internal bool IsInsideHelper(Vector3D pt, List <int> selector)
            // ReSharper disable once ImpureMethodCallOnReadonlyValueField
            if (Box.Contains(pt) == ContainmentType.Disjoint)
            var    ray = new RayD(pt, QueryDir);
            double dist;
            var    i = 0;

            if (selector != null)
                foreach (var id in selector)
                    var k = _tris[id];
                    if (k.Intersects(ref ray, out dist))
                foreach (var k in _tris)
                    if (k.Intersects(ref ray, out dist))

            return((i & 1) == 1);
            private bool CheckIfEntityRelevant(HaE_Entity entity, Vector3D currentHeading)
                if (entity.entityInfo.EntityId == rc.CubeGrid.EntityId)

                if (entity.BoundingSphere.Radius <= 0)

                Vector3D movementDir = rc.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity;


                RayD movementRay = new RayD(rc.CubeGrid.WorldVolume.Center, movementDir);
                RayD headingRay  = new RayD(rc.CubeGrid.WorldVolume.Center, currentHeading);

                BoundingSphereD sphere = entity.BoundingSphere;

                sphere.Radius += rc.CubeGrid.WorldVolume.Radius;

                double?intersectVel     = sphere.Intersects(movementRay);
                double?intersectHeading = sphere.Intersects(headingRay);

                return(intersectVel.HasValue || intersectHeading.HasValue);
Пример #3
            /// <summary>
            /// Moller-Trumbore Intersection
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="ray"></param>
            /// <param name="t"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public bool Intersects(ref RayD ray, out double t)
                t = double.NaN;
                const float epsilon = 0.0000001f;
                Vector3     h       = ((Vector3)ray.Direction).Cross(Edge2);
                float       a       = h.Dot(Edge1);

                if (a > -epsilon && a < epsilon)
                var      f = 1 / a;
                Vector3D s = ray.Position - Origin;
                var      u = f * (s.Dot(h));

                if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0)
                Vector3D q = s.Cross(Edge1);
                var      v = f * ray.Direction.Dot(q);

                if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0)
                t = f * q.Dot(Edge2);
                return(t > epsilon);
Пример #4
        private Vector3D ComputeHandlerImpact()
            WebDamage            = false;
            HandlerImpact.Active = false;
            if (HandlerImpact.HitBlock == null)

            Vector3D originHit;

            HandlerImpact.HitBlock.ComputeWorldCenter(out originHit);

            var line = new LineD(HandlerImpact.Attacker.PositionComp.WorldAABB.Center, originHit);

            var testDir       = Vector3D.Normalize(line.From - line.To);
            var ray           = new RayD(line.From, -testDir);
            var matrix        = DetectionMatrix;
            var invMatrix     = MatrixD.Invert(matrix);
            var intersectDist = CustomCollision.IntersectEllipsoid(ref invMatrix, matrix, ref ray);
            var ellipsoid     = intersectDist ?? line.Length;
            var shieldHitPos  = line.From + (testDir * -ellipsoid);

Пример #5
        public bool HitFriendlyShield(Vector3D weaponPos, Vector3D targetPos, Vector3D dir)
            var testRay = new RayD(weaponPos, dir);

            var checkDistanceSqr = Vector3.DistanceSquared(targetPos, weaponPos);

            for (int i = 0; i < Comp.Ai.NearByFriendlyShields.Count; i++)
                var shield = Comp.Ai.NearByFriendlyShields[i];
                var dist   = testRay.Intersects(shield.PositionComp.WorldVolume);
                if (dist != null && dist.Value * dist.Value <= checkDistanceSqr)

            if (Comp.Ai.TestShields.Count == 0)

            var result = Comp.Ai.Session.SApi.IntersectEntToShieldFast(Comp.Ai.TestShields, testRay, true, false, Comp.Ai.AiOwner, checkDistanceSqr);

            return(result.Item1 && result.Item2 > 0);
Пример #6
        public void Execute()
            if (Entity == null || Entity.MarkedForClose)
            var floater   = (IMyFloatingObject)Entity;
            var entVel    = Entity.Physics.LinearVelocity;
            var movingVel = entVel != Vector3.Zero ? entVel : -Shield.MyGrid.Physics.LinearVelocity;

            var rayDir    = Vector3D.Normalize(movingVel);
            var ray       = new RayD(Entity.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, rayDir);
            var intersect = CustomCollision.IntersectEllipsoid(Shield.DetectMatrixOutsideInv, Shield.DetectionMatrix, ray);
            var hitDist   = intersect ?? 0;
            var hitPos    = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * -hitDist);

            if (Session.Instance.MpActive)
                Shield.AddShieldHit(Entity.EntityId, 1, Session.Instance.MPKinetic, null, false, hitPos);
                floater.DoDamage(9999999, Session.Instance.MpIgnoreDamage, true, null, Shield.MyCube.EntityId);
                Shield.WorldImpactPosition = hitPos;
                Shield.ImpactSize          = 10;
                floater.DoDamage(9999999, Session.Instance.MpIgnoreDamage, false, null, Shield.MyCube.EntityId);
            Shield.WebDamage = true;
            Shield.Absorb   += 1;
Пример #7
    public void TestPlaneRayCast()
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            Vector3  direction  = Random.onUnitSphere;
            float    dist       = Random.Range(-999, 999);
            Vector3D directionD = new Vector3D(direction);
            Plane3D  planeD     = new Plane3D(directionD, dist);
            Plane    plane      = new Plane(direction, dist);
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                Vector3  pos     = Random.insideUnitSphere * 999;
                Vector3  rayDir  = Random.onUnitSphere;
                Vector3D posD    = new Vector3D(pos);
                Vector3D rayDirD = new Vector3D(rayDir);
                Ray      r       = new Ray(pos, rayDir);
                RayD     rd      = new RayD(posD, rayDirD);

                float  enter;
                double enterD;
                bool   res  = plane.Raycast(r, out enter);
                bool   resD = planeD.Raycast(rd, out enterD);
                Assert.AreEqual(res, resD, "Raycast Res " + plane + " ray " + r);
                if (enterD < 1e7)
                    Assert.AreEqual((double)enter, enterD, Mathf.Abs(enter) / 1000,
                                    "GetDistanceToPoint " + plane + " ray " + r);
        private Vector3 GetBoneOnSphere(Vector3I center, Vector3I bonePos, MyCubeGrid grid)
            Vector3D worldCenter = BoneToWorld(center, Vector3.Zero, grid);
            Vector3D worldBone   = BoneToWorld(bonePos, Vector3.Zero, grid);

            BoundingSphereD sphere    = new BoundingSphereD(worldCenter, grid.GridSize);
            Vector3D        direction = worldCenter - worldBone;

            RayD ray = new RayD(worldBone, direction);

            double tmin, tmax;

            if (sphere.IntersectRaySphere(ray, out tmin, out tmax))
                Vector3D onSphere = worldBone + direction * tmin;

                var worldOnSphere = Vector3D.Transform(onSphere, grid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled);
                worldOnSphere += new Vector3D(grid.GridSize / grid.Skeleton.BoneDensity);
                return(worldOnSphere - (Vector3D)(bonePos / (float)grid.Skeleton.BoneDensity) * grid.GridSize);
Пример #9
        private static Vector3D?TAPI_LineIntersectShield(IMyTerminalBlock block, LineD line)
            var logic = block?.GameLogic?.GetAs <DefenseShields>()?.ShieldComp?.DefenseShields;

            if (logic == null)
            var ray = new RayD(line.From, line.Direction);


            lock (logic.MatrixLock)
                intersectDist = CustomCollision.IntersectEllipsoid(logic.DetectMatrixOutsideInv, logic.DetectMatrixOutside, ray);

            if (!intersectDist.HasValue)
            var ellipsoid = intersectDist ?? 0;

            if (ellipsoid > line.Length)
            return(ray.Position + (ray.Direction * ellipsoid));
Пример #10
        private bool RayCheckTargets(Vector3D origin, Vector3D dir, out MyEntity closestEnt, out Vector3D hitPos, out bool foundOther, bool checkOthers = false)
            var ai          = _session.TrackingAi;
            var closestDist = double.MaxValue;

            closestEnt = null;
            foreach (var info in ai.Targets.Keys)
                var hit = info as MyCubeGrid;
                if (hit == null)
                var ray  = new RayD(origin, dir);
                var dist = ray.Intersects(info.PositionComp.WorldVolume);
                if (dist.HasValue)
                    if (dist.Value < closestDist)
                        closestDist = dist.Value;
                        closestEnt  = hit;

            foundOther = false;
            if (checkOthers)
                for (int i = 0; i < ai.Obstructions.Count; i++)
                    var otherEnt = ai.Obstructions[i];
                    if (otherEnt is MyCubeGrid)
                        var ray  = new RayD(origin, dir);
                        var dist = ray.Intersects(otherEnt.PositionComp.WorldVolume);
                        if (dist.HasValue)
                            if (dist.Value < closestDist)
                                closestDist = dist.Value;
                                closestEnt  = otherEnt;
                                foundOther  = true;

            if (closestDist < double.MaxValue)
                hitPos = origin + (dir * closestDist);
                hitPos = Vector3D.Zero;

            return(closestEnt != null);
Пример #11
        // ModApi only methods below
        private static Vector3D?TAPI_RayAttackShield(IMyTerminalBlock block, RayD ray, long attackerId, float damage, bool energy, bool drawParticle)
            var logic = block?.GameLogic?.GetAs <DefenseShields>()?.ShieldComp?.DefenseShields;

            if (logic == null)


            lock (logic.MatrixLock)
                intersectDist = CustomCollision.IntersectEllipsoid(logic.DetectMatrixOutsideInv, logic.DetectMatrixOutside, ray);

            if (!intersectDist.HasValue)
            var ellipsoid = intersectDist ?? 0;
            var hitPos    = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * ellipsoid);

            if (energy)
                damage *= logic.DsState.State.ModulateKinetic;
                damage *= logic.DsState.State.ModulateEnergy;

            if (Session.Instance.MpActive)
                var damageType = energy ? Session.Instance.MPEnergy : Session.Instance.MPKinetic;
                logic.AddShieldHit(attackerId, damage, damageType, null, true, hitPos);
                if (!drawParticle)
                    logic.EnergyHit = DefenseShields.HitType.Other;
                else if (energy)
                    logic.EnergyHit = DefenseShields.HitType.Energy;
                    logic.EnergyHit = DefenseShields.HitType.Kinetic;

                logic.ImpactSize          = damage;
                logic.WorldImpactPosition = hitPos;
            logic.WebDamage = true;
            logic.Absorb   += damage;

Пример #12
        private void CheckInput()
            MatrixD headMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject.GetHeadMatrix(true);
            RayD    ray        = new RayD(headMatrix.Translation, headMatrix.Forward);

            BoundingSphereD holoSphere = new BoundingSphereD(m_offset.ToWorld(m_block), m_radiusHolo);
            double          tmin, tmax;

            if (!holoSphere.IntersectRaySphere(ray, out tmin, out tmax) || tmin > CrosshairRange)

            int scroll = MyAPIGateway.Input.DeltaMouseScrollWheelValue();

            if (scroll != 0)
                int   scrollSteps = (int)Math.Round(scroll * InputScrollMulti);
                float rangeMulti  = 1f;
                while (scrollSteps > 0)
                    rangeMulti *= ScrollRangeMulti;
                while (scrollSteps < 0)
                    rangeMulti /= ScrollRangeMulti;
                m_rangeDetection *= rangeMulti;

            if (MyAPIGateway.Input.IsNewRightMousePressed())
                m_centreEntityId = 0L;
            else if (MyAPIGateway.Input.IsNewLeftMousePressed())
                IMyEntity firstHit         = null;
                double    firstHitDistance = CrosshairRange;

                foreach (SeenHolo sh in m_holoEntities.Values)
                    if (sh.Holo.Render.Visible && sh.Holo.PositionComp.WorldAABB.Intersect(ref ray, out tmin, out tmax) && tmin < firstHitDistance)
                        firstHit         = sh.Seen.Entity;
                        firstHitDistance = tmin;

                if (firstHit != null)
                    m_centreEntityId = firstHit.EntityId;
Пример #13
            private double?CollisionDistance(ref MyDetectedEntityInfo e, ref BoundingSphereD volume, ref Vector3D myVel)
                BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(e.Position, e.BoundingBox.Size.Length() / 2 + volume.Radius + Clearance);
                Vector3D        vel    = myVel + e.Velocity;

                RayD ray = new RayD(ref volume.Center, ref vel);

Пример #14
        public double GetSurfaceHeight(Vector3d planetLocalPosition, int detailDensity = 1)
            double height = -1;


            var rayFromPlanet = new RayD(Vector3d.Zero, planetLocalPosition);

            var chunk = rootSegments.FirstOrDefault(c => rayFromPlanet.CastRay(c.NoElevationRange).DidHit);

            if (chunk != null)
                //lock (chunk)
                    int safe = 100;
                    while (chunk.Children.Count > 0 && chunk.Children.Any(c => c.IsGenerationDone) && safe-- > 0)
                        foreach (var child in chunk.Children)
                            if (child.IsGenerationDone && rayFromPlanet.CastRay(child.NoElevationRange).DidHit)
                                chunk = child;

                var chunkLocalPosition = (planetLocalPosition - chunk.NoElevationRange.CenterPos);

                height = chunk.GetHeight(chunkLocalPosition);

            if (GetSurfaceHeightDebug)
                if (height == -1)
                    height = RadiusMin;
                    if (chunk == null)
                        Scene.DebugShere(GetPosition(planetLocalPosition, height), 1000, new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1));
                        Scene.DebugShere(GetPosition(planetLocalPosition, height), 1000, new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 1));
                    Scene.DebugShere(GetPosition(planetLocalPosition, height), 1000, new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1));

