protected void btnFinal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlStatus.SelectedValue != "-1") { Status status = (Status)Enum.Parse(typeof(Status), ddlStatus.SelectedValue); string title = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + " "; string fileName = string.Empty; if (ddlArea.SelectedValue != "-1") { Area area = RegionService.GetArea(ddlArea.SelectedValue); fileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), area.Name + ".pdf"); title = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + " " + area.Name + " Area Finalists"; ReportService.CreateFinalistReport(fileName, status, area, title); } else { Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); title += region.Name + " Finalists"; fileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "report.pdf"); ReportService.CreateFinalistReport(fileName, status, null, title); } byte[] buf = FileUtils.LoadFile(fileName); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/zip"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName)); Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", buf.Length.ToString()); Response.BinaryWrite(buf); Response.End(); System.IO.File.Delete(fileName); } }
private void LoadScores() { Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue); gvScore.DataSource = ScoreService.GetScoreCategories(region); gvScore.DataBind(); }
private void EditScore(int id) { Label lblId = modalDialog.FindControl("lblId") as Label; TextBox txtName = modalDialog.FindControl("txtName") as TextBox; TextBox txtWeight = modalDialog.FindControl("txtWeight") as TextBox; TextBox txtMinRange = modalDialog.FindControl("txtMinRange") as TextBox; TextBox txtMaxRange = modalDialog.FindControl("txtMaxRange") as TextBox; ScoreCategory sc = null; if (id > 0) { sc = ScoreService.GetScoreCategory(id); } else { sc = new ScoreCategory(); Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue); sc.Region = region; } lblId.Text = id.ToString(); txtName.Text = sc.Name; txtWeight.Text = sc.Weight.ToString(); txtMinRange.Text = sc.MinRange.ToString(); txtMaxRange.Text = sc.MaxRange.ToString(); modalDialog.ShowModal(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Validate("ScoreEdit"); if (IsValid) { Label lblId = modalDialog.FindControl("lblId") as Label; TextBox txtName = modalDialog.FindControl("txtName") as TextBox; TextBox txtWeight = modalDialog.FindControl("txtWeight") as TextBox; TextBox txtMinRange = modalDialog.FindControl("txtMinRange") as TextBox; TextBox txtMaxRange = modalDialog.FindControl("txtMaxRange") as TextBox; ScoreCategory sc = null; if (Convert.ToInt32(lblId.Text) > 0) { sc = ScoreService.GetScoreCategory(Convert.ToInt32(lblId.Text)); } else { sc = new ScoreCategory(); Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue); sc.Region = region; } sc.Name = txtName.Text; sc.Weight = Convert.ToInt32(txtWeight.Text); sc.MinRange = Convert.ToInt32(txtMinRange.Text); sc.MaxRange = Convert.ToInt32(txtMaxRange.Text); ScoreService.Save(sc); modalDialog.HideModal(); LoadScores(); } }
private void LoadAreas() { if (!"-1".Equals(ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue)) { Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue); ddlSearchArea.DataSource = RegionService.GetAreas(region); ddlSearchArea.DataMember = "Id"; ddlSearchArea.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlSearchArea.DataBind(); if (region.Areas.Count > 1) { ddlSearchArea.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All", "-1")); } ddlCategories.DataSource = CategoryService.GetCategories(region); ddlCategories.DataMember = "Id"; ddlCategories.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlCategories.DataBind(); ddlCategories.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All", "-1")); } else { ddlSearchArea.DataSource = null; ddlSearchArea.DataBind(); ddlCategories.DataSource = null; ddlCategories.DataBind(); ddlSearchArea.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All", "-1")); ddlCategories.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All", "-1")); } }
/// <summary> /// Load all users /// </summary> private void LoadUsers() { School school = null; Category category = null; RoleType role = RoleType.All; Region region = null; Area area = null; if (ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue != "-1") { region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue); } if (ddlCategories.SelectedValue != "-1") { category = CategoryService.GetCategory(region, ddlCategories.SelectedValue); } if (ddlSearchArea.SelectedValue != "-1") { area = RegionService.GetArea(region, ddlSearchArea.SelectedValue); } if (ddlSearchSchool.SelectedValue != "-1") { school = RegionService.GetSchool(ddlSearchSchool.SelectedValue); } if (ddlUserType.SelectedValue != "-1") { role = (RoleType)Convert.ToInt32(ddlUserType.SelectedValue); } string orderby = (SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending) ? " order by " + SortColumn + " ASC " : " order by " + SortColumn + " DESC "; IList <DisplayUser> list = UserService.GetAllUsers(region, area, school, category, txtSearchUserName.Text, role, orderby); gvUsers.DataSource = list; gvUsers.DataBind(); lblRecCount.Text = string.Format("{0:d} users found", list.Count); }
