Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the report to view in the control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="report"></param>
        public void SetReport(Rdl.Render.GenericRender report)
            if (report == null)
                _htmlReport = null;
            // Render the report to streaming html
            _htmlReport           = new Rdl.Render.RenderToHtml();
            _htmlReport.ImageUrl += new Rdl.Render.RenderToHtml.ImageUrlEventHandler(htmlRender_ImageUrl);

            Page.Session[ReportSessionID] = _htmlReport;

//            OnLoad(null);
            if (_htmlReport != null)
                Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(
                                             "<style type='text/css'>\n" +
                                             _htmlReport.Style +

            string cbReference = Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(
                this, "arguments", "ToggleStateData", "");

                this.GetType(), "ToggleState",
                "function ToggleStateCallback(arguments) {" + cbReference + "}", true);
Пример #2
        public void Render(Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt)

            TopMargin    = rpt.Report.TopMargin.points;
            BottomMargin = rpt.Report.BottomMargin.points;
            LeftMargin   = rpt.Report.LeftMargin.points;
            RightMargin  = rpt.Report.RightMargin.points;
            PageWidth    = rpt.Report.PageWidth.points;
            // Give the height a bit of breathing room because if we try to be exact
            // some browsers will put in extra blank pages.
            PageHeight = rpt.Report.PageHeight.points - 7.2m;
            _top       = rpt.Report.TopMargin.points;
            _left      = rpt.Report.LeftMargin.points;
            _width     = rpt.Report.PageWidth.points - rpt.Report.RightMargin.points - rpt.Report.LeftMargin.points;
            _height    = rpt.Report.PageHeight.points - rpt.Report.TopMargin.points - rpt.Report.BottomMargin.points;

            _pageList = new List <Page>();
            Container b = null;
            Page      p = new Page(
                rpt.BodyContainer.Width, //PageWidth - RightMargin - LeftMargin,
                PageHeight - TopMargin - BottomMargin,
                ref b);

            RecurseRender(rpt, rpt.BodyContainer, ref b, ref p, 0, rpt.BodyContainer.Top, 0, 0);

            //p.AddFooters(rpt, null, true);
Пример #3
        public string Render(Rdl.Render.GenericRender report)

            _rows = new List <TextLine>();
            RecurseBuildRows(report.BodyContainer, 0, 0);
            _rows.Sort(delegate(TextLine d1, TextLine d2) { return(decimal.Compare(d1.pos, d2.pos)); });

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (TextLine t in _rows)
                t.text.Sort(delegate(TextPoint d1, TextPoint d2) { return(decimal.Compare(d1.pos, d2.pos)); });

                bool first = true;
                foreach (TextPoint p in t.text)
                    if (!first)
                    first = false;

                    sb.Append("\"" + p.text.Replace("\"", "\"\"").TrimEnd() + "\"");

Пример #4
 protected int AddStyles(Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt, int styleBase)
     for (int i = 0; i < rpt.StyleList.Count; i++)
         AddStyle(rpt.StyleList[i], styleBase + i);
Пример #5
        internal Page(Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt,
                      int pageNumber,
                      decimal width,
                      decimal height,
                      decimal relativeTop,
                      Container breakAt,
                      ref Container currentPos) : base(null, null, null)
            Width             = width;
            Height            = height;
            CanGrowVertically = false;
            Name           = "Page";
            _pageNumber    = pageNumber;
            _relativeTop   = relativeTop;
            _genericRender = rpt;

            _pageHeaderBox                   = AddFixedContainer(rpt.Report, rpt.Report.Style, null);
            _pageHeaderBox.Width             = Width;
            _pageHeaderBox.Name              = "PageHeader";
            _pageHeaderBox.CanGrowVertically = true;

            // Add in the page header if appropriate
            if (rpt.Report.PageHeader != null)
                if (pageNumber > 0 || rpt.Report.PageHeader.PrintOnFirstPage)
                    _pageHeaderBox.Children.Add(PageRender.Copy(rpt.PageHeaderContainer, true));

