protected override void GetReceiptNotes(Resolver resolver) { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(PickList)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("IsPrinted", false)); OrderHelper.SetOpenOrderStatusCriteria(criteria, "Status"); //订单状态 SecurityHelper.SetRegionSearchCriteria(criteria, "PartyFrom.Code", resolver.UserCode); //区域权限 IList <PickList> pickList = criteriaMgr.FindAll <PickList>(criteria, 0, 5); List <ReceiptNote> receiptNotes = new List <ReceiptNote>(); if (pickList != null && pickList.Count > 0) { foreach (PickList pl in pickList) { string newUrl = reportMgr.WriteToFile("PickList.xls", pl.PickListNo); pl.IsPrinted = true;//to be refactored pickListMgr.UpdatePickList(pl); ReceiptNote receiptNote = PickList2ReceiptNote(pl); receiptNote.PrintUrl = newUrl; receiptNotes.Add(receiptNote); } } resolver.ReceiptNotes = receiptNotes; }
private void PrintPickList(Resolver resolver, string[] region) { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(PickList)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("IsPrinted", false)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("Status", BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_STATUS_VALUE_SUBMIT)); criteria.Add(Expression.In("PartyFrom.Code", region)); IList <PickList> pickList = criteriaMgr.FindAll <PickList>(criteria); List <ReceiptNote> receiptNotes = new List <ReceiptNote>(); if (pickList != null && pickList.Count > 0) { foreach (PickList pl in pickList) { string newUrl = reportMgr.WriteToFile("PickList.xls", pl.PickListNo); pl.IsPrinted = true;//to be refactored pickListMgr.UpdatePickList(pl); ReceiptNote receiptNote = PickList2ReceiptNote(pl); receiptNote.PrintUrl = newUrl; receiptNotes.Add(receiptNote); } } if (resolver.ReceiptNotes == null) { resolver.ReceiptNotes = receiptNotes; } else { IListHelper.AddRange <ReceiptNote>(resolver.ReceiptNotes, receiptNotes); } }
private List <ReceiptNote> ConvertReceipsToReceiptNotes(IList <Receipt> Receipts) { if (Receipts == null) { return(null); } List <ReceiptNote> receiptNotes = new List <ReceiptNote>(); int seq = 1; foreach (Receipt receipt in Receipts) { ReceiptNote receiptNote = new ReceiptNote(); receiptNote.CreateDate = receipt.CreateDate; receiptNote.CreateUser = receipt.CreateUser == null ? string.Empty : receipt.CreateUser.Name; receiptNote.Dock = receipt.DockDescription; receiptNote.IpNo = receipt.ReferenceIpNo; receiptNote.PartyFrom = receipt.PartyFrom == null ? string.Empty : receipt.PartyFrom.Name; receiptNote.PartyTo = receipt.PartyTo == null ? string.Empty : receipt.PartyTo.Name; receiptNote.ReceiptNo = receipt.ReceiptNo; receiptNote.Sequence = seq; receiptNotes.Add(receiptNote); seq++; } return(receiptNotes); }
private void PrintInspect(Resolver resolver, string[] region) { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(InspectOrder)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("IsPrinted", false)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("Status", BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_STATUS_VALUE_CREATE)); criteria.Add(Expression.In("Region", region)); IList <InspectOrder> inspectOrderList = criteriaMgr.FindAll <InspectOrder>(criteria); List <ReceiptNote> receiptNotes = new List <ReceiptNote>(); if (inspectOrderList != null && inspectOrderList.Count > 0) { foreach (InspectOrder inspectOrder in inspectOrderList) { string newUrl = reportMgr.WriteToFile("InspectOrder.xls", inspectOrder.InspectNo); inspectOrder.IsPrinted = true;//to be refactored inspectOrderMgr.UpdateInspectOrder(inspectOrder); ReceiptNote receiptNote = InspectOrder2ReceiptNote(inspectOrder); receiptNote.PrintUrl = newUrl; receiptNotes.Add(receiptNote); } } if (resolver.ReceiptNotes == null) { resolver.ReceiptNotes = receiptNotes; } else { IListHelper.AddRange <ReceiptNote>(resolver.ReceiptNotes, receiptNotes); } }
