Пример #1
        public void GenerateRecipeInfo()

            int index = 0;

            MRecipe.BeginGetAllLayers(RecipeVm, (layer) =>
                if (layer.TileDescriptions.Count() <= 0)

                var info = new RecipeProcessEntityInfo()
                    Index         = index++,
                    Layer         = layer,
                    EstimatedTime = EstimateProcessTime(layer)


            // fetch recipe's count and extents
            (RecipeGeometriesCount, RecipeExtents) = MRecipe.CalculateExtents(RecipeVm);
Пример #2
    //Handles insert recipe
    public void Add_Recipe(Object s, EventArgs e)
        //Perform spam validation by matching the value of the textbox security code to the session state variable
        //that store the random number.
        if (Page.IsValid && (txtsecfield.Text.ToString() == Session["randomstrsub"].ToString()))
            //If all the fields are filled correctly, then process recipe submission.
            //Instantiate the SQL command object
            RecipeInfo Add = new RecipeInfo();

            //Filters harmful scripts from input string.
            Add.RecipeName   = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Name.UniqueID]);
            Add.Author       = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Author.UniqueID]);
            Add.CatID        = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["catid"]);
            Add.Category     = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Category.UniqueID]);
            Add.Ingredients  = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Ingredients.UniqueID]);
            Add.Instructions = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Instructions.UniqueID]);

            #region Form Input Validator
            //Validate for empty recipe name
            if (Add.RecipeName.Length == 0)
                lbvalenght.Text    = "<br>Error: Recipe Name is empty, please enter a recipe name.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text   = "";
            //Validate for empty author name
            if (Add.Author.Length == 0)
                lbvalenght.Text    = "<br>Error: Author Name is empty, please enter the author name";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text   = "";
            //Validate for empty ingredients
            if (Add.Ingredients.Length == 0)
                lbvalenght.Text    = "<br>Error: Ingredients is empty, please enter an ingredients.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text   = "";
            //Validate for empty instruction
            if (Add.Instructions.Length == 0)
                lbvalenght.Text    = "<br>Error: Instructions is empty, please enter an instruction.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text   = "";

            //Recipe name maximum of 50 char allowed
            if (Add.RecipeName.Length > 50)
                lbvalenght.Text    = "<br>Error: Recipe Name is too long. Max of 50 characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                Name.Value         = "";
                txtsecfield.Text   = "";
            //Author name maximum of 25 char allowed
            if (Add.Author.Length > 25)
                lbvalenght.Text    = "<br>Error: Author Name is too long. Max of 25 characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                Author.Value       = "";
                txtsecfield.Text   = "";
            //Ingredients maximum of 500 char allowed
            if (Add.Ingredients.Length > 500)
                lbvalenght.Text    = "<br>Error: Ingredients is too long. Max of 500 characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text   = "";
            //Instruction maximum of 700 char allowed
            if (Add.Instructions.Length > 700)
                lbvalenght.Text    = "<br>Error: Instructions is too long. Max of 700 characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text   = "";

            #region Recipe Image Upload

            if (RecipeImageFileUpload.HasFile) //Check if there is a file
                //Constant variables
                string Directory   = GetRecipeImage.ImagePathDetail;                                                //Directory to store recipe images
                int    maxFileSize = 30000;                                                                         // Maximum file size limit

                int    FileSize      = RecipeImageFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength;                              //Get th file lenght
                string contentType   = RecipeImageFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType;                                // Get the file type
                string FileExist     = Directory + RecipeImageFileUpload.PostedFile.FileName;                       // Get the filename from the directory and compare
                string FileName      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(RecipeImageFileUpload.PostedFile.FileName); //Get the posted filename
                string FileExtention = Path.GetExtension(RecipeImageFileUpload.PostedFile.FileName);                //Get the posted file extension
                string FilePath;
                string FileNameWithExtension;

                //File type validation
                if (!contentType.Equals("image/gif") &&
                    !contentType.Equals("image/jpeg") &&
                    !contentType.Equals("image/jpg") &&
                    lbvalenght.Text    = "<br>File format is invalid. Only gif, jpg, jpeg or png files are allowed.";
                    lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                // File size validation
                else if (FileSize > maxFileSize)
                    lbvalenght.Text    = "<br>File size exceed the maximun allowed 30000 bytes";
                    lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                    //Check wether the image name already exist.
                    //If the image name already exist, append a random
                    //numeric and letter to ensure the image name is always unqiue.
                    if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(FileExist)))
                        //Create a random alpha numeric to make sure the updated image name is unique.
                        Random rand       = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                        int    randnum    = rand.Next(1, 10);
                        int    CharCode   = rand.Next(Convert.ToInt32('a'), Convert.ToInt32('z'));
                        char   RandomChar = Convert.ToChar(CharCode);

                        //Get directory, the file name and the extension.
                        FilePath = string.Concat(Directory, FileName + randnum + RandomChar, "", FileExtention);

                        //Joined the filename and extension to insert into the database.
                        FileNameWithExtension = FileName + randnum + RandomChar + FileExtention;

                        //Initialize Add recipe object property to get the full image name
                        Add.RecipeImage = FileNameWithExtension;

                            //Save the recipe image to the specified directory
                            //Make sure the "RecipeImage" folder has write permission to upload image
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            JSLiteral.Text = "Error: " + ex.Message;
                        //Get directory, the file name and the extension.
                        FilePath = string.Concat(Directory, FileName, "", FileExtention);

                        //Joined the filename and extension to insert into the database.
                        FileNameWithExtension = FileName + FileExtention;

                        //Initialize Add recipe object property to get the full image name
                        Add.RecipeImage = FileNameWithExtension;

                            //Save the recipe image to the specified directory
                            //Make sure the "RecipeImage" folder has write permission to upload image
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            JSLiteral.Text = "Error: " + ex.Message;
                //If there is no image to be uploaded, then assign an empty string to the property
                Add.RecipeImage = string.Empty;

            //Insert recipe to database. If an error occured notify user.
            if (Add.Add() != 0)
                JSLiteral.Text = "Error occured while processing your submit.";

            //Instantiate email template object
            //Comment this part if you don't want to receive an email notification
            EmailTemplate SendEMail = new EmailTemplate();

            SendEMail.ItemName = Add.RecipeName;

            //Send an email notification to the webmaster in HTML format.
            //Comment this part if you don't want to receive an email notification

            //Release allocated memory
            Add       = null;
            SendEMail = null;

            //If success, redirect to confirmation and thank you page.

            Util = null;
            //Javascript validation
            JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Invalid security code. Make sure you type it correctly.");

            lblinvalidsecode.Text    = "Invalid security code. Make sure you type it correctly.";
            lblinvalidsecode.Visible = true;