Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// 服务器广播准备
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="obj"></param>
    private void OnServerBroadcastShiSanZhangReady(byte[] obj)
        SSS_READY    proto   = SSS_READY.decode(obj);
        IGameCommand command = new ReadyCommand(proto.pos);

Пример #2
    public void sendReady()
        ReadyCommand cmd = new ReadyCommand();

        cmd.type       = (int)CommandType.READY;
        cmd.playerName = curPlayer.playerName;
        cmd.partyName  = curParty.partyName;
        cmd.isReady    = !curPlayer.isReady;

        string jsonCmd = JsonUtility.ToJson(cmd);

        curPlayer.isReady = !curPlayer.isReady;
Пример #3
        public IActionResult UnBanAction(string UserIp, string SteamId, string Reason, string Comment)
            UnBanModel.UserIp  = UserIp;
            UnBanModel.Reason  = Reason;
            UnBanModel.SteamId = SteamId;
            UnBanModel.Comment = Comment;

            if (UnBanModel.SteamId == "0")
                UnBanModel.Message = "Вы не можете разбанить этого игрока";
                Global.Debug("User " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[UnBanModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " try to unban Server player");
                ReadyCommand c = new ReadyCommand()
                    SenderDiscordId     = Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId,
                    IsSuccess           = true,
                    FailedDebugMessage  = "Администратор " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[UnBanModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " попытался разбанить игрока со SteamId64: " + UnBanModel.SteamId + " по причине '" + UnBanModel.Reason + "'. Комментарий администратора: '" + UnBanModel.Comment + "'",
                    SuccessDebugMessage = "Игрок (Nickname) (SteamId64: " + UnBanModel.SteamId + "), забаненный по причине '(Reason)', был разбанен администратором " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[UnBanModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " по причине '" + UnBanModel.Reason + "'. Комментарий администратора: '" + UnBanModel.Comment + "'",
                    CommandName         = "unban",
                    Args = new List <string>()
                if (!Global.SaveUsers())
                    Global.DebugSystemError("Failed to save USER: \nName: " + Global.users.Where(x => x.DiscordId == Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId).First().Name + " \nDiscordId: " + Global.users.Where(x => x.DiscordId == Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId).First().DiscordId);

                UnBanModel.Message = Global.SendCommandToReady(c, Global.servers.FirstOrDefault().ServerName);

            return(RedirectToAction("Refresh", new { UserIp, SteamId, Reason, Comment, UnBanModel.Message }));
Пример #4
        public static string SendCommandToReady(ReadyCommand command, string server)
            if (server == WrongServerName)
                return("Сервер обновляет данные. Команда не отправлена");
            List <ReadyCommand> commands = new List <ReadyCommand>();

