//返回主画面Json_Current Model NG
        public JsonResult DRAQ127_AllStatus2(string DeviceId)
            String            str = "select * from RealTimePlantData where LineID= '" + DeviceId + "'";
            RealTimePlantData list_Select_Real_Time_Data = db.Sel_RealTimePlantData(str);

            int[] j = { list_Select_Real_Time_Data.cap, list_Select_Real_Time_Data.ESR, list_Select_Real_Time_Data.Voltage };
            ViewBag.MaxData2 = j.Max();

            return(Json(new { msg = "success", data = list_Select_Real_Time_Data, data2 = j.Max() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult BigScreen()
            string DeviceId = Request["DeviceId"];

            ViewBag.DeviceId = DeviceId;
            string SqlCon_PCC = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PCC" + DeviceId + "ConnectionString"].ToString();
            String            str = "select * from RealTimePlantData where LineID= '" + DeviceId + "'";
            RealTimePlantData list_Select_Real_Time_Data = db.Sel_RealTimePlantData(str);

            int[] j = { list_Select_Real_Time_Data.cap, list_Select_Real_Time_Data.ESR, list_Select_Real_Time_Data.Voltage };
            ViewBag.MaxData2 = j.Max();

            ViewBag.Select_Real_Time_Data = list_Select_Real_Time_Data;
            ViewBag.Now_Model             = list_Select_Real_Time_Data.DutMode;

            //查询最近生产的5种型号每月产量Latest Monthly Output&NG Top 5
            string str_select_top5_monthly_output = "select * from EveryMonthInfo nolock";
            List <Monthly_OutputAndNG> list_Monthly_OutputAndNG = db_draq127.select_top5_monthly_output(SqlCon_PCC, str_select_top5_monthly_output);

            //查询最近生产的5种型号每天产量Latest Daily Output&NG Top 5
            string str_select_top5_daily_output = "select * from EverydayInfo nolock";
            List <EveryDay_OutputAndNG> list_Everyday_OutputAndNG = db_draq127.select_top5_daily_output(SqlCon_PCC, str_select_top5_daily_output);

            //查询当前一周内数据Order Progress This Week
            //DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; //当前时间
            //DateTime startWeek = dt.AddDays(1 - Convert.ToInt32(dt.DayOfWeek.ToString("d"))); //本周周一
            //DateTime endWeek = startWeek.AddDays(6); //本周周日
            //string startDay = startWeek.Year.ToString() + "-" + startWeek.Month.ToString() + "-" + startWeek.Day.ToString();
            //string endDay = endWeek.Year.ToString() + "-" + endWeek.Month.ToString() + "-" + endWeek.Day.ToString();
            //String str_Monthly_Order_Info2 = "select * from DayInfoHistory  nolock where RecordTime BETWEEN '" + startDay + "' and '" + endDay + "'  and LineID='" + DeviceId + "'";

            //查询当前一周内数据Order Progress This Week
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; //当前时间

            int count = dt.DayOfWeek - DayOfWeek.Monday;

            if (count == -1)
                count = 6;

            DateTime startWeek = dt.AddDays(-count);   //本周周一
            DateTime endWeek   = startWeek.AddDays(7); //本周周日
            DateTime endWeek2  = startWeek.AddDays(5); //本周周日
            string   startDay  = startWeek.Year.ToString() + "-" + startWeek.Month.ToString() + "-" + startWeek.Day.ToString();
            string   endDay    = endWeek.Year.ToString() + "-" + endWeek.Month.ToString() + "-" + endWeek.Day.ToString();
            String   str_Monthly_Order_Info2 = "select * from DayInfoHistory  nolock where RecordTime BETWEEN '" + startDay + "' and '" + endDay + "'  and LineID='" + DeviceId + "'";

            List <DayInfoHistory> list_Monthly_Order_Info_List = db_Single_station.Monthly_Order_Infos_List(SqlCon_PCC, str_Monthly_Order_Info2);

            return(View(Tuple.Create(list_Monthly_OutputAndNG, list_Everyday_OutputAndNG, list_Monthly_Order_Info_List)));