private List <ReceiptNote> ConvertHusToReceiptNotes(IList <Hu> HuList) { if (HuList == null) { return(null); } List <ReceiptNote> receiptNotes = new List <ReceiptNote>(); int seq = 1; foreach (Hu hu in HuList) { ReceiptNote receiptNote = new ReceiptNote(); receiptNote.CreateDate = hu.CreateDate; receiptNote.CreateUser = hu.CreateUser == null ? string.Empty : hu.CreateUser.Name; receiptNote.OrderNo = hu.OrderNo; receiptNote.HuId = hu.HuId; receiptNote.ItemDescription = hu.Item.Description; receiptNote.UnitCount = hu.UnitCount; receiptNote.Qty = hu.Qty; receiptNote.Sequence = seq; receiptNote.ReceiptNo = hu.ReceiptNo; receiptNotes.Add(receiptNote); seq++; } return(receiptNotes); }
private ReceiptNote Repack2ReceiptNote(Repack repack) { ReceiptNote receiptNote = new ReceiptNote(); receiptNote.OrderNo = repack.RepackNo; receiptNote.CreateDate = repack.CreateDate; receiptNote.CreateUser = repack.CreateUser == null ? string.Empty : repack.CreateUser.Code; return(receiptNote); }
private ReceiptNote InProcessLocation2ReceiptNote(InProcessLocation inProcessLocation) { ReceiptNote receiptNote = new ReceiptNote(); receiptNote.OrderNo = inProcessLocation.IpNo; receiptNote.CreateDate = inProcessLocation.CreateDate; receiptNote.CreateUser = inProcessLocation.CreateUser == null ? string.Empty : inProcessLocation.CreateUser.Code; receiptNote.Status = inProcessLocation.Status; return(receiptNote); }
private void BntAdd_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (ErrorDetailsItem.Count != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Something is not correct. Please check all your input again!"); return; } if (CurrentReceipt.ReceiptNoteDetails.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("You have to choose the ingredient you want to input before add"); return; } // check if the Receipt Note have input Other Perchagse, must require the Note foreach (var details in CurrentReceipt.ReceiptNoteDetails.ToList()) { if (details.IgdId.Equals(ORTHER_PERCHAGSE_ID) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Note)) { MessageBox.Show( "You have inputed the \"Orther Purchase\" in your Receipt. Please input the detail description in note before save data!"); return; } } CurrentReceipt.Inday = DateTime.Now; _unitofwork.ReceiptNoteRepository.Insert(CurrentReceipt); //ToDo: Update the contain value in Warehouse database UpdateWareHouseContain(); _unitofwork.Save(); ReceiptDetailsList = new List <ReceiptNoteDetail>(); lvDataReceipt.ItemsSource = ReceiptDetailsList; lvDataReceipt.Items.Refresh(); CurrentReceipt = new ReceiptNote() { EmpId = (App.Current.Properties["EmpLogin"] as Employee).EmpId, ReceiptNoteDetails = ReceiptDetailsList }; LoadReceiptData(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when trying to input the new Receipt! May be you should reload this app or call for support!"); } }
private ReceiptNote Receipt2ReceiptNote(Receipt receipt) { ReceiptNote receiptNote = new ReceiptNote(); receiptNote.OrderNo = receipt.ReceiptNo; receiptNote.CreateDate = receipt.CreateDate; receiptNote.CreateUser = receipt.CreateUser == null ? string.Empty : receipt.CreateUser.Code; receiptNote.Status = "Close"; return(receiptNote); }
private ReceiptNote Order2ReceiptNote(OrderHead orderHead) { ReceiptNote receiptNote = new ReceiptNote(); receiptNote.OrderNo = orderHead.OrderNo; receiptNote.CreateDate = orderHead.CreateDate; receiptNote.CreateUser = orderHead.CreateUser == null ? string.Empty : orderHead.CreateUser.Code; receiptNote.Status = orderHead.Status; return(receiptNote); }
private ReceiptNote PickList2ReceiptNote(PickList pickList) { ReceiptNote receiptNote = new ReceiptNote(); receiptNote.OrderNo = pickList.PickListNo; receiptNote.CreateDate = pickList.CreateDate; receiptNote.CreateUser = pickList.CreateUser == null ? string.Empty : pickList.CreateUser.Code; receiptNote.Status = pickList.Status; return(receiptNote); }
