// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (nextRecord != null)
            if (time >= nextRecord.time)
                RecordMustangToFile.Record r = parseLine(index++);
                if (r == null)
                    isPlaying = false;
                    // Save the last velocity and keep flying in this direction
                    endDirection = (nextRecord.position - currentRecord.position).normalized;
                    Debug.Log("End of Mustang record reached. Continue to fly in the same direction...");
                    Debug.Log("Enabling AttackRayRice script...");
                    rb            = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    rb.useGravity = false;
                    GetComponent <AttackRayRice>().enabled = true;
                currentRecord = nextRecord;
                nextRecord    = r;

            if (nextRecord != null)
                float blend = (time - currentRecord.time) / (nextRecord.time - currentRecord.time);
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(currentRecord.position, nextRecord.position, blend);
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.Euler(currentRecord.rotationEuler), Quaternion.Euler(nextRecord.rotationEuler), blend);
                spinner.Rotate(Vector3.forward, (1 - blend) * currentRecord.propellerSpeed + blend * nextRecord.propellerSpeed);
                propellerSound.volume = ((1 - blend) * currentRecord.propellerVolume + blend * nextRecord.propellerVolume) * volumeScale;
                propellerSound.pitch  = (1 - blend) * currentRecord.propellerPitch + blend * nextRecord.propellerPitch;
            //transform.position += endVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
            spinner.Rotate(Vector3.forward, currentRecord.propellerSpeed);
            propellerSound.volume = currentRecord.propellerVolume * volumeScale;
            propellerSound.pitch  = currentRecord.propellerPitch;
        time += Time.deltaTime;

        if (timeUntilNextFollowMe > 0)
            timeUntilNextFollowMe -= Time.deltaTime;

        if (!isPlaying && rb.useGravity == false)
            rb.velocity = endDirection * edgarMustang.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity.magnitude;

        float distance = (transform.position - edgarMustang.position).magnitude;

        GameData.Instance.score += (1 - Mathf.Clamp01(distance / 375.0f)) * 10 * Time.deltaTime;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     filePath = Application.dataPath + "/Animations/" + fileName;
     data     = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
     Debug.Log("Loaded " + data.Length + " states from " + filePath);
     time          = 0;
     index         = 2;
     currentRecord = parseLine(0);
     nextRecord    = parseLine(1);
     GameData.Instance.objective = "Follow Ray Rice";
    IEnumerator resetPosition()
        // TODO: Add image effect or warning on screen
        VoiceActing tmp = voiceActing.GetComponent <VoiceActing>().getDuplicate();

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(10.0f));

        if (edgarMustang != null && !GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.Contains(edgarMustang.position))
            voiceActing.GetComponent <VoiceActing>().set(tmp);
            time                  = outOfRangeTime;
            index                 = outOfRangeIndex;
            currentRecord         = parseLine(Mathf.Max(0, index - 2));
            nextRecord            = parseLine(Mathf.Max(1, index - 1));
            edgarMustang.position = edgarOutOfRangePos + 0.5f * GetComponent <SphereCollider>().radius *(currentRecord.position - edgarOutOfRangePos).normalized;
            edgarMustang.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(currentRecord.rotationEuler);
            edgarMustang.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = (nextRecord.position - currentRecord.position) / (nextRecord.time - currentRecord.time);
 private RecordMustangToFile.Record parseLine(int index)
     if (index < data.Length)
         // Parse line
         RecordMustangToFile.Record r = new RecordMustangToFile.Record();
         string[] record = data[index].Split(' ');
         r.time            = float.Parse(record[0]);
         r.position.x      = float.Parse(record[1]);
         r.position.y      = float.Parse(record[2]);
         r.position.z      = float.Parse(record[3]);
         r.rotationEuler.x = float.Parse(record[4]);
         r.rotationEuler.y = float.Parse(record[5]);
         r.rotationEuler.z = float.Parse(record[6]);
         r.propellerSpeed  = float.Parse(record[7]);
         r.propellerVolume = float.Parse(record[8]);
         r.propellerPitch  = float.Parse(record[9]);