SmtpServers.Add(reader.Value, 25); * break;*/ case "BODYHTML": //this.Bodies.Add(reader.Value, BodyFormat.Html); this.Message.BodyHtml.Text += reader.Value; break; case "BODYTEXT": //this.Bodies.Add(reader.Value, BodyFormat.Text); this.Message.BodyText.Text += reader.Value; break; } break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: element = string.Empty; break; } } }
private static string GetRegionAuthentication(Regions region) { if (region == Regions.US) return p_Authenticator_URL_US; else return p_Authenticator_URL_EU; }
private void LoadStore(int storeId, int regionId) { ViewData["storeId"] = storeId; List <SelectListItem> storeRankList = new List <SelectListItem>(); storeRankList.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "选择店铺等级", Value = "-1" }); foreach (StoreRankInfo storeRankInfo in AdminStoreRanks.GetStoreRankList()) { storeRankList.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = storeRankInfo.Title, Value = storeRankInfo.StoreRid.ToString() }); } ViewData["storeRankList"] = storeRankList; List <SelectListItem> storeIndustryList = new List <SelectListItem>(); storeIndustryList.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "选择店铺行业", Value = "-1" }); foreach (StoreIndustryInfo storeIndustryInfo in AdminStoreIndustries.GetStoreIndustryList()) { storeIndustryList.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = storeIndustryInfo.Title, Value = storeIndustryInfo.StoreIid.ToString() }); } ViewData["storeIndustryList"] = storeIndustryList; List <SelectListItem> themeList = new List <SelectListItem>(); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(IOHelper.GetMapPath("/themes")); foreach (DirectoryInfo themeDir in dir.GetDirectories()) { themeList.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = themeDir.Name, Value = themeDir.Name }); } ViewData["themeList"] = themeList; RegionInfo regionInfo = Regions.GetRegionById(regionId); if (regionInfo != null) { ViewData["provinceId"] = regionInfo.ProvinceId; ViewData["cityId"] = regionInfo.CityId; ViewData["countyId"] = regionInfo.RegionId; } else { ViewData["provinceId"] = -1; ViewData["cityId"] = -1; ViewData["countyId"] = -1; } string allowImgType = string.Empty; string[] imgTypeList = StringHelper.SplitString(BMAConfig.MallConfig.UploadImgType, ","); foreach (string imgType in imgTypeList) { allowImgType += string.Format("{0},", imgType.ToLower()); } allowImgType = allowImgType.Replace(".", ""); allowImgType = allowImgType.TrimEnd(','); string[] sizeList = StringHelper.SplitString(WorkContext.MallConfig.StoreLogoThumbSize); ViewData["size"] = sizeList[sizeList.Length / 2]; ViewData["allowImgType"] = allowImgType; ViewData["maxImgSize"] = BMAConfig.MallConfig.UploadImgSize; ViewData["referer"] = MallUtils.GetMallAdminRefererCookie(); }
public static RegionalEndPoint GetRegionalEndPointByRegion(Regions region) { return RegionalEndPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Region == region.ToString()); }
public ServiceClient(string subscriptionKey, Regions region) { var baseUrl = $"https://{region.ToString().ToLower()}"; _client = HttpClientFactory.Create(baseUrl, subscriptionKey); }
/// <summary> /// There are no comments for Regions in the schema. /// </summary> public void AddToRegions(Regions regions) { base.AddObject("Regions", regions); }
public IEnumerable<SeasonStats> GetSeason(Platform platform, int seasonId, [Required] [FromQuery(Name = "ids")] string platformIds, [FromQuery(Name = "r")] Regions region = Regions.EMEA) { var accounts = platformIds.Split(',').ToAccountInfo(platform); return _client.GetSeasonStats(accounts, region.ToString(), seasonId); }
public override void ReadData(ESPReader reader, long dataEnd) { while (reader.BaseStream.Position < dataEnd) { string subTag = reader.PeekTag(); switch (subTag) { case "EDID": if (EditorID == null) { EditorID = new SimpleSubrecord <String>(); } EditorID.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "FULL": if (Name == null) { Name = new SimpleSubrecord <String>(); } Name.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "DATA": if (CellFlags == null) { CellFlags = new SimpleSubrecord <CellFlags>(); } CellFlags.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCLC": if (Grid == null) { Grid = new CellGrid(); } Grid.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCLL": if (Lighting == null) { Lighting = new CellLighting(); } Lighting.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "IMPF": if (FootstepMaterial == null) { FootstepMaterial = new FootstepMaterial(); } FootstepMaterial.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "LTMP": if (LightTemplate == null) { LightTemplate = new RecordReference(); } LightTemplate.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "LNAM": if (LightTemplateInherit == null) { LightTemplateInherit = new SimpleSubrecord <LightTemplateInheritFlags>(); } LightTemplateInherit.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCLW": if (WaterHeight == null) { WaterHeight = new SimpleSubrecord <Single>(); } WaterHeight.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XNAM": if (WaterNoiseTexture == null) { WaterNoiseTexture = new SimpleSubrecord <String>(); } WaterNoiseTexture.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCLR": if (Regions == null) { Regions = new SortedFormArray(); } Regions.