private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { loginBtn.Visible = false; MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(DBConnect.conn); MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataReader Reader; if (contactTxt.Text == "" || passwordTxt.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Insert login credentials"); loginBtn.Visible = true; return; } command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE contact = '" + contactTxt.Text + "' AND password = '******'"; try { connection.Open(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error connecting to server !"); } Reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader.Read()) { if ((Reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : Reader.GetString(7)) == "") { MessageBox.Show("Access denied"); loginBtn.Visible = true; } else { Helper.username = (Reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(2)); = (Reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(7)); Helper.designation = (Reader.IsDBNull(5) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(5)); = (Reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(3)); Helper.image = (Reader.IsDBNull(8) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(8)); Helper.orgID = (Reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(1)); loginBtn.Visible = false; } } connection.Close(); MySqlConnection connection2 = new MySqlConnection(DBConnect.conn); MySqlCommand command2 = connection2.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataReader Reader2; command2.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM org WHERE orgID = '" + Helper.orgID + "'"; connection2.Open(); Reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader2.Read()) { Helper.logo = (Reader2.IsDBNull(9) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(9)); Helper.address = (Reader2.IsDBNull(6) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(6)); Helper.orgName = (Reader2.IsDBNull(1) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(1)); Helper.code = (Reader2.IsDBNull(5) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(5)); } connection2.Close(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Helper.orgID)) { MessageBox.Show("Access denied"); loginBtn.Visible = true; } else { loginBtn.Visible = false; MainForm frm = new MainForm(); frm.Show(); this.Hide(); } }
private void loadDis() { MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(DBConnect.conn); MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataReader Reader; command.CommandText = "SELECT *, As file, As client FROM disbursements LEFT JOIN client ON client.clientID = disbursements.clientID LEFT JOIN file ON file.fileID = disbursements.fileID WHERE disbursements.fileID='" + id + "' ;"; connection.Open(); Reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // create and execute query t = new DataTable(); t.Columns.Add("DATE", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("No.", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("AMOUNT", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("BAL.", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("METHOD", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("DETAILS", typeof(string)); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "FILE SUMMARY", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { " ", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "DISBURSEMENTS", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Date", "Invoice No.", "Amount", "Balance", "Method", "Details" }); DisDictionary.Clear(); while (Reader.Read()) { DisDictionary.Add((Reader.IsDBNull(0) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(0)), (Reader.IsDBNull(9) ? "0" : Reader.GetString(9))); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { (Reader.IsDBNull(14) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(14)), (Reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(7)), Convert.ToDouble(Reader.IsDBNull(9) ? "0" : Reader.GetString(9)).ToString("n0"), Convert.ToDouble(Reader.IsDBNull(11) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(11)).ToString("n0"), (Reader.IsDBNull(8) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(8)), (Reader.IsDBNull(35) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(35)) }); } totalDis = DisDictionary.Sum(m => Convert.ToDouble(m.Value)); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " Total", totalDis.ToString("n0"), "", "", "" }); connection.Close(); MySqlConnection connection2 = new MySqlConnection(DBConnect.conn); MySqlCommand command2 = connection2.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataReader Reader2; command2.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM expenses LEFT JOIN client ON client.clientID = expenses.clientID LEFT JOIN file ON file.fileID = expenses.fileID WHERE expenses.fileID='" + id + "';"; connection2.Open(); Reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader(); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "EXPENSES", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Date", "Invoice No.", "Amount", "Balance", "Method", "Details" }); ExpDictionary.Clear(); while (Reader2.Read()) { ExpDictionary.Add((Reader2.IsDBNull(0) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(0)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(7) ? "0" : Reader2.GetString(7))); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { (Reader2.IsDBNull(11) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(11)), " ", Convert.ToDouble(Reader2.IsDBNull(7) ? "0" : Reader2.GetString(7)).ToString("n0"), (Reader2.IsDBNull(8) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(8)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(36) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(36)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(6) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(6)) }); } totalExp = ExpDictionary.Sum(m => Convert.ToDouble(m.Value)); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", "Total ", totalExp.ToString("n0"), "", "", "" }); connection2.Close(); MySqlConnection connection3 = new MySqlConnection(DBConnect.conn); MySqlCommand command3 = connection3.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataReader Reader3; command3.