Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the glyphs of the specified hierarchy nodes
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshNodesGlyphs(IList <VSITEMSELECTION> selectedNodes, IList <string> files)
            RefreshNodesGlyphsArgs args = new RefreshNodesGlyphsArgs(selectedNodes, files);

            if (Preferences.LocalSettings.GetBool("AsyncRefreshNodesGlyphs", false))
                Thread refreshProc = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SyncAsyncRefreshNodesGlyphs));
                refreshProc.IsBackground = true;
                refreshProc.Name         = "AsyncRefreshNodesGlyphs";

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the glyphs of the specified hierarchy nodes
        /// </summary>
        private void SyncAsyncRefreshNodesGlyphs(object parm)
            RefreshNodesGlyphsArgs parms = parm as RefreshNodesGlyphsArgs;

            if (parms == null)

            IList <VSITEMSELECTION> selectedNodes = parms.selectedNodes;
            IList <string>          files         = parms.files;

            if (SccService.IsSolutionSelected)
                selectedNodes = null;

            if (!P4VsProvider.Instance.IsThereASolution())
            // make sure the context menus update for the new state

            if (selectedNodes == null)
                bool TreatProjectsAsFolders = Preferences.LocalSettings.GetBool("TreatProjectsAsFolders", true);
                if (TreatProjectsAsFolders)
                    string slnPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(P4VsProvider.Instance.GetSolutionFileName());
                    slnPath = string.Format("{0}\\...", slnPath);
                    files   = new List <string>();
                    files = P4VsProvider.Instance.GetSolutionFiles();
                selectedNodes = new List <VSITEMSELECTION>();

                IList <IVsHierarchy> controlledProjects = SccService.GetControlledProjects();
                if (controlledProjects != null)
                    foreach (IVsHierarchy node in controlledProjects)
                        VSITEMSELECTION vsItem;
                        vsItem.itemid = VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT;
                        vsItem.pHier  = node;

            if (SccService.ScmProvider != null)
                if ((files != null) && (files.Count > 0))
                    if (Preferences.LocalSettings.GetBool("LazyLoadStatus", false) == false)
                        SccService.ScmProvider.UpdateFiles(files, true);
                    foreach (string file in files)
                        if ((file.EndsWith("\\...")) || (file.EndsWith("\\*")))
            foreach (VSITEMSELECTION vsItemSel in selectedNodes)
                IVsSccProject2 sccProject2 = vsItemSel.pHier as IVsSccProject2;
                if (vsItemSel.itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                    string name = "";
                    if (vsItemSel.pHier != null)
                        vsItemSel.pHier.GetCanonicalName(vsItemSel.itemid, out name);
                    if (sccProject2 == null)
                        // Note: The solution's hierarchy does not implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject interfaces
                        // It may be a pain to treat the solution as special case everywhere; a possible workaround is
                        // to implement a solution-wrapper class, that will implement IVsSccProject2, IVsSccProject and
                        // IVsHierarhcy interfaces, and that could be used in provider's code wherever a solution is needed.
                        // This approach could unify the treatment of solution and projects in the provider's code.

                        // Until then, solution is treated as special case
                        string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                        rgpszFullPaths[0] = P4VsProvider.Instance.GetSolutionFileName();
                        VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs    = new VsStateIcon[1];
                        uint[]        rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];

                        if (SccService.ScmProvider != null)
                            SccService.ScmProvider.UpdateFileInCache(rgpszFullPaths[0], true);
                        SccService.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                        // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy
                        solHier.SetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, rgsiGlyphs[0]);
                        if ((SccService.UiDispatcher != null) &&
                            (SccService.UiDispatcher.Thread.ManagedThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId))
                                new SccGlyphChangedDelegate(SccGlyphChanged), sccProject2, 0, null, null, null);
                            sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(0, null, null, null);
                    // Refresh all the glyphs in the project; the project will call back GetSccGlyphs()
                    // with the files for each node that will need new glyph

                    // It may be easier/faster to simply refresh all the nodes in the project,
                    // and let the project call back on GetSccGlyphs, but just for the sake of the demo,
                    // let's refresh ourselves only one node at a time
                    IList <string> sccFiles = P4VsProvider.Instance.GetNodeFiles(sccProject2, vsItemSel.itemid);

                    //// We'll use for the node glyph just the Master file's status (ignoring special files of the node)
                    if (sccFiles.Count > 0)
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < sccFiles.Count; idx++)
                            string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1];
                            rgpszFullPaths[0] = sccFiles[idx];
                            VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs    = new VsStateIcon[1];
                            uint[]        rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1];
                            if ((SccService.ScmProvider != null) && (files == null) || (files.Count <= 0))
                                // update if not already updated
                                SccService.ScmProvider.UpdateFileInCache(sccFiles[idx], true);
                            SccService.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);

                            uint[] rguiAffectedNodes = new uint[1];
                            if (idx == 0)
                                rguiAffectedNodes[0] = vsItemSel.itemid;
                                if (sccProject2 != null)
                                    // Don't async update the node's glyph if the new status is deleted
                                    // The mode might not exist anymore when the update is actually run
                                    if ((SccService.UiDispatcher != null) &&
                                        (SccService.UiDispatcher.Thread.ManagedThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) &&
                                        ((rgdwSccStatus[0] & (uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_DELETED) == 0))
                                            new SccGlyphChangedDelegate(SccGlyphChanged), sccProject2,
                                            1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                                        sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                                uint       itemid;
                                int        fFound;
                                IVsProject pscp = sccProject2 as IVsProject;

                                VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[] prio = new VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[1];
                                if (pscp != null && pscp.IsDocumentInProject(sccFiles[idx], out fFound, prio, out itemid) == VSConstants.S_OK && fFound != 0)
                                    rguiAffectedNodes[0] = itemid;
                                    // Don't async update the node's glyph if the new status is deleted
                                    // The mode might not exist anymore when the update is actually run
                                    if ((SccService.UiDispatcher != null) &&
                                        (SccService.UiDispatcher.Thread.ManagedThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) &&
                                        ((rgdwSccStatus[0] & (uint)__SccStatus.SCC_STATUS_DELETED) == 0))
                                            new SccGlyphChangedDelegate(SccGlyphChanged), sccProject2,
                                            1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                                        sccProject2.SccGlyphChanged(1, rguiAffectedNodes, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus);
                        // could not find files based on the nodes selected, so use the list of files passed in
                        SccService.RefreshProjectGlyphs(files, true);