Пример #1
    public void Execute(int index)
        var arrow = arrows[index];

        // Check if the arrow is fired
        if (arrow.active)
            arrow.position   += arrow.velocity * dt;
            arrow.velocity.y += SimulationState.Gravity * dt;

            // Check if we hit something
            int i    = 0;
            int hash = MinionSystem.Hash(arrow.position);
            NativeMultiHashMapIterator <int> iterator;
            bool found      = buckets.TryGetFirstValue(hash, out i, out iterator);
            int  iterations = 0;

            while (found)
                if (iterations++ > 3)

                // This freezes :/
                var relative = arrow.position - allMinionTransforms[i].Position;
                var distance = math.length(relative);

                if (distance < 1f)
                    if ((arrow.IsFriendly == 1) != minionConstData[i].IsFriendly)
                        // Deal damage and deactivate the arrow
                        AttackCommands.Enqueue(new AttackCommand(arrowEntities[index], minionEntities[i], 34));

                        // Send it to the end of the earth
                        arrow.active   = false;
                        arrow.position = Vector3.one * -1000000;


                found = buckets.TryGetNextValue(out i, ref iterator);

            if (arrow.active)
                raycastCommands[index] = RaycastHelper.CreateRaycastCommand(arrow.position);
            arrows[index] = arrow;
    public void Execute(int index)
        var transform = transforms[index];

        raycastCommands [index] = RaycastHelper.CreateRaycastCommand(transform.Position);