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCIM": if (ImageSpace == null) { ImageSpace = new RecordReference(); } ImageSpace.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCET": if (Unknown == null) { Unknown = new SimpleSubrecord <Byte>(); } Unknown.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XEZN": if (EncounterZone == null) { EncounterZone = new RecordReference(); } EncounterZone.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCCM": if (Climate == null) { Climate = new RecordReference(); } Climate.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCWT": if (Water == null) { Water = new RecordReference(); } Water.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XOWN": if (Owner == null) { Owner = new RecordReference(); } Owner.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XRNK": if (FactionRank == null) { FactionRank = new SimpleSubrecord <Int32>(); } FactionRank.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCAS": if (AcousticSpace == null) { AcousticSpace = new RecordReference(); } AcousticSpace.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCMT": if (Unused == null) { Unused = new SimpleSubrecord <Byte>(); } Unused.ReadBinary(reader); break; case "XCMO": if (MusicType == null) { MusicType = new RecordReference(); } MusicType.ReadBinary(reader); break; default: throw new Exception(); } } }
private void GetRelated() { // Clear related Regions.Clear(); Properties.Clear(); AttachedContent.Clear(); // Get group parents DisableGroups = SysGroup.GetParents(Page.GroupId); DisableGroups.Reverse(); // Get placement ref title if (Page.ParentId != Guid.Empty || Page.Seqno > 1) { Page refpage = null; if (Page.Seqno > 1) { if (Page.ParentId != Guid.Empty) { refpage = Page.GetSingle("page_parent_id = @0 AND page_seqno = @1", Page.ParentId, Page.Seqno - 1); } else { refpage = Page.GetSingle("page_parent_id IS NULL AND page_seqno = @0", Page.Seqno - 1); } } else { refpage = Page.GetSingle(Page.ParentId, true); } PlaceRef = refpage.Title; } // Get template & permalink Template = PageTemplate.GetSingle("pagetemplate_id = @0", Page.TemplateId); Permalink = Permalink.GetSingle(Page.PermalinkId); if (Permalink == null) { Permalink = new Permalink() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Type = Permalink.PermalinkType.PAGE, NamespaceId = new Guid("8FF4A4B4-9B6C-4176-AAA2-DB031D75AC03") }; Page.PermalinkId = Permalink.Id; } if (Template != null) { // Get regions var regions = RegionTemplate.Get("regiontemplate_template_id = @0", Template.Id, new Params() { OrderBy = "regiontemplate_seqno" }); foreach (var rt in regions) { var reg = Region.GetSingle("region_regiontemplate_id = @0 AND region_page_id = @1 and region_draft = @2", rt.Id, Page.Id, Page.IsDraft); if (reg != null) { Regions.Add(reg); } else { Regions.Add(new Region() { InternalId = rt.InternalId, Name = rt.Name, Type = rt.Type, PageId = Page.Id, RegiontemplateId = rt.Id, IsDraft = Page.IsDraft, IsPageDraft = Page.IsDraft }); } } // Get Properties foreach (string name in Template.Properties) { Property prp = Property.GetSingle("property_name = @0 AND property_parent_id = @1 AND property_draft = @2", name, Page.Id, Page.IsDraft); if (prp != null) { Properties.Add(prp); } else { Properties.Add(new Property() { Name = name, ParentId = Page.Id, IsDraft = Page.IsDraft }); } } } else { throw new ArgumentException("Could not find page template for page {" + Page.Id.ToString() + "}"); } // Get attached content if (Page.Attachments.Count > 0) { // Content meta data is actually memcached, so this won't result in multiple queries Page.Attachments.ForEach(a => { Models.Content c = Models.Content.GetSingle(a); if (c != null) { AttachedContent.Add(c); } }); } // Get page position Parents = BuildParentPages(Sitemap.GetStructure(false), Page); Parents.Insert(0, new PagePlacement() { Level = 1, IsSelected = Page.ParentId == Guid.Empty }); Siblings = BuildSiblingPages(Page.Id, Page.ParentId, Page.Seqno, Page.ParentId); }
public override void WriteDataXML(XElement ele, ElderScrollsPlugin master) { XElement subEle; if (EditorID != null) { ele.TryPathTo("EditorID", true, out subEle); EditorID.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (Name != null) { ele.TryPathTo("Name", true, out subEle); Name.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (CellFlags != null) { ele.TryPathTo("CellFlags", true, out subEle); CellFlags.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (Grid != null) { ele.TryPathTo("Grid", true, out subEle); Grid.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (Lighting != null) { ele.TryPathTo("Lighting", true, out subEle); Lighting.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (FootstepMaterial != null) { ele.TryPathTo("FootstepMaterial", true, out subEle); FootstepMaterial.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (LightTemplate != null) { ele.TryPathTo("LightTemplate", true, out subEle); LightTemplate.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (LightTemplateInherit != null) { ele.TryPathTo("LightTemplateInherit", true, out subEle); LightTemplateInherit.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (WaterHeight != null) { ele.TryPathTo("WaterHeight", true, out subEle); WaterHeight.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (WaterNoiseTexture != null) { ele.TryPathTo("WaterNoiseTexture", true, out subEle); WaterNoiseTexture.