Пример #15
        //Method From DarkStar for Detecting Sphere Intersections in Defense Shield
        public static Vector3D?DsRayCast(IMyEntity shield, LineD line, long attackerId, float damage, MyStringId effect)
            var worldSphere = new BoundingSphereD(shield.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, shield.PositionComp.LocalAABB.HalfExtents.AbsMax());
            var myObb       = MyOrientedBoundingBoxD.Create(shield.PositionComp.LocalAABB, shield.PositionComp.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation());

            myObb.Center = shield.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center;
            var obbCheck = myObb.Intersects(ref line);

            var testDir = line.From - line.To;

            var ray         = new RayD(line.From, -testDir);
            var sphereCheck = worldSphere.Intersects(ray);

            var    obb    = obbCheck ?? 0;
            var    sphere = sphereCheck ?? 0;
            double furthestHit;

            if (obb <= 0 && sphere <= 0)
                furthestHit = 0;
            else if (obb > sphere)
                furthestHit = obb;
                furthestHit = sphere;
            var hitPos = line.From + testDir * -furthestHit;

             * var parent = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(long.Parse(shield.Name));
             * var cubeBlock = (MyCubeBlock)parent;
             * var block = (IMySlimBlock)cubeBlock.SlimBlock;
             * if(block == null){
             *      return null;
             * }
             * block.DoDamage(damage, MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(effect.ToString()), true, null, attackerId);
             * shield.Render.ColorMaskHsv = hitPos;
             * if(effect.ToString() == "bypass"){
             *      return null;
             * }
Пример #16
        protected bool GetCubeAddAndRemovePositions(Vector3I intersectedCube, bool placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic, out Vector3I addPos, out Vector3I addDir, out Vector3I removePos)
            bool result = false;

            addPos    = new Vector3I();
            addDir    = new Vector3I();
            removePos = new Vector3I();

            MatrixD worldInv = MatrixD.Invert(CurrentGrid.WorldMatrix);

            Vector3D intersectionPos;

            addPos = intersectedCube;
            addDir = Vector3I.Forward;

            Vector3D rayStart = Vector3D.Transform(IntersectionStart, worldInv);
            Vector3D rayDir   = Vector3D.Normalize(Vector3D.TransformNormal(IntersectionDirection, worldInv));

            RayD r = new RayD(rayStart, rayDir);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) // Limit iterations to 100
                var cubeBb = GetCubeBoundingBox(addPos);
                if (!placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic && cubeBb.Contains(rayStart) == ContainmentType.Contains)

                double?dist = cubeBb.Intersects(r);
                if (!dist.HasValue)

                removePos = addPos;

                intersectionPos = rayStart + rayDir * dist.Value;
                Vector3  center = removePos * CurrentGrid.GridSize;
                Vector3I dirInt = Vector3I.Sign(Vector3.DominantAxisProjection(intersectionPos - center));

                addPos = removePos + dirInt;
                addDir = dirInt;
                result = true;

                if (!CurrentGrid.CubeExists(addPos))

            Debug.Assert(!result || addDir != Vector3I.Zero, "Direction vector cannot be zero");
Пример #17
 public bool Raycast(RayD ray, out double enter)
     double num = Vector3D.Dot (ray.direction, this.normal);
     double num2 = -Vector3D.Dot (ray.origin, this.normal) - this.distance;
     if (Mathf.Approximately ((float)num, 0f))
         enter = 0f;
         return false;
     enter = num2 / num;
     return enter > 0f;
Пример #18
        private static MyTuple <float?, IMyTerminalBlock> TAPI_ClosestShieldInLine(LineD line, bool onlyIfOnline)
            var segment = SegmentPool.Get();

            MyGamePruningStructure.GetTopmostEntitiesOverlappingRay(ref line, segment, MyEntityQueryType.Dynamic);
            var ray = new RayD(line.From, line.Direction);

            var closest = float.MaxValue;
            IMyTerminalBlock closestShield = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < segment.Count; i++)
                var ent = segment[i].Element;
                if (ent == null || ent.Physics != null && !ent.Physics.IsPhantom)
                ShieldGridComponent c;
                if (Session.Instance.IdToBus.TryGetValue(ent.EntityId, out c) && c.DefenseShields != null)
                    if (onlyIfOnline && (!c.DefenseShields.DsState.State.Online || c.DefenseShields.DsState.State.Lowered))
                    var s             = c.DefenseShields;
                    var intersectDist = CustomCollision.IntersectEllipsoid(s.DetectMatrixOutsideInv, s.DetectMatrixOutside, ray);
                    if (!intersectDist.HasValue)
                    var ellipsoid = intersectDist ?? 0;
                    if (ellipsoid > line.Length || ellipsoid > closest || CustomCollision.PointInShield(ray.Position, s.DetectMatrixOutsideInv))
                    closest       = ellipsoid;
                    closestShield = s.Shield;
            var response = new MyTuple <float?, IMyTerminalBlock>();

            if (closestShield == null)
                response.Item1 = null;
                response.Item2 = null;
            response.Item1 = closest;
            response.Item2 = closestShield;
Пример #19
    public bool Raycast(RayD ray, out double enter)
        double num  = Vector3D.Dot(ray.direction, normal);
        double num2 = -Vector3D.Dot(ray.origin, normal) - distance;

        if (Mathf.Approximately((float)num, 0f))
            enter = 0f;
        enter = num2 / num;
        return(enter > 0f);
Пример #20
    // return NaN if line is parallel with plane
    public Vector3D LineIntersection(Vector3D lineFrom, Vector3D lineTo)
        var    ray = new RayD(lineFrom, (lineTo - lineFrom).normalized);
        double enter;
        double num  = Vector3D.Dot(ray.direction, normal);
        double num2 = -Vector3D.Dot(ray.origin, normal) - distance;

        if (num == 0)
            return( * double.NaN);
        enter = num2 / num;
Пример #21
    Vector3D ProjectToTriangle(Vector3D point)
        Plane3D plane          = new Plane3D(Normal, points[0]);
        bool    isPointInPlane = System.Math.Abs(plane.GetDistanceToPoint(point)) < 0.0001;

        if (!isPointInPlane)
            double dist;
            point.y = 0;
            var ray = new RayD(point, Vector3D.up);
            plane.Raycast(ray, out dist);
            point.y = dist;
Пример #22
         * Project a position to a face of the (-1, -1, -1)(1, 1, 1) cube.
        public static void ProjectToNearestFace(ref Vector3D localPos, out Vector3 faceCoords)
            Vector3D gravity;

            Vector3D.Normalize(ref localPos, out gravity);
            gravity = -gravity;

            RayD r = new RayD(localPos, gravity);

            double?travel = s_unitsBox.Intersects(r);

            Debug.Assert(travel.HasValue, "Ray does not intersect with planet!");

            faceCoords = localPos + (Vector3D)(gravity * travel);
Пример #23
            public bool IsBlockInTheWay(Vector3D origin, Vector3D targetPos, IMyCubeBlock constructBlock = null)
                if (!Enabled)

                Vector3D targetDir = targetPos - origin;
                RayD     line      = new RayD(origin, targetDir);

                foreach (var grid in grids.Values)
                    if (constructBlock != null)
                        if (!constructBlock.CubeGrid.IsSameConstructAs(grid.grid))

                    if (grid.grid.WorldVolume.Contains(origin) != ContainmentType.Contains)
                        result = grid.grid.WorldVolume.Intersects(line);
                        if (!result.HasValue)


                        if (grid.IsBlockInTheWay(origin + targetDir * result.Value, targetPos))

                    if (grid.IsBlockInTheWay(origin, targetPos))

            public void NextPosition(ref Vector3D nextDirection, Vector3D headingDir, double safetyMargin = 1.25)

                Vector3D position    = rc.CubeGrid.WorldVolume.Center;
                Vector3D movementDir = rc.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity;


                RayD movementRay = new RayD(position, movementDir);
                RayD headingRay  = new RayD(rc.CubeGrid.WorldVolume.Center, headingDir);

                BoundingSphereD sphere = boundingSphere;

                sphere.Radius += rc.CubeGrid.WorldVolume.Radius;

                if (sphere.Contains(position) != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                    Vector3D dodgeDirection = Vector3D.Normalize(position - sphere.Center);

                    nextDirection = sphere.Center + dodgeDirection * sphere.Radius * safetyMargin;

                double?movementDist = sphere.Intersects(movementRay);
                double?headingDist  = sphere.Intersects(headingRay);

                if (movementDist.HasValue || headingDist.HasValue)
                    Vector3D pointOnSphere;
                    Vector3D dodgeDirection;
                    if (movementDist.HasValue)
                        pointOnSphere  = position + movementDir * movementDist.Value;
                        dodgeDirection = GetAvoidanceVector(pointOnSphere, sphere, movementDir);
                        pointOnSphere  = position + headingDir * headingDist.Value;
                        dodgeDirection = GetAvoidanceVector(pointOnSphere, sphere, headingDir);

                    nextDirection = dodgeDirection;
Пример #25
    private bool IsVerticesLinear()
        List <Vector3D> list         = new List <Vector3D>();
        double          maxDist      = 0;
        int             maxIndexFrom = -1;
        int             maxIndexTo   = -1;
        var             hes          = Circulate();

        for (int i = 0; i < hes.Count; i++)
            var pos = hes[i].vert.positionD;
            if (list.Count > 2)
                for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
                    double dist = Vector3D.Distance(pos, list[j]);
                    if (dist > maxDist)
                        maxDist      = dist;
                        maxIndexFrom = i;
                        maxIndexTo   = j;

        if (maxIndexFrom == maxIndexTo)
            // all same position

        RayD r = new RayD(list[maxIndexFrom], list[maxIndexFrom] - list[maxIndexTo]);

        foreach (var p in list)
            if (r.LinePointDistance(p) > hmesh.zeroMagnitudeTreshold)
                // not linear
Пример #26
        internal void AddProjectileTargets() // This calls AI late for fragments need to fix
            for (int i = 0; i < AddTargets.Count; i++)
                var p = AddTargets[i];
                for (int t = 0; t < p.Info.Ai.TargetAis.Count; t++)
                    var targetAi      = p.Info.Ai.TargetAis[t];
                    var addProjectile = p.Info.AmmoDef.Trajectory.Guidance != GuidanceType.None && targetAi.PointDefense;
                    if (!addProjectile && targetAi.PointDefense)
                        if (Vector3.Dot(p.Info.Direction, p.Info.Origin - targetAi.MyGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixRef.Translation) < 0)
                            var targetSphere = targetAi.MyGrid.PositionComp.WorldVolume;
                            targetSphere.Radius *= 3;
                            var testRay    = new RayD(p.Info.Origin, p.Info.Direction);
                            var quickCheck = Vector3D.IsZero(targetAi.GridVel, 0.025) && targetSphere.Intersects(testRay) != null;

                            if (!quickCheck)
                                var deltaPos        = targetSphere.Center - p.Info.Origin;
                                var deltaVel        = targetAi.GridVel - p.Info.Ai.GridVel;
                                var timeToIntercept = MathFuncs.Intercept(deltaPos, deltaVel, p.Info.AmmoDef.Const.DesiredProjectileSpeed);
                                var predictedPos    = targetSphere.Center + (float)timeToIntercept * deltaVel;
                                targetSphere.Center = predictedPos;

                            if (quickCheck || targetSphere.Intersects(testRay) != null)
                                addProjectile = true;
                    if (addProjectile)
                        targetAi.LiveProjectileTick = Session.Tick;
                        targetAi.NewProjectileTick  = Session.Tick;
Пример #27
    void ReprojectY(List <Triangle> res, Plane3D plane)
        double pos = 0;

        foreach (var t in res)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                var p = t.points[i];
                p.y = 0;
                RayD r = new RayD(p, Vector3D.up);
                if (plane.Raycast(r, out pos))
                    p.y         = (float)pos;
                    t.points[i] = p;
Пример #28
        protected bool GetCubeAddAndRemovePositions(Vector3I intersectedCube, bool placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic, out Vector3I addPos, out Vector3I addDir, out Vector3I removePos)
            bool flag = false;

            addPos    = new Vector3I();
            addDir    = new Vector3I();
            removePos = new Vector3I();
            MatrixD worldMatrixInvScaled = this.CurrentGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled;

            addPos = intersectedCube;
            addDir = Vector3I.Forward;
            Vector3D position  = Vector3D.Transform(IntersectionStart, worldMatrixInvScaled);
            Vector3D direction = Vector3D.Normalize(Vector3D.TransformNormal(IntersectionDirection, worldMatrixInvScaled));
            RayD     ray       = new RayD(position, direction);
            int      num       = 0;

            while (true)
                if (num < 100)
                    BoundingBoxD cubeBoundingBox = this.GetCubeBoundingBox(addPos);
                    if (placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic || (cubeBoundingBox.Contains(position) != ContainmentType.Contains))
                        double?nullable = cubeBoundingBox.Intersects(ray);
                        if (nullable != null)
                            removePos = addPos;
                            Vector3I vectori = Vector3I.Sign(Vector3.DominantAxisProjection((Vector3)((position + (direction * nullable.Value)) - (removePos * this.CurrentGrid.GridSize))));
                            addPos = (Vector3I)(removePos + vectori);
                            addDir = vectori;
                            if (this.CurrentGrid.CubeExists(addPos))
                            flag = true;
Пример #29
        public void Execute()
            if (Entity == null || !Entity.InScene || Entity.MarkedForClose)
            var computedDamage = UtilsStatic.ComputeAmmoDamage(Entity);

            var damage = computedDamage * Shield.DsState.State.ModulateKinetic;

            if (computedDamage < 0)
                damage = computedDamage;

            var rayDir    = Vector3D.Normalize(Entity.Physics.LinearVelocity);
            var ray       = new RayD(Entity.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, rayDir);
            var intersect = CustomCollision.IntersectEllipsoid(ref Shield.DetectMatrixOutsideInv, Shield.DetectionMatrix, ref ray);
            var hitDist   = intersect ?? 0;
            var hitPos    = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * -hitDist);

            if (Session.Instance.MpActive)
                Shield.AddShieldHit(Entity.EntityId, damage, Session.Instance.MPExplosion, null, true, hitPos);
                Entity.InScene = false;
                Shield.EnergyHit           = DefenseShields.HitType.Energy;
                Shield.WorldImpactPosition = hitPos;
                Shield.ImpactSize          = damage;
                Entity.InScene = false;
            Shield.WebDamage     = true;
            Shield.Absorb       += damage;
            Shield.EnergyDamage += damage;