            _pageDetailsBox                   = AddFixedContainer(rpt.Report, rpt.Report.Style, null);
            _pageDetailsBox.Width             = Width;
            _pageDetailsBox.Height            = Height;
            _pageDetailsBox.Name              = "PageDetails";
            _pageDetailsBox.CanGrowVertically = false;

            _pageFooterBox                   = AddFixedContainer(rpt.Report, rpt.Report.Style, null);
            _pageFooterBox.Width             = Width;
            _pageFooterBox.Name              = "PageFooter";
            _pageFooterBox.CanGrowVertically = true;

            if (breakAt != null)
            AddFooters(rpt, _pageFooterBox);

            _pageDetailsBox.Height = Height - _pageHeaderBox.Height - _pageFooterBox.Height;
            _pageDetailsBox.Top    = _pageHeaderBox.Height;

            currentPos = AddParentBoxes(breakAt, _pageDetailsBox);
Пример #6
        private decimal ElementWidth(Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt, Element elmt)
            decimal  width = elmt.TotalWidth(false);
            BoxStyle bs    = rpt.StyleList[elmt.StyleIndex];

            if (bs.BorderStyle.Left != Rdl.Engine.BorderStyle.BorderStyleEnum.None)
                width -= bs.BorderWidth.Left.points;
            if (bs.BorderStyle.Right != Rdl.Engine.BorderStyle.BorderStyleEnum.None)
                width -= bs.BorderWidth.Right.points;
            width -= bs.PaddingLeft.points;
            width -= bs.PaddingRight.points;
Пример #7
 public void RemoveLastPageHeadersAndFooters(Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt)
     if (rpt.Report.PageHeader != null)
         if (!rpt.Report.PageHeader.PrintOnLastPage)
     if (rpt.Report.PageFooter != null)
         if (!rpt.Report.PageFooter.PrintOnLastPage)
Пример #8
        private decimal ElementHeight(Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt, Element elmt)
            decimal  height = elmt.TotalHeight(false);
            BoxStyle bs     = rpt.StyleList[elmt.StyleIndex];

            if (bs.BorderStyle.Top != Rdl.Engine.BorderStyle.BorderStyleEnum.None)
                height -= bs.BorderWidth.Top.points;
            if (bs.BorderStyle.Bottom != Rdl.Engine.BorderStyle.BorderStyleEnum.None)
                height -= bs.BorderWidth.Bottom.points;
            height -= bs.PaddingTop.points;
            height -= bs.PaddingBottom.points;
Пример #9
        public string Render(Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt, PageRender pageRender)
            _doc        = new Document();
            _pageRender = pageRender;

            _bm         = new Bitmap(1000, 1000);
            _g          = Graphics.FromImage(_bm);
            _g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Point;

            // Create the fonts used in the report.
            int ct = rpt.StyleList.Count;

            _pdfFontList = new Pdf.Font[ct];
            _winFontList = new System.Drawing.Font[ct];
            for (int i = 0; i < ct; i++)
                if (rpt.StyleList[i] is TextStyle)
                    TextStyle ts = rpt.StyleList[i] as TextStyle;

                    _winFontList[i] = ts.GetWindowsFont();

                    _pdfFontList[i] = new Pdf.Font(_doc, "F" + i.ToString(), _winFontList[i]);

            // Loop through the pages in the document rendering the pages to PDF.
            for (int pageNum = 0; pageNum < pageRender.Pages.Count; pageNum++)
                Pdf.Page pdfPage = _doc.Pages.AddPage(_doc,
                                                      new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)_pageRender.PageWidth, (int)_pageRender.PageHeight));

                Page renderedPage = pageRender.Pages[pageNum];

                Pdf.ContentStream cs = pdfPage.AddContents(_doc);

                foreach (Element elmt in pageRender.Pages[pageNum].Children)
                    RecurseRender(elmt, cs, pageRender.TopMargin, pageRender.LeftMargin);

