Пример #1
        public static bool Execute(bool isSecondPass, string flagsString, string referencePathsString, string sourceAssemblyForPass2, string nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode, bool isBridgeBasedVersion, bool isProcessingCSHTML5Itself, ILogger logger, string typeForwardingAssemblyPath)

            string passNumber    = (isSecondPass ? "2" : "1");
            string operationName = string.Format("C#/XAML for HTML5: BeforeXamlPreprocessor (pass {0})", passNumber);

                using (var executionTimeMeasuring = new ExecutionTimeMeasuring())
                    //------- DISPLAY THE PROGRESS -------
                    logger.WriteMessage(operationName + " started.");

                    // Note: we create a static instance of the "ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler" to avoid reloading the assemblies for each XAML file.
                    // We dispose the static instance in the "AfterXamlPreprocessor" task.

                    if (isSecondPass && string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceAssemblyForPass2))
                        throw new Exception(operationName + " failed because the SourceAssembly parameter was not specified during the second pass.");

                    // Create a new static instance of the "ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler":
                    ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler.Current = new ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler(typeForwardingAssemblyPath);
                    ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain = ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler.Current;

                    //todo: if we are compiling CSHTML5 itself (or CSHTML5.Stubs), we need to process the XAML files in CSHTML5,
                    // and for that we need to load the XAML types, so we need to load the previous version of CSHTML5 (from
                    // the NuGet package). Note: this is not supposed to lead to a circular reference because it is only used
                    // for the XamlPreprocessor to generate the .xaml.g.cs files from the .xaml files.
                    // To do so, we need to stop skipping the processing of the CSHTML5 and CSHTML5.Stubs assemblies (c.f.
                    // "Skip the assembly if it is not a user assembly" in "LoadAndProcessReferencedAssemblies").
                    // we load the source assembly early in case we are processing the CSHTML5.
                    if (isSecondPass && isProcessingCSHTML5Itself)
                        reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(sourceAssemblyForPass2, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: true, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode);
                    // work-around: reference path string is not correctly setted so we set it manually
                    string referencePathsString = OpenSilverHelper.ReferencePathsString(resolvedReferences);
                    // Retrieve paths of referenced .dlls and load them:
                    HashSet <string> referencePaths = (referencePathsString != null) ? new HashSet <string>(referencePathsString.Split(';')) : new HashSet <string>();

                    referencePaths.RemoveWhere(s => !s.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll") || s.Contains("DotNetBrowser") || s.ToLower().EndsWith(@"\bridge.dll"));

                    foreach (string referencedAssembly in AssembliesLoadHelper.EnsureCoreAssemblyIsFirstInList(referencePaths)) // Note: we ensure that the Core assembly is loaded first so that types such as "XmlnsDefinitionAttribute" are known when loading the other assemblies.
                        reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(referencedAssembly, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: false, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode);

                    // Load "mscorlib.dll" too (this is useful for resolving Mscorlib types in XAML, such as <system:String x:Key="TestString" xmlns:system="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib">Test</system:String>)
                    reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssemblyMscorlib(isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode);

                    // Load for reflection the source assembly itself and the referenced assemblies if second path:
                    if (isSecondPass && !isProcessingCSHTML5Itself)
                        reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(sourceAssemblyForPass2, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: true, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode);

                    bool isSuccess = true;

                    //------- DISPLAY THE PROGRESS -------
                    logger.WriteMessage(operationName + (isSuccess ? " completed in " + executionTimeMeasuring.StopAndGetTimeInSeconds() + " seconds." : " failed.") + "\". IsSecondPass: "******". Source assembly file: \"" + (sourceAssemblyForPass2 ?? "").ToString());

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler.Current != null)

                logger.WriteError(operationName + " failed: " + ex.ToString());