Пример #1
        public PlayGui()
            Name         = "PlayGui";
            IsContainer  = true;
            Profile      = Sim.FindObject <GuiControlProfile>("GuiDefaultProfile");
            HorizSizing  = GuiHorizontalSizing.ResizeRight;
            VertSizing   = GuiVerticalSizing.ResizeBottom;
            Position     = new Point2I(0, 0);
            Extent       = new Point2I(1024, 768);
            MinExtent    = new Point2I(8, 8);
            CanSave      = true;
            Visible      = true;
            Margin       = new RectSpacingI(0, 0, 0, 0);
            Padding      = new RectSpacingI(0, 0, 0, 0);
            AnchorTop    = true;
            AnchorBottom = false;
            AnchorLeft   = true;
            AnchorRight  = false;
            CameraZRot   = 0.0f;
            ForceFOV     = 0.0f;

            /* TODO: Are these necessary? If they are, set them with setField from SimObject
             *    enabled = "1";
             *    helpTag = "0";
             *    noCursor = "0";
Пример #2
 /// <description>
 /// Set the padding for this frame. Padding introduces blank space on the inside edge of the frame.
 /// </description>
 /// <param name="index">Index of the frame to modify</param>
 /// <param name="padding">Frame top, bottom, left, and right padding</param>
 public void FramePadding(int index, RectSpacingI padding)
     padding.Alloc();             InternalUnsafeMethods.FramePadding__Args _args = new InternalUnsafeMethods.FramePadding__Args()
         index   = index,
         padding = padding.internalStructPtr,
     InternalUnsafeMethods.FramePadding()(ObjectPtr, _args);
public  void framePadding(int index, RectSpacingI padding){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnGuiFrameSetCtrl_framePadding(_ID, index, padding.AsString());
Пример #4
/// <summary>
/// Set the padding for this frame. Padding introduces blank space on the inside
///    edge of the frame.
///    @param index     Index of the frame to modify
///    @param padding   Frame top, bottom, left, and right padding )
/// </summary>
        public void framePadding(int index, RectSpacingI padding)
            TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnGuiFrameSetCtrl_framePadding(_mSimObjectId, index, padding.AsString());
Пример #5
 public void framePadding(int index, RectSpacingI padding)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnGuiFrameSetCtrl_framePadding(_ID, index, padding.AsString());
Пример #6
/// <summary>
/// Return the integer character code value corresponding to the first character in the given string.
/// )
/// </summary>
public  RectSpacingI dnt_testcase_14(RectSpacingI chr){

return new RectSpacingI ( m_ts.fn_dnt_testcase_14(chr.AsString()));
Пример #7
/// <summary>
/// Set the padding for this frame. Padding introduces blank space on the inside    edge of the frame.   @param index     Index of the frame to modify   @param padding   Frame top, bottom, left, and right padding )
/// </summary>
public  void framePadding(string guiframesetctrl, int index, RectSpacingI padding){

m_ts.fnGuiFrameSetCtrl_framePadding(guiframesetctrl, index, padding.AsString());
Пример #8
 public virtual void framePadding(int index, RectSpacingI padding)
     InternalUnsafeMethods.framePadding(ObjectPtr, index, padding.ToStruct());