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE file ='" + nameTxt.Text + "';"; connection3.Open(); Reader3 = command3.ExecuteReader(); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "EVENTS", "SCHEDULES ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Date", "Event", "Start", "End", "Progress", "Cost" }); while (Reader3.Read()) { EventDictionary.Add((Reader3.IsDBNull(0) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(0)), (Reader3.IsDBNull(18) ? "0" : Reader3.GetString(18))); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { (Reader3.IsDBNull(10) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(10)), (Reader3.IsDBNull(1) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(1)), Convert.ToDateTime(Reader3.IsDBNull(2) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(2)).ToString("H:mm:s"), Convert.ToDateTime(Reader3.IsDBNull(3) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(3)).ToString("H:mm:s"), (Reader3.IsDBNull(16) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(16)) + " " + (Reader3.IsDBNull(8) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(8)), Convert.ToDouble(Reader3.IsDBNull(18) ? "0" : Reader3.GetString(18)).ToString("n0") }); } totalEvent = EventDictionary.Sum(m => Convert.ToDouble(m.Value)); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "Total", totalEvent.ToString("n0") }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "Total", (totalDis - (totalEvent + totalExp)).ToString("n0") }); connection3.Close(); dtGrid.DataSource = t; dtGrid.Rows[1].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Beige; }
private void loadDis() { MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(DBConnect.conn); MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataReader Reader; command.CommandText = "SELECT As date,fees.invoice AS invoice, As client, As file,fees.amount As amount,fees.balance AS balance,fees.method as method,fees.details AS details,fees.paid AS paid FROM fees LEFT JOIN client ON client.clientID = fees.clientID LEFT JOIN file ON file.fileID = fees.fileID WHERE LIKE '%" + month + "%';"; connection.Open(); Reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // create and execute query t = new DataTable(); t.Columns.Add("DATE", typeof(string)); //0 t.Columns.Add("No.", typeof(string)); //1 t.Columns.Add("CLIENT", typeof(string)); //2 t.Columns.Add("FILE", typeof(string)); //3 t.Columns.Add("AMOUNT", typeof(string)); //4 t.Columns.Add("BAL.", typeof(string)); //5 t.Columns.Add("METHOD", typeof(string)); //6 t.Columns.Add("DETAILS", typeof(string)); //7 t.Columns.Add("PAID", typeof(string)); //8 t.Columns.Add(" ", typeof(string)); //8 t.Rows.Add(new object[] { " ", " ", "", "", "FINANCIAL", "REPORT ", "" + month, "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "FEES", " ", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Date", "Invoice No.", "Client", "File", "Amount", "Balance", "Method", "Details", "Paid", "" }); while (Reader.Read()) { t.Rows.Add(new object[] { (Reader.IsDBNull(0) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(0)), (Reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(1)), (Reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(2)), (Reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(3)), Convert.ToDouble((Reader.IsDBNull(4) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(4))).ToString("n0"), (Reader.IsDBNull(5) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(5)), (Reader.IsDBNull(6) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(6)), (Reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(7)), (Reader.IsDBNull(8) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(8)) }); FeesDictionary.Add((Reader.IsDBNull(0) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(0)), (Reader.IsDBNull(4) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(4))); } try { totalFees = FeesDictionary.Sum(m => Convert.ToDouble(m.Value)); // double amount = totalRent - totalExpense; t.Rows.Add(new object[] { " ", " ", "TOTAL FEES:", "", "" + totalFees.ToString("n0"), "", "", "", "", "" }); } catch { } connection.Close(); MySqlConnection connection2 = new MySqlConnection(DBConnect.conn); MySqlCommand command2 = connection2.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataReader Reader2; command2.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM petty WHERE date LIKE '%" + month + "%';"; connection2.Open(); Reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader(); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "FIRM EXPENSES", " ", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Date", "Invoice No.", "Item", "Unit cost", "Qty", "Total Cost", "Method", "Reason", "Paid", "Approved" }); while (Reader2.Read()) { t.Rows.Add(new object[] { (Reader2.IsDBNull(5) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(5)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(0) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(0)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(1) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(1)), Convert.ToDouble((Reader2.IsDBNull(2) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(2))).ToString("n0"), (Reader2.IsDBNull(3) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(3)), Convert.ToDouble((Reader2.IsDBNull(4) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(4))).ToString("n0"), (Reader2.IsDBNull(10) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(10)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(9) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(9)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(6) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(6)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(11) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(11)) }); ExpenseDictionary.Add((Reader2.IsDBNull(0) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(0)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(4) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(4))); } connection2.Close(); dtGrid.DataSource = t; dtGrid.Rows[1].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Beige; try { totalExpense = ExpenseDictionary.Sum(m => Convert.ToDouble(m.Value)); amount = totalFees - totalExpense; t.Rows.Add(new object[] { " ", " ", "", "TOTAL EXPENSES:", "", "" + totalExpense.ToString("n0"), "", "", "", "" }); } catch { } // double amount = totalRent - totalExpense; t.Rows.Add(new object[] { " ", " ", "", "", "PROFIT DECLARATION: ", "" + amount.ToString("n0"), "", "", "", "" }); }