private static void InitializeData() { var db = new SQLiteDataService(); bool addData = db.Initialize(); if (addData) { var user = new User { Username = "******", Password = "******", CreatedBy = "tester", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; db.AddUser(user); var flour = new Ingredient { Title = "Flour", MeasureType = "Volume", CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; var bakingPowder = new Ingredient { Title = "Baking Powder", MeasureType = "Volume", CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; var salt = new Ingredient { Title = "Salt", MeasureType = "Volume", CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; var butter = new Ingredient { Title = "Butter", MeasureType = "Volume", CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; var milk = new Ingredient { Title = "Milk", MeasureType = "Volume", CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; db.AddIngredient(flour); db.AddIngredient(bakingPowder); db.AddIngredient(salt); db.AddIngredient(butter); db.AddIngredient(milk); var recipe = new WebRecipe { Url = "", Title = "Biscuit Crust", Category = "Bread & Pizza", Instructions = "In a medium bowl whisk together flour, salt and baking powder.\r\nCut in the butter to resemble coarse cornmeal.\r\nAdd the milk and quickly stir to gather dough into a ball.\r\nGently, on a lightly floured board roll out to fit the pie plate or top of a deep dish pie.\r\n* *Ifyou need this partially baked roll the biscuit dough 1 / 4 inch thick, place lined pie plate / dish in a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes, fill and continue recipe for pie.", CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, UserId = user.Id }; db.AddRecipe(recipe); var ingredientByRecipe1 = new IngredientByRecipe { IngredientId = flour.Id, MeasureAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(1), MeasureUnit = "cup", RecipeId = recipe.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = "test" }; var ingredientByRecipe2 = new IngredientByRecipe { IngredientId = bakingPowder.Id, MeasureAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(2), MeasureUnit = "tsp", RecipeId = recipe.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = "test" }; var ingredientByRecipe3 = new IngredientByRecipe { IngredientId = salt.Id, MeasureAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(0.5), MeasureUnit = "tsp", RecipeId = recipe.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = "test" }; var ingredientByRecipe4 = new IngredientByRecipe { IngredientId = butter.Id, MeasureAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(0.25), MeasureUnit = "cup", RecipeId = recipe.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = "test" }; var ingredientByRecipe5 = new IngredientByRecipe { IngredientId = milk.Id, MeasureAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(0.25), MeasureUnit = "cup", RecipeId = recipe.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = "test" }; db.AddIngredientByRecipe(ingredientByRecipe1); db.AddIngredientByRecipe(ingredientByRecipe2); db.AddIngredientByRecipe(ingredientByRecipe3); db.AddIngredientByRecipe(ingredientByRecipe4); db.AddIngredientByRecipe(ingredientByRecipe5); var meal1 = new Meal { Title = "Sample Meal1", Type = "Special Occasion", Notes = "Sample Notes", Date = DateTime.Now, UserId = user.Id, CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; var meal2 = new Meal { Title = "Sample Meal2", Type = "Lunch", Notes = "Sample Notes", Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), UserId = user.Id, CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; db.AddMeal(meal1); db.AddMeal(meal2); var recipeByMeal1 = new RecipeByMeal { MealId = meal1.Id, RecipeId = recipe.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = "test" }; var recipeByMeal2 = new RecipeByMeal { MealId = meal2.Id, RecipeId = recipe.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = "test" }; db.AddRecipeByMeal(recipeByMeal1); db.AddRecipeByMeal(recipeByMeal2); } db.Close(); }
public void AddRecipeByMeal(RecipeByMeal recipeByMeal) { database.Insert(recipeByMeal); }