Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a TBBall at starting_offset, given some direction given by angle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="angle">Determines direction ball is fired off at, 0 == straight up, 180degrees = straight down, etc</param>
        /// <param name="starting_offset">Initial position of ball</param>
        public TBBall(float angle, Vector2 starting_offset)
            /* given some angle, we will generate our position as a rotation
             * from the starting location */
            float temp_radius = 1.0f;
            Position = starting_offset;
            owner = OWNER.NONE;
            overlay = new RectangleOverlay(new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y, (int)(128.0f * .3), (int)(128.0F * .3)), Color.Green, Arena.Screens.TrailBlazer.gDevice);
            /* maybe we can choose random between -1 and 1 for both x and y, then normalize? */
            //float x = Utility.MathFunctions.RandomFromRange(-1.0f, 1.0f, r);
            //float y = Utility.MathFunctions.RandomFromRange(-1.0f, 1.0f, r);

            //direction = new Vector2(x, y);

            var angl = r.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2.0f;
            direction = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angl), (float)Math.Sin(angl));


            particle_effect_id = ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.LoadFromFile("BallOfLight", Screens.TrailBlazer.content);

            /* One "glitch" from the particle engine is the first update will be wonky due to Interpolation
             * between LastLocation and Location, so we will fix that by setting both Location and LastLocation to starting_offset
             * difference is negligble, but let's be thorough */

            ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.systems[particle_effect_id].effects[0].Emitter.Location = starting_offset;
            ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.systems[particle_effect_id].effects[0].Emitter.LastLocation = starting_offset;
            /* Finally, we need to start generating particles asap */
            ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.systems[particle_effect_id].effects[0].Generating = true;
Пример #2
        public override void Initialize()

            backbox           = new RectangleOverlay(Manager.Graphics.ScreenBounds);
            backbox.BackColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.8f);
            backbox.ForeColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.8f);
            backbox.Fixed     = true;
 public RunNJumpObstacle(Texture2D texture, Rectangle? src_rectangle, Vector2 position, float scale, GraphicsDevice gDevice)
     : base(texture, src_rectangle, position, scale)
     Velocity = new Vector2(-1, 0);
     Speed = 800.0f;
     obstacle_rect = new RectangleOverlay(BoundingRectangle, Color.Green, gDevice);
     ColorData =
         new Color[texture.Width * texture.Height];
        private void DrawRectangle(RectangleOverlay overlay)
            var ul = ToActualPoint(overlay.UpperLeft);
            var br = ToActualPoint(overlay.BottomRight);

            OverlayBitmap.DrawRectangle((int)ul.X, (int)ul.Y, (int)br.X, (int)br.Y, overlay.BorderColor);

            if (overlay.FillColor != null)
                OverlayBitmap.FillRectangle((int)ul.X, (int)ul.Y, (int)br.X, (int)br.Y, overlay.FillColor);
        public TankProjectile(Vector2 pos, Vector2 velocity, PlayerIndex owner)
            this.owner = owner;
            radius = 1f;
            position = pos;
            this.velocity = velocity;

            this.projectile_id = ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.LoadFromFile("FireBall", Arena.Screens.TankShooters.content);
            ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.systems[projectile_id].effects[0].Generating = true;
            this.smoke_id = ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.LoadFromFile("SmokeTrail", Arena.Screens.TankShooters.content);
            ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.systems[smoke_id].effects[0].Generating = true;
            overlay = new RectangleOverlay(Rectangle.Empty, Color.White, Arena.Screens.TankShooters.gDevice);
Пример #6
        public TBBall(Vector2 direction_override, Vector2 start)
            Position = start;
            direction = direction_override;
            owner = OWNER.NONE;
            overlay = new RectangleOverlay(new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y, (int)(128.0f * .3), (int)(128.0F * .3)), Color.Green, Arena.Screens.TrailBlazer.gDevice);

            particle_effect_id = ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.LoadFromFile("BallOfLight", Screens.TrailBlazer.content);
            ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.systems[particle_effect_id].effects[0].Emitter.Location = start;
            ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.systems[particle_effect_id].effects[0].Emitter.LastLocation = start;
            /* Finally, we need to start generating particles asap */
            ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.systems[particle_effect_id].effects[0].Generating = true;
Пример #7
 public Body(World World)
     this.Id       = Guid.NewGuid();
     this.World    = World;
     this.box      = new RectangleOverlay();
     this.Enabled  = true;
     this.Bounds   = Rectangle.Empty;
     this.Weight   = 0;
     this.Fixed    = true;
     this.Force    = Vector2.Zero;
     this.Trigger  = false;
     this.Z        = 0;
     this.ZDiscard = false;
Пример #8
        public Tank(Texture2D tbt, Texture2D tct, Texture2D tbtr)
            health = new UI.HealthBar(50, 50);
            health.Scale = .6f;
            tank_body_texture = tbt;
            tank_cannon_texture = tct;
            tank_body_texture_right = tbtr;
            tank_body_to_draw = tank_body_texture;