private ReceiptNote InspectOrder2ReceiptNote(InspectOrder inspectOrder) { ReceiptNote receiptNote = new ReceiptNote(); receiptNote.OrderNo = inspectOrder.InspectNo; receiptNote.CreateDate = inspectOrder.CreateDate; receiptNote.CreateUser = inspectOrder.CreateUser == null ? string.Empty : inspectOrder.CreateUser.Code; receiptNote.Status = inspectOrder.Status; return(receiptNote); }
public ReceiptNoteEntity Update(EmployeeEntity EmployeeEntity, Guid ReceiptNoteId, ReceiptNoteEntity ReceiptNoteEntity) { if (ReceiptNoteEntity == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } ReceiptNoteEntity.Id = ReceiptNoteId; ReceiptNote ReceiptNote = new ReceiptNote(ReceiptNoteEntity); UnitOfWork.Complete(); return(Get(EmployeeEntity, ReceiptNote.Id)); }
private void lvReceptNote_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { ReceiptNote rn = lvReceptNote.SelectedItem as ReceiptNote; if (rn != null) { lvReceiptNoteDetail.ItemsSource = _unitofwork.ReceiptNoteDsetailsRepository.Get(c => c.RnId.Equals(rn.RnId)); } else { lvReceiptNoteDetail.ItemsSource = new List <ReceiptNoteDetail>(); } }
public ReceiptNoteEntity Create(EmployeeEntity EmployeeEntity, ReceiptNoteEntity ReceiptNoteEntity) { if (ReceiptNoteEntity == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } ReceiptNote ReceiptNote = new ReceiptNote(ReceiptNoteEntity); UnitOfWork.ReceiptNoteRepository.AddOrUpdate(ReceiptNote); UnitOfWork.Complete(); return(Get(EmployeeEntity, ReceiptNote.Id)); }
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var lists = gridControl1.DataSource as List <ReceiptNoteDetail>; if (lists.Count() > 0) { var note = new ReceiptNote(); note.SupplierId = (int)cbxSupplier.EditValue; note.StockId = (int)cbxStock.EditValue; note.StaffId = (int)cbxStaff.EditValue; note.Date = (DateTime)txtDate.EditValue; } }
public InputReceiptNote(AdminwsOfCloudPOS unitofwork, List <Ingredient> ingdList) { _unitofwork = unitofwork; InitializeComponent(); this.IngdList = ingdList; lvDataIngredient.ItemsSource = IngdList; ReceiptDetailsList = new List <ReceiptNoteDetail>(); CurrentReceipt = new ReceiptNote() { EmpId = (App.Current.Properties["EmpLogin"] as Employee).EmpId, ReceiptNoteDetails = ReceiptDetailsList }; lvDataReceipt.ItemsSource = ReceiptDetailsList; LoadReceiptData(); }
private void CreateRepack(Resolver resolver) { string[] huIdArr = resolver.Input.Split(','); List <ReceiptNote> receiptNotes = new List <ReceiptNote>(); foreach (string huId in huIdArr) { try { IList <RepackDetail> repackDetailList = new List <RepackDetail>(); LocationLotDetail locationLotDetail = locationLotDetailMgr.CheckLoadHuLocationLotDetail(huId); RepackDetail inRepackDetail = new RepackDetail(); inRepackDetail.LocationLotDetail = locationLotDetail; inRepackDetail.Hu = locationLotDetail.Hu; inRepackDetail.IOType = BusinessConstants.IO_TYPE_IN; inRepackDetail.Qty = inRepackDetail.Hu.Qty * inRepackDetail.Hu.UnitQty; repackDetailList.Add(inRepackDetail); RepackDetail outRepackDetail = new RepackDetail(); outRepackDetail.itemCode = inRepackDetail.Hu.Item.Code; outRepackDetail.IOType = BusinessConstants.IO_TYPE_OUT; outRepackDetail.Qty = inRepackDetail.Qty; repackDetailList.Add(outRepackDetail); Repack repack = repackMgr.CreateDevanning(repackDetailList, userMgr.CheckAndLoadUser(resolver.UserCode)); ReceiptNote receiptNote = Repack2ReceiptNote(repack); receiptNotes.Add(receiptNote); } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } } if (resolver.ReceiptNotes == null) { resolver.ReceiptNotes = receiptNotes; } else { IListHelper.AddRange <ReceiptNote>(resolver.ReceiptNotes, receiptNotes); } }