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (Regions != null) { ele.TryPathTo("Regions", true, out subEle); Regions.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (ImageSpace != null) { ele.TryPathTo("ImageSpace", true, out subEle); ImageSpace.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (Unknown != null) { ele.TryPathTo("Unknown", true, out subEle); Unknown.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (EncounterZone != null) { ele.TryPathTo("EncounterZone", true, out subEle); EncounterZone.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (Climate != null) { ele.TryPathTo("Climate", true, out subEle); Climate.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (Water != null) { ele.TryPathTo("Water", true, out subEle); Water.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (Owner != null) { ele.TryPathTo("Owner", true, out subEle); Owner.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (FactionRank != null) { ele.TryPathTo("FactionRank", true, out subEle); FactionRank.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (AcousticSpace != null) { ele.TryPathTo("AcousticSpace", true, out subEle); AcousticSpace.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (Unused != null) { ele.TryPathTo("Unused", true, out subEle); Unused.WriteXML(subEle, master); } if (MusicType != null) { ele.TryPathTo("MusicType", true, out subEle); MusicType.WriteXML(subEle, master); } }
public MarketLogInput(Regions regions, OwnedOrders ownedOrders) { _regions = regions; _ownedOrders = ownedOrders; }
/// <summary> /// 注册 /// </summary> public ActionResult Register() { string returnUrl = WebHelper.GetQueryString("returnUrl"); if (returnUrl.Length == 0) { returnUrl = "/"; } if (WorkContext.MallConfig.RegType.Length == 0) { return(PromptView(returnUrl, "商城目前已经关闭注册功能!")); } if (WorkContext.Uid > 0) { return(PromptView(returnUrl, "您已经是本商城的注册用户,无需再注册!")); } if (WorkContext.MallConfig.RegTimeSpan > 0) { DateTime registerTime = Users.GetRegisterTimeByRegisterIP(WorkContext.IP); if ((DateTime.Now - registerTime).Minutes <= WorkContext.MallConfig.RegTimeSpan) { return(PromptView(returnUrl, "您注册太频繁,请间隔一定时间后再注册!")); } } //get请求 if (WebHelper.IsGet()) { //string registerType = WebHelper.GetQueryString("registerType"); ////将注册类型保存到session中 //Sessions.SetItem(WorkContext.Sid, "registerType", registerType); RegisterModel model = new RegisterModel(); //model.IsEnterprise = registerType == "1" ? 1 : 0; model.ReturnUrl = returnUrl; model.ShadowName = WorkContext.MallConfig.ShadowName; model.IsVerifyCode = CommonHelper.IsInArray(WorkContext.PageKey, WorkContext.MallConfig.VerifyPages); return(View(model)); } //ajax请求 string accountName = WebHelper.GetFormString(WorkContext.MallConfig.ShadowName).Trim().ToLower(); string password = WebHelper.GetFormString("password"); string confirmPwd = WebHelper.GetFormString("confirmPwd"); string verifyCode = WebHelper.GetFormString("verifyCode"); //string isEnterprise = WebHelper.GetFormString("isEnterprise"); StringBuilder errorList = new StringBuilder("["); #region 验证 #region //账号验证 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountName)) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "账户名不能为空", "}"); } else if (accountName.Length < 4 || accountName.Length > 50) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "账户名必须大于3且不大于50个字符", "}"); } else if (accountName.Contains(" ")) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "账户名中不允许包含空格", "}"); } else if (accountName.Contains(":")) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "账户名中不允许包含冒号", "}"); } else if (accountName.Contains("<")) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "账户名中不允许包含'<'符号", "}"); } else if (accountName.Contains(">")) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "账户名中不允许包含'>'符号", "}"); } else if ((!SecureHelper.IsSafeSqlString(accountName))) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "账户名已经存在", "}"); } else if (CommonHelper.IsInArray(accountName, WorkContext.MallConfig.ReservedName, "\n")) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "账户名已经存在", "}"); } else if (FilterWords.IsContainWords(accountName)) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "账户名包含禁止单词", "}"); } #endregion //密码验证 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "password", "密码不能为空", "}"); } else if (password.Length < 4 || password.Length > 32) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "password", "密码必须大于3且不大于32个字符", "}"); } else if (password != confirmPwd) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "password", "两次输入的密码不一样", "}"); } //验证码验证 if (CommonHelper.IsInArray(WorkContext.PageKey, WorkContext.MallConfig.VerifyPages)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(verifyCode)) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "verifyCode", "验证码不能为空", "}"); } else if (verifyCode.ToLower() != Sessions.GetValueString(WorkContext.Sid, "verifyCode")) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "verifyCode", "验证码不正确", "}"); } } //其它验证 int gender = WebHelper.GetFormInt("gender"); if (gender < 0 || gender > 2) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "gender", "请选择正确的性别", "}"); } string nickName = WebHelper.GetFormString("nickName"); if (nickName.Length > 10) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "nickName", "昵称的长度不能大于10", "}"); } else if (FilterWords.IsContainWords(nickName)) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "nickName", "昵称中包含禁止单词", "}"); } if (WebHelper.GetFormString("realName").Length > 5) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "realName", "真实姓名的长度不能大于5", "}"); } string bday = WebHelper.GetFormString("bday"); if (bday.Length == 0) { string bdayY = WebHelper.GetFormString("bdayY"); string bdayM = WebHelper.GetFormString("bdayM"); string bdayD = WebHelper.GetFormString("bdayD"); bday = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", bdayY, bdayM, bdayD); } if (bday.Length > 0 && bday != "--" && !ValidateHelper.IsDate(bday)) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "bday", "请选择正确的日期", "}"); } string idCard = WebHelper.GetFormString("idCard"); if (idCard.Length > 0 && !ValidateHelper.IsIdCard(idCard)) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "idCard", "请输入正确的身份证号", "}"); } int regionId = WebHelper.GetFormInt("regionId"); if (regionId > 0) { if (Regions.GetRegionById(regionId) == null) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "regionId", "请选择正确的地址", "}"); } if (WebHelper.GetFormString("address").Length > 75) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "address", "详细地址的长度不能大于75", "}"); } } if (WebHelper.GetFormString("bio").Length > 150) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "bio", "简介的长度不能大于150", "}"); } //当以上验证都通过时 UserInfo userInfo = null; if (errorList.Length == 1) { //if (WorkContext.MallConfig.RegType.Contains("2") && ValidateHelper.IsEmail(accountName))//验证邮箱 //{ // string emailProvider = CommonHelper.GetEmailProvider(accountName); // if (WorkContext.MallConfig.AllowEmailProvider.Length != 0 && (!CommonHelper.IsInArray(emailProvider, WorkContext.MallConfig.AllowEmailProvider, "\n"))) // { // errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "不能使用'" + emailProvider + "'类型的邮箱", "}"); // } // else if (CommonHelper.IsInArray(emailProvider, WorkContext.MallConfig.BanEmailProvider, "\n")) // { // errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "不能使用'" + emailProvider + "'类型的邮箱", "}"); // } // else if (Users.IsExistEmail(accountName)) // { // errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "邮箱已经存在", "}"); // } // else // { // userInfo = new UserInfo(); // userInfo.UserName = string.Empty; // userInfo.Email = accountName; // userInfo.Mobile = string.Empty; // } //} //else if (WorkContext.MallConfig.RegType.Contains("3") && ValidateHelper.IsMobile(accountName))//验证手机 //{ // if (Users.IsExistMobile(accountName)) // { // errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "手机号已经存在", "}"); // } // else // { // userInfo = new UserInfo(); // userInfo.UserName = string.Empty; // userInfo.Email = string.Empty; // userInfo.Mobile = accountName; // } //} //else if (WorkContext.MallConfig.RegType.Contains("1"))//验证用户名 { if (NStore.Services.Users.IsExistUserName(accountName)) { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "用户名已经存在", "}"); } else { userInfo = new UserInfo(); userInfo.UserName = accountName; userInfo.Email = string.Empty; userInfo.Mobile = string.Empty; } } else { errorList.AppendFormat("{0}\"key\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"{3},", "{", "accountName", "账号类型不正确", "}"); } } #endregion if (errorList.Length > 1)//验证失败 { return(AjaxResult("error", errorList.Remove(errorList.Length - 1, 1).Append("]").ToString(), true)); } else//验证成功 { #region 绑定用户信息 userInfo.Salt = Randoms.CreateRandomValue(6); userInfo.Password = Users.CreateUserPassword(password, userInfo.Salt); userInfo.UserRid = UserRanks.GetLowestUserRank().UserRid; userInfo.StoreId = 0; userInfo.MallAGid = 1;//非管理员组 if (nickName.Length > 0) { userInfo.NickName = WebHelper.HtmlEncode(nickName); } else { userInfo.NickName = "ngh" + Randoms.CreateRandomValue(7); } userInfo.Avatar = ""; userInfo.PayCredits = 0; userInfo.RankCredits = 0; userInfo.VerifyEmail = 0; userInfo.VerifyMobile = 0; userInfo.UserType = Sessions.GetValueInt(WorkContext.Sid, "registerType"); userInfo.VerifyRank = 0; userInfo.LastVisitIP = WorkContext.IP; userInfo.LastVisitRgId = WorkContext.RegionId; userInfo.LastVisitTime = DateTime.Now; userInfo.RegisterIP = WorkContext.IP; userInfo.RegisterRgId = WorkContext.RegionId; userInfo.RegisterTime = DateTime.Now; userInfo.Gender = WebHelper.GetFormInt("gender"); userInfo.RealName = WebHelper.HtmlEncode(WebHelper.GetFormString("realName")); userInfo.Bday = bday.Length > 0 ? TypeHelper.StringToDateTime(bday) : new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); userInfo.IdCard = WebHelper.GetFormString("idCard"); userInfo.RegionId = WebHelper.GetFormInt("regionId"); userInfo.Address = WebHelper.HtmlEncode(WebHelper.GetFormString("address")); userInfo.Bio = WebHelper.HtmlEncode(WebHelper.GetFormString("bio")); userInfo.LinkName = string.Empty; userInfo.Company = string.Empty; userInfo.CreditCode = string.Empty; userInfo.BusinessLicense = string.Empty; #endregion //创建用户 userInfo.Uid = Users.CreateUser(userInfo); //添加用户失败 if (userInfo.Uid < 1) { return(AjaxResult("exception", "创建用户失败,请联系管理员")); } //发放注册积分 Credits.SendRegisterCredits(ref userInfo, DateTime.Now); //更新购物车中用户id Carts.UpdateCartUidBySid(userInfo.Uid, WorkContext.Sid); //将用户信息写入cookie MallUtils.SetUserCookie(userInfo, 0); ////发送注册欢迎信息 //if (WorkContext.MallConfig.IsWebcomeMsg == 1) //{ // if (userInfo.Email.Length > 0) // Emails.SendWebcomeEmail(userInfo.Email); // if (userInfo.Mobile.Length > 0) // SMSes.SendWebcomeSMS(userInfo.Mobile); //} ////同步上下文 //WorkContext.Uid = userInfo.Uid; //WorkContext.UserType = userInfo.UserType; //WorkContext.VerifyRank = userInfo.VerifyRank; //WorkContext.UserName = userInfo.UserName; //WorkContext.UserEmail = userInfo.Email; //WorkContext.UserMobile = userInfo.Mobile; //WorkContext.NickName = userInfo.NickName; //return AjaxResult("success", "注册成功"); return(AjaxResult("success", Url.Action("Authentication", new RouteValueDictionary { { "uid", userInfo.Uid } }))); } }