Пример #10
        public void Render(Rdl.Render.GenericRender report, PageRender pageRender, bool forPrint)
            _sourceReport = report;
            _styles.AppendLine("@page {");
            _styles.AppendLine("    size: " + (pageRender.PageWidth / 72m).ToString() + "in " +
                               (pageRender.PageHeight / 72m).ToString() + "in;");
            _styles.AppendLine("    margin-left: " + (pageRender.LeftMargin / 72m).ToString() + "in;");
            _styles.AppendLine("    margin-right: " + (pageRender.RightMargin / 72m).ToString() + "in;");
            _styles.AppendLine("    margin-top: " + (pageRender.TopMargin / 72m).ToString() + "in;");
            _styles.AppendLine("    margin-bottom: " + (pageRender.BottomMargin / 72m).ToString() + "in;");
            _styles.AppendLine("    padding: 0in;");

            _styles.AppendLine(".pagediv {");
            //_styles.AppendLine("    width: " + pageRender.PageWidth.ToString() + "pt;");
            //_styles.AppendLine("    height: " + pageRender.PageHeight.ToString() + "pt;");

            int styleTop = AddStyles(report, 0);
            //RecurseAddStyles(report.PageHeaderContainer, 0, ref styleTop);
            //RecurseAddStyles(report.PageFooterContainer, 0, ref styleTop);
            //RecurseAddStyles(report.BodyContainer, 0, ref styleTop);
            //for (int pageNum = 0; pageNum < pageRender.Pages.Count; pageNum++)
            //    RecurseAddStyles(pageRender.Pages[pageNum], 0, ref styleTop);

            decimal top = 0;

            for (int pageNum = 0; pageNum < pageRender.Pages.Count; pageNum++)
                Page page = pageRender.Pages[pageNum];

                _body.AppendLine("<div " + //class=\"pagediv\" " +
                                 "style=\"position: static;" + ((pageNum + 1 < pageRender.Pages.Count) ? "page-break-after: always;" : string.Empty) + "\" " +
                                 "title=\"page " + (pageNum + 1).ToString() + "\">");

                foreach (Rdl.Render.Element elmt in pageRender.Pages[pageNum].Children)
                    RecurseRender(report, _body, elmt, 1, forPrint);

                top += pageRender.PageHeight;
Пример #11
        public byte[] Render(Rdl.Render.GenericRender report, bool renderAll)
            _report = report;
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();


            _workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(ms);
            //_workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"c:\foo.xls"));
            _ws = _workbook.createSheet("Sheet 1", 0);

            RecurseBuildRowsCols(report.BodyContainer, 0, 0, renderAll);
            _rows.Sort(delegate(decimal d1, decimal d2) { return(decimal.Compare(d1, d2)); });
            _cols.Sort(delegate(decimal d1, decimal d2) { return(decimal.Compare(d1, d2)); });

            for (int i = 1; i < _rows.Count; i++)
                _ws.setRowView(i - 1, (int)((_rows[i] - _rows[i - 1]) * _lineHeight));

            for (int i = 1; i < _cols.Count; i++)
                _ws.setColumnView(i - 1, (int)((_cols[i] - _cols[i - 1]) * _colWidth));

            formats = new WritableCellFormat[report.StyleList.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < report.StyleList.Count; i++)
                if (report.StyleList[i] is TextStyle)
                    formats[i] = GetWritableFormat((TextStyle)report.StyleList[i]);

            RecurseRender(report.BodyContainer, 0, 0, renderAll);

            //BIFF8Writer.WriteWorkbookToStream(_workbook, ms);
Пример #12
        public string Render(Rdl.Render.GenericRender report)

            RecurseBuildRows(report.BodyContainer, 0);
            _rows.Sort(delegate(decimal d1, decimal d2) { return(decimal.Compare(d1, d2)); });