private void PrintASN(Resolver resolver, string[] region) { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(InProcessLocation)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("IsPrinted", false)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("NeedPrintAsn", true)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("Status", BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_STATUS_VALUE_CREATE)); criteria.Add(Expression.Or(Expression.Eq("OrderType", BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_ORDER_TYPE_VALUE_DISTRIBUTION), Expression.Eq("OrderType", BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_ORDER_TYPE_VALUE_TRANSFER))); criteria.Add(Expression.In("PartyFrom.Code", region)); IList <InProcessLocation> inProcessLocationList = criteriaMgr.FindAll <InProcessLocation>(criteria); List <ReceiptNote> receiptNotes = new List <ReceiptNote>(); if (inProcessLocationList != null && inProcessLocationList.Count > 0) { foreach (InProcessLocation inProcessLocation in inProcessLocationList) { IList <object> list = new List <object>(); list.Add(inProcessLocation); list.Add(inProcessLocation.InProcessLocationDetails); string newUrl = reportMgr.WriteToFile(inProcessLocation.AsnTemplate, list); inProcessLocation.IsPrinted = true;//to be refactored inProcessLocationMgr.UpdateInProcessLocation(inProcessLocation); ReceiptNote receiptNote = InProcessLocation2ReceiptNote(inProcessLocation); receiptNote.PrintUrl = newUrl; receiptNotes.Add(receiptNote); } } if (resolver.ReceiptNotes == null) { resolver.ReceiptNotes = receiptNotes; } else { IListHelper.AddRange <ReceiptNote>(resolver.ReceiptNotes, receiptNotes); } }
private void PrintOrder(Resolver resolver, string[] region) { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(OrderHead)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("IsPrinted", false)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("NeedPrintOrder", true)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("Status", BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_STATUS_VALUE_INPROCESS)); criteria.Add(Expression.In("Type", new string[] { BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_ORDER_TYPE_VALUE_TRANSFER, BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_ORDER_TYPE_VALUE_PROCUREMENT })); criteria.Add(Expression.In("PartyFrom.Code", region)); IList <OrderHead> orderList = criteriaMgr.FindAll <OrderHead>(criteria); List <ReceiptNote> receiptNotes = new List <ReceiptNote>(); if (orderList != null && orderList.Count > 0) { foreach (OrderHead orderHead in orderList) { IList <object> list = new List <object>(); list.Add(orderHead); list.Add(orderHead.OrderDetails); string newUrl = reportMgr.WriteToFile(orderHead.OrderTemplate, list); orderHead.IsPrinted = true;//to be refactored orderHeadMgr.UpdateOrderHead(orderHead); ReceiptNote receiptNote = Order2ReceiptNote(orderHead); receiptNote.PrintUrl = newUrl; receiptNotes.Add(receiptNote); } } if (resolver.ReceiptNotes == null) { resolver.ReceiptNotes = receiptNotes; } else { IListHelper.AddRange <ReceiptNote>(resolver.ReceiptNotes, receiptNotes); } }
public ReceiptNoteEntity(ReceiptNote ReceiptNote, params object[] args) : base(ReceiptNote) { foreach (object arg in args) { if (arg is Employee Employee) { EmployeeEntity = new EmployeeEntity(Employee); } if (arg is Supplier Supplier) { SupplierEntity = new SupplierEntity(Supplier); } if (arg is WareHouse WareHouse) { WareHouseEntity = new WareHouseEntity(WareHouse); } if (arg is ICollection <ReceiptNoteLine> ReceiptNoteLines) { ReceiptNoteLineEntities = ReceiptNoteLines.Select(model => new ReceiptNoteLineEntity(model, model.Product)).ToList(); } } }
private void PrintReceipt(Resolver resolver, string[] region) { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(Receipt)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("IsPrinted", false)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("NeedPrint", true)); criteria.Add(Expression.In("PartyTo.Code", region)); IList <Receipt> receiptList = criteriaMgr.FindAll <Receipt>(criteria); List <ReceiptNote> receiptNotes = new List <ReceiptNote>(); if (receiptList != null && receiptList.Count > 0) { foreach (Receipt receipt in receiptList) { IList <object> list = new List <object>(); list.Add(receipt); list.Add(receiptDetailMgr.SummarizeReceiptDetails(receipt.ReceiptDetails)); string newUrl = reportMgr.WriteToFile(receipt.ReceiptTemplate, list); receipt.IsPrinted = true;//to be refactored receiptMgr.UpdateReceipt(receipt); ReceiptNote receiptNote = Receipt2ReceiptNote(receipt); receiptNote.PrintUrl = newUrl; receiptNotes.Add(receiptNote); } } if (resolver.ReceiptNotes == null) { resolver.ReceiptNotes = receiptNotes; } else { IListHelper.AddRange <ReceiptNote>(resolver.ReceiptNotes, receiptNotes); } }