public Account(string username, string password, Regions region) { Username = username; //* encrypt password using (Aes aes = Aes.Create()) { aes.GenerateIV(); aes.GenerateKey(); p_Key = aes.Key; p_IV = aes.IV; } p_Password = Cryptography.EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(password, p_Key, p_IV); Region = region; }
public Region CurrentRegion(int tick) => Regions.First((r) => r.Tick <= tick && tick < r.Tick + r.Length);
public void then_nation_should_be_in_region(string nation, Regions region) { GetTeamByNationName(nation).Region.ShouldEqual(region); }
public void Search(DataContext db) { if (!ShopList.Any()) { Result = new List <Order>(); return; } IQueryable <Order> result = null; if (ListOverride != null && ListOverride.Any()) { Result = db.Orders.Where(x => ListOverride.Contains(x.ID)).ToList(); return; } if (!ShopID.HasValue) { ShopID = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ShopID"].ToNullInt(); } if (!ShopID.HasValue) { ShopID = ShopList.First().Value.ToInt(); } if (CurrentUser.UserRoles.Contains("ShopOwner")) { var orderAuthors = db.ShopManagers.Where(x => x.Manager.ShopOwnerID == CurrentUser.ID) .Select(x => x.Manager.ManagerUserID) .ToList(); orderAuthors.Add(CurrentUser.ID); result = db.Orders.Where(x => orderAuthors.Contains(x.AddedByID)); result = result.Where(x => x.ShopID == ShopID.Value || (!x.ShopID.HasValue && x.AddedByID == CurrentUser.ID)); var contracted = db.ContractedOrders.Where( x => x.Contractor.UserBy == CurrentUser.ShopOwnerID && x.Contractor.ShopID == ShopID).Select(x => x.Order); result = result.Concat(contracted); } else if (CurrentUser.UserRoles.Contains("Manager")) { var orderAuthors = db.ShopManagers.Where(x => x.Manager.ShopOwnerID == CurrentUser.ManagerProfiles.First().ShopOwnerID) .Select(x => x.Manager.ManagerUserID) .ToList(); orderAuthors.Add(CurrentUser.ManagerProfiles.First().ShopOwnerID); var shids = db.ShopManagers.Where(x => x.Manager.ManagerUserID == CurrentUser.ID).Select(x => x.ShopID).ToList(); result = db.Orders.Where(x => orderAuthors.Contains(x.AddedByID) && shids.Contains(x.ShopID)); result = result.Where(x => x.ShopID == ShopID.Value || (!x.ShopID.HasValue && x.AddedByID == CurrentUser.ID)); var contracted = db.ContractedOrders.Where( x => x.Contractor.UserFor == CurrentUser.ShopOwnerID && x.Contractor.ShopID == ShopID) .Select(x => x.Order); result = result.Concat(contracted); } else if (CurrentUser.UserRoles.Contains("Operator")) { var shds = db.OperatorShops.Where(x => x.UserID == CurrentUser.ID).Select(x => x.ShopID).ToList(); result = db.Orders.Where(x => shds.Contains(x.ShopID ?? 0)); } else { result = db.Orders.Where(x => x.AddedByID == CurrentUser.ID); } if (MinDate.HasValue) { result = result.Where( x => x.CreateDate.Date >= MinDate.Value); } if (MaxDate.HasValue) { result = result.Where( x => x.CreateDate <= MaxDate.Value); } if (MinDateDelivery.HasValue) { result = result.Where(x => x.DeliveryDate.HasValue && x.DeliveryDate.Value.Date >= MinDateDelivery.Value.Date); } if (MaxDateDelivery.HasValue) { result = result.Where(x => x.DeliveryDate.HasValue && x.DeliveryDate.Value.Date <= MaxDateDelivery.Value.Date); } if (LoginOrName.IsFilled()) { result = result.Where( x => x.Consumer != null && ( SqlMethods.Like(x.Consumer.Name.ToLower(), LoginOrNameLike) || SqlMethods.Like(x.Consumer.Surname.ToLower(), LoginOrNameLike) || SqlMethods.Like(x.Consumer.Phone.ToLower(), LoginOrNameLike))); } if (Status.HasValue) { result = result.Where(x => x.Status == Status.Value); } var chars = DB.ShopProductChars.Where( x => x.UserID == CurrentUser.ShopOwnerID && (!x.ShopID.HasValue || x.ShopID == ShopID) && x.IsMain) .OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList(); ShopChars = chars.ToList(); if (Overage) { result = result.Where(x => x.Marks.Any() && x.Marks.First().MarkDate > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-14)); } if (ExactDateDelivery.HasValue) { result = result.Where( x => x.DeliveryDate.HasValue && x.DeliveryDate.Value.Date == ExactDateDelivery.Value.Date); } if (Regions.Any()) { IQueryable <Order> filtered = null; foreach (var region in Regions) { if (filtered == null) { filtered = result.Where( x => x.OrderDelivery != null && x.OrderDelivery.Region.ToLower() == region.ToLower()); } else { filtered = filtered.Concat(result.Where( x => x.OrderDelivery != null && x.OrderDelivery.Region.ToLower() == region.ToLower())); } } result = filtered; } Result = result.OrderByDescending(x => x.Status).ThenByDescending(x => x.ID).Take(2000).ToList(); if (CurrentUser.UserRoles.Contains("Operator")) { Result = Result.Where(x => x.Status == 100 && x.DeliveryDate.HasValue).OrderBy(x => x.Marks.Any()).ThenBy(x => x.DeliveryDate).ToList(); } }
