public TabStyleVisualStudioProvider(RectangleTabControl tabControl) : base(tabControl) { this._ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; this._Overlap = 7; // Must set after the _Radius as this is used in the calculations of the actual padding this.Padding = new Point(14, 1); }
public TabStyleIE8Provider(RectangleTabControl tabControl) : base(tabControl) { this._Radius = 3; this._ShowTabCloser = true; this._CloserColorActive = Color.Red; // Must set after the _Radius as this is used in the calculations of the actual padding this.Padding = new Point(6, 5); }
public TabStyleChromeProvider(RectangleTabControl tabControl) : base(tabControl) { this._Overlap = 16; this._Radius = 16; this._ShowTabCloser = true; this._CloserColorActive = Color.White; // Must set after the _Radius as this is used in the calculations of the actual padding this.Padding = new Point(7, 5); }
public TabStyleVS2010Provider(RectangleTabControl tabControl) : base(tabControl) { this._Radius = 3; this._ShowTabCloser = true; this._CloserColorActive = Color.Black; this._CloserColor = Color.FromArgb(117, 99, 61); this._TextColor = Color.White; this._TextColorDisabled = Color.WhiteSmoke; this._BorderColor = Color.Transparent; this._BorderColorHot = Color.FromArgb(155, 167, 183); // Must set after the _Radius as this is used in the calculations of the actual padding this.Padding = new Point(6, 5); }
public static TabStyleProvider CreateProvider(RectangleTabControl tabControl) { TabStyleProvider provider; // Depending on the display style of the tabControl generate an appropriate provider. switch (tabControl.DisplayStyle) { case TabStyle.None: provider = new TabStyleNoneProvider(tabControl); break; case TabStyle.Default: provider = new TabStyleDefaultProvider(tabControl); break; case TabStyle.Angled: provider = new TabStyleAngledProvider(tabControl); break; case TabStyle.Rounded: provider = new TabStyleRoundedProvider(tabControl); break; case TabStyle.VisualStudio: provider = new TabStyleVisualStudioProvider(tabControl); break; case TabStyle.Chrome: provider = new TabStyleChromeProvider(tabControl); break; case TabStyle.IE8: provider = new TabStyleIE8Provider(tabControl); break; case TabStyle.VS2010: provider = new TabStyleVS2010Provider(tabControl); break; default: provider = new TabStyleDefaultProvider(tabControl); break; } provider._Style = tabControl.DisplayStyle; return(provider); }
protected TabStyleProvider(RectangleTabControl tabControl) { this._TabControl = tabControl; this._BorderColor = Color.Empty; this._BorderColorSelected = Color.Empty; this._FocusColor = Color.Orange; if (this._TabControl.RightToLeftLayout) { this._ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; } else { this._ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; } this.HotTrack = true; // Must set after the _Overlap as this is used in the calculations of the actual padding this.Padding = new Point(6, 3); }
public TabStyleRoundedProvider(RectangleTabControl tabControl) : base(tabControl) { this._Radius = 10; // Must set after the _Radius as this is used in the calculations of the actual padding this.Padding = new Point(6, 3); }
public TabStyleNoneProvider(RectangleTabControl tabControl) : base(tabControl) { }
public TabStyleDefaultProvider(RectangleTabControl tabControl) : base(tabControl) { this._FocusTrack = true; this._Radius = 2; }