/// <summary>
 /// Authenticates the user with the GameSparks API. It first attempts to register the user, if that username already exist then it tries to authenticate them.
 /// This function will also prevent multiple users from logging in with the same name **EVENTUALLY**
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_userName">The username passed in through the username input field</param>
 /// <param name="_password">This password is an empty string because we don't require passwords, however the GameSparks API does</param>
 /// <param name="_registrationCallback">This is the callback containing the registration information from the GameSparks API</param>
 /// <param name="_authenticationCallback">This is the callback containing the authentication information from the GameSparks API</param>
 public void AuthenticateUser(string _userName, string _password, RegCallback _registrationCallback, AuthCallback _authenticationCallback)
     //Give username and password (which is an empty string because we don't require a password) create a registration request
     new RegistrationRequest()
     .Send((_registrationResponse) =>
         if (!_registrationResponse.HasErrors)     //If the registration response did not have any errors in it, then we can register the player
         else                                            //If there was some error
             if (!(bool)_registrationResponse.NewPlayer) //Check to see if the error was that this player is not a new player - if so need to authenticate
                 Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Existing User, Switching to Authentication");
                 //Given username and password (remember, password is just an empty string in our scenario) create a authentication request
                 new AuthenticationRequest()
                 .Send((_authenticationResponse) =>
                     if (!_authenticationResponse.HasErrors)         //Authentication was successful
                         //Set player ID to true if it is this player, or add ID if we don't have it already
                         if (m_PlayerIds.TryGetValue(_authenticationResponse.UserId, out bool me))
                             if (!me)
                                 m_PlayerIds[_authenticationResponse.UserId] = true;
                             m_PlayerIds.Add(_authenticationResponse.UserId, true);
                     else         //Authentication was not successful - reason is not known.
                         Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Error Authenticating User\n" + _authenticationResponse.Errors.JSON);
             else     //Player is a new player, but authentication/registration was unsuccessful
                 Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Error Authenticating User\n" + _registrationResponse.Errors.JSON);
Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Sends an authentication request or registration request to GS.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_callback1">Auth-Response</param>
    /// <param name="_callback2">Registration-Response</param>
    public void AuthenticateUser(string _userName, string _password, RegCallback _regcallback, AuthCallback _authcallback)
        Debug.Log("AuthenticateUser " + _userName + " " + _password);

        new GameSparks.Api.Requests.RegistrationRequest()
        // this login method first attempts a registration //
        // if the player is not new, we will be able to tell as the registrationResponse has a bool 'NewPlayer' which we can check
        // for this example we use the user-name was the display name also //
        .Send((regResp) => {
            if (!regResp.HasErrors)                             // if we get the response back with no errors then the registration was successful
                Debug.Log("GSM| Registration Successful...");
                // if we receive errors in the response, then the first thing we check is if the player is new or not
                if (!(bool)regResp.NewPlayer)                                // player already registered, lets authenticate instead
                    Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Existing User, Switching to Authentication");
                    new GameSparks.Api.Requests.AuthenticationRequest()
                    .Send((authResp) => {
                        if (!authResp.HasErrors)
                            Debug.Log("Authentication Successful...");
                            Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Error Authenticating User \n" + authResp.Errors.JSON);
                    // if there is another error, then the registration must have failed
                    Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Error Authenticating User \n" + regResp.Errors.JSON);
Пример #3
 public void AuthenticateUser(string _userName, string _password, RegCallback _regcallback, AuthCallback _authcallback)
     new GameSparks.Api.Requests.RegistrationRequest()
     .Send((regResp) => {
         if (!regResp.HasErrors)
             Debug.Log("GSM| Registration Successful...");
             if (!(bool)regResp.NewPlayer)
                 Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Existing User, Switching to Authentication");
                 new GameSparks.Api.Requests.AuthenticationRequest()
                 .Send((authResp) => {
                     if (!authResp.HasErrors)
                         Debug.Log("Authentication Successful...");
                         Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Error Authenticating User \n" + authResp.Errors.JSON);
                 Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Error Authenticating User \n" + regResp.Errors.JSON);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticates the user with the GameSparks API. It first attempts to register the user, if that username already exist then it tries to authenticate them.
        /// This function will also prevent multiple users from logging in with the same name **EVENTUALLY**
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_userName">The username passed in through the username input field</param>
        /// <param name="_password">This password is an empty string because we don't require passwords, however the GameSparks API does</param>
        /// <param name="_registrationCallback">This is the callback containing the registration information from the GameSparks API</param>
        /// <param name="_authenticationCallback">This is the callback containing the authentication information from the GameSparks API</param>
        public void AuthenticateUser(string _userName, string _password, RegCallback _registrationCallback, AuthCallback _authenticationCallback)
            //Give username and password (which is an empty string because we don't require a password) create a registration request
            new RegistrationRequest()
            .Send((_registrationResponse) =>
                if (!_registrationResponse.HasErrors)     //If the registration response did not have any errors in it, then we can register the player
                    //Check for no errors so we can add our name - prevents async problems by doing it here. Will remove if repeat login
                    AddPlayer(_registrationResponse.UserId);     //Temp add player (unless not duplicate login, then this will really add them)
                else                                            //If there was some error
                    if (!(bool)_registrationResponse.NewPlayer) //Check to see if the error was that this player is not a new player - if so need to authenticate
                        Debug.Log("GSM| Existing User, Switching to Authentication");
                        //Given username and password (remember, password is just an empty string in our scenario) create a authentication request
                        new AuthenticationRequest()
                        .Send((_authenticationResponse) =>
                            new LogEventRequest()
                            .Send((_onlineResponse) =>
                                //Extract short code from the configuration data we got
                                GSData scriptData   = _onlineResponse.ScriptData;
                                string onlineStatus = scriptData.JSON.ToString();

                                if (onlineStatus.Contains("2"))                                               //Someone is already logged in with this account
                                    if (m_PlayerIds.TryGetValue(_authenticationResponse.UserId, out bool me)) //Remove player from our player list - not actually us
                                    _authenticationCallback(_authenticationResponse, false, "User already logged in.");
                                else                                        //No one is logged in as this user - we can log in
                                    if (!_authenticationResponse.HasErrors) //Authentication was successful
                                        _authenticationCallback(_authenticationResponse, true, string.Empty);
                                        //Set player ID to true if it is this player, or add ID if we don't have it already
                                    else             //Authentication was not successful - reason is not known.
                                        Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Error Authenticating User\n" + _authenticationResponse.Errors.JSON);
                                        _authenticationCallback(_authenticationResponse, false, _authenticationResponse.Errors.JSON);
                    else     //Player is a new player, but authentication/registration was unsuccessful
                        Debug.LogWarning("GSM| Error Authenticating User\n" + _registrationResponse.Errors.JSON);