public CachedListUpdate(IList cachedList, IList originalList, object obj, string propertyName, PropertyStatus propertyStatus, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
     this.cachedList = cachedList;
     this.originalList = originalList;
     this.obj = obj;
     this.propertyName = propertyName;
     this.propertyStatus = propertyStatus;
     this.refreshBehavior = refreshBehavior;
Пример #2
 protected QueryBase(string query, Type primaryType, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
     : base()
     m_Query = query;
     m_PrimaryType = primaryType;
     this.refreshBehavior = refreshBehavior;
     if (parameters != null)
         this.parameters = parameters;
Пример #3
 protected QueryBase(string query, Type primaryType, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior) : base()
     m_Query              = query;
     m_PrimaryType        = primaryType;
     this.refreshBehavior = refreshBehavior;
     if (parameters != null)
         this.parameters = parameters;
Пример #4
        public virtual IList LoadObjects(Type type, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

            string npath = "Select * From " + type.Name;

            return(LoadObjects(new NPathQuery(npath, type, null, refreshBehavior), listToFill));
        //Two pass operation - first deserialise all objects, the set up relationships
        public virtual IList ToObjectList(MarshalObjectList marshalObjectList, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
            foreach (MarshalObject mo in marshalObjectList.Objects)
                GetObjectListObject(mo, 1, refreshBehavior);

            foreach (MarshalObject mo in marshalObjectList.Objects)
                object obj = GetObjectListObject(mo, 2, refreshBehavior);

        private void ToReference(object targetObject, MarshalReference mr, IPropertyMap propertyMap, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            object value = null;

            if (mr.Type.Length > 0 && mr.IsNull == false)
                value = ToReferenceValue(targetObject, mr.Type, mr.Value, mr, propertyMap);

            Context.ObjectManager.SetPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, value);
            if (mr.HasOriginal)
                object orgValue = null;
                if (mr.OriginalType.Length > 0 && mr.WasNull == false)
                    orgValue = ToReferenceValue(targetObject, mr.OriginalType, mr.OriginalValue, mr, propertyMap);

                Context.ObjectManager.SetOriginalPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, orgValue);
                if (mr.IsNull != mr.WasNull || (value != null && orgValue != null && value.Equals(orgValue) == false))
                    this.Context.ObjectManager.SetUpdatedStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, true);
                    //redundant, done once for object by outer caller
                    //this.Context.UnitOfWork.RegisterDirty(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, true);
            Context.ObjectManager.SetNullValueStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, mr.IsNull);
        //TODO: The whole refresh thingy...
        public void ToProperty(object targetObject, MarshalProperty mp, IPropertyMap propertyMap, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            IObjectManager      om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IPersistenceManager pm = this.Context.PersistenceManager;

            object value = null;

            if (!mp.IsNull)
                value = ToPropertyValue(targetObject, mp.Value, mp, propertyMap);

            bool doWrite    = false;
            bool doWriteOrg = false;

            RefreshProperty(om, targetObject, propertyMap, pm, refreshBehavior, value, out doWrite, out doWriteOrg);
            if (doWrite || doWriteOrg)
                //To keep inverse management correct,
                //We really should pick out a ref to any
                //eventual already referenced object here (in the
                //case of MergeBehaviorType.OverwriteDirty)
                //and perform proper inverse management on that object...

                if (doWrite)
                    if (mp.IsNull != true)
                        om.SetPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, value);
                    Context.ObjectManager.SetNullValueStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, mp.IsNull);
                if (doWriteOrg)
                    if (mp.HasOriginal)
                        object orgValue = DBNull.Value;
                        if (mp.WasNull != true)
                            orgValue = ToPropertyValue(targetObject, mp.OriginalValue, mp, propertyMap);

                        if (propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None)
                            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, orgValue);
                            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, value);

                        if (mp.IsNull != mp.WasNull || (value != null && orgValue != null && value.Equals(orgValue) == false))
                            this.Context.ObjectManager.SetUpdatedStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, true);
                            //redundant, done once for object by outer caller
                            //this.Context.UnitOfWork.RegisterDirty(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, true);
//				if (propertyMap.ReferenceType != ReferenceType.None )
//				{
//					if (value != null)
//					{
//						this.Context.IdentityMap.RegisterLoadedObject(value);
//						//Inverse management
//						if (doWrite)
//							this.Context.InverseManager.NotifyPropertyLoad(refObj, propertyMap, value);
//					}
//				}
 protected virtual void LoadObjectsPerObject(Type type, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill, IClassMap classMap)
     string directory = GetDirectoryForClass(classMap);
     string className = classMap.GetFullName().ToLower();
     foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(directory))
         FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fileName);
         if (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".xml")
             if (file.Name.Length > className.Length)
                 if (file.Name.Substring(0, className.Length).ToLower() == className)
                     string xml = LoadFile(type, fileName);
                     if (xml != "")
                         DeserializeObject(type, listToFill, classMap, xml);
        public virtual IList LoadObjects(Type type, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
            LogMessage message = new LogMessage("Loading all objects of type");
            LogMessage verbose = new LogMessage("Type: {0}", type);
            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, message, verbose); // do not localize

            if (listToFill == null)
                listToFill = new ArrayList();

            IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(type);

            if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerDomain)
                LoadObjectsPerDomain(type, refreshBehavior, listToFill, classMap);
            else if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerClass)
                LoadObjectsPerClass(type, refreshBehavior, listToFill, classMap);
            else if (classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.Default || classMap.DocClassMapMode == DocClassMapMode.PerObject)
                LoadObjectsPerObject(type, refreshBehavior, listToFill, classMap);

            foreach (IClassMap subClassMap in classMap.GetSubClassMaps())
                Type subType = this.Context.AssemblyManager.GetTypeFromClassMap(subClassMap);
                LoadObjects(subType, refreshBehavior, listToFill);

            return listToFill;
Пример #10
 private void RefreshProperty(object obj, string propertyName, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
     Context.RefreshProperty(obj, propertyName, refreshBehavior);
Пример #11
 public SqlQuery(string query, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IContext ctx) : base(query, null, parameters, refreshBehavior, ctx)
        private void ToReference(object targetObject, MarshalReference mr, IPropertyMap propertyMap, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            object value = null;
            if (mr.Type.Length > 0 && mr.IsNull == false)
                value = ToReferenceValue(targetObject, mr.Type, mr.Value, mr, propertyMap);