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(ServerInfoFiles[server], OFivePlugin.Global.ReadyCommandsFileName)))
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(ServerInfoFiles[server], OFivePlugin.Global.ReadyCommandsFileName)))
                        commands = (List <ReadyCommand>)Formatter_Commands.Deserialize(sr);
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    return("Произошла техническая ошибка. Пожалуйста, сообщите об этом руководству.");
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(ServerInfoFiles[server], OFivePlugin.Global.ReadyCommandsFileName)))
                    Formatter_Commands.Serialize(sw, commands);
                return("Команда успешно послана на сервер");
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                return("Произошла техническая ошибка (2). Пожалуйста, сообщите об этом руководству.");
Пример #5
 void Update()
     if (messageQueue.Count > 0)
         string  message    = messageQueue.Dequeue();
         Command curCommand = JsonUtility.FromJson <Command>(message);
         if (curCommand.type == (int)CommandType.ERROR)
             ErrorMessage eMessage = JsonUtility.FromJson <ErrorMessage>(message);
             SceneControl.Instance.error(eMessage.errorMessage, eMessage.prevScreen);
         else if (curCommand.type == (int)CommandType.APPROVE_CREATE)
             ApproveCreate appr = JsonUtility.FromJson <ApproveCreate>(message);
             curParty = appr.party;
             PartyControl.Instance.curParty = appr.party;
             curPlayer.isHost = true;
         else if (curCommand.type == (int)CommandType.APPROVE_JOIN)
             ApproveJoin appr = JsonUtility.FromJson <ApproveJoin>(message);
             curParty = appr.party;
             PartyControl.Instance.curParty = appr.party;
         else if (curCommand.type == (int)CommandType.APPROVE_LEAVE)
             curParty = null;
             PartyControl.Instance.curParty = null;
             curPlayer.isHost  = false;
             curPlayer.isReady = false;
         else if (curCommand.type == (int)CommandType.READY)
             ReadyCommand cmd = JsonUtility.FromJson <ReadyCommand>(message);
             foreach (PlayerInfo player in PartyControl.Instance.curParty.userList)
                 if (player.playerName.Equals(cmd.playerName))
                     player.isReady = cmd.isReady;
         else if (curCommand.type == (int)CommandType.PARTY_LIST)
             PartyList pList = JsonUtility.FromJson <PartyList>(message);
         else if (curCommand.type == (int)CommandType.RELOAD_VIEW)
             ReloadView reloadView = JsonUtility.FromJson <ReloadView>(message);
             curParty = reloadView.party;
             PartyControl.Instance.curParty = reloadView.party;
         else if (curCommand.type == (int)CommandType.CREATE_PLAYER)
             CreatePlayer crtPlay = JsonUtility.FromJson <CreatePlayer>(message);
             curPlayer.id = crtPlay.playerID;
         else if (curCommand.type == (int)CommandType.LOAD_CONFIRM)
             load = true;
Пример #6
        public IActionResult Ban(string UserIp, string Server, string Player, string Reason, int Time, string Comment, string CustomReason)
            AdminModel.UserIp = UserIp;
            AdminModel.Server = Global.servers.Where(x => x.ServerName == Server).First();
            if (AdminModel.Server.players.Where(x => x.Nickname == Player).FirstOrDefault() == default)
                Global.DebugSystemError("Catch wrong player nickname: '" + Player + "'");
                return(RedirectToAction("Refresh", new { UserIp, Server, AdminModel.Server.players.First().Nickname, Reason, Time, Comment, CustomReason, AdminModel.Message }));
                AdminModel.Player = AdminModel.Server.players.Where(x => x.Nickname == Player).FirstOrDefault();
            AdminModel.Reason = Global.reasons.Where(x => x.Id == Reason).First();
            if (Global.Sessions.ContainsKey(UserIp))
                if (Global.Sessions[UserIp].Reason.Id != AdminModel.Reason.Id)
                    Time = AdminModel.Reason.Time;
                Time = AdminModel.Reason.Time;
            AdminModel.Time = Time;
            Global.Sessions[UserIp].Reason = AdminModel.Reason;
            AdminModel.CustomReason        = CustomReason;
            AdminModel.Comment             = Comment;