private void LoadRegion() { Region region = null; if (CurrentUser.Role == RoleType.Administrator) { ddlRegion.DataMember = "Id"; ddlRegion.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlRegion.DataSource = RegionService.GetRegions(); ddlRegion.DataBind(); region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); } else { AreaUser au = UserService.GetAreaUser(CurrentUser); region = au.Area.Region; ddlRegion.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(au.Area.Region.Name, au.Area.Region.Name)); } ddlCategories.DataSource = CategoryService.GetCategories(region); ddlCategories.DataMember = "Id"; ddlCategories.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlCategories.DataBind(); ddlCategories.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All", "-1")); LoadAreas(region); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label lblId = modalDialog.FindControl("lblId") as Label; TextBox txtFullName = modalDialog.FindControl("txtFullName") as TextBox; TextBox txtEmail = modalDialog.FindControl("txtEmail") as TextBox; TextBox txtComment = modalDialog.FindControl("txtComment") as TextBox; TextBox txtPhone = modalDialog.FindControl("txtPhone") as TextBox; DropDownList ddlRoleType = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlRoleType") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlRegion = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlRegion") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlArea = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlArea") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlCategory = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlCategory") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlSchool = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlSchool") as DropDownList; Label labCustomError = modalDialog.FindControl("labCustomError") as Label; UserInput input = new UserInput(); input.Id = Convert.ToInt32(lblId.Text); input.FullName = txtFullName.Text; input.EMail = txtEmail.Text; input.Comment = txtComment.Text; input.Phone = txtPhone.Text; input.Role = (RoleType)Convert.ToInt32(ddlRoleType.SelectedValue); if (input.Role == RoleType.RegionAdministrator) { Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); input.Area = RegionService.GetArea(region, ddlArea.SelectedValue); } if (input.Role == RoleType.AreaJudge | input.Role == RoleType.RegionJudge) { input.Area = RegionService.GetArea(ddlArea.SelectedValue); input.Category = CategoryService.GetCategory(input.Area.Region, ddlCategory.SelectedValue); } else if (input.Role == RoleType.Coordinator | input.Role == RoleType.Principal | input.Role == RoleType.Nominee) { input.School = RegionService.GetSchool(ddlSchool.SelectedValue); if (input.Role == RoleType.Nominee) { input.Category = CategoryService.GetCategory(input.Area.Region, ddlCategory.SelectedValue); } } MembershipCreateStatus status = UserService.AddNewUser(input); if (status == MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateEmail) { labCustomError.Text = "The email address is a duplicate, please enter a different email address"; labCustomError.Visible = true; } else { User user = UserService.GetUser(input.EMail); if (input.Id <= 0) { UserService.SendUserEmail(user, "Sterling Scholar Registration Request", System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/") + "/assets/NewUserTemplate.html"); } modalDialog.HideModal(); } }
protected void ddlArea_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!"-1".Equals(ddlArea.SelectedValue)) { Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); Area area = RegionService.GetArea(region, ((DropDownList)sender).SelectedValue); LoadSchools(area); } }
public void GetRegion_WithInvalidId_SholdReturnNull() { //Arange var service = new RegionService(this._dbContext, this._mapper, null); //Act var region = service.GetRegion(2); //Assert Assert.IsNull(region); }