            Context.ObjectManager.SetPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, value);
            if (mr.HasOriginal)
                object orgValue = null;
                if (mr.OriginalType.Length > 0 && mr.WasNull == false)
                    orgValue = ToReferenceValue(targetObject, mr.OriginalType, mr.OriginalValue,mr, propertyMap);

                Context.ObjectManager.SetOriginalPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, orgValue);
                if (mr.IsNull != mr.WasNull || (value != null && orgValue != null && value.Equals(orgValue) == false))
                    this.Context.ObjectManager.SetUpdatedStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, true);
                    //redundant, done once for object by outer caller
                    //this.Context.UnitOfWork.RegisterDirty(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, true);
            Context.ObjectManager.SetNullValueStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, mr.IsNull);
Пример #13
		public virtual IList GetObjectsBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
			IDataSource ds = this.Context.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(type);
			IDataReader dr;
			//IList colRet = new ArrayList();
			IList colRet = listToFill;
			dr = this.Context.SqlExecutor.ExecuteReader(sqlQuery, ds, parameters);
			if (dr != null)
					FetchObjectsFromDataReader(dr, ref colRet, type, idColumns, typeColumns, propertyColumnMap, refreshBehavior);
				catch (Exception ex)
					throw ex; // do not localize
			return colRet;
Пример #14
		//From PersistenceManager
		protected virtual void InternalGetObjectsByNPath(string npathQuery, Type type, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
			IList outParameters = new ArrayList();
			IList idColumns = new ArrayList();
			IList typeColumns = new ArrayList();
			Hashtable propertyColumnMap = new Hashtable();
			IClassMap classMap;
			IColumnMap columnMap;
			classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(type);
//			columnMap = classMap.GetTypeColumnMap();
//			if (columnMap != null)
//			{
//				typeColumns.Add(columnMap.Name);
//			}
			foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetIdentityPropertyMaps())
				columnMap = propertyMap.GetColumnMap();
				if (columnMap != null)
			string sql = this.Context.NPathEngine.ToSql(npathQuery, NPathQueryType.SelectObjects, type, ref propertyColumnMap, ref outParameters, parameters);
			GetObjectsBySql(sql, type, idColumns, typeColumns, propertyColumnMap, outParameters, refreshBehavior, listToFill);
Пример #15
		protected virtual IList GetObjectsByNPath(string npathQuery, Type type, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
			IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(type);

			//IList result = InternalGetObjectsByNPath(npathQuery, type, parameters, refreshBehavior);
			InternalGetObjectsByNPath(npathQuery, type, parameters, refreshBehavior, listToFill);

			foreach (IClassMap subClassMap in classMap.GetSubClassMaps())
				if (subClassMap.InheritanceType == InheritanceType.ConcreteTableInheritance)
					Type subType = this.Context.AssemblyManager.MustGetTypeFromClassMap(subClassMap);
					InternalGetObjectsByNPath(npathQuery, subType, parameters, refreshBehavior, listToFill); 						


			return listToFill;
Пример #16
		//From Context		
		protected virtual IList GetObjectsBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
			IList idColumns = new ArrayList();
			IList typeColumns = new ArrayList();
			Hashtable propertyColumnMap = new Hashtable();
			IQuery sq = new SqlQuery(sqlQuery);
			IList outParameters = new ArrayList(); 
			//IList inParameters = new ArrayList(); 
			sq.ToSql(type, this.Context, ref idColumns, ref typeColumns, ref propertyColumnMap, ref outParameters, parameters);
			return GetObjectsBySql(sqlQuery, type, idColumns, typeColumns, propertyColumnMap, outParameters, refreshBehavior, listToFill );
Пример #17
		public virtual DataTable GetDataTableBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
			IDataSource ds = this.Context.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(type);
			DataTable dt;
			dt = this.Context.SqlExecutor.ExecuteDataTable(sqlQuery, ds, parameters);
			return dt;
Пример #18
		protected virtual DataTable GetDataTableByNPath(string NPathQuery, Type type, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
			IList outParameters = new ArrayList();
			IList idColumns = new ArrayList();
			IList typeColumns = new ArrayList();
			Hashtable propertyColumnMap = new Hashtable();
			IClassMap classMap;
			IColumnMap columnMap;
			classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(type);
			columnMap = classMap.GetTypeColumnMap();
			if (columnMap != null)
			foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetIdentityPropertyMaps())
				columnMap = propertyMap.GetColumnMap();
				if (columnMap != null)
			string sql = this.Context.NPathEngine.ToSql(NPathQuery, type, ref propertyColumnMap, ref outParameters, parameters);
			return GetDataTableBySql(sql, type, idColumns, typeColumns, propertyColumnMap, outParameters, refreshBehavior);
Пример #19
 public IList GetObjectsBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
     return(GetSqlEngine(GetSourceType(type)).GetObjectsBySql(sqlQuery, type, idColumns, typeColumns, propertyColumnMap, parameters, refreshBehavior, listToFill));
Пример #20
		//Maybe one day this method should be modified to take a datatable and be moved outta here, eh ?