            if (AdminModel.Player.Playerid == 0)
                AdminModel.Message = "Вы не можете забанить этого игрока";
                Global.Debug("User " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[AdminModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " try to ban Server player on Server " + AdminModel.Server.ServerName);
                string reasontranscript = AdminModel.Reason.Transcript;
                if (AdminModel.Reason.Id == "3" || AdminModel.Reason.Id == "4")
                    reasontranscript = CustomReason;
                string reasonid = AdminModel.Reason.Id;
                if (AdminModel.Reason.Id == "4")
                    reasonid = "Своя причина";
                ReadyCommand c = new ReadyCommand();
                if (reasonid != "0")
                    int bancount = (Global.InfoSite.BanCount = Global.InfoSite.BanCount + 1);
                    if (!Global.SaveSiteInfo())
                        Global.DebugSystemError("Failed to save site info");
                    c = new ReadyCommand()
                        SenderDiscordId     = Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId,
                        IsSuccess           = true,
                        FailedDebugMessage  = "Бан не прошел. Бан номер " + bancount + ". Администратор " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[AdminModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " попытался забанить игрока " + AdminModel.Player.Nickname + " (steamid: " + AdminModel.Player.SteamId + ") на сервере '" + AdminModel.Server.ServerName + "' по причине " + reasonid + "(" + reasontranscript + ") на " + AdminModel.Time + " минут. Комментарий администратора: '" + AdminModel.Comment + "'",
                        SuccessDebugMessage = "Бан номер " + bancount + ". Администратор " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[AdminModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " забанил игрока " + AdminModel.Player.Nickname + " (steamid: " + AdminModel.Player.SteamId + ") на сервере '" + AdminModel.Server.ServerName + "' по причине " + reasonid + "(" + reasontranscript + ") на " + AdminModel.Time + " минут. Комментарий администратора: '" + AdminModel.Comment + "'",
                        CommandName         = "ban",
                        Args = new List <string>()
                                reasonid + "(" + reasontranscript + ") на " + AdminModel.Time + " минут администратором " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[AdminModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Username + ". Комментарий: " + AdminModel.Comment
                    c = new ReadyCommand()
                        SenderDiscordId     = Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId,
                        IsSuccess           = true,
                        FailedDebugMessage  = string.Empty,
                        SuccessDebugMessage = string.Empty,
                        CommandName         = "ban",
                        Args = new List <string>()
                                reasonid + "(" + reasontranscript + ") на " + AdminModel.Time + " минут администратором " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[AdminModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Username + ". Комментарий: " + AdminModel.Comment
                if (!Global.SaveUsers())
                    Global.DebugSystemError("Failed to save USER: \nName: " + Global.users.Where(x => x.DiscordId == Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId).First().Name + " \nDiscordId: " + Global.users.Where(x => x.DiscordId == Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId).First().DiscordId);

                AdminModel.Message = Global.SendCommandToReady(c, AdminModel.Server.ServerName);

            return(RedirectToAction("Refresh", new { UserIp, Server, AdminModel.Server.players.First().Nickname, Reason, Time, Comment, CustomReason, AdminModel.Message }));
Пример #7
        public IActionResult BcAction(string UserIp, string Server, string BroadcastName, string Player, int Team, int Time, string Text2, string colors)
            #region main
            BbcModel.UserIp = UserIp;
            string Text = Text2;
            BbcModel.Broadcast = Global.broadcasts.Where(x => x.Name == BroadcastName).First();
            if (Global.servers.Where(x => x.ServerName == Server).FirstOrDefault() == default)
                Global.DebugSystemError("Catch wrong server name: '" + Server + "'");
                return(RedirectToAction("Refresh", new { UserIp, Server, BroadcastName, Player, Team, Time, Text, colors, BbcModel.Message }));
                BbcModel.Server = Global.servers.Where(x => x.ServerName == Server).First();
            if (BbcModel.Server.players.Where(x => x.Nickname == Player).FirstOrDefault() == default)
                Global.DebugSystemError("Catch wrong player nickname: '" + Player + "'");
                BbcModel.Player = BbcModel.Server.players.First();
                BbcModel.Player = BbcModel.Server.players.Where(x => x.Nickname == Player).FirstOrDefault();
            BbcModel.Team   = Global.teams.Where(x => x.Id == Team).First();
            BbcModel.Time   = Time;
            BbcModel.colors = colors;
            if (BbcModel.Time < 1)
                BbcModel.Time = 1;
            else if (BbcModel.Time > 999)
                BbcModel.Time = 999;
            BbcModel.Text   = Text2;
            BbcModel.colors = colors;

