public override bool EnableWalking() { if (typeof(T) == typeof(Player)) { return(false); } else { return(Reftarget.IsValid() && Target.IsWalking()); } }
public override void _updateSpeed(T owner) { if (owner.IsTypeId(TypeId.Player)) { return; } if (!owner.IsPet() || !owner.IsInWorld || !Reftarget.IsValid() && Target.GetGUID() != owner.GetOwnerGUID()) { return; } owner.UpdateSpeed(UnitMoveType.Run); owner.UpdateSpeed(UnitMoveType.Walk); owner.UpdateSpeed(UnitMoveType.Swim); }
public override bool DoUpdate(T owner, uint time_diff) { if (!Reftarget.IsValid() || !Target.IsInWorld) { return(false); } if (owner == null || !owner.IsAlive()) { return(false); } if (owner.HasUnitState(UnitState.NotMove)) { _clearUnitStateMove(owner); return(true); } // prevent movement while casting spells with cast time or channel time if (owner.IsMovementPreventedByCasting()) { if (!owner.IsStopped()) { owner.StopMoving(); } return(true); } // prevent crash after creature killed pet if (_lostTarget(owner)) { _clearUnitStateMove(owner); return(true); } bool targetMoved = false; recheckDistance.Update((int)time_diff); if (recheckDistance.Passed()) { recheckDistance.Reset(100); //More distance let have better performance, less distance let have more sensitive reaction at target move. float allowed_dist = 0.0f;// owner.GetCombatReach() + WorldConfig.GetFloatValue(WorldCfg.RateTargetPosRecalculationRange); if (owner.IsPet() && (owner.GetCharmerOrOwnerGUID() == Target.GetGUID())) { allowed_dist = 1.0f; // pet following owner } else { allowed_dist = owner.GetCombatReach() + WorldConfig.GetFloatValue(WorldCfg.RateTargetPosRecalculationRange); } Vector3 dest = owner.MoveSpline.FinalDestination(); if (owner.MoveSpline.onTransport) { float o = 0; ITransport transport = owner.GetDirectTransport(); if (transport != null) { transport.CalculatePassengerPosition(ref dest.X, ref dest.Y, ref dest.Z, ref o); } } // First check distance if (owner.IsTypeId(TypeId.Unit) && (owner.ToCreature().CanFly() || owner.ToCreature().CanSwim())) { targetMoved = !Target.IsWithinDist3d(dest.X, dest.Y, dest.Z, allowed_dist); } else { targetMoved = !Target.IsWithinDist2d(dest.X, dest.Y, allowed_dist); } // then, if the target is in range, check also Line of Sight. if (!targetMoved) { targetMoved = !Target.IsWithinLOSInMap(owner); } } if (recalculateTravel || targetMoved) { _setTargetLocation(owner, targetMoved); } if (owner.MoveSpline.Finalized()) { MovementInform(owner); if (angle == 0.0f && !owner.HasInArc(0.01f, Target)) { owner.SetInFront(Target); } if (!targetReached) { targetReached = true; _reachTarget(owner); } } return(true); }
public void _setTargetLocation(T owner, bool updateDestination) { if (!Reftarget.IsValid() || !Target.IsInWorld) { return; } if (owner.HasUnitState(UnitState.NotMove)) { return; } if (owner.IsMovementPreventedByCasting()) { return; } if (owner.IsTypeId(TypeId.Unit) && !Target.IsInAccessiblePlaceFor(owner.ToCreature())) { owner.ToCreature().SetCannotReachTarget(true); return; } if (owner.IsTypeId(TypeId.Unit) && owner.ToCreature().IsFocusing(null, true)) { return; } float x, y, z; if (updateDestination || i_path == null) { if (offset == 0) { if (Target.IsWithinDistInMap(owner, SharedConst.ContactDistance)) { return; } // to nearest contact position Target.GetContactPoint(owner, out x, out y, out z); } else { float dist = 0; float size = 0; // Pets need special handling. // We need to subtract GetObjectSize() because it gets added back further down the chain // and that makes pets too far away. Subtracting it allows pets to properly // be (GetCombatReach() + i_offset) away. // Only applies when i_target is pet's owner otherwise pets and mobs end up // doing a "dance" while fighting if (owner.IsPet() && Target.IsTypeId(TypeId.Player)) { dist = 1.0f; // target.GetCombatReach(); size = 1.0f; // target.GetCombatReach() - target.GetObjectSize(); } else { dist = offset + 1.0f; size = owner.GetObjectSize(); } if (Target.IsWithinDistInMap(owner, dist)) { return; } // to at i_offset distance from target and i_angle from target facing Target.GetClosePoint(out x, out y, out z, size, offset, angle); } } else { // the destination has not changed, we just need to refresh the path (usually speed change) var end = i_path.GetEndPosition(); x = end.X; y = end.Y; z = end.Z; } if (i_path == null) { i_path = new PathGenerator(owner); } // allow pets to use shortcut if no path found when following their master bool forceDest = (owner.IsTypeId(TypeId.Unit) && owner.IsPet() && owner.HasUnitState(UnitState.Follow)); bool result = i_path.CalculatePath(x, y, z, forceDest); if (!result && Convert.ToBoolean(i_path.GetPathType() & PathType.NoPath)) { // Can't reach target recalculateTravel = true; if (owner.IsTypeId(TypeId.Unit)) { owner.ToCreature().SetCannotReachTarget(true); } return; } _addUnitStateMove(owner); targetReached = false; recalculateTravel = false; owner.AddUnitState(UnitState.Chase); if (owner.IsTypeId(TypeId.Unit)) { owner.ToCreature().SetCannotReachTarget(false); } MoveSplineInit init = new MoveSplineInit(owner); init.MovebyPath(i_path.GetPath()); init.SetWalk(EnableWalking()); // Using the same condition for facing target as the one that is used for SetInFront on movement end // - applies to ChaseMovementGenerator mostly if (angle == 0.0f) { init.SetFacing(Target); } init.Launch(); }