		//TODO: Modify so that this handles composite key references!!
		//First step - decide that propertyColumnMap can have values that are columnNames or Lists of columnNames....(done!)
		//when propertyColumnMap are lists, the convention is that:
		//A) if the referenced class has a type value (and the type value is part of the composite key), it should be the first value in the list
		//B) the rest if the items should be the rest of the composite 
		protected virtual void FetchObjectsFromDataReader(IDataReader dr, ref IList colret, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
			IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
			IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(type);
			IDomainMap dm = this.Context.DomainMap;
			IAssemblyManager am = this.Context.AssemblyManager ;
			IListManager lm = this.Context.ListManager;
			Hashtable added = new Hashtable() ;
			Hashtable addedToList = new Hashtable() ;
			int rowNr = 0;
			object obj;
			object refObj;
			object objColumnIndex;
			IPropertyMap propertyMap;
			string strPropertyName;
			string[] arr;
			int start;
			int CurrLevel;
			int iLevel;
			int MaxLevel = 0;
			object value;
			object orgValue;
			string identity;
			string sep = classMap.IdentitySeparator;
			if (sep == "")
				sep = "|";
			bool doWrite;
			bool doWriteOrg;
			PropertyStatus propStatus;
			string strTypeValue;
			object discriminator; //TODO: ensure disc is set
			IClassMap useClassMap;
			IClassMap refClassMap;
			Type useType;
			IPersistenceManager pm = this.Context.PersistenceManager;
			Hashtable registerLoaded = new Hashtable() ;
			RefreshBehaviorType useRefreshBehavior;

			Hashtable foundIdColumns = new Hashtable() ;
			//iterate through each column in the datareader,
			//where each row contains id columns for the new object, eventual loaded properties and also possibly columns for values (icluding ids) of referenced objects
			//each column in the row should have a property-path associated ith it in propertyColumnMap
			//(some columns may be referenced by the same property-path)
			while (dr.Read())
				rowNr += 1;
				useType = type;
				useClassMap = classMap;

				//begin by seeing if a typecolumn has been supplied
				//if so, get the type value from the datareader and make sure our classMap is of this type
				foreach (string strColumnName in typeColumns)
					strTypeValue = (string) dr[strColumnName];
					if (!(strTypeValue == classMap.TypeValue))
						useClassMap = classMap.GetBaseClassMap().GetSubClassWithTypeValue(strTypeValue);
						useType = this.Context.AssemblyManager.MustGetTypeFromClassMap(useClassMap);
				identity = "";
				//iterate through the identity properties for our type, get the columnname for each from propertyColumnMap
				//and get the id values from the datareader, then concatenate the id values to an identity string using the id separator of the type
				//also add the id columns to the foundIdColumns hashtable
				//if the id columns are repeated later in the idcolumnlist they can then be ignored
				foreach (IPropertyMap idPropertyMap in useClassMap.GetIdentityPropertyMaps())
					if (propertyColumnMap.ContainsKey(idPropertyMap.Name))
						if (propertyColumnMap[idPropertyMap.Name] is string)
							identity += Convert.ToString(dr[(string) propertyColumnMap[idPropertyMap.Name]]) + sep;
							foundIdColumns[idPropertyMap.Column.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)] = true;							
							IList aliases = (IList) propertyColumnMap[idPropertyMap.Name];
							int index = 0;

							IColumnMap typeColMap = useClassMap.GetTypeColumnMap();
							if (typeColMap != null)
								strTypeValue = Convert.ToString(dr[(string) aliases[0]]);
								if (!(strTypeValue == classMap.TypeValue))
									//When npath adds TypeColumn to where clause, uncomment this
									//useClassMap = classMap.GetSubClassWithTypeValue(strTypeValue);
									useClassMap = classMap.GetBaseClassMap().GetSubClassWithTypeValue(strTypeValue);

									//useType = type.Assembly.GetType(useClassMap.Name);
									useType = this.Context.AssemblyManager.MustGetTypeFromClassMap(useClassMap);
								index = 1;

							for (int iter = index; iter < aliases.Count ; iter++ )
								identity += Convert.ToString(dr[(string) aliases[iter]]) + sep;
								foundIdColumns[idPropertyMap.Column.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)] = true;								
				//iterate through the id columns and concatenate the id values to an identity string using the id separator of the type
				//ignore idcolumns that are aready added in the previous loop
				foreach (string strColumnName in idColumns)
					if (!(foundIdColumns.ContainsKey(strColumnName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))))
						identity += Convert.ToString(dr[strColumnName]) + sep;						

				//if the identity string ends with a separator, remove the trailing separator
				if (identity.Length > sep.Length)
					identity = identity.Substring(0, identity.Length - sep.Length);

				//ask the context for the object with our identity and type 
				//this is the "root" object represented by the row
				obj = this.Context.GetObjectById(identity, useType, true);

				//add the object to the result list
				object test = added[obj];
				if (test == null)
					added[obj] = obj;					

				if (propertyColumnMap != null)
					string typeName = type.ToString();
					//Find the maximum number of levels traversed in any of the propertypaths
					foreach (string iPropertyName in propertyColumnMap.Keys)
						strPropertyName = iPropertyName;
						if (strPropertyName.Length > 0)
							if (strPropertyName.IndexOf(".") > 0)
								arr = strPropertyName.Split('.');
								iLevel = arr.GetUpperBound(0);
								if (String.Compare(arr[0], typeName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
									iLevel -= 1;
								if (iLevel > MaxLevel)
									MaxLevel = iLevel;
					//go through properties level by level, filling properties in each level with values from the datareader
					//first person.FirstName, person.LastName, person.Project and person.House
					//then person.Project.Name, person.Project.Date, person.Project.Company,
					//     person.House.Street, person.House.Color, person.House.City
					//then person.Project.Company.Name, person.Project.Company.Address..
					//     person.House.City.Name, person.House.City.Country....
					//this ensures that when travelling a propertypath all the parts in it will always be loaded
					for (int Level = 0; Level <= MaxLevel; Level++)
						//iterate through all the propertypaths to see which represent properties on the current level
						foreach (string iPropertyName in propertyColumnMap.Keys)
							strPropertyName = iPropertyName;
							if (strPropertyName.Length > 0)
								objColumnIndex = propertyColumnMap[strPropertyName];
								refObj = obj;
								//if it is a propertypath, traverse it
								if (strPropertyName.IndexOf(".") > 0)
									CurrLevel = 0;
									arr = strPropertyName.Split('.');
									start = 0;
									//if the propertypath beginis with the classname, skip one level
									if (arr[0].ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == type.ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
										start = 1;

