void SearchDatabase()
        ReadOnlyTransaction t = db.StartReadWriteTransaction();

        // Find all patients with age > 50 which are diagnosed flu in last September
        foreach (Item patient in t.Find(Predicate.Value("age") > 50
                                        & Predicate.Value("diagnosis").In(Predicate.Value("date").Between("2010-09-01", "2010-09-30")
                                                                          & Predicate.Value("disease").In(Predicate.Value("name") == "flu"))))
            Console.WriteLine("Patient " + patient.GetString("name") + ", age " + patient.GetNumber("age"));

        // Print list of diseases with high temperature symptom ordered by name
        foreach (Item disease in t.Find(Predicate.Value("class") == "disease"
                                        & Predicate.Value("symptoms") == "high temperature",
                                        new OrderBy("name")))
            Console.WriteLine("Diseas " + disease.GetString("name"));
            Object symptoms = disease.GetAttribute("symptoms");
            if (symptoms is String)
                Console.WriteLine("Symptom: " + symptoms);
            else if (symptoms is String[])
                Console.WriteLine("Symptoms: ");
                String[] ss = (String[])symptoms;
                for (int i = 0; i < ss.Length; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", i, ss[i]);
    void SearchDatabase()
        ReadOnlyTransaction t = db.StartReadWriteTransaction();

        DateTime start  = DateTime.Now;
        int      nBooks = nAuthors * nBooksPerAutor / nCoauthors;

        for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < nBooks; i++)
            // find authors of the book
            Item[] authors = Enumerable.ToArray(t.Find(Predicate.Value("-author").In(Predicate.Value("title") == GenerateTitle(i))));
            Debug.Assert(authors.Length == nCoauthors);
            for (int k = 0; k < nCoauthors; k++)
                Debug.Assert(authors[k].GetString("name") == GenerateName(j++ % nAuthors));
        for (int i = 0; i < nAuthors; i++)
            // find book written by this author
            Item[] books = Enumerable.ToArray(t.Find(Predicate.Value("author").In(Predicate.Value("name") == GenerateName(i))));
            Debug.Assert(books.Length == nBooksPerAutor);
        Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for searching database " + (DateTime.Now - start));

        start = DateTime.Now;
        for (int i = 0, mask = 0; i < nBooks; i++, mask = ~mask)
            // find book using full text search part of book title and ISDN
            FullTextSearchResult result = t.FullTextSearch(GenerateWord(i ^ mask) + " " + GenerateISBN(i), MAX_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH_RESULTS, MAX_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH_TIME);
            Debug.Assert(result.Hits.Length == 1);
        for (int i = 0, mask = 0; i < nAuthors; i++, mask = ~mask)
            // find authors using full text search of author's name
            FullTextSearchResult result = t.FullTextSearch(GenerateName(i ^ mask), MAX_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH_RESULTS, MAX_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH_TIME);
            Debug.Assert(result.Hits.Length == 1);
        Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for full text search " + (DateTime.Now - start));
