protected void BtnSubmit_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReceivingDeskScreen r = new ReceivingDeskScreen(); productdb p = createPart(); lblResult.Text = r.insertParts(p); }
private void CreateShopTable(IEnumerable <cart> carts, out double subTotal) { subTotal = new double(); ReceivingDeskScreen model = new ReceivingDeskScreen(); // ProductModel model = new ProductModel(); foreach (cart cart in carts) { int pid = Convert.ToInt32(cart.ProductId); //Create HTML elements and fill values with database data productdb product = model.GetProduct(pid); LegacyPartsDB l = new LegacyPartsDB(); part pt = l.chooseParts(pid); ImageButton btnImage = new ImageButton { ImageUrl = string.Format("~/Images/Products/{0}", product.image), PostBackUrl = string.Format("~/Pages/ChooseProduct.aspx?id={0}", }; LinkButton lnkDelete = new LinkButton { PostBackUrl = string.Format("~/Pages/ShoppingCart.aspx?productId={0}",, Text = "Delete Item", ID = "del" +, }; lnkDelete.Click += Delete_Item; //Fill amount list with numbers int q = Convert.ToInt32(product.qty); int[] amount = Enumerable.Range(1, q).ToArray(); DropDownList ddlAmount = new DropDownList { DataSource = amount, AppendDataBoundItems = true, AutoPostBack = true, ID = }; ddlAmount.DataBind(); ddlAmount.SelectedValue = cart.Amount.ToString(); ddlAmount.SelectedIndexChanged += ddlAmount_SelectedIndexChanged; //Create table to hold shopping cart details Table table = new Table { CssClass = "CartTable" }; TableRow row1 = new TableRow(); TableRow row2 = new TableRow(); TableCell cell1_1 = new TableCell { RowSpan = 2, Width = 50 }; TableCell cell1_2 = new TableCell { Text = string.Format("<h4>{0}</h4><br />{1}<br/>In Stock", pt.description, "Item No:" +, HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left, Width = 350, }; TableCell cell1_3 = new TableCell { Text = "Unit Price<hr/>" }; TableCell cell1_4 = new TableCell { Text = "Quantity<hr/>" }; TableCell cell1_5 = new TableCell { Text = "Item Total<hr/>" }; TableCell cell1_6 = new TableCell(); double pri = Convert.ToDouble(pt.price); TableCell cell2_1 = new TableCell(); TableCell cell2_2 = new TableCell { Text = "$ " + pt.price }; TableCell cell2_3 = new TableCell(); TableCell cell2_4 = new TableCell { Text = "$ " + Math.Round((cart.Amount * pri), 2) }; TableCell cell2_5 = new TableCell(); //Set custom controls cell1_1.Controls.Add(btnImage); cell1_6.Controls.Add(lnkDelete); cell2_3.Controls.Add(ddlAmount); //Add rows & cells to table row1.Cells.Add(cell1_1); row1.Cells.Add(cell1_2); row1.Cells.Add(cell1_3); row1.Cells.Add(cell1_4); row1.Cells.Add(cell1_5); row1.Cells.Add(cell1_6); row2.Cells.Add(cell2_1); row2.Cells.Add(cell2_2); row2.Cells.Add(cell2_3); row2.Cells.Add(cell2_4); row2.Cells.Add(cell2_5); table.Rows.Add(row1); table.Rows.Add(row2); ShoppingCart.Controls.Add(table); //Add total of current purchased item to subtotal //Math.Round((subTotal += (cart.Amount * pri)), 2); subTotal += (cart.Amount * pri); } //Add selected objects to Session //Session[User.Identity.GetUserId()] = carts; }