            string sendtext = GetBody(Text);
            Global.DebugSystem("text1: " + sendtext);
            while (sendtext.Contains(font1))
                Global.DebugSystem("index: " + sendtext.IndexOf(font1));
                if (!sendtext.Contains(font2))
                int    numberoffontbetween = sendtext.Substring(sendtext.IndexOf(font1), sendtext.IndexOf(font2) - sendtext.IndexOf(font1)).Count(x => x.ToString() == font1);
                int    indexFontStart      = sendtext.IndexOf(font1);
                string font;
                int    indexof   = sendtext.IndexOf("\">");
                string sendtext2 = sendtext;
                int    tempadder = 0;
                int    count     = 0;
                while (indexof < sendtext.IndexOf(font1))
                    Global.Debug(count + "text: '" + sendtext2 + "'");
                    int lenght = sendtext2.IndexOf("\">") + "\">".Length;
                    sendtext2  = sendtext2.Remove(0, lenght);
                    tempadder += lenght;
                    indexof    = sendtext2.IndexOf("\">") + tempadder;
                    Global.DebugSystem("new sendtext2: '" + sendtext2 + "'");
                    Global.DebugSystem("new indexof: " + indexof);

                font = sendtext.Substring(sendtext.IndexOf(font1), indexof - sendtext.IndexOf(font1) + "\">".Length);
                Global.DebugSystem("mfont: '" + font + "'");
                Global.DebugSystem("text0: '" + sendtext + "'" + sendtext.Substring(sendtext.IndexOf(font1)).IndexOf("\">") + " " + sendtext.IndexOf(font1) + " " + "\">".Length + "'");

                sendtext = sendtext.Remove(indexFontStart, font.Length).Insert(indexFontStart, CreateNewFontStart(font, GetFontType(font)));
                int indexFontClose = sendtext.IndexOf(font2, numberoffontbetween + 1);
                sendtext = sendtext.Remove(indexFontClose, "</font>".Length).Insert(indexFontClose, CreateNewFontClose(GetFontType(font)));
            ReadyCommand c = new ReadyCommand();
            switch (BbcModel.Broadcast.BroadcastType)
            case BroadcastType.Bc:
                c = new ReadyCommand()
                    SenderDiscordId     = Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId,
                    IsSuccess           = true,
                    FailedDebugMessage  = "",
                    SuccessDebugMessage = "Администратор " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[BbcModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " run bc command with args: server: " + BbcModel.Server.ServerName + " time: " + BbcModel.Time + " text: '" + Text + "'",
                    CommandName         = Global.BroadcastCommands[BbcModel.Broadcast.BroadcastType],
                    Args = new List <string>()
                BbcModel.Message = Global.SendCommandToReady(c, BbcModel.Server.ServerName);

            case BroadcastType.Pbc:
                c = new ReadyCommand()
                    SenderDiscordId     = Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId,
                    IsSuccess           = true,
                    FailedDebugMessage  = "",
                    SuccessDebugMessage = "Администратор " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[BbcModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " run pbc command with args: server: " + BbcModel.Server.ServerName + " target: " + BbcModel.Player.Nickname + " time: " + BbcModel.Time + " text: '" + Text + "'",
                    CommandName         = Global.BroadcastCommands[BbcModel.Broadcast.BroadcastType],
                    Args = new List <string>()
                BbcModel.Message = Global.SendCommandToReady(c, BbcModel.Server.ServerName);

            case BroadcastType.Tbc:
                c = new ReadyCommand()
                    SenderDiscordId     = Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId,
                    IsSuccess           = true,
                    FailedDebugMessage  = "",
                    SuccessDebugMessage = "Администратор " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[BbcModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " run tbc command with args: server: " + BbcModel.Server.ServerName + " team: " + BbcModel.Team.Name + " time: " + BbcModel.Time + " text: '" + Text + "'",
                    CommandName         = Global.BroadcastCommands[BbcModel.Broadcast.BroadcastType],
                    Args = new List <string>()
                BbcModel.Message = Global.SendCommandToReady(c, BbcModel.Server.ServerName);