									//count the number of levels in the path
									for (int i = start; i <= arr.GetUpperBound(0) - 1; i++)
										CurrLevel += 1;

									//check if the level of the path equals the current level
									if (CurrLevel == Level)
										object prevObj = obj;
										string path = "";
										//if so, traverse the propertypath (knowing that all parts in it have been loaded)
										for (int i = start; i <= arr.GetUpperBound(0) - 1; i++)
											//read the next part in the path
											refObj = om.GetPropertyValue(refObj, arr[i]);
											if (refObj == null)

											path += arr[i] + ".";

											IList listObject = refObj as IList;
											if (listObject != null)
												string refId = "";
												IClassMap refObjClassMap = dm.MustGetClassMap(prevObj.GetType()).MustGetPropertyMap(arr[i]).MustGetReferencedClassMap() ;
												Type refType = am.GetTypeFromClassMap(refObjClassMap);
												foreach (IPropertyMap refIdPropertyMap in refObjClassMap.GetIdentityPropertyMaps() )
													string find = path + refIdPropertyMap.Name;
													if (propertyColumnMap.ContainsKey(find))
														if (propertyColumnMap[find] is string)
															refId += Convert.ToString(dr[(string) propertyColumnMap[find]]) + sep;
															//foundIdColumns[refIdPropertyMap.Column.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)] = true;							
															IList aliases = (IList) propertyColumnMap[find];
															int index = 0;

															IColumnMap typeColMap = refObjClassMap.GetTypeColumnMap();
															if (typeColMap != null)
																strTypeValue = Convert.ToString(dr[(string) aliases[0]]);
																if (!(strTypeValue == classMap.TypeValue))
																	//When npath adds TypeColumn to where clause, uncomment this
																	//useClassMap = classMap.GetSubClassWithTypeValue(strTypeValue);
																	refObjClassMap = classMap.GetBaseClassMap().GetSubClassWithTypeValue(strTypeValue);

																	//useType = type.Assembly.GetType(useClassMap.Name);
																	refType = am.MustGetTypeFromClassMap(useClassMap);
																index = 1;

															for (int iter = index; iter < aliases.Count ; iter++ )
																refId += Convert.ToString(dr[(string) aliases[iter]]) + sep;
																//foundIdColumns[refIdPropertyMap.Column.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)] = true;								
												//if the identity string ends with a separator, remove the trailing separator
												if (refId.Length > sep.Length)
													refId = refId.Substring(0, refId.Length - sep.Length);

												refObj = this.Context.GetObjectById(refId, refType, true);

												if (registerLoaded[refObj] == null)
													registerLoaded[refObj] = refObj;

												string key = path + rowNr.ToString();
												object testRef = addedToList[key] ;
												if (testRef == null)
													addedToList[key] = refObj;

													bool stackMute = false;
													IInterceptableList mList = listObject as IInterceptableList;
													if (mList != null)
														stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
														mList.MuteNotify = true;
													if (mList != null)
														mList.MuteNotify = stackMute ;
													IList orgList = (IList) om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(refObj, arr[i]);
													if (orgList == null)
														orgList = lm.CreateList(obj, arr[i]) ;
														om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, arr[i], orgList);
													mList = orgList as IInterceptableList;
													if (mList != null)
														stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
														mList.MuteNotify = true;
													if (mList != null)
														mList.MuteNotify = stackMute ;

											prevObj = refObj;
									//make sure we have arrived at an object to work with for the property, if not break
									if (refObj == null)
										strPropertyName = arr[arr.GetUpperBound(0)];										
									CurrLevel = 0;
								//if the proppath is on the current level, put a value in the property from the datareader
								if (CurrLevel == Level)
									if (refObj != null)
										//Check if this property is part of a composite key foreign key (ref prop)
										//If so, add it to the list for this FK
										//Check if the list is complete
										//if so, do()
										discriminator = null;
										//get the class map for the object holding the property we're working with
										refClassMap = classMap.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(refObj.GetType());

										//get the property map for the property we're working with
										propertyMap = refClassMap.GetPropertyMap(strPropertyName);

										if (propertyMap != null && !(CurrLevel == 0 && propertyMap.IsIdentity))
											IList listColumnIndexes = objColumnIndex as IList;
											if (listColumnIndexes != null )
                                                int startIndex = 0;
												IPropertyMap inverse = propertyMap.GetInversePropertyMap();
                                                if (inverse != null)
                                                    //HACK: roger tried to fix this
                                                    //IClassMap otherClassMap = propertyMap.GetReferencedClassMap();
                                                    IClassMap otherClassMap = inverse.ClassMap;//propertyMap.ClassMap;
                                                    IColumnMap typeColumnMap = otherClassMap.GetTypeColumnMap();
                                                    if (typeColumnMap != null)
                                                        bool foundTypeCol = false;
                                                        foreach (IColumnMap idColumnMap in propertyMap.GetAllColumnMaps())
                                                            if (idColumnMap.MustGetPrimaryKeyColumnMap() == typeColumnMap)
                                                                foundTypeCol = true;

