private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegistryKey MyReg0, RegGUIDFlag, RegFlag, RegValidGUIDDays, RegValidDays, RegStartGUIDDate, RegStartDate, RegPassword; MyReg0 = Registry.CurrentUser; //删除原有注册表项 MyReg0.DeleteSubKeyTree("Identities\\{D46B7C02-B796-4AAA-9D4F-2188CF2DBA30}", false); MyReg0.DeleteSubKeyTree("Software\\Aurora", false); try { RegGUIDFlag = MyReg0.CreateSubKey("Identities\\{D46B7C02-B796-4AAA-9D4F-2188CF2DBA30}"); RegFlag = MyReg0.CreateSubKey("Software\\Aurora"); RegValidGUIDDays = MyReg0.CreateSubKey("Identities\\{D46B7C02-B796-4AAA-9D4F-2188CF2DBA30}"); RegValidDays = MyReg0.CreateSubKey("Software\\Aurora"); RegStartGUIDDate = MyReg0.CreateSubKey("Identities\\{D46B7C02-B796-4AAA-9D4F-2188CF2DBA30}"); RegStartDate = MyReg0.CreateSubKey("Software\\Aurora"); RegFlag.SetValue("nRegFlag", "0"); RegValidDays.SetValue("nValidDays", "10"); RegGUIDFlag.SetValue("nRegGUIDFlag", "0"); RegValidGUIDDays.SetValue("nValidGUIDDays", "10"); RegStartGUIDDate.SetValue("StartGUIDDate", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); RegStartDate.SetValue("StartDate", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); RegPassword = MyReg0.CreateSubKey("Software\\Aurora\\Locker"); RegPassword.SetValue("Password", "000"); //Application.Restart(); } catch { } }
private void textBox1_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) //判断输入密码和原来的密码 { if (textBox1.Text == "") { pictureBox1.Visible = false; } string strPassword = ""; RegistryKey MyReg1, RegPassword; MyReg1 = Registry.CurrentUser; RegPassword = MyReg1.CreateSubKey("Software\\Aurora\\Locker"); try { strPassword = RegPassword.GetValue("Password").ToString(); } catch { } if (textBox1.Text == strPassword) // || textBox1.Text == "Administrator") { pictureBox1.Visible = true; pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.Right; Flag1 = 1; textBox2.Enabled = true; textBox3.Enabled = true; } else { pictureBox1.Visible = true; pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.Wrong; //MessageBox.Show("原密码输入错误", "Aurora智能提示"); textBox2.Enabled = false; textBox3.Enabled = false; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //确认 { RegistryKey MyReg1, RegPassword; MyReg1 = Registry.CurrentUser; RegPassword = MyReg1.CreateSubKey("Software\\Aurora\\Locker"); string strPassword = textBox3.Text; string strShowText = textBox4.Text; if (Flag1 == 1 && Flag2 == 1 && textBox3.Text != "") //将修改后的密码写入本地ini文件 { try { RegPassword.SetValue("Password", strPassword); } catch { } } if (textBox4 != null) { try { RegPassword.SetValue("ShowText", strShowText); } catch { } } this.Close(); }
private void Locker_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) //旧坐标需要在此获取 { if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.ToString() == "zh-CN") { this.Text = "Aurora智能数据锁 ● 正在积极的保护您的数据"; } else if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.ToString() == "zh-Hant") { this.Text = "Aurora智慧資料鎖 ● 正在積極的保護您的資料"; } else //if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.ToString() == "en") { this.Text = "Aurora Intelligent Data Locker ● is Protecting Your Data Positively"; } PreviousX = Control.MousePosition.X; PreviousY = Control.MousePosition.Y; RegistryKey MyReg1, RegPassword; MyReg1 = Registry.CurrentUser; RegPassword = MyReg1.CreateSubKey("Software\\Aurora\\Locker"); try { label1.Text = RegPassword.GetValue("ShowText").ToString(); } catch { } }
private void RegConfirmPassword_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { { if (this.RegConfirmPassword.Text != this.RegPassword.Text) { this.errorProvider1.SetError(this.RegConfirmPassword, "Password and Confirm must be the same"); e.Cancel = true; RegPassword.Clear(); RegConfirmPassword.Clear(); } else { this.errorProvider1.SetError(this.RegConfirmPassword, ""); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //和注册表Locker\\Password对比,一样可以退出。 { string strPassword = ""; RegistryKey MyReg1, RegPassword; MyReg1 = Registry.CurrentUser; RegPassword = MyReg1.CreateSubKey("Software\\Aurora\\Locker"); try { strPassword = RegPassword.GetValue("Password").ToString(); } catch { } if (textBox1.Text == strPassword) // || textBox1.Text == "Administrator") { this.Close(); PublicClass.Locker.Hide(); PublicClass.AuroraMain.Show(); PublicClass.AuroraMain.Activate(); //为毛焦点不能到主窗体上去。退出Locker后按任意键仍然弹出密码框。 PublicClass.AuroraMain.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Show(); //显示鼠标 } else { if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.ToString() == "zh-CN") { label1.Text = "输入密码不正确,请重新输入。"; } else if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.ToString() == "zh-Hant") { label1.Text = "輸入密碼不正確,請重新輸入。"; } else //if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.ToString() == "en") { label1.Text = "Incorrect password, please try again."; } textBox1.Clear(); textBox1.Focus(); } }
private void StdReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //从用户名文本框获取字符串给用户名变量赋值 string userName = RegUserName.Text; //从密码文本框获取字符串给密码变量赋值 string password = RegPassword.Text; //从姓名文本框获取字符串给姓名变量赋值 string name = RegName.Text; //从班级文本框获取字符串给班级变量赋值 string className = RegClass.Text; //从学号文本框获取字符串给学号变量赋值 string cardID = RegCardID.Text; //利用正则表达式判断各文本框内的值是否符合要求 if (Regex.IsMatch(userName, @"^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,15}$") == false) { MessageBox.Show("用户名只能由英文和数字组成,长度为5-16个字节"); } else if (Regex.IsMatch(password, @"^[a-zA-Z0-9]\w{5,17}$") == false) { MessageBox.Show("密码以字母开头,长度在6~18之间,只能包含字母、数字和下划线"); } else if (Regex.IsMatch(name, @"^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$") == false) { MessageBox.Show("姓名只能为中文"); } else if (Regex.IsMatch(className, @"^[0-9]+$") == false || Regex.IsMatch(cardID, @"^[0-9]+$") == false) { MessageBox.Show("班级和卡号只能为数字"); } else { //用户输入的都符合要求 //先判断用户名和学号是否重复 string selectSQL = "select * from StdInfo where UserName='******' or CardID='" + cardID + "'"; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(conn, CommandType.Text, selectSQL); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //有重复的 MessageBox.Show("用户名或学号已被注册"); } else { RegUserName.Clear(); RegPassword.Clear(); RegName.Clear(); RegClass.Clear(); RegCardID.Clear(); //没有重复的 //将用户输入的密码进行加盐哈希处理 password = PasswordSecurity.PasswordStorage.CreateHash(RegPassword.Text); //将数据存入数据库 string insertSQL = "INSERT INTO StdInfo VALUES ('" + userName + "', '" + password + "', N'" + name + "', '" + className + "','" + cardID + "')"; int result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(conn, CommandType.Text, insertSQL); if (result > 0) { MessageBox.Show("注册成功,请返回登录"); } else { MessageBox.Show("注册失败,请重新注册"); } } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("注册失败"); } }