Пример #30
        public override IMyUseObject RaycastDetectors(Vector3D worldFrom, Vector3D worldTo, out float parameter)
            MyPositionComponentBase base2         = base.Container.Get <MyPositionComponentBase>();
            MatrixD      worldMatrixNormalizedInv = base2.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;
            RayD         ray       = new RayD(worldFrom, worldTo - worldFrom);
            IMyUseObject useObject = null;

            parameter = float.MaxValue;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, DetectorData> pair in this.m_detectorInteractiveObjects)
                MatrixD matrix   = pair.Value.Matrix * base2.WorldMatrix;
                double? nullable = new MyOrientedBoundingBoxD(matrix).Intersects(ref ray);
                if ((nullable != null) && (nullable.Value < ((double)parameter)))
                    parameter = (float)nullable.Value;
                    useObject = pair.Value.UseObject;
        public static bool IntersectPoints(this BoundingBoxD boundingBox, Vector3D position, Vector3D target, out Vector3D?hitIngoing, out Vector3D?hitOutgoing)
            //if (!Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntities.IsRaycastBlocked(position, target))
            //    hitIngoing = null;
            //    hitOutgoing = null;
            //    return false;

            // big enough for planets
            double outbound = 200000;

            var direction = Vector3D.Normalize(target - position);
            var ray       = new RayD(position + direction * -outbound, Vector3D.Normalize(direction * outbound));
            var interset  = boundingBox.Intersects(ray);

            if (interset.HasValue)
                hitIngoing = position + direction * -outbound + (direction * interset.Value);
                hitIngoing = null;

            direction = Vector3D.Normalize(position - target);
            ray       = new RayD(target + direction * -outbound, Vector3D.Normalize(direction * outbound));
            interset  = boundingBox.Intersects(ray);
            if (interset.HasValue)
                hitOutgoing = target + direction * -outbound + (direction * interset.Value);
                hitOutgoing = null;

            return(hitIngoing.HasValue && hitOutgoing.HasValue);
        public override bool Invoke(string messageText)
            #region test

            if (messageText.Equals("/test", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // for testing things.
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("path", MyAPIGateway.Session.CurrentPath);

                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size1", MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ConfigDedicated.SessionSettings.WorldSizeKm.ToString());
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size2", MyAPIGateway.Session.GetWorld().Checkpoint.Settings.WorldSizeKm.ToString());

                IMyConfigDedicated config = null;
                //List<string> admins = null;
                    config = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ConfigDedicated;
                catch (Exception)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Exception", "ConfigDedicated"); //ex.Message);
                if (config != null)
                        var players = new List<IMyPlayer>();
                        MyAPIGateway.Players.GetPlayers(players, p => p != null);
                        MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Player Count", string.Format("{0}", players.Count));

                        var identities = new List<IMyIdentity>();
                        MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Identities Count", string.Format("{0}", identities.Count));

                        MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Admin Count", string.Format("{0}", config.Administrators.Count));
                        //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("WorldName", string.Format("{0}", config.WorldName));
                        //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("WorldSize", string.Format("{0}", config.SessionSettings.WorldSizeKm));
                        MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Mods Count", string.Format("{0}", config.Mods.Count));
                        //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IP", string.Format("{0}", config.IP));

                        var clients = MyAPIGateway.Session.GetWorld().Checkpoint.Clients;
                        MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Client Count", clients == null ? "null" : string.Format("{0}", clients.Count));

                        if (clients != null)
                            var client = clients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SteamId == MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.MyId);
                            if (client != null)
                                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IsAdmin", string.Format("{0}", client.IsAdmin));
                    catch (Exception)
                        MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Exception", "reading config"); //ex.Message);
                return true;


            #region test2

            if (messageText.Equals("/test2", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // for testing things.
                var count = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ConfigDedicated.Administrators.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Admins", string.Format("Count {0}", count));
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Players", string.Format("Count {0}", MyAPIGateway.Players.Count));
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("MultiPlayers", string.Format("Count {0}", MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.Players.Count));
                return true;


            #region test3

            if (messageText.Equals("/test3", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // for testing things.
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("MyId", "{0}", MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.MyId);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("SteamId", "{0}", MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.SteamUserId);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("MyName", "{0}", MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.MyName);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IsServer", "{0}", MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.IsServer);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IsServerPlayer", "{0}", MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.IsServerPlayer(MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Client));
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("MultiplayerActive", "{0}", MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.MultiplayerActive);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("OnlineMode", "{0}", MyAPIGateway.Session.OnlineMode);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IsDedicated", "{0}", MyAPIGateway.Utilities.IsDedicated);
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Culture", "{0}", MyTexts.Culture.IetfLanguageTag);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Culture", "{0} {1}", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.IetfLanguageTag);

                var ed = ((MyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentDefinition)MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.GetObjectBuilder());
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("LargeShipMaxSpeed", "{0}", ed.LargeShipMaxSpeed);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("SunDirection", "{0} {1} {2}", ed.SunDirection.X, ed.SunDirection.Y, ed.SunDirection.Z);
                return true;


            #region test4

            if (messageText.Equals("/test4", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var player = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player;
                if (player != null)
                    var pos = player.GetPosition();
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Player", "pos={0:N},{1:N},{2:N}", pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);

                var cockpit = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject as Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCockpit;
                var remoteControl = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject as Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRemoteControl;
                var character = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject as Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCharacter;
                var character2 = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject as Sandbox.Game.Entities.Character.MyCharacter;
                var camera = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject as Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCamera;
                var cameraBlock = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject as Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCameraBlock;
                var cameraController = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject as Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyCameraController;
                var spectator = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject as VRage.MySpectator;

                if (cockpit != null)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Control", "in cockpit.");
                if (remoteControl != null)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Control", "remoting.");
                if (character != null)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Control", "character.");
                if (character2 != null)
                    //var pos = character2.PositionComp.GetPosition(); // Uses MyEntity which is not whitelisted.
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Control", "character2.");
                if (camera != null)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Control", "camera.");
                if (cameraBlock != null)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Control", "camera block.");
                if (cameraController != null)
                    var pos = cameraController.GetViewMatrix().Translation;
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Control", "camera controller 1. FPV={0} POS={1:N},{2:N},{3:N}", cameraController.IsInFirstPersonView, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
                if (MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject.Entity is Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyCameraController)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Control", "camera controller 2.");

                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Player", "Spectator1. {0}", VRage.Common.MySpectator.Static.IsInFirstPersonView);


                if (spectator != null)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Player", "Spectator1.");
                if (MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject.Entity is MySpectator)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Player", "Spectator2.");
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Player", "other.");

                return true;

                var playerMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity.WorldMatrix;
                var playerPosition = playerMatrix.Translation + playerMatrix.Forward * 0.5f + playerMatrix.Up * 1.0f;
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Pos", string.Format("x={0:N},y={1:N},z={2:N}  x={3:N},y={4:N},z={5:N}", playerPosition.X, playerPosition.Y, playerPosition.Z, playerMatrix.Forward.X, playerMatrix.Forward.Y, playerMatrix.Forward.Z));
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Up", string.Format("x={0:N},y={1:N},z={2:N}", playerMatrix.Up.X, playerMatrix.Up.Y, playerMatrix.Up.Z));

                // TODO: need to properly establish control state and how to tell which state we are in.
                // Player - First person.
                // Player - thrid person.
                // Cockpit - First person.  ControlledObject.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, true);
                // Cockpit - thrid person.  ControlledObject.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, true);
                // Spectator freeview.      CameraController.GetViewMatrix()  but corrupted pos and vector.
                // Camera.                  CameraController.GetViewMatrix()

                //MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.PlayerCharacter.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, true);
                //MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, true);
                //Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyControllerInfo //?

                // The CameraController.GetViewMatrix appears warped at the moment.
                //var position = ((IMyEntity)MyAPIGateway.Session.CameraController).GetPosition();
                var camMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.CameraController.GetViewMatrix();
                var camPosition = camMatrix.Translation;
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Cam", string.Format("x={0:N},y={1:N},z={2:N}  x={3:N},y={4:N},z={5:N}", camPosition.X, camPosition.Y, camPosition.Z, camMatrix.Forward.X, camMatrix.Forward.Y, camMatrix.Forward.Z));

                //var worldMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject.Entity.WorldMatrix;
                var worldMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, true);
                var position = worldMatrix.Translation;
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Con", string.Format("x={0:N},y={1:N},z={2:N}  x={3:N},y={4:N},z={5:N}", position.X, position.Y, position.Z, worldMatrix.Forward.X, worldMatrix.Forward.Y, worldMatrix.Forward.Z));

                //MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.PlayerCharacter.MoveAndRotate(new Vector3(), new Vector2(0, 0), 90f);
                //MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.PlayerCharacter.MoveAndRotate(new Vector3(), new Vector2(3.14f, 0), 0f);
                // thrust, walk player forward?


                //var character = (MyObjectBuilder_Character)obj;

                return true;


            #region test5

            if (messageText.Equals("/test5", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var worldMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, true); // most accurate for player view.
                var position = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 0.5f;

                var entites = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
                MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entites, e => e != null);

                var list = new Dictionary<IMyEntity, double>();

                foreach (var entity in entites)
                    var cubeGrid = entity as Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid;

                    // check if the ray comes anywhere near the Grid before continuing.
                    var ray = new RayD(position, worldMatrix.Forward);
                    if (cubeGrid != null && ray.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB).HasValue)
                        var hit = cubeGrid.RayCastBlocks(position, worldMatrix.Forward * 1000);
                        if (hit.HasValue)
                            var blocks = new List<Sandbox.ModAPI.IMySlimBlock>();
                            cubeGrid.GetBlocks(blocks, f => f.FatBlock != null);
                            MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("AABB", string.Format("{0}", entity.WorldAABB));

                            //    var block = blocks[0];
                            //    //block.wo
                            //    var hsv = block.FatBlock.GetDiffuseColor();
                            //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Hsv", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}  {3}", hsv.X, hsv.Y, hsv.Z, 1.45f));
                            //    var c = VRageMath.ColorExtensions.HSVtoColor(hsv);
                            //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Rgb", string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", c.R, c.G, c.B));
                return true;


            #region test6

            if (messageText.Equals("/test6", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var entity = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity;
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("AABB", string.Format("{0}", entity.WorldAABB));
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Size", string.Format("{0}", entity.WorldAABB.Size()));

                //if (entity is IMyPlayer)
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyPlayer", "true");
                //if (entity is IMyCubeBlock)
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyCubeBlock", "true");  // Ship
                //if (entity is IMyCubeGrid)
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyCubeGrid", "true");
                //if (entity is IMyIdentity)
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyIdentity", "true");
                //if (entity is IMyNetworkClient)
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyNetworkClient", "true");
                //if (entity is IMyEntityController)
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyEntityController", "true");
                //if (entity is IMyControllableEntity)
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyControllableEntity", "true");   // Ship and player
                //if (entity is IMyCameraController)
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyCameraController", "true");  // Everything
                //if (entity is IMyMultiplayer)
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyMultiplayer", "true");

                if (entity is Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid) entity = entity.Parent;

                if (entity.Physics != null)
                    var pos = entity.GetPosition();
                    //var pos = Vector3.Zero;
                    var m = Matrix.CreateWorld(pos, Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up);


                    //if (entity.SyncObject.UpdatesOnlyOnServer)
                    //    entity.SyncObject.UpdatePosition();

                    //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Physics=null", string.Format("{0}", phys == null));
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("LinearVelocity", string.Format("{0}", entity.Physics.LinearVelocity));
                    //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Speed", string.Format("{0}", phys.Speed));
                    //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Mass", string.Format("{0}", phys.Mass));

                    //phys.AddForce(Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysicsForceType.ADD_BODY_FORCE_AND_BODY_TORQUE, Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero);
                    //phys.LinearVelocity = Vector3.Forward;

