Пример #1
        static string RecipePage(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse result, SessionInfo session)
            PreferenceInfo preferences = preferences_[session.User.Username];

            if (null == preferences)
                preferences = new PreferenceInfo();
            Dictionary <string, int> preferenceLookup = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var p in preferences.IngredientPreferences)
                preferenceLookup[p.Ingredient] = p.Score;
            var    getArgs       = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request.Url.Query);
            double strictness    = Math.Max(1e-4, double.Parse(getArgs["strictness"]));
            var    rankedRecipes = new List <PreferenceScore>();

            foreach (var recipe in recipes_)
                rankedRecipes.Add(GetPreferenceScore(recipe, preferenceLookup, strictness));

            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

                @"'s personalized recipes</title>
<body style='font-family:tahoma,arial,sans-serif;'>
            AddLegend(session.User.Username, buffer);
            foreach (var recipe in rankedRecipes)
                var owp = recipe.Recipe.Recipe.OriginalWebPage;
                buffer.AppendFormat("<br><a href='{2}' target='_blank' title='score: {0:0%}'>{1}</a><br>\n",
                                    recipe.Score, RecipeDownloader.RemoveSpecialCharacters(owp.Name), owp.UrlRoot + owp.Url);
                if (recipe.Positives != null)
                    buffer.Append("<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td bgcolor='lightcyan'>");
                    foreach (string entry in recipe.Positives)
                if (recipe.Neutrals != null)
                    buffer.Append("<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td bgcolor='ivory'>");
                    foreach (string entry in recipe.Neutrals)
                if (recipe.Negatives != null)
                    buffer.Append("<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td bgcolor='peachpuff'>");
                    foreach (string entry in recipe.Negatives)
Пример #2
        static string RecipeJsonPage(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse result, SessionInfo session)
            var args = GetPostArgs(request);

                var preferences = args["preferences"];
                if (null == preferences)
                    throw new ArgumentException("request does not contain post argument 'preferences'");
                var strictnessStr = args["strictness"];
                if (null == strictnessStr)
                    throw new ArgumentException("request does not contain post argument 'strictness'");
                var limitStr = args["limit"];
                if (null == limitStr)
                    throw new ArgumentException("request does not contain post argument 'limit'");
                int limit;
                if (!int.TryParse(limitStr, out limit) || !(0 < limit))
                    throw new ArgumentException("limit " + limitStr + " is not a positive integer");
                double strictness;
                if (!double.TryParse(strictnessStr, out strictness))
                    throw new ArgumentException("strictness " + strictnessStr + " is not a floating-point number");
                strictness = Math.Max(1e-4, strictness);
                var prefs = JsonConvert.DeserializeXNode(preferences);
                Dictionary <string, int> preferenceLookup = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                foreach (var element in prefs.Root.Elements())
                    if (element.HasAttributes)
                        throw new ArgumentException("preferences:" + element.Name + " has some kind of attributes inside");
                    if (element.HasElements)
                        throw new ArgumentException("preferences:" + element.Name + " has some kind of elements inside");
                    if (element.IsEmpty)
                        throw new ArgumentException("preferences:" + element.Name + " is empty");
                    int score;
                    if (!int.TryParse(element.Value, out score))
                        throw new ArgumentException("preferences:" + element.Name + " has a score of " + element.Value + ", which is not an integer");
                    preferenceLookup[element.Name.ToString()] = score;
                var rankedRecipes = new List <PreferenceScore>();
                foreach (var recipe in recipes_)
                    rankedRecipes.Add(GetPreferenceScore(recipe, preferenceLookup, strictness));
                StringBuilder buffer   = new StringBuilder();
                int           nResults = 0;
                foreach (var recipe in rankedRecipes)
                    if (nResults > limit)
                    buffer.AppendLine("  \"title\" : \"" + RecipeDownloader.RemoveSpecialCharacters(recipe.Recipe.Recipe.OriginalWebPage.Name) + "\",");
                    buffer.AppendLine("  \"url\" : \"" + recipe.Recipe.Recipe.OriginalWebPage.UrlRoot + recipe.Recipe.Recipe.OriginalWebPage.Url + "\",");
                    buffer.AppendLine("  \"positives\" : [");
                    if (recipe.Positives != null)
                        foreach (string entry in recipe.Positives)
                            buffer.Append("    \"").Append(entry).Append("\",").AppendLine();
                    buffer.AppendLine("  ],");
                    buffer.AppendLine("  \"neutrals\" : [");
                    if (recipe.Neutrals != null)
                        foreach (string entry in recipe.Neutrals)
                            buffer.Append("    \"").Append(entry).Append("\",").AppendLine();
                    buffer.AppendLine("  ],");
                    buffer.AppendLine("  \"negatives\" : [");
                    if (recipe.Negatives != null)
                        foreach (string entry in recipe.Negatives)
                            buffer.AppendLine("    \"").Append(entry).Append("\",").AppendLine();
                    buffer.AppendLine("  ],");
                return("{ \"recipes\" : [\n" + buffer.ToString() + "]\n }\n");
            catch (Exception e)
                StringBuilder preferenceBlob = new StringBuilder();
                if (session.User != null)
                    PreferenceInfo preferences = preferences_[session.User.Username];
                    if (null != preferences)
                        preferenceBlob.AppendLine("{ \"preferences\" : {");
                        foreach (var p in preferences.IngredientPreferences)
                            preferenceBlob.AppendLine("    \"" + p.Ingredient + "\" : \"" + p.Score.ToString() + "\",");
                        preferenceBlob.AppendLine("} }");
                    ("<html><body>" + e.ToString() + "<br>\n" +
                     "<form method=post>\n" +
                     "strictness:<input type='text' name='strictness' value='1'><br>\n" +
                     "limit:<input type='text' name='limit' value='15'><br>\n" +
                     "preferences:<br><textarea name=preferences rows=20 cols=80>" + preferenceBlob.ToString() + "</textarea><br>\n" +
                     "<input type=submit>\n" +
                     "</form>\n" +