Пример #1
            static void Validate(List <BigLifeRecord> control, ReadWriteValueListVault <BigLifeRecord> test)
                if (control.Count != test.GetCurrentCount())
                    throw new LogicErrorException("Collections do not have same number of items.");

                using var lck = test.RoLock();
                for (int i = 0; i < lck.Count; ++i)
                    BigLifeRecord ctrl = control[i];
                    if (lck[i] != ctrl)
                        throw new LogicErrorException(
                                  $"Elements at idx {i} are not equal via == - control: [{ctrl}]; test: [{lck[i]}]");
                    if (BigLifeRecord.Compare(in lck[i], in ctrl) != 0)
                        throw new LogicErrorException(
                                  $"Elements at idx {i} are not equal via compare - control: [{ctrl}]; test: [{lck[i]}]");
                    if (lck[i].GetHashCode() != ctrl.GetHashCode())
                        throw new LogicErrorException(
                                  $"Elements at idx {i} do not return same hash code - control: [{ctrl}]; test: [{lck[i]}]");
Пример #2
 private protected CafeBabeGameThread([NotNull] ReadWriteValueListVault <UInt256> vault, [NotNull] IOutputHelper helper)
     _concreteType = new LocklessConcreteType(this);
     _valueList    = vault ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(vault));
     _t            = new LocklessWriteOnce <Thread>(InitThread);
     _helper       = helper ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(helper));
Пример #3
        CreateRandomBigLifeRecords(int count)
            if (count < 0)
                throw new ArgumentNegativeException <int>(nameof(count), count);
            List <BigLifeRecord> blr = new List <BigLifeRecord>(count);

            while (blr.Count < count)

            VsEnumerableWrapper <BigLifeRecord> ctrl =
                VsEnumerableWrapper <BigLifeRecord> .FromIEnumerable(blr);

            ReadWriteValueListVault <BigLifeRecord> tst = new ReadWriteValueListVault <BigLifeRecord>(ctrl);

            Validate(blr, tst);
            return(blr, tst);
 protected abstract ArbiterThread InitArbiterThread([NotNull] ReadWriteValueListVault <UInt256> vault,
                                                    [NotNull] IOutputHelper outputHelper);
 protected abstract WriterThread InitWriterThread([NotNull] ReadWriteValueListVault <UInt256> vault,
                                                  [NotNull] IOutputHelper outputHelper, in UInt256 favoriteNumber, [NotNull] WriterThreadBeginToken beginToken);
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// CTOR
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vault">the vault</param>
 /// <param name="helper">the output helper</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="vault"/> or <paramref name="helper"/> was null.</exception>
 public ArbiterThread([NotNull] ReadWriteValueListVault <UInt256> vault, [NotNull] IOutputHelper helper) : base(
         vault, helper)
Пример #7
                ImmutableArray <BigLifeRecord> Present, ImmutableArray <BigLifeRecord> NotPresent) CreateSortAndSetTestData(
            int tstControlCount, int numPresentSamples, int numNotPresent)
            if (tstControlCount < 1)
                throw new ArgumentNotPositiveException <int>(nameof(tstControlCount), tstControlCount);
            if (numPresentSamples >= tstControlCount || numPresentSamples < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(numPresentSamples), numPresentSamples,
                                                      @$ "Parameter must be positive and less than {nameof(tstControlCount)}.");
            if (numNotPresent >= tstControlCount || numNotPresent < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(numNotPresent), numNotPresent,
                                                      @$ "Parameter must be positive and less than {nameof(tstControlCount)}.");
            SortedSet <BigLifeRecord> bigLifeRecords = new SortedSet <BigLifeRecord>(GetRandomRecords(tstControlCount * 2));

            while (bigLifeRecords.Count < tstControlCount * 2)
            List <BigLifeRecord> control = new List <BigLifeRecord>(bigLifeRecords.Take(tstControlCount));

            _rgen.Shuffle <List <BigLifeRecord>, BigLifeRecord>(control);
            var notPresent = bigLifeRecords.Skip(tstControlCount).Take(numNotPresent).ToList();
            List <BigLifeRecord> present = new List <BigLifeRecord>(control.Take(numPresentSamples));

            _rgen.Shuffle <List <BigLifeRecord>, BigLifeRecord>(notPresent);

            HashSet <BigLifeRecord> controlSet = new HashSet <BigLifeRecord>(control);

            bool allInPresentInControl = controlSet.IsProperSupersetOf(present);
            bool noneInControl         = !controlSet.Overlaps(notPresent) &&
                                         !(new HashSet <BigLifeRecord>(notPresent)).Overlaps(present);

            if (!allInPresentInControl || !noneInControl)
                throw new Exception("Logic error in setting up test data!");
            var vault = new ReadWriteValueListVault <BigLifeRecord>(VsEnumerableWrapper <BigLifeRecord> .FromIEnumerable(control));

            using var lck = vault.RoLock();

            if (lck.Count != control.Count)
                throw new Exception("vault count != control count.");

            int ctrlCount = 0;

            foreach (ref readonly var record in lck)
                if (record != control[ctrlCount++])
                    throw new Exception($"itm at idx {ctrlCount - 1} not equal.");

            return(control, vault, present.ToImmutableArray(), notPresent.ToImmutableArray());
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vault">vault protecting the string</param>
 /// <param name="helper">helper for i/o</param>
 /// <param name="favoriteNumber">number it writes</param>
 /// <param name="token">Start token</param>
 /// <param name="minWrites">min writes</param>
 /// <param name="maxWrites">max writes</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="vault"/> or <paramref name="helper"/>
 /// or <paramref name="token"/> was <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Min writes was negative.  Or max writes did not exceed min writes
 /// by at least three.</exception>
 internal WriterThread([NotNull] ReadWriteValueListVault <UInt256> vault, [NotNull] IOutputHelper helper,
                       in UInt256 favoriteNumber, [NotNull] WriterThreadBeginToken token, int minWrites = DefaultMinWrites,