            Position = new Vector2(300, 400);
            Orientation = SpriteEffects.None;

            debug_overlay = new RectangleOverlay(CollisionRect, Color.Green, Arena.Screens.TankShooters.gDevice);

            tank_dust_effect = ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.LoadFromFile("TankDustEffect", Arena.Screens.TankShooters.content);
Пример #9
        public override void Initialize()

            enemyBox         = new RectangleOverlay(new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32));
            enemyBox.Visible = false;

            // Creamos una instancia del motor de animaciones de enemigos:
            enemy = new EnemyAnimationEngine("enemy");

            // Cargamos la textura que hara de escudo si la particula es invencible y la configuramos:
            shield = new Sprite(Manager.Graphics.LoadTexture("enemy_shield"));
            shield.Animations.AddSecuence("default", new Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 48), 2, 1250, true);
            shield.Center  = true;
            shield.Visible = false;
            shield.Enabled = false;

            this.Bounds = enemyBox.Bounds;

            box              = new Body(Manager.PhysicEngine, this.Bounds, 1, true);
            box.OnCollision += this.OnCollision;

            this.Tag        = "enemy";
            this.Invincible = false;
            this.IsDead     = false;
            this.IsReady    = false;

            this.respawnTimer = new Timer();
            this.respawnTime  = 0;

            this.invincibleTimer = new Timer();
            this.invincibleTime  = 0;

            this.ZOrder = -1;
        public override void LoadContent()
            if (content == null)
                content = new ContentManager(ScreenManager.Game.Services, "Content");
            int ninja_slide_effect_name = ArenaParticleEngine.ParticleEngine.Instance.LoadFromFile("SlidingDirt", content);
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice);
            test = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"blackbox");
            rect = new RectangleOverlay(new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100), Color.Green, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice);
            //List<Texture2D> dirt_textures = new List<Texture2D>();
            //particleEngine = new ParticleEngine.ParticleEngine(dirt_textures, new Vector2(400, 240));
            test_alpha = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"obstacle_alpha");
            //test_obstacle = new RunNJumpObstacle(content.Load<Texture2D>(@"obstacle_alpha"), null, new Vector2(300, 300), 2.0f);
            _game_map = new RunNJumpMap(content.Load<Texture2D>(@"MapTiles\DirtTile"), content.Load<Texture2D>(@"MapTiles\GrassTile"), content.Load<Texture2D>(@"obstacle_alpha"), ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice);
            _game_background = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"sky1");
            font = content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"SpriteFont1");
            gameFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"GameStateFont");
            //player = new Players.RunNJumpPlayer(PlayerIndex.One, ScreenManager.Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"blue_ninja_new"),
            //    _game_map.GroundY - (int)(64 * 2.0f), ScreenManager.Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"ParticleTextures\Dirt3"), ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice);

            //test_sprite = new RunNJumpNinja(content.Load<Texture2D>(@"blue_ninja_new"), new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64), new Vector2(100, _game_map.GroundY - (64 * 2.0f)), 2.0f, 0, 4, .08f, new Point(64, 64), ScreenManager.Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"ParticleTextures\Dirt3"), ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice);
            foreach (PlayerIndex PI in PlayerIndexes)
                _players.Add(new RunNJumpPlayer(PI, content.Load<Texture2D>(@"blue_ninja_new"),
                    _game_map.GroundY - (int)(64 * 2.0f), ninja_slide_effect_name, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice));
Пример #11
        public override void Initialize()

            back           = new RectangleOverlay(Manager.Graphics.ScreenBounds);
            back.BackColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.85f);
            back.Fixed     = true;

            // Esquema del gamepad de XBox360:
            gameInput          = new Sprite(Manager.Graphics.LoadTexture(@"GameUI\Options\pad_menu"));
            gameInput.Center   = true;
            gameInput.Location = Helper.PointToVector2(Manager.Graphics.ScreenBounds.Center);
            gameInput.Fixed    = true;

            // Textos de ayuda:
            Label label;

            labels = new List <Label>();

            label = new Label();
            label.SmallFont = true;
            label.Caption   = Session.Strings["gamepad_pause"];
            label.Location  = new Vector2(300, 200);
            label.Center    = true;
            label.ZOrder    = -999999908;

            label = new Label();
            label.SmallFont = true;
            label.Caption   = Session.Strings["gamepad_move"];
            label.Location  = new Vector2(300, 320);
            label.Center    = true;
            label.ZOrder    = -999999908;

            label = new Label();
            label.SmallFont = true;
            label.Caption   = Session.Strings["gamepad_crouch"];
            label.Location  = new Vector2(300, 516);
            label.Center    = true;
            label.ZOrder    = -999999908;

            label = new Label();
            label.SmallFont = true;
            label.Caption   = Session.Strings["gamepad_weapon"];
            label.Location  = new Vector2(955, 204);
            label.Center    = true;
            label.ZOrder    = -999999908;

            label = new Label();
            label.SmallFont = true;
            label.Caption   = Session.Strings["gamepad_jump"];
            label.Location  = new Vector2(955, 320);
            label.Center    = true;
            label.ZOrder    = -999999908;

            label = new Label();
            label.SmallFont = true;
            label.Caption   = Session.Strings["gamepad_shoot"];
            label.Location  = new Vector2(955, 516);
            label.Center    = true;
            label.ZOrder    = -999999908;