            // Convert the list of text positions into text lines assuming 12 points per line.
            _rowsToLines = new int[_rows.Count];
            int     line    = 0;
            decimal lastPos = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _rows.Count; i++)
                int lineAdd = (int)((_rows[i] - lastPos) / 24);
                line           += lineAdd;
                _rowsToLines[i] = line;
                lastPos         = _rows[i];

            _lines = new string[line];

            // Render the report onto _lines.
            RecurseRender(report.BodyContainer, 0, 0);

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < line; i++)
                if (_lines[i] == null)

Пример #13
        internal void AddFooters(Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt, Container b)
            decimal top = 0;

            //_pageFooterBox.Top = _pageHeaderBox.Height + _pageDetailsBox.Height;
            if (b != null)
                RecurseAddFooters(b, ref top);

            if (rpt.Report.PageFooter != null)
                Container pageFooter = PageRender.Copy(rpt.PageFooterContainer, true);
                pageFooter.Top = top;
                top += pageFooter.Height;
            _pageFooterBox.Height = top;
            _pageFooterBox.Top    = Height - top;
Пример #14
        public void Render(Rdl.Render.GenericRender report, bool forPrint)
            //_body.AppendLine("<div style=\"height:" + report.Width + "pt; width:" + report.Width + "pt;\">");
            _styles.Length = 0;
            _script.Length = 0;

            _plusGif  = GetImageUrl("", "resource", "plus.gif");
            _minusGif = GetImageUrl("", "resource", "minus.gif");

            _sourceReport = report;

            int styleTop = AddStyles(report, 0);

            //RecurseAddStyles(report.PageHeaderContainer, 0, ref styleTop);
            //RecurseAddStyles(report.PageFooterContainer, 0, ref styleTop);
            //RecurseAddStyles(report.BodyContainer, 0, ref styleTop);
            //int styleBase = AddStyles(report);
            _styles.AppendLine("a { color: inherit; background-color: inherit;}");


Пример #15
        // Render element elmt onto the page currentPage.
        // parent refers to the parent element within the current rendered page.  When
        //      a page break occurs a new parent hierarchy is build for the new page
        //      and parent will point to the bottom of the new parent hierarchy.
        // currentPage will refer to the current page being built.  It will be updated
        //      inside this routine if elmt spans pages.
        private void RecurseRender(
            Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt,
            Element elmt,         // The current element from the source document
            ref Container parent, // The parent element in the page.
            ref Page currentPage, // The current page.
            decimal parentTop,    // The absolute position of the parent element in the master rendered document.
            decimal top,          // The absolute position in the master rendered document.
            decimal xPos,         // The X position within the parent object
            decimal yPos          // The Y position within the parent object
            //decimal elementHeight = CalcHeight(elmt);
            decimal elementHeight  = elmt.Height;
            decimal requiredHeight = elementHeight;
            decimal elementTop;

            // If this element has repeated elements associated with it then make sure
            // that there is room on the page for those repeated elements.
            if (elmt is Container)
                // If this is a toggle item, then determine if we want to include it in the
                // rendered page.
                if (!((Container)elmt).IsVisible)

                foreach (Container re in ((Container)elmt).RepeatList)
                    if (re.AbsoluteTop > elmt.AbsoluteTop)
                        requiredHeight += re.Height;
                    //requiredHeight += CalcHeight(re);

            // If this element is spanning pages, then calculate the top
            // based on the starting position of this page.
            if (parentTop < currentPage.RelativeTop)
                elementTop = yPos - (currentPage.RelativeTop - parentTop);
                elementTop = yPos;

            bool newPage = false;

            if (elmt is Container && ((Container)elmt).PageBreakBefore)
                newPage = true;
            else if (top - currentPage.RelativeTop + requiredHeight > currentPage.AvailableHeight)
                // If the element doesn't fit entirely on this page and we should keep it on
                // one page, then create a new page.
                if (!(elmt is Container) || (elmt is Container && ((Container)elmt).KeepTogether))
                    newPage = true;

            if (newPage)
                //currentPage.AddFooters(rpt, parent, false);

                currentPage = new Page(
                    currentPage.PageNumber + 1,
                    rpt.BodyContainer.Width, //PageWidth - RightMargin - LeftMargin,
                    PageHeight - TopMargin - BottomMargin,
                    top, elmt.Parent, ref parent);


                if (parentTop < currentPage.RelativeTop)
                    elementTop = yPos - (currentPage.RelativeTop - parentTop);
                    elementTop = yPos;

