internal void Import(RedirectImportItem redirect, CsvImportOptions options)
            // TODO: Use dependency injection
            var service = Current.Factory.GetInstance <IRedirectsService>();

            // TODO: Check whether redirect exists

            try {
                redirect.Status = RedirectImportStatus.Success;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                redirect.Status = RedirectImportStatus.Failed;
Пример #2
        private List <RedirectImportItem> ParseCsvRows(CsvInternalImportOptions options)
            List <RedirectImportItem> redirects = new List <RedirectImportItem>();

            foreach (CsvRow row in options.File.Rows)
                RedirectImportItem item = new RedirectImportItem {
                    AddOptions = new AddRedirectOptions()

                string valueRootNodeId = row.GetCellValue(options.ColumnRootNodeId.Index);
                if (int.TryParse(valueRootNodeId, out int rootNodeId))
                    item.AddOptions.RootNodeId = rootNodeId;

                    IPublishedContent content = Current.UmbracoContext.Content.GetById(rootNodeId);

                    if (content != null)
                        item.AddOptions.RootNodeKey = content.Key;
                    // TODO: Should we validate the domain? Any security concerns about using the input value?

                    IDomain domain = Current.Services.DomainService.GetByName(valueRootNodeId);
                    if (domain == null)
                        item.Errors.Add("Unknown root node ID or domain: " + valueRootNodeId);
                    else if (domain.RootContentId == null)
                        item.Errors.Add("Domain doesn't have a root node ID: " + valueRootNodeId);
                        item.AddOptions.RootNodeId = domain.RootContentId.Value;
                        IPublishedContent content = Current.UmbracoContext.Content.GetById(domain.RootContentId.Value);
                        if (content != null)
                            item.AddOptions.RootNodeKey = content.Key;

                string valueInboundUrl = row.GetCellValue(options.ColumnInboundUrl.Index);
                try {
                    // TODO: Should we validate the domain? Any security concerns about using the input value?

                    string testUrl = "" + valueInboundUrl;
                    Uri    uri     = new Uri(testUrl);
                    item.AddOptions.OriginalUrl = valueInboundUrl;
                } catch (Exception) {
                    item.Errors.Add("Invalid inbound URL specified: " + valueInboundUrl);

                string valueDestinationId = row.GetCellValue(options.ColumnDestinationId.Index);
                if (!int.TryParse(valueDestinationId, out int destinationId))
                    item.Errors.Add("Invalid destination ID: " + valueDestinationId);

                string destinationUrl = row.GetCellValue(options.ColumnDestinationUrl.Index);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(destinationUrl))
                    item.Errors.Add("Invalid destination URL: " + destinationUrl);

                string valueLinkMode = row.GetCellValue(options.ColumnDestinationType.Index);
                if (!EnumUtils.TryParseEnum(valueLinkMode, out RedirectDestinationType destinationMode))
                    item.Errors.Add("Invalid destination type: " + valueLinkMode);

                string destinatioName = "";
                Guid   destinationKey = Guid.Empty;
                if (destinationMode == RedirectDestinationType.Content)
                    IPublishedContent content = Current.UmbracoContext.Content.GetById(destinationId);
                    if (content != null)
                        destinatioName = content.Name;
                        destinationKey = content.Key;
                        destinationUrl = content.Url;
                else if (destinationMode == RedirectDestinationType.Media)
                    IPublishedContent media = Current.UmbracoContext.Media.GetById(destinationId);
                    if (media != null)
                        destinatioName = media.Name;
                        destinationKey = media.Key;
                        destinationUrl = media.Url;

                item.AddOptions.Destination = new RedirectDestination(destinationId, destinationKey, destinationUrl, destinationMode) /*Name = destinatioName*/ }
                    //item.AddOptions.Overwrite = options.Options.OverwriteExisting;