                                                        //if the referenced class has a type column our property
                                                        //has a column mapping to that type column, we should 
                                                        //assume that the first column in the column list
                                                        //is the type column, set the discriminator to this value 
                                                        //and remove it from the result
                                                        if (foundTypeCol)
                                                            if (Util.IsNumeric(Convert.ToString(listColumnIndexes[0])))
                                                                discriminator = dr[Convert.ToInt32(listColumnIndexes[0])];
                                                                discriminator = dr[Convert.ToString(listColumnIndexes[0])];
                                                            startIndex = 1;
												orgValue = new ArrayList();
												for (int i = startIndex; i < listColumnIndexes.Count; i++)
													object itemValue; 
													if (Util.IsNumeric(Convert.ToString(listColumnIndexes[i])))
														itemValue = dr[Convert.ToInt32(listColumnIndexes[i])];
														itemValue = dr[Convert.ToString(listColumnIndexes[i])];												
												//get the unmanaged value from the datareader by column index, name or alias
												if (Util.IsNumeric(Convert.ToString(objColumnIndex)))
													orgValue = dr[Convert.ToInt32(objColumnIndex)];
													orgValue = dr[Convert.ToString(objColumnIndex)];

											//Manage the column value and set the managed value in a new variable
											value = pm.ManageLoadedValue( refObj, propertyMap, orgValue, discriminator);
											doWrite = false;
											doWriteOrg = false;
											propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(refObj, strPropertyName);

											useRefreshBehavior = pm.GetRefreshBehavior(refreshBehavior, refClassMap, propertyMap);

											if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteNotLoaded || useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
												//Overwrite both value and original for all unloaded properties
												if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
													doWrite = true;
													doWriteOrg = true;
											else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteLoaded)
												//Overwrite value and original for all clean or unloaded properties (but not for dirty or deleted properties)
												if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean || propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
													doWriteOrg = true;
													doWrite = true;												
											else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.ThrowConcurrencyException)
												//Overwrite original for all properties unless the old originial value and the fresh value from the
												//database mismatch, in that case raise an exception
												//Overwrite value for all clean or unloaded properties (but not for dirty or deleted properties)
												if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean || propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded || propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
													if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded))
														object testValue = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(refObj, strPropertyName);
														object testValue2 = value;
														if (DBNull.Value.Equals(testValue)) { testValue = null; }
														if (DBNull.Value.Equals(testValue2)) { testValue2 = null; }
														if (testValue2 != testValue)
															string cachedValue = "null";
															string freshValue = "null";
																if (testValue != null)
																	cachedValue = testValue.ToString() ;
															catch { ; }
																if (value != null)
																	freshValue = value.ToString() ;
															catch { ; }
															if (!cachedValue.Equals(freshValue))
																throw new RefreshException("A refresh concurrency exception occurred when refreshing a cached object of type " + refObj.GetType().ToString() + " with fresh data from the data source. The data source row has been modified since the last time this version of the object was loaded, specifically the value for property " + strPropertyName + ". (this exception occurs because ThrowConcurrencyExceptions refresh behavior was selected). Cashed value: " + cachedValue + ", Fresh value: " + freshValue, cachedValue, freshValue, refObj, strPropertyName); // do not localize
													if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty))
														doWrite = true;
											else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteDirty)
												//Overwrite original for all properties
												//Overwrite value for all clean, unloaded or dirty properties (but not for deleted properties)
												doWriteOrg = true;
												if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.Deleted))
													doWrite = true;
												throw new NPersistException("Unknown object refresh behavior specified!"); // do not localize
											if (doWrite || doWriteOrg)
												//To keep inverse management correct,
												//We really should pick out a ref to any
												//eventual already referenced object here (in the
												//case of MergeBehaviorType.OverwriteDirty)
												//and perform proper inverse management on that object...

                                                if (doWrite)
													om.SetPropertyValue(refObj, strPropertyName, value);
													om.SetNullValueStatus(refObj, strPropertyName, DBNull.Value.Equals(orgValue));

												if (doWriteOrg)
													if (propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None)
														om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(refObj, strPropertyName, orgValue);
														om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(refObj, strPropertyName, value);												

												if (propertyMap.ReferenceType != ReferenceType.None )
													if (value != null)
														if (registerLoaded[value] == null)
															registerLoaded[value] = value;

														//Inverse management
														if (doWrite)
															this.Context.InverseManager.NotifyPropertyLoad(refObj, propertyMap, value);
				if (registerLoaded[obj] == null)
					registerLoaded[obj] = obj;
			foreach (object register in registerLoaded.Keys)
Пример #21
 public CachedListUpdate(IList cachedList, IList originalList, object obj, string propertyName, PropertyStatus propertyStatus, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
     this.cachedList      = cachedList;
     this.originalList    = originalList;
     this.obj             = obj;
     this.propertyName    = propertyName;
     this.propertyStatus  = propertyStatus;
     this.refreshBehavior = refreshBehavior;
        private void LoadProperty(object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap, IObjectManager om, object source, IPropertyMap sourcePropertyMap, IObjectManager sourceOm, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            if (!Monitor.TryEnter(sourceContext, this.Context.Timeout))
                throw new NPersistTimeoutException("Could not acquire exclusive lock on root context before timeout: " + this.Context.Timeout.ToString() + " ms" );

                sourceOm.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);

                bool nullValueStatus;
                object value;
                if (propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None)
                    if (!(propertyMap.IsCollection))
                        value = sourceOm.GetPropertyValue(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);
                        nullValueStatus = sourceOm.GetNullValueStatus(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);

                        om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, value);
                        if (nullValueStatus)
                            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, DBNull.Value);
                            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, value);
                        om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, nullValueStatus);
                        //Using CloneList will work when it is only primitive values
                        //(or immutable objects such as strings and dates)
                        //that can be copied between contexts
                        IList list = (IList) sourceOm.GetPropertyValue(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);
                        IList listClone = this.Context.ListManager.CloneList(obj, propertyMap, list);
                        //IList listCloneOrg = this.Context.ListManager.CloneList(obj, propertyMap, list);
                        IList listCloneOrg = new ArrayList( list);
                        om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, listClone);
                        om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, listCloneOrg);
                    if (!(propertyMap.IsCollection))
                        object refObject = sourceOm.GetPropertyValue(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);