            Element newElement = null;

            if (elmt is Container)
                newElement = Copy(((Container)elmt), false);
                newElement.CanGrowVertically = true;

                // Loop through the repeated elements
                foreach (Container r in ((Container)elmt).RepeatList)
                    // If the repeated element is below the current element then reserve space for it at the bottom.
                    if (r.AbsoluteTop > elmt.AbsoluteTop)
                        currentPage.FooterSpace += (r.Top - yPos + elementHeight + r.Height);
                //currentPage.FooterSpace += (r.Top - yPos + elementHeight + CalcHeight(r));
            if (elmt is TextElement)
                TextElement te = (TextElement)elmt;

                // Save the report item value for filling in to ReportItem references later
                if (te.ReportElement is Rdl.Engine.ReportItem)
                    currentPage.elementValues[((Rdl.Engine.ReportItem)te.ReportElement).Name] =

                newElement = new TextElement(te);
            if (elmt is ImageElement)
                newElement = new ImageElement((ImageElement)elmt);
            if (elmt is ChartElement)
                newElement = new ChartElement((ChartElement)elmt);

            newElement.Parent = parent;
            newElement.Top    = 0;
            newElement.Height = 0;
            //newElement.Left += xPos;
            if (parent != null)

            // Set the height of this element to either the height of the source element
            // or the height of the remaining space on the page.  Whichever is less.
            newElement.Top    = elementTop;
            newElement.Height = Math.Min(elementHeight, currentPage.AvailableHeight - (top - currentPage.RelativeTop));

            if (elmt is Container)
                Container be = newElement as Container;

                // Sort the children by the top values so if the children span a page then
                // they will render in the correct order.
                if (elmt is FixedContainer)
                    ((Container)elmt).Children.Sort(delegate(Element a, Element b) { return(a.Top.CompareTo(b.Top)); });

                foreach (Element child in ((Container)elmt).Children)
                    RecurseRender(rpt, child, ref be, ref currentPage, top, top + child.Top, child.Left, child.Top);
                    parent = be.Parent;

                // Loop through the repeated elements
                foreach (Container r in be.RepeatList)
                    // If the repeated element is below the current element then release the reserved space
                    if (r.AbsoluteTop > be.AbsoluteTop)
                        currentPage.FooterSpace -= (r.Top - elmt.Top + elementHeight + r.Height);
                //currentPage.FooterSpace -= (r.Top - elmt.Top + elementHeight + CalcHeight(r));

                if (be.PageBreakAfter)
                    //currentPage.AddFooters(rpt, parent, false);

                    currentPage = new Page(
                        currentPage.PageNumber + 1,
                        rpt.BodyContainer.Width, //PageWidth - RightMargin - LeftMargin,
                        PageHeight - TopMargin - BottomMargin,
                        elmt.Top + elementHeight, elmt.Parent, ref parent);

Пример #16
        void btnAction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (FindControl("tbAction") != null)
                // Get the ID of the element which triggered the action
                string actionID = ((HiddenField)FindControl("tbAction")).Value;
                // Prevent recursion
                if (actionID != string.Empty)
                    // Find the named text action element.
                    Rdl.Render.ActionElement ae = (Rdl.Render.ActionElement)_htmlReport.SourceReport.BodyContainer.FindNamedElement(actionID);

                    if (ae != null)
                        // If the action is a drill-through, then load the new report,
                        // set the parameters and open the report.
                        if (ae.DrillThroughReportName != null)
                            string reportName = ae.DrillThroughReportName;