public MenuItemClickedEventArgs(string pCorrelatedModule, Regions pCorrelatedRegion) { CorrelatedView = pCorrelatedModule; CorrelatedRegion = pCorrelatedRegion; }
/// <summary> /// Saves the page and all of it's related regions. /// </summary> /// <param name="publish">Weather the page should be published</param> /// <returns>Weather the operation succeeded</returns> public virtual bool SaveAll(bool draft = true) { using (IDbTransaction tx = Database.OpenConnection().BeginTransaction()) { try { bool permalinkfirst = Page.IsNew; // Save permalink first if the page is new if (permalinkfirst) { if (Permalink.IsNew) { Permalink.Name = Permalink.Generate(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Page.NavigationTitle) ? Page.NavigationTitle : Page.Title); } Permalink.Save(tx); } // Save page if (draft) { Page.Save(tx); } else { Page.SaveAndPublish(tx); } // Save regions & properties Regions.ForEach(r => { r.IsDraft = r.IsPageDraft = true; r.Save(tx); if (!draft) { if (Region.GetScalar("SELECT COUNT(region_id) FROM region WHERE region_id=@0 AND region_draft=0", r.Id) == 0) { r.IsNew = true; } r.IsDraft = r.IsPageDraft = false; r.Save(tx); } }); Properties.ForEach(p => { p.IsDraft = true; p.Save(tx); if (!draft) { if (Property.GetScalar("SELECT COUNT(property_id) FROM property WHERE property_id=@0 AND property_draft=0", p.Id) == 0) { p.IsNew = true; } p.IsDraft = false; p.Save(tx); } }); // Save permalink last if the page isn't new if (!permalinkfirst) { Permalink.Save(tx); } // Change global last modified if (!draft) { Web.ClientCache.SetSiteLastModified(tx); } tx.Commit(); } catch { tx.Rollback(); throw; } } return(true); }
private static string GetRegionURL(Regions region, bool login) { if (region == Regions.US) return (login) ? p_Login_URL_US : p_Account_URL_US; else if (region == Regions.EU) return (login) ? p_Login_URL_EU : p_Account_URL_EU; return null; }
public render_model(CacheBase Cache, int Address) { cache = Cache; EndianReader Reader = Cache.Reader; Reader.SeekTo(Address); Name = Cache.Strings.GetItemByID(Reader.ReadInt32()); Flags = new Bitmask(Reader.ReadInt32()); #region Regions Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 12); int iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); int iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Regions.Add(new Region(Cache, iOffset + 16 * i)); } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 28); InstancedGeometryIndex = Reader.ReadInt32(); #region Instanced Geometry Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 32); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { GeomInstances.Add(new InstancedGeometry(Cache, iOffset + 60 * i)); } #endregion #region Nodes Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 48); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Nodes.Add(new Node(Cache, iOffset + 112 * i)); } #endregion #region MarkerGroups Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 60); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { MarkerGroups.Add(new MarkerGroup(Cache, iOffset + 16 * i)); } #endregion #region Shaders Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 72); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Shaders.Add(new Shader(Cache, iOffset + 44 * i)); } #endregion #region ModelSections Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 312); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { ModelSections.Add(new ModelSection(Cache, iOffset + 112 * i)); } #endregion #region BoundingBox Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 336); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox(Cache, iOffset + 52 * i)); } #endregion #region NodeMapGroup Block Reader.SeekTo(Address + 396); iCount = Reader.ReadInt32(); iOffset = Reader.ReadInt32() - Cache.Magic; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { NodeIndexGroups.Add(new NodeIndexGroup(Cache, iOffset + 12 * i)); } #endregion Reader.SeekTo(Address + 444); RawID = Reader.ReadInt32(); }
public Region(Regions region) { this.region = region; }
public IList <WhoWasNotUpdatedField> Find(bool forExcel) { var regionMask = SecurityContext.Administrator.RegionMask; if (Regions != null && Regions.Any()) { ulong mask = 0; foreach (var region in Regions) { mask |= region; } regionMask &= mask; } var result = Session.CreateSQLQuery($@" drop temporary table if exists Customers.UserSource; create temporary table Customers.UserSource ( UserId int unsigned, primary key(UserId) ) engine = memory; INSERT INTO customers.UserSource select u.Id from Customers.Users u join usersettings.AssignedPermissions ap on ap.UserId = join Customers.Clients c on c.Id = u.ClientId join Usersettings.RetClientsSet rcs on rcs.ClientCode = c.Id where ap.PermissionId in (1, 81) and u.Enabled = 1 and u.PayerId <> 921 and u.ExcludeFromManagerReports = 0 and c.Status = 1 and rcs.ServiceClient = 0 and rcs.InvisibleOnFirm = 0 and rcs.OrderRegionMask & u.OrderRegionMask & :RegionCode > 0 group by u.Id; drop temporary table if exists Customers.UserSource2; create temporary table Customers.UserSource2 ( UserId int unsigned, primary key(UserId) ) engine = memory; insert into Customers.UserSource2 select * from Customers.UserSource; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS customers.oneUserDate; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE customers.oneUserDate ( UserId INT unsigned, AddressId INT unsigned) engine=MEMORY; INSERT INTO customers.oneUserDate SELECT, ua1.AddressId FROM customers.Users U1 join Customers.UserSource us on us.UserId = u1.Id join customers.UserAddresses ua1 on ua1.UserId = join customers.Addresses a1 on = ua1.AddressId join usersettings.UserUpdateInfo uu1 on uu1.userid = where uu1.UpdateDate < :beginDate group by having count( = 1; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS customers.oneUser; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE customers.oneUser ( UserId INT unsigned, AddressId INT unsigned) engine=MEMORY ; INSERT INTO customers.oneUser SELECT, ua1.AddressId FROM customers.Users U1 join Customers.UserSource us on us.UserId = u1.Id join customers.UserAddresses ua1 on ua1.UserId = join customers.Addresses a1 on = ua1.AddressId group by having count( = 1; SELECT as ClientId, c.Name as ClientName, reg.Region as RegionName, u.Id as UserId, u.Name as UserName, c.Registrant as Registrant, uu.UpdateDate as UpdateDate, IF(IFNULL(ad.AFTime, '0000-00-00') < IFNULL(ad.AFNetTime, '0000-00-00'), ad.AFNetTime, ad.AFTime) as LastUpdateDate FROM customers.Users U join Customers.UserSource us on us.UserId = u.Id join customers.UserAddresses ua on ua.UserId = join customers.Addresses a on = ua.AddressId join usersettings.UserUpdateInfo uu on uu.userid = join customers.Clients c on = u.ClientId and c.Status = 1 join farm.Regions reg on reg.RegionCode = c.RegionCode join logs.authorizationdates ad on ad.UserId = u.Id left join Customers.AnalitFNetDatas nd on nd.UserId = u.Id where uu.UpdateDate < :beginDate and ifnull(nd.LastUpdateAt, '2000-01-01') < :beginDate and c.RegionCode & :RegionCode > 0 group by having count( > 1 union SELECT as ClientId, c.Name as ClientName, reg.Region as RegionName, u.Id as UserId, u.Name as UserName, if (reg.ManagerName is not null, reg.ManagerName, c.Registrant) as Registrant, uu.UpdateDate as UpdateDate, IF(IFNULL(ad.AFTime, '0000-00-00') < IFNULL(ad.AFNetTime, '0000-00-00'), ad.AFNetTime, ad.AFTime) as LastUpdateDate FROM customers.Users U join Customers.UserSource2 us on us.UserId = u.Id join customers.UserAddresses ua on ua.UserId = join customers.Addresses a on = ua.AddressId join usersettings.UserUpdateInfo uu on uu.userid = join customers.Clients c on = u.ClientId and c.Status = 1 join logs.authorizationdates ad on ad.UserId = u.Id left join accessright.regionaladmins reg on reg.UserName = c.Registrant join farm.Regions reg on reg.RegionCode = c.RegionCode left join Customers.AnalitFNetDatas nd on nd.UserId = u.Id where uu.UpdateDate < :beginDate and ifnull(nd.LastUpdateAt, '2000-01-01') < :beginDate and c.RegionCode & :RegionCode > 0 and in ( select if ((select count(oud.UserId) from customers.oneUserDate oud where oud.AddressId = uaddr.AddressId ) = ( select count(ou.UserId) from customers.oneUser ou where ou.AddressId = uaddr.AddressId) , uaddr.UserId, 0 ) from customers.UserAddresses as uaddr where uaddr.UserId = ) group by having count( = 1 order by {SortBy} {SortDirection};") .SetParameter("beginDate", BeginDate) .SetParameter("RegionCode", regionMask) .ToList <WhoWasNotUpdatedField>(); RowsCount = result.Count; if (forExcel) { return(result.ToList()); } else { return(result.Skip(CurrentPage * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList()); } }
public Account(string username, byte[] password, Regions region, byte[] key, byte[] iv) { Username = username; p_Password = password; Region = region; p_Key = key; p_IV = iv; }
public TreeNode[] GetAllLocationsTreeNodes(Font defaultFont, bool mainform) { if (mainformTreeRootNode != null) { return(BuildTreeNodeArray(mainform)); } mainformTreeRootNode = new TreeNode(); placesTreeRootNode = new TreeNode(); Font regularFont = new Font(defaultFont, FontStyle.Regular); Font boldFont = new Font(defaultFont, FontStyle.Bold); foreach (FactLocation location in FamilyTree.Instance.AllDisplayPlaces) { string[] parts = location.GetParts(); TreeNode currentM = mainformTreeRootNode; TreeNode currentP = placesTreeRootNode; foreach (string part in parts) { if (part.Length == 0 && !Properties.GeneralSettings.Default.AllowEmptyLocations) { break; } TreeNode childM = currentM.Nodes.Find(part, false).FirstOrDefault(); TreeNode childP = currentP.Nodes.Find(part, false).FirstOrDefault(); if (childM == null) { TreeNode child = new TreeNode((part.Length == 0 ? "<blank>" : part)) { Name = part, Tag = location, ToolTipText = "Geocoding Status : " + location.Geocoded }; SetTreeNodeImage(location, child); // Set everything other than known countries and known regions to regular if ((currentM.Level == 0 && Countries.IsKnownCountry(part)) || (currentM.Level == 1 && Regions.IsKnownRegion(part))) { child.NodeFont = boldFont; } else { child.NodeFont = regularFont; } childM = child; childP = (TreeNode)child.Clone(); currentM.Nodes.Add(childM); currentP.Nodes.Add(childP); } currentM = childM; currentP = childP; } } if (Properties.GeneralSettings.Default.AllowEmptyLocations) { // trim empty end nodes bool recheck = true; while (recheck) { TreeNode[] emptyNodes = mainformTreeRootNode.Nodes.Find(string.Empty, true); recheck = false; foreach (TreeNode node in emptyNodes) { if (node.FirstNode == null) { node.Remove(); recheck = true; } } } } foreach (TreeNode node in mainformTreeRootNode.Nodes) { node.Text += " "; // force text to be longer to fix bold bug } foreach (TreeNode node in placesTreeRootNode.Nodes) { node.Text += " "; // force text to be longer to fix bold bug } return(BuildTreeNodeArray(mainform)); }