                        if (refObject == null)
                            om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, null);
                            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, null);

                            om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, true);
                            string identity = sourceOm.GetObjectIdentity(refObject);

                            Type refType = ToLeafType(refObject);

                            //Impossible to solve for inheritance scenarios when mapping presentation model to domain model!!!!
                            //We could try checking which presentation domain map which class map that maps to the
                            //domain class map, but that could be a many-one relationship (many presentation model classes
                            //map to the same domain model class!)
                            //								IClassMap sourceOrgClassMap = this.sourceContext.DomainMap.GetClassMap(orgObject.GetType() );
                            //								IClassMap leafOrgClassMap = this.sourceContext.DomainMap.GetClassMap(sourceOrgClassMap.Name );
                            //								IClassMap theClassMap = this.sourceContext.DomainMap.GetClassMap (sourceOrgClassMap.Name );

                            value = this.Context.GetObjectById(identity, refType, true);
                            nullValueStatus = sourceOm.GetNullValueStatus(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);

                            om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, value);
                            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, value);

                            om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, nullValueStatus);
                        //Using CloneList will not work when there are reference values (to mutable objects)
                        //that can be copied between contexts
                        IList orgList = (IList) sourceOm.GetPropertyValue(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);
                        IList list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(obj, sourcePropertyMap.Name);

                        this.LoadReferenceList(list, orgList, refreshBehavior);

                        //for the org-list we can use ListManager.CloneList and clone the list of leaf objects
                        //IList listOrg = this.Context.ListManager.CloneList(obj, propertyMap, list);
                        IList listOrg = new ArrayList( list);
                        om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, list);
                        om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, listOrg);

Пример #23
 public SqlQuery(string query, Type primaryType, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IContext ctx) : base(query, primaryType, parameters, refreshBehavior, ctx)
        public virtual IList LoadObjects(Type type, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

            string npath = "Select * From " + type.Name;
            return LoadObjects(new NPathQuery(npath, type, null, refreshBehavior), listToFill);
Пример #25
 private void RefreshObject(object obj, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
     Context.RefreshObject(obj, refreshBehavior);
        public virtual void LoadReferenceList(IList list, IList orgList, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            if (!Monitor.TryEnter(sourceContext, this.Context.Timeout))
                throw new NPersistTimeoutException("Could not acquire exclusive lock on root context before timeout: " + this.Context.Timeout.ToString() + " ms" );

                IInterceptableList mList;
                bool stackMute = false;

                mList = list as IInterceptableList;
                if (mList != null)
                    stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                    mList.MuteNotify = true;
                list.Clear() ;
                foreach (object item in orgList)
                    string identity = this.sourceContext.ObjectManager.GetObjectIdentity(item);
                    Type leafType = ToLeafType(item);

                    //object sourceObject = sourceContext.GetObjectById(identity, sourceType, true);
                    object clone = this.Context.GetObjectById(identity, leafType, true);

                    LoadObject(clone, item, refreshBehavior);

                if (mList != null)
                    mList.MuteNotify = stackMute;
Пример #27
 public abstract IList GetObjectsBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill);
        protected virtual void LoadObject(object obj, object source, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            if (!Monitor.TryEnter(sourceContext, this.Context.Timeout))
                throw new NPersistTimeoutException("Could not acquire exclusive lock on root context before timeout: " + this.Context.Timeout.ToString() + " ms" );

                IDomainMap domainMap = this.Context.DomainMap;
                IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
                IObjectManager sourceOm = this.sourceContext.ObjectManager;
                IClassMap classMap = domainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
                IPropertyMap sourcePropertyMap;
                PropertyStatus sourcePropStatus;
                PropertyStatus propStatus;
                foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetAllPropertyMaps())
                    sourcePropertyMap = propertyMap.GetSourcePropertyMapOrSelf() ;
                    sourcePropStatus = sourceOm.GetPropertyStatus(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name ) ;
                    propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name) ;
                    IUpdatedPropertyTracker tracker = obj as IUpdatedPropertyTracker;
                    if (tracker != null)
                        if (tracker.GetUpdatedStatus(propertyMap.Name))
                            propStatus = PropertyStatus.Dirty;

                    RefreshBehaviorType useRefreshBehavior = this.Context.PersistenceManager.GetRefreshBehavior(refreshBehavior, classMap, propertyMap);

                    if (sourcePropStatus != PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                        bool doLoad = false;

                        if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior || useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteNotLoaded)
                            if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                                doLoad = true;

                        if (doLoad)
                            LoadProperty(obj, propertyMap, sourceOm, source, sourcePropertyMap, om, refreshBehavior);
 protected virtual void LoadObjectsPerDomain(Type type, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill, IClassMap classMap)
     string fileName = GetFileNamePerDomain(classMap);
     string xml = LoadFile(type, fileName);
     if (xml != "")
         DeserializeDomain(type, listToFill, classMap, xml);
		public IList GetObjectsBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
			return GetPersistenceEngine(GetSourceMap(type)).GetObjectsBySql(sqlQuery, type, idColumns, typeColumns, propertyColumnMap, parameters, refreshBehavior, listToFill);			
 public virtual IList GetObjectsBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
     throw new NPersistException("Sql query capabilities not implemented in DocumentPersistenceEngine! Please use NPath queries instead.");
 public virtual IList GetObjectsBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
     throw new IAmOpenSourcePleaseImplementMeException("Query capabilities not implemented in DocumentPersistenceEngine! Please load the entire set that you need to search into memory and use the IContext.FilterObjects() method instead.");
        private void RefreshProperty(IObjectManager om, object targetObject, IPropertyMap propertyMap, IPersistenceManager pm, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, object value, out bool doWrite, out bool doWriteOrg)
            doWrite    = false;
            doWriteOrg = false;
            PropertyStatus propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name);
            IClassMap      classMap   = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(targetObject.GetType());