                            Rdl.Engine.Report rpt;

                            System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjectHandle oh = null;
                                oh = Activator.CreateInstance(reportName, "Rdl.Runtime." + reportName.Replace(' ', '_'));
                            catch  { }
                            if (oh != null)
                                rpt = ((Rdl.Runtime.RuntimeBase)oh.Unwrap()).Report;
                                if (!reportName.Contains("\\"))
                                    reportName = _htmlReport.SourceReport.Report.ReportPath + reportName;
                                if (!reportName.Contains(".rdl"))
                                    if (File.Exists(reportName + ".rdl"))
                                        reportName += ".rdl";
                                    else if (File.Exists(reportName + ".rdlc"))
                                        reportName += ".rdlc";
                                if (!File.Exists(reportName))
                                    throw new Exception("Unable to locate sub report " + reportName);

                                rpt = new Rdl.Engine.Report();
                                FileStream fs = new FileStream(reportName,
                                                               FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);

                            foreach (Rdl.Render.ActionElement.ActionParameter parm in ae.DrillThroughParameterList)
                                rpt.ReportParameters[parm.Name].Value  = parm.Value;
                                rpt.ReportParameters[parm.Name].Hidden = true;
                            Rdl.Render.GenericRender render = rpt.Run();

                            _reportSessionID = "RenderedReport_" + (reportIndex++).ToString();
                            ((HiddenField)FindControl("tbReportID")).Value = _reportSessionID;

Пример #17
        protected int RecurseRender(Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt, StringBuilder body, Element elmt, int level, bool forPrint)
            StringBuilder bodyPart  = new StringBuilder();
            bool          hasAction = false;

            string style = string.Empty;

            //BoxStyle bs = rpt.StyleList[elmt.StyleIndex];

            //if (elmt.ReportElement is Rdl.Engine.Report)
            //    rpt = (Rdl.Engine.Report)elmt.ReportElement;
            if (elmt is Container)
                Container c = elmt as Container;
                if (!c.IsVisible)
            if ((elmt is TextElement || elmt is FixedContainer || elmt is ImageElement || elmt is ChartElement))
                style += "width: " + ElementWidth(rpt, elmt) + "pt;"
                         + "height: " + ElementHeight(rpt, elmt) + "pt;";
            if (elmt is TextElement)
                style += "overflow: hidden;";
            if (elmt._imageIndex >= 0 && !(elmt is ImageElement))
                style += "background-image: url(" + GetImageUrl(elmt.Name, "StaticImage", elmt._imageIndex.ToString()) + ");";
                style += "background-repeat: " + rpt.ImageList[elmt._imageIndex].ImageRepeat.ToString() + ";";
            if (elmt.Parent != null && elmt.Parent is Rdl.Render.FixedContainer)
                decimal top  = elmt.Top;
                decimal left = elmt.Left;
                style +=
                    "top: " + top + "pt;" +
                    "left: " + left + "pt;";
                // 12/26/2007 This line caused problems with tables.
                //if (!elmt.MatchParentHeight)
                style += "position: absolute;";
            if (elmt is TextElement && ((TextStyle)elmt.Style).TextAlign == Rdl.Engine.Style.TextAlignEnum.General)
                TextElement te = elmt as TextElement;
                decimal     val;

                if (te.Text.Length > 0 &&
                                     System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowCurrencySymbol |
                                     out val))
                    style += "text-align: right;";
                    style += "text-align: left;";

            if (elmt is FlowContainer && ((FlowContainer)elmt).FlowDirection == FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.LeftToRight)
                int elements = 0;
                bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level) + "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" " +
                                    "id=\"" + elmt.Name + "\" " +
                                    ((elmt.StyleIndex >= 0) ? "class=\"Report_style" + elmt.StyleIndex + "\" " : string.Empty) +
                                    "style=\"" + style + "\"" +
                                    ">" +