                //var vm = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, true); // most accurate for player view.
                return true;


            #region test7

            if (messageText.Equals("/test7", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var character = (MyObjectBuilder_Character)MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity.GetObjectBuilder();

                //var obj = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity.GetObjectBuilder();
                var obj = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Client as IMyEntity;

                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("isNull", string.Format("{0}", obj == null));
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Name", string.Format("{0}", obj.GetType().Name));

                return true;


            #region test8

            if (messageText.Equals("/test8A", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var gridBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid()
                    PersistentFlags = MyPersistentEntityFlags2.CastShadows | MyPersistentEntityFlags2.InScene,
                    GridSizeEnum = MyCubeSize.Large,
                    IsStatic = true,
                    LinearVelocity = new SerializableVector3(0, 0, 0),
                    AngularVelocity = new SerializableVector3(0, 0, 0),
                    PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up),
                    DisplayName = "test grid"

                Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock cube = new Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock();
                cube.Min = new SerializableVector3I(0, 0, 0);
                cube.SubtypeName = "LargeBlockArmorBlock";
                cube.ColorMaskHSV = new SerializableVector3(0, -1, 0);
                cube.ShareMode = MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.None;
                cube.EntityId = 0;
                cube.Owner = 0;
                cube.BlockOrientation = new SerializableBlockOrientation(Base6Directions.Direction.Forward, Base6Directions.Direction.Up);
                cube.ShareMode = Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.All;

                // multiple grids...
                //var tempList = new List<MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase>();
                //tempList.ForEach(grid => MyAPIGateway.Entities.CreateFromObjectBuilderAndAdd(grid));

                // Single grid.
                MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.SendEntitiesCreated(new List<MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase> { gridBuilder });

                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("OK", "fine");

                return true;

            if (messageText.Equals("/test8B", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var entity = Support.FindLookAtEntity(MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject, true, false, false) as Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid;

                if (entity == null)
                    return false;

                var gridBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid()
                    PersistentFlags = MyPersistentEntityFlags2.CastShadows | MyPersistentEntityFlags2.InScene,
                    GridSizeEnum = MyCubeSize.Large,
                    IsStatic = true,
                    LinearVelocity = new SerializableVector3(0, 0, 0),
                    AngularVelocity = new SerializableVector3(0, 0, 0),
                    PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up),
                    DisplayName = "test grid"

                Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock cube = new Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock();
                cube.Min = new SerializableVector3I(0, 0, 0);
                cube.SubtypeName = "LargeBlockArmorBlock";
                cube.ColorMaskHSV = new SerializableVector3(0, -1, 0);
                cube.ShareMode = MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.None;
                cube.Owner = 0;
                cube.BlockOrientation = new SerializableBlockOrientation(Base6Directions.Direction.Forward, Base6Directions.Direction.Up);
                cube.ShareMode = Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.All;

                //var tempList = new List<MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase>();
                //MyAPIGateway.Entities.RemapObjectBuilderCollection(tempList); //no need for this on new object
                //var newEntity = (IMyCubeGrid)MyAPIGateway.Entities.CreateFromObjectBuilderAndAdd(tempList[0]);

                var newEntity = (Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid)MyAPIGateway.Entities.CreateFromObjectBuilderAndAdd(gridBuilder);
                MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.SendEntitiesCreated(new List<MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase> { gridBuilder });
                entity.MergeGrid_MergeBlock(newEntity, new Vector3I(0, 1, 0));

                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("OK", "fine");

                return true;


            #region test9

            if (messageText.Equals("/test9", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var allEntites = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
                MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(allEntites, e => e != null);

                var sphere = new BoundingSphereD(Vector3D.Zero, 1000000f);
                var allSphereEntities = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere);

                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("All Entities", String.Format("{0} == {1} ??", allEntites.Count, allSphereEntities.Count));

                return true;


            #region test10

            if (messageText.StartsWith("/test10 ", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var match = Regex.Match(messageText, @"/test10\s{1,}(?<Key>.+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (match.Success)
                    var prefabName = match.Groups["Key"].Value;

                    var entities = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
                    MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities, e => e is Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid);

                    var idx = Int32.Parse(prefabName);
                    var cubeGrid = (Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid)entities.ToArray()[idx];

                    var grids = cubeGrid.GetAttachedGrids();

                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Attached Count", string.Format("{0}", grids.Count));

                    //foreach (var grid in grids)
                    //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Attached", string.Format("{0}", grid.EntityId));

                    return true;
                //var vm = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, true); // most accurate for player view.


            #region test11

            if (messageText.Equals("/test11", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                //var identities = new List<IMyIdentity>();
                //var ident = identities.FirstOrDefault();
                //var bIdent = ((IMyEntity)ident).GetObjectBuilder();
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyIdentity", string.Format("{0}", bIdent.GetType()));

                var players = new List<IMyPlayer>();
                MyAPIGateway.Players.GetPlayers(players, p => p != null);
                var player = players.FirstOrDefault();

                var cpnt = MyAPIGateway.Session.GetCheckpoint("null");
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("cpnt", cpnt.Clients == null ? "null" : string.Format("{0}", cpnt.Clients.Count));

                var c = MyAPIGateway.Session.GetWorld().Checkpoint.Clients;
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Count", c == null ? "null" : string.Format("{0}", c.Count));

                var nc = player.Client;
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyNetworkClient", string.Format("{0}", nc.GetType()));
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyNetworkClient", string.Format("{0}", nc.GetType().BaseType));

                //var bPlayer = ((IMyEntity)nc).GetObjectBuilder();
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("IMyPlayer", string.Format("{0}", bPlayer.GetType()));

                //var vm = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, true); // most accurate for player view.
                return true;


            #region test12

            if (messageText.Equals("/test12", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var entity = Support.FindLookAtEntity(MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject);
                var resultList = new List<ITerminalAction>();
                if (entity != null)
                    var displayName = entity.DisplayName;
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("ID", displayName);

                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Components", string.Format("{0}", entity.Components == null));
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Hierarchy", string.Format("{0}", entity.Hierarchy == null));

                    var cockpits = entity.FindWorkingCockpits();
                    var terminal = (IMyTerminalBlock)cockpits[0];
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("count", string.Format("{0}", resultList.Count));

                //Vector3D? FindFreePlace(Vector3D basePos, float radius, int maxTestCount = 20, int testsPerDistance = 5, float stepSize = 1f);

                //var myObject = Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.Serializer.MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Reactor), "SmallBlockLargeGenerator");
                //MyAPIGateway.TerminalActionsHelper.GetActions(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Reactor), resultList);
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("count", string.Format("{0}", resultList.Count));

                //MyAPIGateway.TerminalActionsHelper.GetActions(typeof(IMyMotorStator), resultList);
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("count", string.Format("{0}", resultList.Count));

                //MyAPIGateway.TerminalActionsHelper.GetActions(typeof(IMyFunctionalBlock), resultList);
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("count", string.Format("{0}", resultList.Count));

                //MyAPIGateway.TerminalActionsHelper.GetActions(typeof(IMyTerminalBlock), resultList);
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("count", string.Format("{0}", resultList.Count));

                foreach (var a in resultList)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("item", string.Format("{0}={1}", a.Name, a.Id));

                return true;


            #region test13

            if (messageText.Equals("/test13", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var entites = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
                MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entites, e => e != null);

                //var physicalItem = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SpaceBall), "SpaceBallLarge"));
                //physicalItem.Public = true;

                //MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.SmallShipMaxSpeed = 2000;
                //MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.LargeShipMaxSpeed = 2000;
                MyAPIGateway.Session.GetCheckpoint("null").GameMode = MyGameModeEnum.Creative;
                //MyAPIGateway.Session.GetCheckpoint("null").EnableCopyPaste = true;

                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Sun Distance", string.Format("{0}", MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.DistanceToSun));
                //MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.DirectionToSun = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

                foreach (var entity in entites)
                    var cubeGrid = entity as Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid;
                    if (cubeGrid != null)
                        var terminalsys = MyAPIGateway.TerminalActionsHelper.GetTerminalSystemForGrid(cubeGrid);
                        //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Grid count", string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", cubeGrid.DisplayName, terminalsys.Blocks.Count, terminalsys.BlockGroups.Count));

                        //var blocks = new List<Sandbox.ModAPI.IMySlimBlock>();
                        //cubeGrid.GetBlocks(blocks, f => f.FatBlock != null && f.FatBlock == MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity);
                        //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Pilot count", string.Format("{0}", blocks.Count));

                        //foreach (var block in blocks)
                        //    cubeGrid.ColorBlocks(block.Position, block.Position, VRageMath.Color.Gold.ToHsvColor());


                return true;


            #region test14

            // Tag every floating object in player GPS.
            if (messageText.Equals("/test14", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var entites = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
                MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entites, e => (e is Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyFloatingObject));

                foreach (var entity in entites)
                    var pos = entity.GetPosition();
                    var gps = MyAPIGateway.Session.GPS.Create("Floating " + entity.DisplayName, "Some drifting junk", pos, true, false);

                return true;


            return false;
Пример #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a destination and tries to fix it so that it does not collide with anything
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalDestination">The final destination that the remote wants to get to.</param>
        /// <param name="checkRadius">The maximum radius until which this method should search.</param>
        /// <param name="shipRadius">The radius of our ship. Make sure that this is large enough to avoid collision.</param>
        Vector3D ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRemoteControl.GetFreeDestination(Vector3D originalDestination, float checkRadius, float shipRadius)

            MyCestmirDebugInputComponent.AddDebugPoint(this.WorldMatrix.Translation, Color.Green);

            Vector3D retval = originalDestination;
            BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(this.WorldMatrix.Translation, shipRadius + checkRadius);

            Vector3D rayDirection = originalDestination - this.WorldMatrix.Translation;
            double originalDistance = rayDirection.Length();
            rayDirection = rayDirection / originalDistance;
            RayD ray = new RayD(this.WorldMatrix.Translation, rayDirection);

            double closestIntersection = double.MaxValue;
            BoundingSphereD closestSphere = default(BoundingSphereD);

            var entities = MyEntities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere);
            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Count; ++i)
                var entity = entities[i];

                if (!(entity is MyCubeGrid) && !(entity is MyVoxelMap)) continue;
                if (entity.Parent != null) continue;
                if (entity == this.Parent) continue;

                BoundingSphereD entitySphere = entity.PositionComp.WorldVolume;
                entitySphere.Radius += shipRadius;

                MyCestmirDebugInputComponent.AddDebugSphere(entitySphere.Center, (float)entity.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Radius, Color.Plum);
                MyCestmirDebugInputComponent.AddDebugSphere(entitySphere.Center, (float)entity.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Radius + shipRadius, Color.Purple);

                double? intersection = ray.Intersects(entitySphere);
                if (intersection.HasValue && intersection.Value < closestIntersection)
                    closestIntersection = intersection.Value;
                    closestSphere = entitySphere;

            if (closestIntersection != double.MaxValue)
                Vector3D correctedDestination = ray.Position + closestIntersection * ray.Direction;
                MyCestmirDebugInputComponent.AddDebugSphere(correctedDestination, 1.0f, Color.Blue);
                Vector3D normal = correctedDestination - closestSphere.Center;
                if (Vector3D.IsZero(normal))
                    normal = Vector3D.Up;
                MyCestmirDebugInputComponent.AddDebugSphere(correctedDestination + normal, 1.0f, Color.Red);
                Vector3D newDirection = Vector3D.Reject(ray.Direction, normal);
                newDirection *= Math.Max(20.0, closestSphere.Radius * 0.5);
                MyCestmirDebugInputComponent.AddDebugSphere(correctedDestination + newDirection, 1.0f, Color.LightBlue);
                retval = correctedDestination + newDirection;
                retval = ray.Position + ray.Direction * Math.Min(checkRadius, originalDistance);


            return retval;
Пример #34
        private bool IsInStoppingDistance()
            int currentIndex = m_waypoints.IndexOf(CurrentWaypoint);
            double currentDstSqr = (WorldMatrix.Translation - CurrentWaypoint.Coords).LengthSquared();
            double dstError = CubeGrid.GridSize * 3;

            if (m_automaticBehaviour != null && m_automaticBehaviour.IsActive)
                dstError = m_automaticBehaviour.WaypointThresholdDistance;
            else if (m_waypointThresholdDistance > 0)
                dstError = m_waypointThresholdDistance;
            else if (m_dockingModeEnabled || (m_currentFlightMode == FlightMode.OneWay && currentIndex == m_waypoints.Count - 1))
                if (CubeGrid.GridSize >= 0.5f)
                    dstError = CubeGrid.GridSize * 0.25;
                    dstError = CubeGrid.GridSize;