            return(RedirectToAction("Refresh", new { UserIp, Server, BroadcastName, Player, Team, Time, Text, colors, BbcModel.Message }));
Пример #8
        public IActionResult Ban(string UserIp, string Nickname, string SteamId, string Reason, int Time, string Comment, string CustomReason)
            OfflineModel.UserIp  = UserIp;
            OfflineModel.SteamId = SteamId;
            OfflineModel.Reason  = Global.reasons.Where(x => x.Id == Reason).First();
            if (Global.Sessions.ContainsKey(UserIp))
                if (Global.Sessions[UserIp].Reason.Id != OfflineModel.Reason.Id)
                    Time = OfflineModel.Reason.Time;
                Time = OfflineModel.Reason.Time;
            OfflineModel.Time = Time;
            Global.Sessions[UserIp].Reason = OfflineModel.Reason;
            OfflineModel.CustomReason      = CustomReason;
            OfflineModel.Comment           = Comment;

            if (OfflineModel.SteamId == "0")
                OfflineModel.Message = "Вы не можете забанить этого игрока";
                Global.Debug("User " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[OfflineModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " try to ban Server player (offline mode)");
                string reasontranscript = OfflineModel.Reason.Transcript;
                if (OfflineModel.Reason.Id == "3" || OfflineModel.Reason.Id == "4")
                    reasontranscript = CustomReason;
                string reasonid = OfflineModel.Reason.Id;
                if (OfflineModel.Reason.Id == "4")
                    reasonid = "Своя причина";
                int bancount = (Global.InfoSite.BanCount = Global.InfoSite.BanCount + 1);
                if (!Global.SaveSiteInfo())
                    Global.DebugSystemError("Failed to save site info");
                ReadyCommand c = new ReadyCommand()
                    SenderDiscordId     = Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId,
                    IsSuccess           = true,
                    FailedDebugMessage  = "Бан номер " + bancount + " (Оффлайн-мод). Администратор " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[OfflineModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " забанил игрока со SteamId64: " + OfflineModel.SteamId + " по причине " + reasonid + "(" + reasontranscript + ") на " + OfflineModel.Time + " минут. Комментарий администратора: '" + OfflineModel.Comment + "'",
                    SuccessDebugMessage = "Бан номер " + bancount + ". Администратор " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[OfflineModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Mention + " забанил игрока со SteamId64: " + OfflineModel.SteamId + " по причине " + reasonid + "(" + reasontranscript + ") на " + OfflineModel.Time + " минут. Комментарий администратора: '" + OfflineModel.Comment + "'",
                    CommandName         = "oban",
                    Args = new List <string>()
                        reasonid + "(" + reasontranscript + ") на " + OfflineModel.Time + " минут администратором " + Program._client.GetUser(Global.Sessions[OfflineModel.UserIp].User.DiscordId).Username + ". Комментарий: " + OfflineModel.Comment
                if (!Global.SaveUsers())
                    Global.DebugSystemError("Failed to save USER: \nName: " + Global.users.Where(x => x.DiscordId == Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId).First().Name + " \nDiscordId: " + Global.users.Where(x => x.DiscordId == Global.Sessions[UserIp].User.DiscordId).First().DiscordId);

                OfflineModel.Message = Global.SendCommandToReady(c, Global.servers.First().ServerName);

            return(RedirectToAction("Refresh", new { UserIp, Nickname, SteamId, Reason, Time, Comment, CustomReason, OfflineModel.Message }));
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        List <NetworkCommand> cmds = Network.getPendingCommands();

        if (cmds != null)
            foreach (NetworkCommand cmd in cmds)
                /*** IN-GAME ACTIONS ***/
                if (cmd is MoveCommand)
                    MoveCommand move  = (MoveCommand)cmd;
                    Pos         start = Network.getPlayer(move.clientID).grid_pos;
                    Pos         end   = move.end;
                    Debug.Log("Move received! From " + start + " to " + end);

                    mapManager.move(start, end);
                if (cmd is AttackCommand)
                    AttackCommand attack = (AttackCommand)cmd;
                    Pos           start  = Network.getPlayer(attack.clientID).grid_pos;
                    Pos           end    = attack.end;
                    Debug.Log("Attack received! From " + start + " to " + end + " action No: " + attack.actionNo);

                    mapManager.attack(start, end, attack.actionNo);
                if (cmd is WaitCommand)
                    WaitCommand wait = (WaitCommand)cmd;
                    Debug.Log("Wait received! From client#" + wait.clientID);