            // Pistas:
            inputHint = new InputHintLabel();
            inputHint.Button   = InputHintLabel.GamepadButtonChar.B;
            inputHint.Caption  = Session.Strings["button_back"];
            inputHint.Location = new Vector2(Manager.Graphics.ScreenBounds.Center.X - 40, Manager.Graphics.ScreenSafeArea.Bottom - 14);
            inputHint.ZOrder   = -999999908;

            base.ZOrder = -999999907;
Пример #12
        public override void Initialize()

            captions = new List <string>();
            captions.Add(@"          {0}          ");
            captions.Add(@"          {0}          ");
            captions.Add(@"/         {0}         \");
            captions.Add(@"//        {0}        \\");
            captions.Add(@"///       {0}       \\\");
            captions.Add(@" ///      {0}      \\\ ");
            captions.Add(@"  ///     {0}     \\\  ");
            captions.Add(@"   ///    {0}    \\\   ");
            captions.Add(@"    ///   {0}   \\\    ");
            captions.Add(@"     ///  {0}  \\\     ");
            captions.Add(@"      /// {0} \\\      ");
            captions.Add(@"       // {0} \\       ");
            captions.Add(@"        / {0} \        ");
            captions.Add(@"          {0}          ");
            captions.Add(@"      /// {0} \\\      ");
            captions.Add(@"          {0}          ");
            captions.Add(@"      /// {0} \\\      ");
            captions.Add(@"          {0}          ");
            captions.Add(@"/     {1}     \");
            captions.Add(@"      {1}      ");
            captions.Add(@"      {1}      ");
            captions.Add(@"//    {1}    \\");
            captions.Add(@"///   {1}   \\\");
            captions.Add(@" ///  {1}  \\\ ");
            captions.Add(@"  /// {1} \\\  ");
            captions.Add(@"   // {1} \\   ");
            captions.Add(@"    / {1} \    ");
            captions.Add(@"      {1}      ");
            captions.Add(@"      {1}      ");
            captions.Add(@"      {1}      ");
            captions.Add(@"  /// {1} \\\  ");
            captions.Add(@"      {1}      ");
            captions.Add(@"  /// {1} \\\  ");
            captions.Add(@"      {1}      ");
            //captions.Add(@"          WARNING          ");
            //captions.Add(@"          WARNING          ");
            //captions.Add(@"/         WARNING         \");
            //captions.Add(@"//        WARNING        \\");
            //captions.Add(@"///       WARNING       \\\");
            //captions.Add(@" ///      WARNING      \\\ ");
            //captions.Add(@"  ///     WARNING     \\\  ");
            //captions.Add(@"   ///    WARNING    \\\   ");
            //captions.Add(@"    ///   WARNING   \\\    ");
            //captions.Add(@"     ///  WARNING  \\\     ");
            //captions.Add(@"      /// WARNING \\\      ");
            //captions.Add(@"       // WARNING \\       ");
            //captions.Add(@"        / WARNING \        ");
            //captions.Add(@"          WARNING          ");
            //captions.Add(@"      /// WARNING \\\      ");
            //captions.Add(@"          WARNING          ");
            //captions.Add(@"      /// WARNING \\\      ");
            //captions.Add(@"          WARNING          ");
            //captions.Add(@"/     CONDITION ALERT     \");
            //captions.Add(@"      CONDITION ALERT      ");
            //captions.Add(@"      CONDITION ALERT      ");
            //captions.Add(@"//    CONDITION ALERT    \\");
            //captions.Add(@"///   CONDITION ALERT   \\\");
            //captions.Add(@" ///  CONDITION ALERT  \\\ ");
            //captions.Add(@"  /// CONDITION ALERT \\\  ");
            //captions.Add(@"   // CONDITION ALERT \\   ");
            //captions.Add(@"    / CONDITION ALERT \    ");
            //captions.Add(@"      CONDITION ALERT      ");
            //captions.Add(@"      CONDITION ALERT      ");
            //captions.Add(@"      CONDITION ALERT      ");
            //captions.Add(@"  /// CONDITION ALERT \\\  ");
            //captions.Add(@"      CONDITION ALERT      ");
            //captions.Add(@"  /// CONDITION ALERT \\\  ");
            //captions.Add(@"      CONDITION ALERT      ");

            redBox           = new RectangleOverlay(Manager.Graphics.ScreenBounds);
            redBox.BackColor = Color.Red;
            redBox.ForeColor = Color.Red;
            redBox.Fixed     = true;

            alpha    = 1;
            maxAlpha = 1;
            flag     = 0;

            warning = new Label();
            warning.Center   = true;
            warning.Scale    = 2;
            warning.Location = Helper.PointToVector2(Manager.Graphics.ScreenBounds.Center);

            i       = 0;
            loops   = 0;
            disable = false;

            timer = new Timer();

            base.ZOrder = -999999999;