                // Check if movement from previous position to current position intersects waypoint sphere.
                if (currentDstSqr < dstError * dstError)
                    return true;

                double prevDstSqr = (m_previousWorldPosition - CurrentWaypoint.Coords).LengthSquared();
                if (prevDstSqr < dstError * dstError)
                    return true;

                var dir = WorldMatrix.Translation - m_previousWorldPosition;
                double rayLength = dir.Normalize();
                if (rayLength > 0.01)
                    RayD ray = new RayD(m_previousWorldPosition, dir);
                    BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(CurrentWaypoint.Coords, dstError);
                    double? intersection = sphere.Intersects(ray);
                    return (intersection != null) ? intersection.Value <= rayLength : false;

            return currentDstSqr < dstError * dstError;
Пример #35
 void ReprojectY(List<Triangle> res, Plane3D plane)
     double pos = 0;
     foreach (var t in res){
         for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
             var p = t.points[i];
             p.y = 0;
             RayD r = new RayD(p, Vector3D.up);
             if (plane.Raycast(r,out pos)){
                 p.y = (float)pos;
                 t.points[i] = p;
Пример #36
 Vector3D ProjectToTriangle(Vector3D point)
     Plane3D plane = new Plane3D(Normal, points[0]);
     bool isPointInPlane = System.Math.Abs(plane.GetDistanceToPoint(point))<0.0001;
     if (!isPointInPlane) {
         double dist;
         point.y = 0;
         var ray = new RayD(point, Vector3D.up);
         plane.Raycast(ray, out dist);
         point.y = dist;
     return point;
        protected override void DoDetection(bool useHead)
            if (Character == MySession.Static.ControlledEntity)

            var head = Character.GetHeadMatrix(false);
            var headPos = head.Translation - (Vector3D)head.Forward * 0.3; // Move to center of head, we don't want eyes (in front of head)

            Vector3D from;
            Vector3D dir;

            if (!useHead)
                //Ondrej version
                var cameraMatrix = MySector.MainCamera.WorldMatrix;
                dir = cameraMatrix.Forward;
                from = MyUtils.LinePlaneIntersection(headPos, (Vector3)dir, cameraMatrix.Translation, (Vector3)dir);
                //Petr version
                dir = head.Forward;
                from = headPos;

            Vector3D to = from + dir * MyConstants.DEFAULT_INTERACTIVE_DISTANCE;

            float closestDetector = float.MaxValue;
            IMyEntity closestEntity = null;
            IMyUseObject closestInteractive = null;
            foreach(var entity in m_detectableEntities)
                if (entity == Character)
                var use = entity.Components.Get<MyUseObjectsComponentBase>() as MyUseObjectsComponent;
                if(use != null)
                    float detectorDistance;
                    var interactive = use.RaycastDetectors(from, to, out detectorDistance);
                    if(Math.Abs(detectorDistance) < Math.Abs(closestDetector))
                        closestDetector = detectorDistance;
                        closestEntity = entity;
                        closestInteractive = interactive;

                //Floating object handling - give FO useobject component!
                var use2 = entity as IMyUseObject;
                if (use2 != null)
                    var m = use2.ActivationMatrix;
                    var ray = new RayD(from, to - from);
                    var obb = new MyOrientedBoundingBoxD(m);
                    var dist = obb.Intersects(ref ray);
                    if(dist.HasValue && Math.Abs(dist.Value) < Math.Abs(closestDetector))
                        closestDetector = (float)dist.Value;
                        closestEntity = entity;
                        closestInteractive = use2;
            //VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawLine3D(from, to, Color.Red, Color.Green, true);
            //VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(headPos, 0.05f, Color.Red.ToVector3(), 1.0f, false);

            StartPosition = from;

            MyPhysics.CastRay(from, to, m_hits, MyPhysics.CollisionLayers.FloatingObjectCollisionLayer);

            bool hasInteractive = false;

            int index = 0;
            while (index < m_hits.Count && (m_hits[index].HkHitInfo.Body == null || m_hits[index].HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity() == Character
                || m_hits[index].HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity() == null
                || m_hits[index].HkHitInfo.Body.HasProperty(HkCharacterRigidBody.MANIPULATED_OBJECT)
                || m_hits[index].HkHitInfo.Body.Layer == MyPhysics.CollisionLayers.VoxelLod1CollisionLayer)) // Skip invalid hits and self character

            if (index < m_hits.Count && m_hits[index].HkHitInfo.HitFraction > closestDetector - 0.05f)//compensation
                // TODO: Uncomment to enforce that character must face object by front to activate it
                //if (TestInteractionDirection(head.Forward, h.Position - GetPosition()))
                HitPosition = from + dir * closestDetector;
                MyUseObjectsComponentBase useObject;
                if(closestEntity.Components.TryGet<MyUseObjectsComponentBase>(out useObject))
                    var detectorPhysics = useObject.DetectorPhysics;
                    HitMaterial = detectorPhysics.GetMaterialAt(HitPosition);
                    HitBody = ((MyPhysicsBody)detectorPhysics).RigidBody;
                    HitMaterial = closestEntity.Physics.GetMaterialAt(HitPosition);
                    HitBody = ((MyPhysicsBody)closestEntity.Physics).RigidBody;

                DetectedEntity = closestEntity;
                var interactive = closestInteractive;

                if (UseObject != null && interactive != null && UseObject != interactive)

                //if (interactive != null && interactive.SupportedActions != UseActionEnum.None && (Vector3D.Distance(from, (Vector3D)h.Position)) < interactive.InteractiveDistance && Character == MySession.Static.ControlledEntity)
                if (interactive != null && interactive.SupportedActions != UseActionEnum.None && closestDetector * MyConstants.DEFAULT_INTERACTIVE_DISTANCE < interactive.InteractiveDistance && Character == MySession.Static.ControlledEntity)

                    UseObject = interactive;
                    hasInteractive = true;

            if (!hasInteractive)
                if (UseObject != null)

                UseObject = null;         

Пример #38
        public bool Intersect(LineD line, ref Vector3D p1, ref Vector3D p2, ref Vector3 n1, ref Vector3 n2)
            RayD ray = new RayD(line.From, line.Direction);
            if (Intersect(ray, ref p1, ref p2, ref n1, ref n2))
                Vector3D p1Dir = p1 - line.From;
                Vector3D p2Dir = p2 - line.From;
                double p1Len = p1Dir.Normalize();
                double p2Len = p2Dir.Normalize();

                if (Vector3D.Dot(line.Direction, p1Dir) < 0.9)
                    return false;

                if (Vector3D.Dot(line.Direction, p2Dir) < 0.9)
                    return false;

                if (line.Length < p1Len)
                    return false;

                return true;

            return false;
Пример #39
		private void GetDeposit()
			Vector3D pos = m_navDrill.WorldPosition;
			IMyVoxelBase foundMap;
			if (m_oreDetector.FindClosestOre(pos, OreTargets, out m_depositPos, out foundMap, out m_depostitOre))
				// from the centre of the voxel, passing through the deposit, find the edge of the AABB
				m_voxelCentre = foundMap.GetCentre();
				Vector3D centreOut = m_depositPos - m_voxelCentre;
				Vector3D bodEdgeFinderStart = m_voxelCentre + centreOut * foundMap.WorldAABB.GetLongestDim();
				RayD boxEdgeFinder = new RayD(bodEdgeFinderStart, -centreOut);
				double? boxEdgeDist = foundMap.WorldAABB.Intersects(boxEdgeFinder);
				if (boxEdgeDist == null)
					throw new Exception("Math fail");
				Vector3D boxEdge = bodEdgeFinderStart - centreOut * boxEdgeDist.Value;

				// was getting memory access violation, so not using MainLock.RayCastVoxel_Safe()
				MyAPIGateway.Utilities.TryInvokeOnGameThread(() => {
					Vector3 surfacePoint;
					if (foundMap is IMyVoxelMap)
						MyAPIGateway.Entities.IsInsideVoxel(boxEdge, m_voxelCentre, out surfacePoint);
						m_miningPlanet = false;
						MyPlanet planet = foundMap as MyPlanet;
						surfacePoint = planet.GetClosestSurfacePointGlobal(ref m_depositPos);
						m_logger.debugLog("Mining target is a planet, from nav drill position: " + m_navDrill.WorldPosition + ", surface is " + surfacePoint, "GetDeposit()");
						m_miningPlanet = true;
					m_approach = new Line(surfacePoint + centreOut * m_controlBlock.CubeGrid.GetLongestDim() * 2, surfacePoint);

					m_logger.debugLog("centre: " + m_voxelCentre.ToGpsTag("centre")
						+ ", deposit: " + m_depositPos.ToGpsTag("deposit")
						+ ", boxEdge: " + boxEdge.ToGpsTag("boxEdge")
						+ ", m_approach: " + m_approach.From.ToGpsTag("m_approach From")
						+ ", " + m_approach.To.ToGpsTag("m_approach To")
						+ ", surfacePoint: " + surfacePoint
						, "GetDeposit()");

					m_state = State.Approaching;
				}, m_logger);


			m_logger.debugLog("No ore target found", "GetDeposit()", Logger.severity.INFO);
Пример #40
        protected bool GetCubeAddAndRemovePositions(Vector3I intersectedCube, bool placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic, out Vector3I addPos, out Vector3I addDir, out Vector3I removePos)
            bool result = false;

            addPos = new Vector3I();
            addDir = new Vector3I();
            removePos = new Vector3I();

            MatrixD worldInv = MatrixD.Invert(CurrentGrid.WorldMatrix);

            Vector3D intersectionPos;
            addPos = intersectedCube;
            addDir = Vector3I.Forward;

            Vector3D rayStart = Vector3D.Transform(IntersectionStart, worldInv);
            Vector3D rayDir = Vector3D.Normalize(Vector3D.TransformNormal(IntersectionDirection, worldInv));

            RayD r = new RayD(rayStart, rayDir);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) // Limit iterations to 100
                var cubeBb = GetCubeBoundingBox(addPos);
                if (!placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic && cubeBb.Contains(rayStart) == ContainmentType.Contains)

                double? dist = cubeBb.Intersects(r);
                if (!dist.HasValue) 

                removePos = addPos;

                intersectionPos = rayStart + rayDir * dist.Value;
                Vector3 center = removePos * CurrentGrid.GridSize;
                Vector3I dirInt = Vector3I.Sign(Vector3.DominantAxisProjection(intersectionPos - center));

                addPos = removePos + dirInt;
                addDir = dirInt;
                result = true;

                if (!CurrentGrid.CubeExists(addPos)) 

            Debug.Assert(!result || addDir != Vector3I.Zero, "Direction vector cannot be zero");
            return result;
        public static void FindLookAtEntity(IMyControllableEntity controlledEntity, out IMyEntity lookEntity, out double lookDistance, bool findShips = true, bool findPlayers = true, bool findAsteroids = true, bool findPlanets = true)
            const float range = 5000000;
            Matrix worldMatrix;
            Vector3D startPosition;
            Vector3D endPosition;
            if (MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity.Parent == null)
                worldMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, false); // dead center of player cross hairs.
                startPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 0.5f;
                endPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * (range + 0.5f);
                worldMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity.WorldMatrix;
                // TODO: need to adjust for position of cockpit within ship.
                startPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 1.5f;
                endPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * (range + 1.5f);

            //var worldMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.PlayerCharacter.Entity.WorldMatrix;
            //var position = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.PlayerCharacter.Entity.GetPosition();
            //var position = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 0.5f + worldMatrix.Up * 1.0f;
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Pos", string.Format("x={0:N},y={1:N},z={2:N}  x={3:N},y={4:N},z={5:N}", playerPos.X, playerPos.Y, playerPos.Z, playerMatrix.Forward.X, playerMatrix.Forward.Y, playerMatrix.Forward.Z));

            // The CameraController.GetViewMatrix appears warped at the moment.
            //var position = ((IMyEntity)MyAPIGateway.Session.CameraController).GetPosition();
            //var worldMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.CameraController.GetViewMatrix();
            //var position = worldMatrix.Translation;
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Cam", string.Format("x={0:N},y={1:N},z={2:N}  x={3:N},y={4:N},z={5:N}", position.X, position.Y, position.Z, worldMatrix.Forward.X, worldMatrix.Forward.Y, worldMatrix.Forward.Z));

            var entites = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entites, e => e != null);

            var list = new Dictionary<IMyEntity, double>();
            var ray = new RayD(startPosition, worldMatrix.Forward);

            foreach (var entity in entites)
                if (findShips)
                    var cubeGrid = entity as Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid;

                    // check if the ray comes anywhere near the Grid before continuing.
                    if (cubeGrid != null && ray.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB).HasValue)
                        var hit = cubeGrid.RayCastBlocks(startPosition, endPosition);
                        if (hit.HasValue)
                            var distance = (startPosition - cubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(hit.Value)).Length();
                            list.Add(entity, distance);

                if (findPlayers)
                    var controller = entity as IMyControllableEntity;
                    if (MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity.EntityId != entity.EntityId && controller != null && ray.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB).HasValue)
                        var distance = (startPosition - entity.GetPosition()).Length();
                        list.Add(entity, distance);

                if (findAsteroids)
                    var voxelMap = entity as IMyVoxelMap;
                    if (voxelMap != null)
                        var aabb = new BoundingBoxD(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + voxelMap.Storage.Size);
                        var hit = ray.Intersects(aabb);
                        if (hit.HasValue)
                            var center = voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + (voxelMap.Storage.Size / 2);
                            var distance = (startPosition - center).Length();  // use distance to center of asteroid.
                            list.Add(entity, distance);

                if (findPlanets)
                    // Looks to be working against Git and public release.
                    var planet = entity as Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet;
                    if (planet != null)
                        var aabb = new BoundingBoxD(planet.PositionLeftBottomCorner, planet.PositionLeftBottomCorner + planet.Size);
                        var hit = ray.Intersects(aabb);
                        if (hit.HasValue)
                            var center = planet.PositionLeftBottomCorner + (planet.Size / 2);
                            var distance = (startPosition - center).Length(); // use distance to center of planet.
                            list.Add(entity, distance);

            if (list.Count == 0)
                lookEntity = null;
                lookDistance = 0;