            RefreshBehaviorType useRefreshBehavior = pm.GetRefreshBehavior(refreshBehavior, classMap, propertyMap);

            if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteNotLoaded || useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
                //Overwrite both value and original far all unloaded properties
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    doWrite    = true;
                    doWriteOrg = true;
            else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteLoaded)
                //Overwrite original for all properties
                //Overwrite value for all clean or unloaded properties (but not for dirty or deleted properties)
                doWriteOrg = true;
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean || propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    doWrite = true;
            else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.ThrowConcurrencyException)
                //Overwrite original for all properties unless the old originial value and the fresh value from the
                //database mismatch, in that case raise an exception
                //Overwrite value for all clean or unloaded properties (but not for dirty or deleted properties)
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean || propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded || propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
                    if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded))
                        object testValue  = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name);
                        object testValue2 = value;
                        if (DBNull.Value.Equals(testValue))
                            testValue = null;
                        if (DBNull.Value.Equals(testValue2))
                            testValue2 = null;
                        if (testValue2 != testValue)
                            string cachedValue = "null";
                            string freshValue  = "null";
                                if (testValue != null)
                                    cachedValue = testValue.ToString();
                            catch {; }
                                if (value != null)
                                    freshValue = value.ToString();
                            catch {; }
                            throw new RefreshException("A refresh concurrency exception occurred when refreshing a cached object of type " + targetObject.GetType().ToString() + " with fresh data from the data source. The data source row has been modified since the last time this version of the object was loaded, specifically the value for property " + propertyMap.Name + ". (this exception occurs because ThrowConcurrencyExceptions refresh behavior was selected). Cashed value: " + cachedValue + ", Fresh value: " + freshValue, cachedValue, freshValue, targetObject, propertyMap.Name);                             // do not localize
                    if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty))
                        doWrite = true;
            else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteDirty)
                //Overwrite original for all properties
                //Overwrite value for all clean, unloaded or dirty properties (but not for deleted properties)
                doWriteOrg = true;
                if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.Deleted))
                    doWrite = true;
                throw new NPersistException("Unknown object refresh behavior specified!");                 // do not localize
        //Two pass operation - first deserialise all objects, the set up relationships
        public virtual IList ToObjectList(MarshalObjectList marshalObjectList, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
            foreach (MarshalObject mo in marshalObjectList.Objects)
                GetObjectListObject(mo, 1, refreshBehavior);

            foreach (MarshalObject mo in marshalObjectList.Objects)
                object obj = GetObjectListObject(mo, 2, refreshBehavior);

            return listToFill;
        //pass 0 = get all properties (for ToObject overload) , pass 1 = get only primitive props, pass 2 = get only ref props
        public virtual void ToObject(MarshalObject marshalObject, ref object targetObject, int pass, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            IClassMap    classMap = Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(targetObject.GetType());
            IPropertyMap propertyMap;

            //PropertyStatus propStatus;
            if (pass == 0 || pass == 1)
                foreach (MarshalProperty mp in marshalObject.Properties)
                    //propStatus = ctx.GetPropertyStatus(targetObject, mp.Name);
                    propertyMap = classMap.MustGetPropertyMap(mp.Name);
                    ToProperty(targetObject, mp, propertyMap, refreshBehavior);

            if (pass == 0 || pass == 2)
                foreach (MarshalReference mr in marshalObject.References)
                    //propStatus = ctx.GetPropertyStatus(targetObject, mp.Name);
                    propertyMap = classMap.MustGetPropertyMap(mr.Name);
                    ToReference(targetObject, mr, propertyMap, refreshBehavior);

            if (targetObject != null)
                if (pass == 0 || pass == 1)
 protected virtual object GetObjectListObject(MarshalObject marshalObject, int pass, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
     IClassMap classMap = Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(marshalObject.Type);
     Type realType = Context.AssemblyManager.MustGetTypeFromClassMap(classMap);
     string id = GetIdentity(marshalObject);
     object targetObject = this.Context.GetObjectById(id, realType, true);
     ToObject(marshalObject, ref targetObject, pass, refreshBehavior);
     return targetObject;
        protected virtual object GetObjectListObject(MarshalObject marshalObject, int pass, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            IClassMap classMap     = Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(marshalObject.Type);
            Type      realType     = Context.AssemblyManager.MustGetTypeFromClassMap(classMap);
            string    id           = GetIdentity(marshalObject);
            object    targetObject = this.Context.GetObjectById(id, realType, true);

            ToObject(marshalObject, ref targetObject, pass, refreshBehavior);
Пример #38
 public NPathQuery(string query, Type primaryType, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior) : base(query, primaryType, parameters, refreshBehavior)
        //pass 0 = get all properties (for ToObject overload) , pass 1 = get only primitive props, pass 2 = get only ref props
        public virtual void ToObject(MarshalObject marshalObject, ref object targetObject, int pass, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            IClassMap classMap = Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(targetObject.GetType());
            IPropertyMap propertyMap;
            //PropertyStatus propStatus;
            if (pass == 0 || pass == 1)
                foreach (MarshalProperty mp in marshalObject.Properties)
                    //propStatus = ctx.GetPropertyStatus(targetObject, mp.Name);
                    propertyMap = classMap.MustGetPropertyMap(mp.Name);
                    ToProperty(targetObject, mp, propertyMap, refreshBehavior);

            if (pass == 0 || pass == 2)
                foreach (MarshalReference mr in marshalObject.References)
                    //propStatus = ctx.GetPropertyStatus(targetObject, mp.Name);
                    propertyMap = classMap.MustGetPropertyMap(mr.Name);
                    ToReference(targetObject, mr, propertyMap, refreshBehavior);

            if (targetObject != null)
                if (pass == 0 || pass == 1)
Пример #40
		public abstract IList GetObjectsBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill);
        //TODO: The whole refresh thingy...
        public void ToProperty(object targetObject, MarshalProperty mp, IPropertyMap propertyMap, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager ;
            IPersistenceManager pm = this.Context.PersistenceManager ;

            object value = null;

            if (!mp.IsNull)
                value = ToPropertyValue(targetObject, mp.Value, mp, propertyMap);

            bool doWrite = false;
            bool doWriteOrg = false;