private List <ReceiptNote> ConvertInProcessLocationsToReceiptNotes(IList <InProcessLocation> inProcessLocations) { if (inProcessLocations == null) { return(null); } int seq = 1; List <ReceiptNote> receiptNotes = new List <ReceiptNote>(); foreach (InProcessLocation inProcessLocation in inProcessLocations) { ReceiptNote receiptNote = new ReceiptNote(); receiptNote.CreateDate = inProcessLocation.CreateDate; receiptNote.CreateUser = inProcessLocation.CreateUser == null ? string.Empty : inProcessLocation.CreateUser.Name; receiptNote.Dock = inProcessLocation.DockDescription; receiptNote.IpNo = inProcessLocation.IpNo; receiptNote.PartyFrom = inProcessLocation.PartyFrom == null ? string.Empty : inProcessLocation.PartyFrom.Name; receiptNote.PartyTo = inProcessLocation.PartyTo == null ? string.Empty : inProcessLocation.PartyTo.Name; receiptNote.Sequence = seq; receiptNotes.Add(receiptNote); seq++; } return(receiptNotes); }
public ReceiptNoteEntity Get(EmployeeEntity EmployeeEntity, Guid ReceiptNoteId) { ReceiptNote ReceiptNote = UnitOfWork.ReceiptNoteRepository.Get(ReceiptNoteId); return(new ReceiptNoteEntity(ReceiptNote, ReceiptNote.WareHouse, ReceiptNote.Supplier, ReceiptNote.ReceiptNoteLines)); }
/// <summary> /// auto generate id for all entities in Asowell Database /// all id type is 10 character and the sign is depend on the type of entity /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> private TEntity AutoGeneteId_DBAsowell(TEntity entity) { string sign = ""; if (entity is Employee) { sign = "EMP"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; Employee emp = entity as Employee; emp.EmpId = result; } else if (entity is AdminRe) { sign = "AD"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; AdminRe admin = entity as AdminRe; admin.AdId = result; } else if (entity is Customer) { sign = "CUS"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; Customer cus = entity as Customer; cus.CusId = result; } else if (entity is WareHouse) { sign = "WAH"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; WareHouse wh = entity as WareHouse; wh.WarehouseId = result; } else if (entity is Ingredient) { sign = "IGD"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; Ingredient ign = entity as Ingredient; ign.IgdId = result; } else if (entity is Product) { sign = "P"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; Product p = entity as Product; p.ProductId = result; } else if (entity is ProductDetail) { sign = "PD"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; ProductDetail pd = entity as ProductDetail; pd.PdetailId = result; } else if (entity is OrderNote) { sign = "ORD"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; OrderNote ord = entity as OrderNote; ord.OrdernoteId = result; } else if (entity is ReceiptNote) { sign = "RN"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; ReceiptNote rcn = entity as ReceiptNote; rcn.RnId = result; } else if (entity is SalaryNote) { sign = "SAN"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; SalaryNote sln = entity as SalaryNote; sln.SnId = result; } else if (entity is WorkingHistory) { sign = "WOH"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; WorkingHistory wh = entity as WorkingHistory; wh.WhId = result; } else if (entity is StockOut) { sign = "STO"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; StockOut stkout = entity as StockOut; stkout.StockOutId = result; } else if (entity is StockIn) { sign = "STI"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; StockIn