            // find the closest Entity.
            var item = list.OrderBy(f => f.Value).First();
            lookEntity = item.Key;
            lookDistance = item.Value;
        public bool TryNamingAnBlockOrFloatingObject()
            var worldMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.Camera.WorldMatrix; // most accurate for player view.
            var position = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 0.5f;
            var ray = new RayD(position, worldMatrix.Forward * 1000);

            var boundingSphere = new BoundingSphereD(worldMatrix.Translation, 30);
            var entites = MyEntities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref boundingSphere);

            List<MyPhysics.HitInfo> hits = new List<MyPhysics.HitInfo>();
            MyPhysics.CastRay(worldMatrix.Translation, worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 5, hits, 15);

            foreach (var hitInfo in hits)
                var body = (MyPhysicsBody)hitInfo.HkHitInfo.Body.UserObject;
                if (body.Entity is MyFloatingObject)
                    var rayEntity = (MyEntity) body.Entity;
                    return true;

            foreach (var entity in entites)
                var cubeGrid = entity as MyCubeGrid;

                if (cubeGrid != null && ray.Intersects(entity.PositionComp.WorldAABB).HasValue)
                    var hit = cubeGrid.RayCastBlocks(worldMatrix.Translation, worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 100);
                    if (hit.HasValue)
                        var block = cubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(hit.Value);
                        if(block.FatBlock != null)
                            var dialog = new ValueGetScreenWithCaption("Name block dialog: " + block.FatBlock.DefinitionDisplayNameText, block.FatBlock.Name ?? block.FatBlock.DefinitionDisplayNameText + " has no name.", delegate(string text)
                                MyEntity foundEntity;
                                if (MyEntities.TryGetEntityByName(text, out foundEntity))
                                        buttonType: MyMessageBoxButtonsType.OK,
                                        messageText: new StringBuilder("Entity with same name already exits, please enter different name."),
                                        messageCaption: new StringBuilder("Naming error")));
                                    block.FatBlock.Name = text;
                                    MyEntities.SetEntityName(block.FatBlock, true);

                                    return true;

                                return false;
                            return true;

            return false;
        public static void OnGlobalSpawnEvent(object senderEvent)
            // Select a spawn group to spawn
            MySpawnGroupDefinition spawnGroup = PickRandomSpawnGroup();
            if (spawnGroup == null)


            ProfilerShort.Begin("Generate position and direction");
            double spawnDistance = NEUTRAL_SHIP_SPAWN_DISTANCE;
            Vector3D playerPosition = Vector3D.Zero;
            bool isWorldLimited = MyEntities.IsWorldLimited();
            int numPlayers = 0;
            if (isWorldLimited)
                spawnDistance = Math.Min(spawnDistance, MyEntities.WorldSafeHalfExtent() - spawnGroup.SpawnRadius);
                // In infinite worlds players can be thousands of kilometers away, so spawn ship around random player
                // so cargo ships will be spawned around every player at some time
                var players = MySession.Static.Players.GetOnlinePlayers();
                // In DS there can be no players connected
                numPlayers = Math.Max(0, players.Count - 1);
                int randomPlayerPosition = MyUtils.GetRandomInt(0, numPlayers);
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var player in players)
                    if (i == randomPlayerPosition)
                        if (player.Character != null)
                            playerPosition = player.GetPosition();

            if (spawnDistance < 0.0f)
                MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine("Not enough space in the world to spawn such a huge spawn group!");

            double forbiddenRadius = NEUTRAL_SHIP_FORBIDDEN_RADIUS;
            BoundingBoxD spawnBox;
            if (isWorldLimited)
                spawnBox = new BoundingBoxD(new Vector3D(playerPosition - spawnDistance), new Vector3D(playerPosition + spawnDistance));
                // We need to extend bouding box so cargo ships aren't spawned near other players
                GetSafeBoundingBoxForPlayers(playerPosition, spawnDistance, out spawnBox);
                // Forbidden radius is sphere around all players in box.
                // Bounding box is generated from players positions so their distance to center shall be same for all players
                forbiddenRadius += spawnBox.HalfExtents.Max() - NEUTRAL_SHIP_FORBIDDEN_RADIUS;

            // Get the direction to the center and deviate it randomly
            Vector3D? origin = MyUtils.GetRandomBorderPosition(ref spawnBox);
            origin = MyEntities.FindFreePlace(origin.Value, spawnGroup.SpawnRadius);
            if (!origin.HasValue)
                MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine("Could not spawn neutral ships - no free place found");
                MyGlobalEvents.RescheduleEvent(senderEvent as MyGlobalEventBase, NEUTRAL_SHIP_RESCHEDULE_TIME);

            // Radius in arc units of the forbidden sphere in the center, when viewed from origin
            float centerArcRadius = (float)Math.Atan(forbiddenRadius / (origin.Value - spawnBox.Center).Length());

            // Generate direction with elevation from centerArcRadius radians to (cAR + N_S_D_S) radians
            Vector3D direction = -Vector3D.Normalize(origin.Value);
            float theta = MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(centerArcRadius, centerArcRadius + NEUTRAL_SHIP_DIRECTION_SPREAD);
            float phi = MyUtils.GetRandomRadian();
            Vector3D cosVec = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(direction);
            Vector3D sinVec = Vector3D.Cross(direction, cosVec);
            cosVec *= (Math.Sin(theta) * Math.Cos(phi));
            sinVec *= (Math.Sin(theta) * Math.Sin(phi));
            direction = direction * Math.Cos(theta) + cosVec + sinVec;

            Vector3D destination = Vector3D.Zero;
            RayD ray = new RayD(origin.Value, direction);
            double? intersection = ray.Intersects(spawnBox);
            Vector3D directionMult;
            if (!intersection.HasValue || intersection.Value < NEUTRAL_SHIP_MINIMAL_ROUTE_LENGTH)
                directionMult = direction * NEUTRAL_SHIP_MINIMAL_ROUTE_LENGTH;
                directionMult = direction * intersection.Value;
            destination = origin.Value + directionMult;

            Vector3D upVector = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(direction);
            Vector3D rightVector = Vector3D.Cross(direction, upVector);
            MatrixD originMatrix = MatrixD.CreateWorld(origin.Value, direction, upVector);


            ProfilerShort.Begin("Check free space");

            // CH:TODO: Convex cast to detect collision
            // Check ships' path to avoid possible collisions. (TODO: But only if it is said in the definitions)
            foreach (var shipPrefab in spawnGroup.Prefabs)
                var prefabDef = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetPrefabDefinition(shipPrefab.SubtypeId);
                Debug.Assert(prefabDef != null);

                Vector3D shipPosition = Vector3.Transform(shipPrefab.Position, originMatrix);
                Vector3D shipDestination = shipPosition + directionMult;
                float radius = prefabDef == null ? 10.0f : prefabDef.BoundingSphere.Radius;

                MyPhysics.CastRay(shipPosition, shipDestination, m_raycastHits, MyPhysics.CollisionLayers.ObjectDetectionCollisionLayer);
                if (m_raycastHits.Count > 0)
                    MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine("Could not spawn neutral ships due to collision");
                    MyGlobalEvents.RescheduleEvent(senderEvent as MyGlobalEventBase, NEUTRAL_SHIP_RESCHEDULE_TIME);

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    Vector3D shiftVector = upVector * m_upVecMultipliers[i] * radius + rightVector * m_rightVecMultipliers[i] * radius;
                    MyPhysics.CastRay(shipPosition + shiftVector, shipDestination + shiftVector, m_raycastHits, MyPhysics.CollisionLayers.ObjectDetectionCollisionLayer);

                    if (m_raycastHits.Count > 0)
                        MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine("Could not spawn neutral ships due to collision");
                        MyGlobalEvents.RescheduleEvent(senderEvent as MyGlobalEventBase, NEUTRAL_SHIP_RESCHEDULE_TIME);


            ProfilerShort.Begin("Spawn ships");

            long spawnGroupId = MyPirateAntennas.GetPiratesId();

            // The ships were collision-free. Now spawn them
            foreach (var shipPrefab in spawnGroup.Prefabs)

                // Yes, this could have been saved in the previous loop, but compared to (e.g.) raycasts, this does not take too much time to recalculate
                Vector3D shipPosition = Vector3D.Transform((Vector3D)shipPrefab.Position, originMatrix);
                Vector3D shipDestination = shipPosition + directionMult;
                Vector3D up = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(-direction);


                // CH: We don't want a new identity for each ship anymore. We should handle that in a better way...
                /*if (shipPrefab.ResetOwnership)
                    if (spawnGroupId == 0)
                        //This is not an NPC so that it doesn't show up in assign ownership drop down menu
                        MyIdentity spawnGroupIdentity = Sync.Players.CreateNewIdentity("Neutral NPC");
                        spawnGroupId = spawnGroupIdentity.IdentityId;

                // Deploy ship
                ProfilerShort.Begin("Spawn cargo ship");
                    resultList: m_tmpGridList,
                    prefabName: shipPrefab.SubtypeId,
                    position: shipPosition,
                    forward: direction,
                    up: up,
                    initialLinearVelocity: shipPrefab.Speed * direction,
                    beaconName: shipPrefab.BeaconText,
                    spawningOptions: Sandbox.ModAPI.SpawningOptions.RotateFirstCockpitTowardsDirection |
                                     Sandbox.ModAPI.SpawningOptions.SpawnRandomCargo |
                                     ownerId: shipPrefab.ResetOwnership ? spawnGroupId : 0,
                    updateSync: true);

                foreach (var grid in m_tmpGridList)
                    var cockpit = grid.GetFirstBlockOfType<MyCockpit>();
                    if (cockpit != null)
                        MySimpleAutopilot ai = new MySimpleAutopilot(shipDestination, (Vector3)direction);



Пример #44
        private void CheckInput()
            MatrixD headMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject.GetHeadMatrix(true);
            RayD ray = new RayD(headMatrix.Translation, headMatrix.Forward);

            BoundingSphereD holoSphere = new BoundingSphereD(m_offset.ToWorld(m_block), m_radiusHolo.Value);
            double tmin, tmax;

            if (!holoSphere.IntersectRaySphere(ray, out tmin, out tmax) || tmin > CrosshairRange)

            int scroll = MyAPIGateway.Input.DeltaMouseScrollWheelValue();
            if (scroll != 0)
                int scrollSteps = (int)Math.Round(scroll * InputScrollMulti);
                float rangeMulti = 1f;
                while (scrollSteps > 0)
                    rangeMulti *= ScrollRangeMulti;
                while (scrollSteps < 0)
                    rangeMulti /= ScrollRangeMulti;
                m_rangeDetection.Value *= rangeMulti;

            if (MyAPIGateway.Input.IsNewRightMousePressed())
                m_centreEntityId.Value = 0L;
            else if (MyAPIGateway.Input.IsNewLeftMousePressed())
                IMyEntity firstHit = null;
                double firstHitDistance = CrosshairRange;

                foreach (SeenHolo sh in m_holoEntities.Values)
                    if (sh.Holo.Render.Visible && sh.Holo.PositionComp.WorldAABB.Intersect(ref ray, out tmin, out tmax) && tmin < firstHitDistance)
                        firstHit = sh.Seen.Entity;
                        firstHitDistance = tmin;

                if (firstHit != null)
                    m_centreEntityId.Value = firstHit.EntityId;
Пример #45
        public static void FindLookAtEntity(IMyControllableEntity controlledEntity, bool ignoreOccupiedGrid, bool ignoreProjection, out IMyEntity lookEntity, out double lookDistance, out Vector3D hitPoint, bool findShips, bool findCubes, bool findPlayers, bool findAsteroids, bool findPlanets, bool findReplicable)
            const float range = 5000000;
            Matrix worldMatrix;
            Vector3D startPosition;
            Vector3D endPosition;
            IMyCubeGrid occupiedGrid = null;

            if (controlledEntity.Entity.Parent == null)
                worldMatrix = controlledEntity.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, false); // dead center of player cross hairs, or the direction the player is looking with ALT.
                startPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 0.5f;
                endPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * (range + 0.5f);
                occupiedGrid = controlledEntity.Entity.GetTopMostParent() as IMyCubeGrid;
                worldMatrix = controlledEntity.Entity.WorldMatrix;
                // TODO: need to adjust for position of cockpit within ship.
                startPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 1.5f;
                endPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * (range + 1.5f);

            var entites = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entites, e => e != null);

            var list = new Dictionary<IMyEntity, double>();
            var ray = new RayD(startPosition, worldMatrix.Forward);

            foreach (var entity in entites)
                if (findShips || findCubes)
                    var cubeGrid = entity as IMyCubeGrid;

                    if (cubeGrid != null)
                        if (ignoreOccupiedGrid && occupiedGrid != null && occupiedGrid.EntityId == cubeGrid.EntityId)

                        // Will ignore Projected grids, new grid/cube placement, and grids in middle of copy/paste.
                        if (ignoreProjection && cubeGrid.Physics == null)

                        // check if the ray comes anywhere near the Grid before continuing.
                        if (ray.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB).HasValue)
                            var hit = cubeGrid.RayCastBlocks(startPosition, endPosition);
                            if (hit.HasValue)
                                var distance = (startPosition - cubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(hit.Value)).Length();
                                var block = cubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(hit.Value);