public new void LoadData() { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SettingsMain.LogoImageName)) { imgLogo.ImageUrl = "../" + FoldersHelper.GetPath(FolderType.Pictures, SettingsMain.LogoImageName, true); } else { imgLogo.Visible = false; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SettingsMain.FaviconImageName)) { imgFavicon.ImageUrl = "../" + FoldersHelper.GetPath(FolderType.Pictures, SettingsMain.FaviconImageName, true); } else { imgFavicon.Visible = false; } if (!(Demo.IsDemoEnabled || TrialService.IsTrialEnabled)) { txtKey.Text = SettingsLic.LicKey; } txtShopName.Text = SettingsMain.ShopName; txtUrl.Text = SettingsMain.SiteUrl; //txtTitle.Text = SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaTitle; //txtMetadescription.Text = SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaDescription; //txtMetakeywords.Text = SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaKeywords; ddlCountry.DataBind(); ddlCountry.SelectedValue = SettingsMain.SellerCountryId.ToString(); txtCity.Text = SettingsMain.City; int value = SettingsMain.SellerRegionId; if (SettingsMain.SellerRegionId != 0) { var region = RegionService.GetRegion(SettingsMain.SellerRegionId); if (region != null) { txtRegion.Text = region.Name; } } txtPhone.Text = SettingsMain.Phone; txtDirector.Text = SettingsBank.Director; txtAccountant.Text = SettingsBank.Accountant; txtManager.Text = SettingsBank.Manager; }
protected void ddlRegion_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!"-1".Equals(ddlRegion.SelectedValue)) { Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); LoadAreas(region); ddlCategories.DataSource = CategoryService.GetCategories(region); ddlCategories.DataMember = "Id"; ddlCategories.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlCategories.DataBind(); ddlCategories.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All", "-1")); } }
protected void ddlRegion_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList ddlRegion = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlRegion") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlArea = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlArea") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlCategory = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlCategory") as DropDownList; Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); ddlArea.DataMember = "Id"; ddlArea.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlArea.DataSource = region.Areas; ddlArea.DataBind(); ddlCategory.DataMember = "Id"; ddlCategory.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlCategory.DataSource = CategoryService.GetCategories(region); ddlCategory.DataBind(); LoadSchools(region.Areas[0]); }
public void GetRegionById_stringValueReturned() { var mock = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>(); mock.Setup(m => m.Regions.Get(1)).Returns(exampleRegions.ElementAt(0)); var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <Region, RegionDTO>()).CreateMapper(); RegionService country = new RegionService(mock.Object); // ISerialize<RegionDTO> serialize = new RegionSerialize(); //RegionDTO example = mapper.Map<Region, RegionDTO>(exampleRegions.ElementAt(0));//serialize.serializeVary() RegionDTO data = country.GetRegion(1); mock.Verify(lw => lw.Regions.Get(1), Times.Once()); Assert.IsNotNull(data); }
private IList <Portfolio> GetPortfolios() { School school = null; Category category = null; Region region = null; string where = " where 1=1 "; if (ddlRegion.SelectedValue != "-1") { region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); where += " and p.School.Area.Region.Id = " + region.Id; } if (ddlCategories.SelectedValue != "-1" && null != region) { category = CategoryService.GetCategory(region, ddlCategories.SelectedValue); where += " and p.Category.Id = " + category.Id; } if (ddlArea.SelectedValue != "-1" && null != region) { Area area = null; if (null != region) { area = RegionService.GetArea(region, ddlArea.SelectedValue); } where += " and p.School.Area.Id = " + area.Id; } if (ddlSchools.SelectedValue != "-1") { school = RegionService.GetSchool(ddlSchools.SelectedValue); where += " and p.School.Id = " + school.Id; } if (ddlStatus.SelectedValue != "-1") { Status status = (Status)Enum.Parse(typeof(Status), ddlStatus.SelectedValue); where += " and p.Status = " + (int)status; } string orderby = (SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending) ? " order by " + SortColumn + " ASC " : " order by " + SortColumn + " DESC "; IList <Portfolio> list = PortfolioService.GetPortfolios(where + orderby); return(list); }
private void LoadUsers() { School school = null; Region region = null; if (ddlSchools.SelectedValue != "-1") { school = RegionService.GetSchool(ddlSchools.SelectedValue); } if (!"-1".Equals(ddlRegion.SelectedValue)) { region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); } IList <DisplayUser> list = UserService.GetAllUsers(region, null, school, null, "", RoleType.Coordinator, ""); gvCoordinators.DataSource = list; gvCoordinators.DataBind(); lblRecCount.Text = string.Format("{0:d} users found", list.Count); }
public void GetRegion_WithValidId_SholdReturnRegion() { //Arange var service = new RegionService(this._dbContext, this._mapper, null); this._dbContext.Regions.Add(new Region { Id = 2, Area = 125, Name = "Test", Population = 166 }); this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); //Act var region = service.GetRegion(2); //Assert Assert.IsNotNull(region); Assert.AreEqual("Test", region.Name); Assert.AreEqual(125, region.Area); Assert.AreEqual(166, region.Population); }
