private void SerializePlane(IDataBlock block, RealPlane3d plane) { block.Writer.Write(plane.I); block.Writer.Write(plane.J); block.Writer.Write(plane.K); block.Writer.Write(plane.D); }
public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, RealPlane3d plane) { // Write a RealPlane3d object to the stream. writer.Write(plane.i); writer.Write(plane.j); writer.Write(plane.k); writer.Write(plane.d); }
public static RealPlane3d ReadRealPlane3d(this BinaryReader reader) { // Read a RealPlane3d object from the stream. RealPlane3d plane = new RealPlane3d(); plane.i = reader.ReadSingle(); plane.j = reader.ReadSingle(); plane.k = reader.ReadSingle(); plane.d = reader.ReadSingle(); return(plane); }
public void SetFieldValue(object owner, object value = null, object definition = null) { if (Loading || owner == null) { return; } if (value == null) { if (!float.TryParse(iTextBox.Text, out var i) || !float.TryParse(jTextBox.Text, out var j) || !float.TryParse(kTextBox.Text, out var k) || !float.TryParse(dTextBox.Text, out var d)) { return; } value = new RealPlane3d(i, j, k, d); } Field.SetValue(owner, value); }
public object ParseArgs(Type type, TagFieldInfo info, List <string> args) { var input = args[0]; object output = null; if (type == typeof(byte)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!byte.TryParse(input, out byte value)) { return(false); } output = value; } else if (type == typeof(sbyte)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!sbyte.TryParse(input, out sbyte value)) { return(false); } output = value; } else if (type == typeof(short)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!short.TryParse(input, out short value)) { return(false); } output = value; } else if (type == typeof(ushort)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!ushort.TryParse(input, out ushort value)) { return(false); } output = value; } else if (type == typeof(int)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!int.TryParse(input, out int value)) { return(false); } output = value; } else if (type == typeof(uint)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!uint.TryParse(input, out uint value)) { return(false); } output = value; } else if (type == typeof(long)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!long.TryParse(input, out long value)) { return(false); } output = value; } else if (type == typeof(ulong)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!ulong.TryParse(input, out ulong value)) { return(false); } output = value; } else if (type == typeof(float)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(input, out float value)) { return(false); } output = value; } else if (type == typeof(string)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } output = input; } else if (type == typeof(CachedTagInstance)) { if (args.Count != 1 || !CacheContext.TryGetTag(input, out var tag)) { return(false); } output = tag; } else if (type == typeof(Tag)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!CacheContext.TryParseGroupTag(args[0], out var result)) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid tag group specifier: {args[0]}"); return(false); } output = result; } else if (type == typeof(StringId)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } output = CacheContext.GetStringId(input); } else if (type == typeof(Angle)) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(input, out float value)) { return(false); } output = Angle.FromDegrees(value); } else if (type == typeof(RealEulerAngles2d)) { if (args.Count != 2) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float yaw) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float pitch)) { return(false); } output = new RealEulerAngles2d( Angle.FromDegrees(yaw), Angle.FromDegrees(pitch)); } else if (type == typeof(RealEulerAngles3d)) { if (args.Count != 3) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float yaw) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float pitch) || !float.TryParse(args[2], out float roll)) { return(false); } output = new RealEulerAngles3d( Angle.FromDegrees(yaw), Angle.FromDegrees(pitch), Angle.FromDegrees(roll)); } else if (type == typeof(RealPoint2d)) { if (args.Count != 2) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float x) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float y)) { return(false); } output = new RealPoint2d(x, y); } else if (type == typeof(RealPoint3d)) { if (args.Count != 3) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float x) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float y) || !float.TryParse(args[2], out float z)) { return(false); } output = new RealPoint3d(x, y, z); } else if (type == typeof(RealVector2d)) { if (args.Count != 2) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float i) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float j)) { return(false); } output = new RealVector2d(i, j); } else if (type == typeof(RealVector3d)) { if (args.Count != 3) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float i) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float j) || !float.TryParse(args[2], out float k)) { return(false); } output = new RealVector3d(i, j, k); } else if (type == typeof(RealQuaternion)) { if (args.Count != 4) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float i) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float j) || !float.TryParse(args[2], out float k) || !float.TryParse(args[3], out float w)) { return(false); } output = new RealQuaternion(i, j, k, w); } else if (type == typeof(RealPlane2d)) { if (args.Count != 3) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float i) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float j) || !float.TryParse(args[2], out float d)) { return(false); } output = new RealPlane2d(i, j, d); } else if (type == typeof(RealPlane3d)) { if (args.Count != 4) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float i) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float j) || !float.TryParse(args[2], out float k) || !float.TryParse(args[3], out float d)) { return(false); } output = new RealPlane3d(i, j, k, d); } else if (type.IsEnum) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } var query = args[0]; object found; try { found = Enum.Parse(type, query); } catch { found = null; } var names = Enum.GetNames(type).ToList(); if (found == null) { var nameLow = query.ToLower(); var namesLow = names.Select(i => i.ToLower()).ToList(); found = namesLow.Find(n => n == nameLow); if (found == null) { var nameSnake = query.ToSnakeCase(); var namesSnake = names.Select(i => i.ToSnakeCase()).ToList(); found = namesSnake.Find(n => n == nameSnake); if (found == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid {0} enum option: {1}", type.Name, args[0]); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Valid options:"); foreach (var name in Enum.GetNames(type)) { var fieldName = $"{type.FullName}.{name}".Replace("+", "."); var documentationNode = EditTagContextFactory.Documentation.SelectSingleNode($"//member[starts-with(@name, 'F:{fieldName}')]"); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1}", name, documentationNode != null ? $":: {documentationNode.FirstChild.InnerText.Replace("\r\n", "").TrimStart().TrimEnd()}" : ""); } Console.WriteLine(); return(false); } else { found = Enum.Parse(type, names[namesSnake.IndexOf((string)found)]); } } else { found = Enum.Parse(type, names[namesLow.IndexOf((string)found)]); } } output = found; } else if (type == typeof(Bounds <>)) { var rangeType = type.GenericTypeArguments[0]; var argCount = RangeArgCount(rangeType); var min = ParseArgs(rangeType, null, args.Take(argCount).ToList()); if (min.Equals(false)) { return(false); } var max = ParseArgs(rangeType, null, args.Skip(argCount).Take(argCount).ToList()); if (max.Equals(false)) { return(false); } output = Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[] { min, max }); } else if (type.IsArray) { if (info?.FieldType == typeof(byte[]) && info?.Attribute.Length == 0) { // tag_data field if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } if (input.Length % 2 != 0) { return(false); } List <byte> bytes = new List <byte>(); for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i = i + 2) { bytes.Add(Convert.ToByte(input.Substring(i, 2), 16)); } output = bytes.ToArray(); } else { if (info == null || args.Count != info.Attribute.Length) { return(false); } var elementType = info.FieldType.GetElementType(); var values = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, info.Attribute.Length); for (var i = 0; i < info.Attribute.Length; i++) { values.SetValue(Convert.ChangeType(ParseArgs(elementType, null, new List <string> { args[i] }), elementType), i); } return(values); } } else if (type == typeof(RealRgbColor)) { if (args.Count != 3) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float i) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float j) || !float.TryParse(args[2], out float k)) { return(false); } output = new RealRgbColor(i, j, k); } else if (type == typeof(ArgbColor)) { if (args.Count != 4) { return(false); } if (!byte.TryParse(args[0], out byte i) || !byte.TryParse(args[1], out byte j) || !byte.TryParse(args[2], out byte k) || !byte.TryParse(args[3], out byte w)) { return(false); } output = new ArgbColor(i, j, k, w); } else if (type == typeof(Bounds <Angle>)) { if (args.Count != 2) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out float i) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out float j)) { return(false); } output = new Bounds <Angle> { Lower = Angle.FromDegrees(i), Upper = Angle.FromDegrees(j) }; } else if (type == typeof(PageableResource)) { if (args.Count < 1 || args.Count > 2) { return(false); } if (args.Count == 1) { switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "null": output = null; break; default: output = new FileInfo(args[0]); if (!((FileInfo)output).Exists) { throw new FileNotFoundException(args[0]); } break; } } else if (args.Count == 2) { var resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.None; switch (args[0].ToSnakeCase()) { case "resources": resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.Resources; break; case "textures": resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.Textures; break; case "textures_b": resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.TexturesB; break; case "audio": resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.Audio; break; case "resources_b": resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.ResourcesB; break; case "render_models" when CacheContext.Version >= CacheVersion.HaloOnline235640: resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.RenderModels; break; case "lightmaps" when CacheContext.Version >= CacheVersion.HaloOnline235640: resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.Lightmaps; break; default: throw new FormatException($"Invalid resource location: {args[0]}"); } var resourceFile = new FileInfo(args[1]); if (!resourceFile.Exists) { throw new FileNotFoundException(args[1]); } output = (resourceLocation, resourceFile); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: Not Implemented."); return(false); // throw new NotImplementedException(); } return(output); }