                    Client waitingClient = Network.getPeer(wait.clientID);
                if (cmd is InteractCommand)
                    InteractCommand interact = (InteractCommand)cmd;
                    Pos             start    = Network.getPlayer(interact.clientID).grid_pos;
                    Pos             end      = interact.end;
                    Debug.Log("Interact received! From " + start + " to " + end);

                    mapManager.interact(start, end);
                if (cmd is UseItemCommand)
                    UseItemCommand item      = (UseItemCommand)cmd;
                    Player         player    = Network.getPlayer(item.clientID);
                    Item           itemToUse = player.inventory.GetItemFromSlot(item.slotIndex);
                    InventoryManager.UseItem(itemToUse, player);
                    Debug.Log("Use Item received! From client#" + item.clientID + " for item in slot #" + item.slotIndex);
                /*** LOBBY ACTIONS ***/
                if (cmd is ReadyCommand)
                    ReadyCommand ready = (ReadyCommand)cmd;
                    Debug.Log("Received READY");

                    Client client = Network.getPeer(ready.clientID);
                    if (client == null)
                        client = Network.getPeer(ready.clientID);
                    client.ready = !client.ready;
                if (cmd is NicknameCommand)
                    NicknameCommand nickname = (NicknameCommand)cmd;
                    Debug.Log("Received nickname: " + nickname.nickname);

                    Client client = Network.getPeer(nickname.clientID);
                    if (client == null)
                        client = Network.getPeer(nickname.clientID);
                    client.nickname = nickname.nickname;
                if (cmd is ClassnameCommand)
                    ClassnameCommand classname = (ClassnameCommand)cmd;
                    Debug.Log("Received classname: " + classname.classname);

                    Client client = Network.getPeer(classname.clientID);
                    if (client == null)
                        client = Network.getPeer(classname.clientID);
                    client.classname = classname.classname;
                if (cmd is UpdateClientInfoCommand)                   // called when a new player joins and needs to be synchronized
                    UpdateClientInfoCommand update = (UpdateClientInfoCommand)cmd;
                    Debug.Log("Received update from client#" + update.clientID);

                    Client client = Network.getPeer(update.clientID);
                    if (client == null)
                        client = Network.getPeer(update.clientID);
                    client.nickname  = update.nickname;
                    client.classname = update.classname;
                    client.ready     = update.ready;
                if (cmd is SetSeedCommand)
                    SetSeedCommand seed = (SetSeedCommand)cmd;
                    Debug.Log("Received seed!");

                    Settings.MasterSeed = seed.seed;
                /*** NETWORK ACTIONS ***/
                if (cmd is JoinCommand)
                    JoinCommand _join = (JoinCommand)cmd;                      // to avoid conflict with 'join' keyword
                    if (clientID == 0)
                        clientID = _join.clientID;
                        Debug.Log("Joined game! Client ID #" + clientID + " assigned!");
                        Debug.Log("New player with client ID #" + _join.clientID + " joined!");
                        Network.submitCommand(new UpdateClientInfoCommand(Network.getPeer(clientID)));
                        if (clientID == 1)
                            Network.submitCommand(new SetSeedCommand(Settings.MasterSeed));
                if (cmd is StartCommand)
                    StartCommand start = (StartCommand)cmd;
                    Debug.Log("Received START");
                    if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "NewMenu")                       // only loads new scene if we're in the lobby
                        foreach (Client client in Network.getPeers())
                            client.ready = false;
                if (cmd is EndCommand)
                    EndCommand end = (EndCommand)cmd;
                    Debug.Log("Received END");
                if (cmd is DisconnectCommand)
                    DisconnectCommand disconnect = (DisconnectCommand)cmd;
                    Debug.Log("Received DISCONNECT from client #" + disconnect.clientID);

                    if (clientID >= disconnect.clientID)
                        Debug.Log("Changed client ID to " + clientID);
        if (!Network.connected())
            clientID = 0;