private void LoadSchools() { if (!"-1".Equals(ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue)) { Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue); Area area = RegionService.GetArea(region, ddlSearchArea.SelectedValue); IList <School> schools = RegionService.GetSchools(area); ddlSearchSchool.DataSource = schools; ddlSearchSchool.DataMember = "Id"; ddlSearchSchool.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlSearchSchool.DataBind(); ddlSearchSchool.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All", "-1")); } else { ddlSearchSchool.DataSource = null; ddlSearchSchool.DataBind(); ddlSearchSchool.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All", "-1")); } }
private string GetWhereClause() { School school = null; Category category = null; Region region = null; string where = " where 1=1 "; if (ddlRegion.SelectedValue != "-1") { region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); where += " and p.School.Area.Region.Id = " + region.Id; } if (ddlCategories.SelectedValue != "-1") { category = CategoryService.GetCategory(region, ddlCategories.SelectedValue); where += " and p.Category.Id = " + category.Id; } if (ddlArea.SelectedValue != "-1") { Area area = RegionService.GetArea(ddlArea.SelectedValue); where += " and p.School.Area.Id = " + area.Id; } if (ddlSchools.SelectedValue != "-1") { school = RegionService.GetSchool(ddlSchools.SelectedValue); where += " and p.School.Id = " + school.Id; } if (ddlStatus.SelectedValue != "-1") { Status status = (Status)Enum.Parse(typeof(Status), ddlStatus.SelectedValue); where += " and p.Status = " + (int)status; } return(where); }
public async void GetRegion_CanGetSingleRegion() { DbContextOptions <RimRockApiDbContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <RimRockApiDbContext>().UseInMemoryDatabase("CanGetSingleRegion").Options; using (RimRockApiDbContext context = new RimRockApiDbContext(options)) { // Arrange Region region = new Region(); region.ID = 1; region.Name = "The Palouse"; // Act RegionService regionService = new RegionService(context); await context.Regions.AddAsync(region); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); Region result = await regionService.GetRegion(region.ID); // Assert Assert.Equal(result, region); }; }
public async Task <RegionDto> GetRegion(string id) { return(await regionService.GetRegion(id)); }
public RegionModel GetRegion([FromRoute] int id) { return(RegionService.GetRegion(id, dbConn)); }
private void ShowDropDowns(RoleType role) { DropDownList ddlRegion = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlRegion") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlArea = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlArea") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlCategory = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlCategory") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlSchool = modalDialog.FindControl("ddlSchool") as DropDownList; Label labRole = modalDialog.FindControl("labRole") as Label; Label labSchool = modalDialog.FindControl("labSchool") as Label; Label labRegion = modalDialog.FindControl("labRegion") as Label; Label labArea = modalDialog.FindControl("labArea") as Label; Label labCategory = modalDialog.FindControl("labCategory") as Label; if (role == RoleType.AreaJudge | role == RoleType.RegionJudge) { ddlRegion.Visible = true; ddlArea.Visible = (role == RoleType.AreaJudge); labArea.Visible = (role == RoleType.AreaJudge); ddlSchool.Visible = false; labSchool.Visible = false; ddlCategory.Visible = true; labCategory.Visible = true; } else if (role == RoleType.Coordinator | role == RoleType.Principal) { ddlRegion.Visible = true; labRegion.Visible = true; ddlArea.Visible = true; labArea.Visible = true; ddlSchool.Visible = true; labSchool.Visible = true; ddlCategory.Visible = false; labCategory.Visible = false; Area area = RegionService.GetArea(ddlArea.SelectedValue); LoadSchools(area); } else if (role == RoleType.Administrator) { ddlRegion.Visible = false; ddlArea.Visible = false; ddlCategory.Visible = false; ddlSchool.Visible = false; labSchool.Visible = false; labRegion.Visible = false; labArea.Visible = false; labCategory.Visible = false; } else if (role == RoleType.RegionAdministrator) { ddlRegion.Visible = true; ddlArea.Visible = true; ddlCategory.Visible = false; ddlSchool.Visible = false; labSchool.Visible = false; labRegion.Visible = true; labArea.Visible = true; labCategory.Visible = false; } else if (role == RoleType.Nominee) { ddlRegion.Visible = true; labRegion.Visible = true; ddlArea.Visible = true; labArea.Visible = true; ddlSchool.Visible = true; labSchool.Visible = true; ddlCategory.Visible = true; labCategory.Visible = true; Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); Area area = RegionService.GetArea(region, ddlArea.SelectedValue); LoadSchools(area); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Title = string.Format("{0} - {1}", AdvantShop.Configuration.SettingsMain.ShopName, Resources.Resource.Admin_MasterPageAdminCatalog_Catalog); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["regionid"])) { Response.Redirect("Country.aspx"); } Region region = RegionService.GetRegion(Convert.ToInt32(RegionID)); if (region == null) { Response.Redirect("Country.aspx"); } else { lblHead.Text = region.Name; hlBack.NavigateUrl = "Regions.aspx?CountryId=" + region.CountryID; hlBack.Text = Resources.Resource.Admin_Cities_BackToRegions; } if (!IsPostBack) { _paging = new SqlPaging { TableName = "[Customers].[City]", ItemsPerPage = 20 }; var f = new Field { Name = "CityID as ID", IsDistinct = true }; _paging.AddField(f); f = new Field { Name = "CityName", Sorting = SortDirection.Ascending }; _paging.AddField(f); f = new Field { Name = "CitySort" }; _paging.AddField(f); f = new Field { Name = "RegionID", Filter = new EqualFieldFilter() { ParamName = "@RegionID", Value = RegionID.ToString() } }; _paging.AddField(f); grid.ChangeHeaderImageUrl("arrowCityName", "images/arrowup.gif"); pageNumberer.CurrentPageIndex = 1; _paging.CurrentPageIndex = 1; ViewState["Paging"] = _paging; } else { _paging = (SqlPaging)(ViewState["Paging"]); _paging.ItemsPerPage = Convert.ToInt32(ddRowsPerPage.SelectedValue); if (_paging == null) { throw (new Exception("Paging lost")); } string strIds = Request.Form["SelectedIds"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIds)) { strIds = strIds.Trim(); string[] arrids = strIds.Split(' '); var ids = new string[arrids.Length]; _selectionFilter = new InSetFieldFilter { IncludeValues = true }; for (int idx = 0; idx <= ids.Length - 1; idx++) { int t = int.Parse(arrids[idx]); if (t != -1) { ids[idx] = t.ToString(); } else { _selectionFilter.IncludeValues = false; _inverseSelection = true; } } _selectionFilter.Values = ids; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetMeta(string.Format("{0} - {1}", AdvantShop.Configuration.SettingsMain.ShopName, Resources.Resource.Admin_MasterPageAdmin_Sities)); if (RegionId < 0 && CountryId < 0) { Response.Redirect("Country.aspx"); } if (RegionId != 0) { var region = RegionService.GetRegion(RegionId); if (region != null) { lblHead.Text = region.Name; hlBack.NavigateUrl = "Regions.aspx?CountryId=" + region.CountryID; hlBack.Text = Resources.Resource.Admin_Cities_BackToRegions; hlBack2.NavigateUrl = "Country.aspx"; hlBack2.Text = Resources.Resource.Admin_Cities_BackToCoutries; } } if (CountryId != 0) { var country = CountryService.GetCountry(CountryId); if (country != null) { lblHead.Text = country.Name; hlBack.NavigateUrl = "Regions.aspx?CountryId=" + country.CountryId; hlBack.Text = Resources.Resource.Admin_Cities_BackToRegions; hlBack2.NavigateUrl = "Country.aspx"; hlBack2.Text = Resources.Resource.Admin_Cities_BackToCoutries; } btnAddCity.Visible = false; } if (!IsPostBack) { _paging = new SqlPaging { TableName = "[Customers].[City] Left Join Customers.Region On Region.RegionId=City.RegionId", ItemsPerPage = 20 }; _paging.AddFieldsRange( new List <Field> { new Field { Name = "CityID as ID", IsDistinct = true }, new Field { Name = "CityName", Sorting = SortDirection.Ascending }, new Field { Name = "CitySort" }, new Field { Name = "City.RegionID" }, new Field { Name = "City.DisplayInPopup" }, new Field { Name = "PhoneNumber" }, new Field { Name = "Region.CountryId", NotInQuery = true }, }); if (RegionId != 0) { _paging.Fields["City.RegionID"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter { ParamName = "@RegionID", Value = RegionId.ToString() }; } if (CountryId != 0) { _paging.Fields["Region.CountryId"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter { ParamName = "@CountryId", Value = CountryId.ToString() }; } grid.ChangeHeaderImageUrl("arrowCityName", "images/arrowup.gif"); pageNumberer.CurrentPageIndex = 1; _paging.CurrentPageIndex = 1; ViewState["Paging"] = _paging; } else { _paging = (SqlPaging)(ViewState["Paging"]); _paging.ItemsPerPage = SQLDataHelper.GetInt(ddRowsPerPage.SelectedValue); if (_paging == null) { throw (new Exception("Paging lost")); } string strIds = Request.Form["SelectedIds"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIds)) { strIds = strIds.Trim(); string[] arrids = strIds.Split(' '); var ids = new string[arrids.Length]; _selectionFilter = new InSetFieldFilter { IncludeValues = true }; for (int idx = 0; idx <= ids.Length - 1; idx++) { int t = int.Parse(arrids[idx]); if (t != -1) { ids[idx] = t.ToString(); } else { _selectionFilter.IncludeValues = false; _inverseSelection = true; } } _selectionFilter.Values = ids; } } }