stkIn = entity as StockIn; stkIn.Si_id = result; } else if (entity is APWareHouse) { sign = "APW"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; APWareHouse wh = entity as APWareHouse; wh.APWarehouseId = result; } else if (entity is Stock) { sign = "STK"; // lấy số thứ tự mới nhất string numberWantToset = (this.Get().Count() + 1).ToString(); int blank = ID_SIZE_DBASOWELL - (sign.Length + numberWantToset.Length); string result = sign; for (int i = 0; i < blank; i++) { result += "0"; } result += numberWantToset; Stock stock = entity as Stock; stock.StoId = result; } return(entity); }
public void Update(ReceiptNote entity) { _receiptNoteRepository.Update(entity); }
public void Insert(ReceiptNote entity) { _receiptNoteRepository.Insert(entity); }
public ReceiptNote Add(ReceiptNote entity) { return(_receiptNoteRepository.Add(entity)); }
public frmReceipt() { InitializeComponent(); //Load Load += (sender, e) => { if (receiptNote == null) { receiptNote = new ReceiptNote { Date = DateTime.Now } } ; //bind combobox LoadStaff(); LoadSupplier(); LoadStock(); //bind gridview LoadRepositoryLookupEdit(); listReceiptNoteDetails = receiptNote.ReceiptNoteDetails.ToList(); //bind gridview to static list gcReceiptNoteDetails.DataSource = listReceiptNoteDetails; }; //Add item gridview gvReceiptNoteDetails.DoubleClick += (sender, e) => { listReceiptNoteDetails.Add(new ReceiptNoteDetail()); gcReceiptNoteDetails.RefreshDataSource(); }; //Remove item gridview gvReceiptNoteDetails.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { if (e.KeyValue == 46) //keyboard delete { var currentItem = gvReceiptNoteDetails.GetFocusedRow() as ReceiptNoteDetail; //delete from list listReceiptNoteDetails.Remove(currentItem); //rebinding gridview gcReceiptNoteDetails.RefreshDataSource(); } }; //Produce add button click btnProduceAdd.Click += (sender, e) => { frmProduce frm = new frmProduce(); frm.OnSaved += t => { var produce = t as Produce; unitOfWork.ProduceService.Create(produce); unitOfWork.Save(); //reload repository produce LoadRepositoryLookupEdit(); frm.Close(); }; frm.ShowDialog(); }; //Staff add button click btnStaffAdd.Click += (sender, e) => { frmStaff frm = new frmStaff(); frm.OnSaved += t => { unitOfWork.StaffService.Create(t as Staff); unitOfWork.Save(); //reload combobox LoadStaff(); frm.Close(); }; frm.ShowDialog(); }; //Supplier add button click btnSupplierAdd.Click += (sender, e) => { frmSupplier frm = new frmSupplier(); frm.OnSaved += t => { unitOfWork.SupplierService.Create(t as Supplier); unitOfWork.Save(); //reload combobox LoadSupplier(); frm.Close(); }; frm.ShowDialog(); }; //Stock add button click btnStockAdd.Click += (sender, e) => { frmStock frm = new frmStock(); frm.OnSaved += t => { unitOfWork.StockService.Create(t as Stock); unitOfWork.Save(); //reload combobox LoadStock(); frm.Close(); }; frm.ShowDialog(); }; //Save button click ucActionResultButton.SaveButtonClick += (sender, e) => { if (dxValidationProvider.Validate()) { var listItem = gvReceiptNoteDetails.DataSource as List <ReceiptNoteDetail>; if (listItem.Count > 0) { receiptNote.ReceiptNoteDetails = listItem; OnSaved(receiptNote); } } }; //Cancel button click ucActionResultButton.CancelButtonClick += (sender, e) => { this.Close(); }; //validate row item gvReceiptNoteDetails.ValidateRow += (sender, e) => { GridView view = sender as GridView; //GridColumn colProduceId = view.Columns[0]; GridColumn colQuantity = view.Columns[1]; GridColumn colPrice = view.Columns[2]; //validate for quanity > 1 var quanity = (int)view.GetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, colQuantity); if (quanity < 1) { e.Valid = false; view.SetColumnError(colQuantity, "Số lượng nhập phải lớn hơn 0"); return; } var price = (decimal)view.GetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, colPrice); if (price < 1000) { e.Valid = false; view.SetColumnError(colPrice, "Giá sản phẩm phải lớn hơn 1000đ"); return; } }; }