                foreach (Element child in ((Container)elmt).Children)
                    bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level + 1) + "<td>");
                    elements += RecurseRender(rpt, bodyPart, child, level + 2, forPrint);
                    bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level + 1) + "</td>");

                bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level) + "</tr></table>");
                if (elements > 0)

            if (elmt is Container || elmt is TextElement || elmt is ImageElement || elmt is ChartElement)
                string divTag =
                    "<div " +
                    "id=\"" + elmt.Name + "\" " +
                    ((elmt.StyleIndex >= 0) ? "class=\"Report_style" + elmt.StyleIndex.ToString() + "\" " : string.Empty) +
                    "style=\"" + style + "\"";
                if (elmt is TextElement && ((TextElement)elmt).IsToggle)
                    divTag += " stateToggle=\"" + ((TextElement)elmt).ToggleState.ToString() + "\"";
                divTag += ">";
                bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level) + divTag);

            if (elmt is TextElement)
                TextElement te = elmt as TextElement;

                if (te.IsToggle && !forPrint)
                    bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level + 1) +
                                        "<a href=\"javascript:{}\" onclick=\"javascript:ToggleState('" + te.Name + "');\">");
                    bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level + 1) +
                                        "<img id=\"" + te.Name + "_img\" src=" + ((te.ToggleState == TextElement.ToggleStateEnum.open) ? _minusGif : _plusGif) + " border=\"0\" style=\"float: left;\" />");
                    bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level + 1) + "</a>");

            if (elmt is ActionElement)
                ActionElement ae = (ActionElement)elmt;
                if (ae.DrillThroughReportName != null)
                    bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level + 1) +
                                        "<a href=\"javascript:{}\" onclick=\"javascript:Action('" + ae.Name + "');\">");
                    hasAction = true;
                else if (ae.Hyperlink != null)
                    bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level + 1) +
                                        "<a href=\"" + ae.Hyperlink + "\" >");
                    hasAction = true;
                else if (ae.BookmarkLink != null)
                    bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level + 1) +
                                        "<a href=\"#" + ae.BookmarkLink + "\" >");
                    hasAction = true;

            if (elmt is TextElement)
                TextElement te = elmt as TextElement;

                // Save the report item value for filling in to ReportItem references later
                if (te.ReportElement is Rdl.Engine.ReportItem)
                    elementValues[((Rdl.Engine.ReportItem)te.ReportElement).Name] =

                string text = te.Text.Replace("\n", "<br />");
                bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level) + text);

            if (elmt is ImageElement)
                ImageElement ie = elmt as ImageElement;

                bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level) +
                                    "<img id=\"img_" + elmt.Name + "\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" src=\"\">");
                _script.AppendLine(Spaces(level) +
                                   "document.getElementById('img_" + elmt.Name + "').src = " +
                                   GetImageUrl(elmt.Name, "SizedImage", elmt._imageIndex.ToString()) + ";"

            if (elmt is ChartElement)
                _charts.Add(elmt.Name, (ChartElement)elmt);
                bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level) +
                                    "<img id=\"img_" + elmt.Name + "\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" src=\"\">");
                _script.AppendLine(Spaces(level) +
                                   "document.getElementById('img_" + elmt.Name + "').src = " +
                                   GetImageUrl(elmt.Name, "Chart", elmt.Name) + ";"

            if (elmt is Container)
                if (elmt.Height == 0)
                int elements = 0;
                foreach (Element child in ((Container)elmt).Children)
                    elements += RecurseRender(rpt, bodyPart, child, level + 1, forPrint);

            if (hasAction)

            if (elmt is Container || elmt is TextElement || elmt is ImageElement || elmt is ChartElement)
                bodyPart.AppendLine(Spaces(level) +

Пример #18
 public void Render(Rdl.Render.GenericRender rpt)
     Render(rpt, false);