public MenuItem(string pCaption, string pCorrelatedView, Regions pRegion) { Caption = pCaption; CorrelatedRegion = pRegion; CorrelatedView = pCorrelatedView; }
public Value Apply() { var argument = Arguments.ApplyValue; var variable = Arguments.ApplyVariable; State.PushPatternManager(); var isVariable = variable != null; var isReadOnly = isVariable && Regions.IsReadOnly(variable.Name) || !isVariable; string input; if (argument is PatternResult patternResult) { if (patternResult.Success) { input = patternResult.Text; variable = patternResult.Variable; isVariable = variable != null; } else { return(PatternResult.Failure()); } } else { input = argument.Text; } var matched = Scan(input); var text = State.Input.Copy(); if (isReadOnly) { State.PopPatternManager(); return(matched ? new Some(text.Drop(startIndex).Keep(stopIndex - startIndex)) : new None()); } var result = matched ? new PatternResult { Input = input, Text = text, Value = argument, Success = true, StartIndex = startIndex, StopIndex = stopIndex, Variable = variable } : PatternResult.Failure(); if (isVariable && result.IsTrue) { variable.Value = text; } if (State.Result != null) { var managerResult = State.Result; State.Result = null; State.PopPatternManager(); return(managerResult); } State.PopPatternManager(); return(result); }
public WowApiProxy(Regions region) { this.Region = region; }
public Value ApplyWhile() { var argument = Arguments.ApplyValue; var variable = Arguments.ApplyVariable; State.PushPatternManager(); State.Multi = true; var isVariable = variable != null; var isReadOnly = isVariable && Regions.IsReadOnly(variable.Name); var array = new Array(); string input; switch (argument) { case PatternResult { Success: true } patternResult: input = patternResult.Text; variable = patternResult.Variable; isVariable = variable != null; break; case PatternResult: return(PatternResult.Failure()); default: input = argument.Text; break; } var oneSuccess = false; for (var i = 0; i < MAX_LOOP && withinLimit(i); i++) { if (Scan(input)) { State.Alternates.Clear(); if (withinNth(i)) { oneSuccess = true; } } else { break; } input = State.Input; if (isReadOnly) { array.Add(input.Drop(startIndex).Keep(stopIndex - startIndex)); } } if (isReadOnly) { State.PopPatternManager(); return(oneSuccess ? array : new Array()); } var result = oneSuccess ? new PatternResult { Input = input, Text = State.Input.Copy(), Value = argument, Success = true, StartIndex = startIndex, StopIndex = stopIndex, Variable = variable } : PatternResult.Failure(); if (isVariable && result.IsTrue) { variable.Value = State.Input.Copy(); } if (State.Result != null) { var managerResult = State.Result; State.Result = null; State.PopPatternManager(); return(managerResult); } State.PopPatternManager(); return(result); }
public EveCacheInput() { _regions = new Regions(); }
public static RegionalEndPoint GetRegionalEndPointByRegion(Regions region) { return(RegionalEndPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Region == region.ToString())); }
public static void RedirectToHome(Regions region) { HttpResponse Response = HttpContext.Current.Response; switch (region) { case Regions.CC: Response.Redirect("user/cc"); break; case Regions.NR1: Response.Redirect("user/nr1"); break; case Regions.NR2: Response.Redirect("user/nr2"); break; case Regions.ER1: Response.Redirect("user/er1"); break; case Regions.ER2: Response.Redirect("user/er2"); break; case Regions.WR1: Response.Redirect("user/wr1"); break; case Regions.WR2: Response.Redirect("user/wr2"); break; case Regions.SR1: Response.Redirect("user/sr1"); break; case Regions.SR2: Response.Redirect("user/sr2"); break; case Regions.NER: Response.Redirect("user/ner"); break; case Regions.POSCC: Response.Redirect("user/poscc"); break; case Regions.NRLDC: Response.Redirect("user/nrldc"); break; case Regions.NERLDC: Response.Redirect("user/nerldc"); break; case Regions.WRLDC: Response.Redirect("user/wrldc"); break; case Regions.SRLDC: Response.Redirect("user/srldc"); break; case Regions.ERLDC: Response.Redirect("user/erldc"); break; } }
private void DataGridRegions_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <Region> regions = Regions.List(); DataGridRegions.ItemsSource = regions; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Regions object. /// </summary> /// <param name="regionID">Initial value of RegionID.</param> /// <param name="regionDescription">Initial value of RegionDescription.</param> public static Regions CreateRegions(long regionID, string regionDescription) { Regions regions = new Regions(); regions.RegionID = regionID; regions.RegionDescription = regionDescription; return regions; }
public string GetAsPlainText() { return(Regions?.SelectMany(x => x.Lines).SelectMany(x => x.Words).Aggregate("", (i, j) => i + " " + j.Text).Trim() ?? ""); }
public bool TextFound() { return(Regions != null && Regions.Any()); }
public static string GetBaseUrl(Regions region) { string baseUrl = string.Format(BaseUrl, region.ToString()); return baseUrl; }