Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// function used to extract offset value from constraint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updateData"> data used to pass or get information regarding constraints cover</param>
        /// <param name="constraint">constraint from which we extract the offset information</param>
        /// <param name="targetIdx">index of target in constraint</param>
        /// <param name="offset"> output value </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool getOffsetFromConstraintAtTarget(RebarUpdateCurvesData updateData, RebarConstraint constraint, int targetIdx, out double offset)
            offset = 0.0;
            if (updateData == null || constraint == null)

            double barDiam    = updateData.GetBarModelDiameter();
            var    rebarStyle = updateData.GetRebarStyle();
            var    attachment = updateData.GetAttachmentType();
            bool   bIsInside  = rebarStyle == RebarStyle.Standard || (rebarStyle != RebarStyle.Standard && attachment == StirrupTieAttachmentType.InteriorFace);

            if (constraint.IsToCover())
                if (targetIdx < 0 || targetIdx >= constraint.NumberOfTargets)
                    return(false); // incorrect index
                RebarCoverType coverType      = constraint.GetTargetCoverType(targetIdx);
                double         coverDist      = (coverType == null) ? 0.0 : coverType.CoverDistance;
                double         diameterOffset = (barDiam / 2);
                if (bIsInside)
                    diameterOffset *= -1;
                offset = constraint.GetDistanceToTargetCover() - coverDist + diameterOffset;

            offset = constraint.GetDistanceToTargetHostFace();
        CurveElement getSelectedCurveElement(Rebar bar, RebarUpdateCurvesData data)
            RebarFreeFormAccessor barAccess = bar.GetFreeFormAccessor();
            ElementId             id        = new ElementId(bar.LookupParameter(AddSharedParams.m_CurveIdName).AsInteger());

            return(data.GetDocument().GetElement(id) as CurveElement);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// function used to extract current rebar
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> data used to pass or get information regarding constraints cover</param>
        /// <returns>Current rebar element being regenerated</returns>
        Rebar getCurrentRebar(RebarUpdateCurvesData data)
            ElementId rebarId = data.GetRebarId();

            return(data.GetDocument().GetElement(rebarId) as Rebar);