            RefreshProperty(om, targetObject, propertyMap, pm, refreshBehavior, value, out doWrite, out doWriteOrg);
            if (doWrite || doWriteOrg)
                //To keep inverse management correct,
                //We really should pick out a ref to any
                //eventual already referenced object here (in the
                //case of MergeBehaviorType.OverwriteDirty)
                //and perform proper inverse management on that object...

                if (doWrite)
                    if (mp.IsNull != true)
                        om.SetPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, value);
                    Context.ObjectManager.SetNullValueStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, mp.IsNull);
                if (doWriteOrg)
                    if (mp.HasOriginal)
                        object orgValue = DBNull.Value ;
                        if (mp.WasNull != true)
                            orgValue = ToPropertyValue(targetObject, mp.OriginalValue,mp, propertyMap);

                        if (propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None)
                            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, orgValue);
                            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, value);

                        if (mp.IsNull != mp.WasNull || (value != null && orgValue != null && value.Equals(orgValue) == false))
                            this.Context.ObjectManager.SetUpdatedStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, true);
                            //redundant, done once for object by outer caller
                            //this.Context.UnitOfWork.RegisterDirty(targetObject, propertyMap.Name, true);
            //				if (propertyMap.ReferenceType != ReferenceType.None )
            //				{
            //					if (value != null)
            //					{
            //						this.Context.IdentityMap.RegisterLoadedObject(value);
            //						//Inverse management
            //						if (doWrite)
            //							this.Context.InverseManager.NotifyPropertyLoad(refObj, propertyMap, value);
            //					}
            //				}
		public virtual IList GetObjectsBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
			throw new IAmOpenSourcePleaseImplementMeException("Query capabilities not implemented in DocumentPersistenceEngine! Please load the entire set that you need to search into memory and use the IContext.FilterObjects() method instead.");
        private void RefreshProperty(IObjectManager om, object targetObject, IPropertyMap propertyMap, IPersistenceManager pm, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, object value, out bool doWrite, out bool doWriteOrg)
            doWrite = false;
            doWriteOrg = false;
            PropertyStatus propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name);
            IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(targetObject.GetType());

            RefreshBehaviorType useRefreshBehavior = pm.GetRefreshBehavior(refreshBehavior, classMap, propertyMap);

            if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteNotLoaded || useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
                //Overwrite both value and original far all unloaded properties
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    doWrite = true;
                    doWriteOrg = true;
            else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteLoaded)
                //Overwrite original for all properties
                //Overwrite value for all clean or unloaded properties (but not for dirty or deleted properties)
                doWriteOrg = true;
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean || propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    doWrite = true;
            else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.ThrowConcurrencyException)
                //Overwrite original for all properties unless the old originial value and the fresh value from the
                //database mismatch, in that case raise an exception
                //Overwrite value for all clean or unloaded properties (but not for dirty or deleted properties)
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean || propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded || propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
                    if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded))
                        object testValue = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(targetObject,propertyMap.Name);
                        object testValue2 = value;
                        if (DBNull.Value.Equals(testValue)) { testValue = null; }
                        if (DBNull.Value.Equals(testValue2)) { testValue2 = null; }
                        if (testValue2 != testValue)
                            string cachedValue = "null";
                            string freshValue = "null";
                                if (testValue != null)
                                    cachedValue = testValue.ToString() ;
                            catch { ; }
                                if (value != null)
                                    freshValue = value.ToString() ;
                            catch { ; }
                            throw new RefreshException("A refresh concurrency exception occurred when refreshing a cached object of type " + targetObject.GetType().ToString() + " with fresh data from the data source. The data source row has been modified since the last time this version of the object was loaded, specifically the value for property " + propertyMap.Name + ". (this exception occurs because ThrowConcurrencyExceptions refresh behavior was selected). Cashed value: " + cachedValue + ", Fresh value: " + freshValue, cachedValue, freshValue, targetObject, propertyMap.Name); // do not localize
                    if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty))
                        doWrite = true;
            else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteDirty)
                //Overwrite original for all properties
                //Overwrite value for all clean, unloaded or dirty properties (but not for deleted properties)
                doWriteOrg = true;
                if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.Deleted))
                    doWrite = true;
                throw new NPersistException("Unknown object refresh behavior specified!"); // do not localize
		public virtual IList GetObjectsBySql(string sqlQuery, Type type, IList idColumns, IList typeColumns, Hashtable propertyColumnMap, IList parameters, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
			if (!Monitor.TryEnter(sourceContext, this.Context.Timeout))
				throw new NPersistTimeoutException("Could not aquire exclusive lock on root context before timeout: " + this.Context.Timeout.ToString() + " ms" );

				return null;
Пример #45
		public virtual RefreshBehaviorType GetRefreshBehavior(RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap)
			if (refreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
				if (this.Context.OptimisticConcurrencyMode == OptimisticConcurrencyMode.Early)
					refreshBehavior = RefreshBehaviorType.ThrowConcurrencyException ;					
					refreshBehavior = propertyMap.RefreshBehavior;
					if (refreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
						refreshBehavior = classMap.RefreshBehavior;
						if (refreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
							refreshBehavior = classMap.DomainMap.RefreshBehavior;
							if (refreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
								refreshBehavior = m_RefreshBehavior;
								if (refreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
									refreshBehavior = RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteNotLoaded;
			return refreshBehavior;
 public IList LoadObjects(Type type, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, IList listToFill)
     return(GetPersistenceEngine(GetSourceMap(type)).LoadObjects(type, refreshBehavior, listToFill));