                                if (block.FatBlock != null && findCubes)
                                    list.Add(block.FatBlock, distance);
                                else if (findShips)
                                    list.Add(entity, distance);

                if (findPlayers)
                    var controller = entity as IMyControllableEntity;
                    if (controlledEntity.Entity.EntityId != entity.EntityId && controller != null && ray.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB).HasValue)
                        var distance = (startPosition - entity.GetPosition()).Length();
                        list.Add(entity, distance);

                if (findReplicable)
                    var replicable = entity as Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyInventoryBagEntity;
                    if (replicable != null && ray.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB).HasValue)
                        var distance = (startPosition - entity.GetPosition()).Length();
                        list.Add(entity, distance);

                if (findAsteroids)
                    var voxelMap = entity as IMyVoxelMap;
                    if (voxelMap != null)
                        var aabb = new BoundingBoxD(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + voxelMap.Storage.Size);
                        var hit = ray.Intersects(aabb);
                        if (hit.HasValue)
                            var center = voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + (voxelMap.Storage.Size / 2);
                            var distance = (startPosition - center).Length();  // use distance to center of asteroid.
                            list.Add(entity, distance);

                if (findPlanets)
                    // Looks to be working against Git and public release.
                    var planet = entity as Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet;
                    if (planet != null)
                        var aabb = new BoundingBoxD(planet.PositionLeftBottomCorner, planet.PositionLeftBottomCorner + planet.Size);
                        var hit = ray.Intersects(aabb);
                        if (hit.HasValue)
                            var center = planet.WorldMatrix.Translation;
                            var distance = (startPosition - center).Length(); // use distance to center of planet.
                            list.Add(entity, distance);

            if (list.Count == 0)
                lookEntity = null;
                lookDistance = 0;
                hitPoint = Vector3D.Zero;

            // find the closest Entity.
            var item = list.OrderBy(f => f.Value).First();
            lookEntity = item.Key;
            lookDistance = item.Value;
            hitPoint = startPosition + (Vector3D.Normalize(ray.Direction) * lookDistance);
        public static void FindLookAtEntity(IMyControllableEntity controlledEntity, bool ignoreOccupiedGrid, bool ignoreProjection, out IMyEntity lookEntity, out double lookDistance, out Vector3D hitPoint, bool findShips, bool findCubes, bool findPlayers, bool findAsteroids, bool findPlanets, bool findReplicable)
            const float range = 5000000;
            Matrix worldMatrix;
            Vector3D startPosition;
            Vector3D endPosition;
            IMyCubeGrid occupiedGrid = null;

            if (controlledEntity.Entity.Parent == null)
                worldMatrix = controlledEntity.GetHeadMatrix(true, true, false); // dead center of player cross hairs, or the direction the player is looking with ALT.
                startPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 0.5f;
                endPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * (range + 0.5f);
                occupiedGrid = controlledEntity.Entity.GetTopMostParent() as IMyCubeGrid;
                worldMatrix = controlledEntity.Entity.WorldMatrix;
                // TODO: need to adjust for position of cockpit within ship.
                startPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 1.5f;
                endPosition = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * (range + 1.5f);

            //var worldMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.PlayerCharacter.Entity.WorldMatrix;
            //var position = MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.PlayerCharacter.Entity.GetPosition();
            //var position = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * 0.5f + worldMatrix.Up * 1.0f;
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Pos", string.Format("x={0:N},y={1:N},z={2:N}  x={3:N},y={4:N},z={5:N}", playerPos.X, playerPos.Y, playerPos.Z, playerMatrix.Forward.X, playerMatrix.Forward.Y, playerMatrix.Forward.Z));

            // The CameraController.GetViewMatrix appears warped at the moment.
            //var position = ((IMyEntity)MyAPIGateway.Session.CameraController).GetPosition();
            //var worldMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.CameraController.GetViewMatrix();
            //var position = worldMatrix.Translation;
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Cam", string.Format("x={0:N},y={1:N},z={2:N}  x={3:N},y={4:N},z={5:N}", position.X, position.Y, position.Z, worldMatrix.Forward.X, worldMatrix.Forward.Y, worldMatrix.Forward.Z));

            var entites = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entites, e => e != null);

            var list = new Dictionary<IMyEntity, double>();
            var ray = new RayD(startPosition, worldMatrix.Forward);

            foreach (var entity in entites)
                if (findShips || findCubes)
                    var cubeGrid = entity as Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCubeGrid;

                    if (cubeGrid != null)
                        if (ignoreOccupiedGrid && occupiedGrid != null && occupiedGrid.EntityId == cubeGrid.EntityId)

                        // TODO: ignore construction. New cube, new ship, new station, new paste.
                        //if (ignoreConstruction && (MyAPIGateway.CubeBuilder.BlockCreationIsActivated || MyAPIGateway.CubeBuilder.ShipCreationIsActivated || MyAPIGateway.CubeBuilder.CopyPasteIsActivated))
                        //    continue;

                        // Will ignore Projected grids, new grid/cube placement, and grids in middle of copy/paste.
                        // TODO: need a better way of determining projection other than Physics, as constructions have no physics either..
                        if (ignoreProjection && cubeGrid.Physics == null)

                        // check if the ray comes anywhere near the Grid before continuing.    
                        if (ray.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB).HasValue)
                            var hit = cubeGrid.RayCastBlocks(startPosition, endPosition);
                            if (hit.HasValue)
                                var distance = (startPosition - cubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(hit.Value)).Length();
                                var block = cubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(hit.Value);

                                if (block.FatBlock != null && findCubes)
                                    list.Add(block.FatBlock, distance);
                                else if (findShips)
                                    list.Add(entity, distance);

                if (findPlayers)
                    var controller = entity as IMyControllableEntity;
                    if (controlledEntity.Entity.EntityId != entity.EntityId && controller != null && ray.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB).HasValue)
                        var distance = (startPosition - entity.GetPosition()).Length();
                        list.Add(entity, distance);

                if (findReplicable)
                    var replicable = entity as Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyInventoryBagEntity;
                    if (replicable != null && ray.Intersects(entity.WorldAABB).HasValue)
                        var distance = (startPosition - entity.GetPosition()).Length();
                        list.Add(entity, distance);

                if (findAsteroids)
                    var voxelMap = entity as IMyVoxelMap;
                    if (voxelMap != null)
                        var aabb = new BoundingBoxD(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + voxelMap.Storage.Size);
                        var hit = ray.Intersects(aabb);
                        if (hit.HasValue)
                            Vector3D? hitIngoing;
                            Vector3D? hitOutgoing;

                            // May not be asteroid that is blocking ray, so am doing additional checks. It's still not reliable.
                            if (voxelMap.WorldAABB.IntersectPoints(startPosition, endPosition, out hitIngoing, out hitOutgoing)
                                && Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntities.IsRaycastBlocked(hitIngoing.Value, hitOutgoing.Value))
                                Vector3 lastOutsidePos;
                                // TODO: IsInsideVoxel doesn't appear to be reliable. Need to find an improved method.

                                //List<Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysics.HitInfo> m_hits = new List<Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysics.HitInfo>();
                                //Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysics.CastRay(startPosition, endPosition, m_hits, 0);   // MyPhysics is not whitelisted.

                                if (Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntities.IsInsideVoxel(startPosition, endPosition, out lastOutsidePos))
                                    list.Add(entity, Vector3D.Distance(startPosition, lastOutsidePos));
                                    //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Range", "CheckA");
                                    var center = voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + (voxelMap.Storage.Size / 2);
                                    // use distance to center of asteroid as an approximation.
                                    //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Range", "CheckB");
                                    list.Add(entity, Vector3D.Distance(startPosition, center));

                if (findPlanets)
                    // Looks to be working against Git and public release.
                    var planet = entity as Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet;
                    if (planet != null)
                        var aabb = new BoundingBoxD(planet.PositionLeftBottomCorner, planet.PositionLeftBottomCorner + planet.Size);
                        var hit = ray.Intersects(aabb);
                        if (hit.HasValue)
                            var center = planet.WorldMatrix.Translation;
                            var distance = (startPosition - center).Length(); // use distance to center of planet.
                            list.Add(entity, distance);

            if (list.Count == 0)
                lookEntity = null;
                lookDistance = 0;
                hitPoint = Vector3D.Zero;

            // find the closest Entity.
            var item = list.OrderBy(f => f.Value).First();
            lookEntity = item.Key;
            lookDistance = item.Value;
            hitPoint = startPosition + (Vector3D.Normalize(ray.Direction) * lookDistance);
Пример #47
        private void PlayerUpdate()
            var playerControlled = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject;

            if(playerControlled != null)
                if(playerControlled.Entity is IMyCharacter)
                else if(playerControlled.Entity is IMyCockpit) // in a seat, certainly not gonna climb ladders
                // other cases depend on having the character controlled for a bit to get the reference
                else if(character != null && character.Closed)
                character = null;

            if(character != null)
                var cb = MyCubeBuilder.Static;

                // Dynamically enable/disable UseModelIntersection on ladder blocks that you hold to have the useful effect
                // of being able the block when another entity is blocking the grid space but not the blocks's physical shape.
                // This will still have the side effect issue if you aim at a ladder block with the same ladder block.
                if(cb.IsActivated && cb.CubeBuilderState != null && cb.CubeBuilderState.CurrentBlockDefinition != null && LadderLogic.ladderIds.Contains(cb.CubeBuilderState.CurrentBlockDefinition.Id.SubtypeName))
                    if(prevCubeBuilderDefinition == null || prevCubeBuilderDefinition.Id != cb.CubeBuilderState.CurrentBlockDefinition.Id)
                        if(prevCubeBuilderDefinition != null)
                            prevCubeBuilderDefinition.UseModelIntersection = false;

                        prevCubeBuilderDefinition = cb.CubeBuilderState.CurrentBlockDefinition;
                        cb.CubeBuilderState.CurrentBlockDefinition.UseModelIntersection = true;
                else if(prevCubeBuilderDefinition != null)
                    prevCubeBuilderDefinition.UseModelIntersection = false;
                    prevCubeBuilderDefinition = null;

                var charCtrl = character as IMyControllableEntity;
                bool controllingCharacter = (playerControlled != null && playerControlled.Entity is IMyCharacter);
                IMyTerminalBlock ladder = null;
                MyCubeBlock ladderInternal = null;

                MatrixD ladderMatrix = character.WorldMatrix; // temporarily using it for character matrix, then used for ladder matrix
                var charPos = ladderMatrix.Translation + ladderMatrix.Up * 0.05;
                var charPos2 = ladderMatrix.Translation + ladderMatrix.Up * RAY_HEIGHT;
                var charRay = new RayD(charPos, ladderMatrix.Up);

                if(dismounting <= 1) // relative top dismount sequence
                    if(usingLadder == null)
                        dismounting = 2;

                    ladder = usingLadder;
                    ladderInternal = ladder as MyCubeBlock;
                    dismounting *= ALIGN_MUL;

                        ladderMatrix = ladder.WorldMatrix;
                        var charOnLadder = ladderMatrix.Translation + ladderMatrix.Forward * (ladderInternal.BlockDefinition.ModelOffset.Z + EXTRA_OFFSET_Z);

                        if(ladder.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large)
                            charOnLadder += ladderMatrix.Backward;

                        var topDir = Vector3D.Dot(character.WorldMatrix.Up, ladderMatrix.Up);
                        var matrix = character.WorldMatrix;
                        var halfY = ((ladderInternal.BlockDefinition.Size.Y * ladder.CubeGrid.GridSize) / 2);
                        matrix.Translation = charOnLadder + (topDir > 0 ? ladderMatrix.Up : ladderMatrix.Down) * (halfY + 0.1f) + ladderMatrix.Backward * 0.75;

                        character.SetWorldMatrix(MatrixD.SlerpScale(character.WorldMatrix, matrix, MathHelper.Clamp(dismounting, 0.0f, 1.0f)));

                        character.Physics.LinearVelocity = ladder.CubeGrid.Physics.GetVelocityAtPoint(character.WorldMatrix.Translation); // sync velocity with the ladder

                    SetLadderStatus("Dismounting ladder...", MyFontEnum.White);

                    if(dismounting > 1f)


                // UNDONE DEBUG
                //    var c = Color.Blue.ToVector4();
                //    MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(charPos, charPos2, "WeaponLaserIgnoreDepth", ref c, 0.5f);

                // find a ladder
                foreach(var l in ladders.Values)
                    if(l.Closed || l.MarkedForClose || !l.IsFunctional)

                    if(Vector3D.DistanceSquared(l.WorldMatrix.Translation, charPos) <= UPDATE_RADIUS)
                        ladderInternal = l as MyCubeBlock;
                        ladderMatrix = l.WorldMatrix;

                        // update ladder oriented box to find character in it accurately
                        Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(ref ladderMatrix, out ladderBox.Orientation);

                        if(l is MyAdvancedDoor && !(l as MyAdvancedDoor).FullyOpen)
                            ladderBox.HalfExtent = (ladderInternal.BlockDefinition.Size * l.CubeGrid.GridSize) / 2;

                            var offset = ladderInternal.BlockDefinition.ModelOffset;
                            ladderBox.Center = ladderMatrix.Translation + ladderMatrix.Up * 1.125f + ladderMatrix.Forward * (offset.Z + EXTRA_OFFSET_Z);

                            ladderBox.HalfExtent.Y = 0.25 + 0.06; // 6mm offset to avoid some inaccuracies
                            ladderBox.HalfExtent.Z = 0.5;

                            if(l.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large)
                                ladderBox.Center += ladderMatrix.Backward;
                            ladderBox.HalfExtent = (ladderInternal.BlockDefinition.Size * l.CubeGrid.GridSize) / 2;
                            ladderBox.HalfExtent.Y += 0.06; // 6mm offset to avoid some inaccuracies
                            ladderBox.HalfExtent.Z = 0.5;

                            var offset = ladderInternal.BlockDefinition.ModelOffset;
                            ladderBox.Center = ladderMatrix.Translation + ladderMatrix.Forward * (offset.Z + EXTRA_OFFSET_Z);

                            if(l.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large)
                                ladderBox.Center += ladderMatrix.Backward;

                        if(!ladderBox.Contains(ref charPos) && !ladderBox.Contains(ref charPos2))
                            var intersect = ladderBox.Intersects(ref charRay);

                            if(!intersect.HasValue || intersect.Value < 0 || intersect.Value > RAY_HEIGHT)

                        // UNDONE DEBUG
                        //    {
                        //        var c = Color.Red.ToVector4();
                        //        MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(ladderBox.Center + ladderMatrix.Down * ladderBox.HalfExtent.Y, ladderBox.Center + ladderMatrix.Up * ladderBox.HalfExtent.Y, "WeaponLaserIgnoreDepth", ref c, 0.01f);
                        //    }
                        //    if(debugBox == null)
                        //    {
                        //        debugBox = new MyEntity();
                        //        debugBox.Init(null, @"Models\Debug\Error.mwm", null, null, null);
                        //        debugBox.PositionComp.LocalMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
                        //        debugBox.Flags = EntityFlags.Visible | EntityFlags.NeedsDraw | EntityFlags.NeedsDrawFromParent | EntityFlags.InvalidateOnMove;
                        //        debugBox.OnAddedToScene(null);
                        //        debugBox.Render.Transparency = 0.5f;
                        //        debugBox.Render.RemoveRenderObjects();
                        //        debugBox.Render.AddRenderObjects();
                        //    }
                        //    var matrix = MatrixD.CreateWorld(ladderBox.Center, ladderMatrix.Forward, ladderMatrix.Up);
                        //    var scale = ladderBox.HalfExtent * 2;
                        //    MatrixD.Rescale(ref matrix, ref scale);
                        //    debugBox.PositionComp.SetWorldMatrix(matrix);

                        ladder = l;
                        ladderInternal = l as MyCubeBlock;

                if(ladder != null)
                    var offset = ladderInternal.BlockDefinition.ModelOffset;
                    var charOnLadder = ladderMatrix.Translation + ladderMatrix.Forward * (offset.Z + EXTRA_OFFSET_Z);

                    if(ladder.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large)
                        charOnLadder += ladderMatrix.Backward;

                    if(++skipRetryGravity >= GRAVITY_UPDATERATE)
                        skipRetryGravity = 0;
                        alignedToGravity = true;
                        var gravity = MyParticlesManager.CalculateGravityInPoint(character.WorldMatrix.Translation);
                        var gravityLength = gravity.Normalize();

                        if(gravityLength > 0)
                            float gravDot = Vector3.Dot(gravity, ladderMatrix.Down);

                            if(!(gravDot >= 0.9f || gravDot <= -0.9f))
                                alignedToGravity = false;

                    //bool readInput = InputHandler.IsInputReadable(); // HACK use before GetPressedOr() once ActiveGameplayScreen's NRE is resolved

                        bool pressed = InputHandler.GetPressedOr(settings.useLadder1, settings.useLadder2, false, false) && InputHandler.IsInputReadable(); // needs to support hold-press, so don't set JustPressed to true!

                            SetLadderStatus("Gravity not parallel to ladder!", MyFontEnum.Red, 1000);

                        if(usingLadder != null)


                    if(usingLadder == null) // first ladder interaction
                        //var controlUse = MyAPIGateway.Input.GetGameControl(MyControlsSpace.USE);
                        //    string assigned = (controlUse.GetKeyboardControl() != MyKeys.None ? MyAPIGateway.Input.GetKeyName(controlUse.GetKeyboardControl()) : (controlUse.GetMouseControl() != MyMouseButtonsEnum.None ? MyAPIGateway.Input.GetName(controlUse.GetMouseControl()) : "(NONE)")) + (controlUse.GetSecondKeyboardControl() != MyKeys.None ? " or " + MyAPIGateway.Input.GetKeyName(controlUse.GetSecondKeyboardControl()) : null);
                        //    SetLadderStatus("Press "+assigned+" to use the ladder.", MyFontEnum.White);
                        //    return;

                            grabOnLoad = false;
                            aimingAtLadder = true;

                            if(settings.useLadder1 == null && settings.useLadder2 == null)
                                SetLadderStatus("Ladder interaction is unassigned, edit the settings.cfg file!\nFor now you can use the USE key.", MyFontEnum.Red);

                                bool pressed = InputHandler.GetPressedOr(settings.useLadder1, settings.useLadder2, false, false) && InputHandler.IsInputReadable(); // needs to support hold-press, so don't set JustPressed to true!

                                        if(highlightedLadders.Count > 0)
                                            foreach(var id in highlightedLadders)
                                                MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.SetHighlight(LADDER_NAME_PREFIX + id, false);


                                        var envDef = MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition;
                                        var color = envDef.ContourHighlightColor;
                                        var thick = (int)envDef.ContourHighlightThickness;

                                        MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.SetHighlight(ladder.Name, true, thick, LADDER_HIGHLIGHT_PULSE, color);

                                        var ladderGrid = ladder.CubeGrid;

                                        for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                                            var slim = ladderGrid.GetCubeBlock(ladderGrid.WorldToGridInteger(ladderMatrix.Translation + ladderMatrix.Up * i * ladderGrid.GridSize));

                                            if(slim?.FatBlock?.GameLogic?.GetAs<LadderLogic>() == null)

                                            var id = slim.FatBlock.EntityId;
                                            MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.SetHighlight(LADDER_NAME_PREFIX + id, true, thick, LADDER_HIGHLIGHT_PULSE, color);

                                        for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                                            var slim = ladderGrid.GetCubeBlock(ladderGrid.WorldToGridInteger(ladderMatrix.Translation + ladderMatrix.Down * i * ladderGrid.GridSize));

                                            if(slim?.FatBlock?.GameLogic?.GetAs<LadderLogic>() == null)

                                            var id = slim.FatBlock.EntityId;
                                            MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.SetHighlight(LADDER_NAME_PREFIX + id, true, thick, LADDER_HIGHLIGHT_PULSE, color);

                                    SetLadderStatus("Press " + InputHandler.GetFriendlyStringOr(settings.useLadder1, settings.useLadder2) + " to use the ladder.", MyFontEnum.White);

                        skipRefreshAnim = 60;
                        mounting = (controllingCharacter ? ALIGN_STEP : 2);
                        usingLadder = ladder;
                        SendLadderData(LadderAction.MOUNT, entId: ladder.EntityId);
                        LadderAnim(character, LadderAnimation.MOUNTING);

                    if(usingLadder != ladder)
                        usingLadder = ladder;
                        SendLadderData(LadderAction.CHANGE_LADDER, entId: ladder.EntityId);

                    if(charCtrl.Entity.Physics == null)

                        character.Physics.LinearVelocity = ladder.CubeGrid.Physics.GetVelocityAtPoint(character.WorldMatrix.Translation); // sync velocity with the ladder

                    if(skipRefreshAnim > 0 && --skipRefreshAnim == 0) // force refresh animation after mounting due to an issue
                        var anim = lastLadderAnim;
                        lastLadderAnim = LadderAnimation.NONE;
                        LadderAnim(character, anim);

                    if(mounting <= 1) // mounting on ladder sequence
                        mounting *= ALIGN_MUL;

                            float align = Vector3.Dot(ladderMatrix.Up, character.WorldMatrix.Up);

                            var matrix = MatrixD.CreateFromDir(ladderMatrix.Backward, (align > 0 ? ladderMatrix.Up : ladderMatrix.Down));
                            var halfY = ((ladderInternal.BlockDefinition.Size.Y * ladder.CubeGrid.GridSize) / 2);
                            var diff = Vector3D.Dot(character.WorldMatrix.Translation, ladderMatrix.Up) - Vector3D.Dot(charOnLadder, ladderMatrix.Up);
                            matrix.Translation = charOnLadder + ladderMatrix.Up * MathHelper.Clamp(diff, -halfY, halfY);

                            character.SetWorldMatrix(MatrixD.SlerpScale(character.WorldMatrix, matrix, MathHelper.Clamp(mounting, 0.0f, 1.0f)));

                        if(mounting >= 0.75f && charCtrl.EnabledThrusts) // delayed turning off thrusts because gravity aligns you faster and can make you fail to attach to the ladder

                        SetLadderStatus("Mounting ladder...", MyFontEnum.White);

                    // TODO jetpack assited climb/descend ? / gravity assisted descend ?

                            learned[4] = true;

                        ExitLadder(false); // leave ladder if jetpack is turned on

                    // HACK use once input reading NRE is fixed
                    //if(!controllingCharacter) // disable ladder control if not controlling character
                    //    readInput = false;

                    bool movingSideways = false;
                    var analogInput = MyAPIGateway.Input.GetPositionDelta();

                    // HACK use in-line once NRE is fixed
                        analogInput = Vector3.Zero;
                    else if(analogInput.LengthSquared() > 0 && !InputHandler.IsInputReadable())
                        analogInput = Vector3.Zero;

                    if(analogInput.Y < 0) // crouch
                            learned[4] = true;


                    float move = MathHelper.Clamp((float)Math.Round(-analogInput.Z, 1), -1, 1); // forward/backward
                    float side = MathHelper.Clamp((float)Math.Round(analogInput.X, 1), -1, 1); // left/right

                    //float move = readInput ? MathHelper.Clamp(MyAPIGateway.Input.GetGameControlAnalogState(MyControlsSpace.FORWARD) - MyAPIGateway.Input.GetGameControlAnalogState(MyControlsSpace.BACKWARD), -1, 1) : 0;
                    //float side = readInput ? MathHelper.Clamp(MyAPIGateway.Input.GetGameControlAnalogState(MyControlsSpace.STRAFE_RIGHT) - MyAPIGateway.Input.GetGameControlAnalogState(MyControlsSpace.STRAFE_LEFT), -1, 1) : 0;
                    var alignVertical = ladderMatrix.Up.Dot(character.WorldMatrix.Up);

                        bool allLearned = (learned[0] && learned[1] && learned[2] && learned[3] && learned[4]);

                        for(int i = 0; i < learned.Length; i++)
                            if(learnNotify[i] == null)
                                learnNotify[i] = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.CreateNotification("");

                            learnNotify[i].Text = (learned[i] ? LEARN_CHECK : LEARN_UNCHECK) + learnText[i];
                            learnNotify[i].Font = (learned[i] ? MyFontEnum.White : MyFontEnum.DarkBlue);
                            learnNotify[i].AliveTime = (allLearned ? 1000 : 100);

                            loadedAllLearned = true;

                    var view = MyAPIGateway.Session.ControlledObject.GetHeadMatrix(false, true);
                    float lookVertical = Vector3.Dot(character.WorldMatrix.Up, view.Forward);

                    if(settings.relativeControls) // climbing relative to camera
                        float verticalModifier = MathHelper.Clamp((lookVertical + 0.65f) / 0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f);

                        if(verticalModifier < 0)
                            verticalModifier *= 2;

                        move = (float)Math.Round(move * verticalModifier, 1);

                    if(analogInput.Y > 0) // jump
                        if(characterMovementState == MyCharacterMovementEnum.Jump) // this is still fine for avoiding jump as the character still is able to jump without needing feet on the ground
                            ExitLadder(false); // only release if on the floor as the character will jump regardless

                            character.Physics.LinearVelocity += view.Forward * (characterDefinition == null ? VEL_JUMP : 200 * characterDefinition.JumpForce) * TICKRATE;

                        SendLadderData(LadderAction.JUMP_OFF, vec: view.Forward);
                        LadderAnim(character, LadderAnimation.JUMP_OFF);

                            learned[3] = true;


                    bool sprint = (characterDefinition != null && characterDefinition.Jetpack != null && MyAPIGateway.Input.IsGameControlPressed(MyControlsSpace.SPRINT));

                    if(Math.Abs(side) > 0.0001f)
                        if(settings.relativeControls) // side dismounting relative to camera
                            var alignForward = ladderMatrix.Backward.Dot(character.WorldMatrix.Forward);

                            if(alignForward < 0)
                                side = -side;

                        float speed = (characterDefinition == null ? (sprint ? VEL_SIDE : VEL_CLIMB) : CHAR_SPEED_MUL * (sprint ? characterDefinition.MaxSprintSpeed : characterDefinition.MaxRunStrafingSpeed));

                            character.Physics.LinearVelocity += side * (alignVertical > 0 ? ladderMatrix.Left : ladderMatrix.Right) * speed * TICKRATE;

                        LadderAnim(character, (side > 0 ? LadderAnimation.DISMOUNT_LEFT : LadderAnimation.DISMOUNT_RIGHT));
                        movingSideways = true;

                            learned[2] = true;
                        // aligning player to ladder

                            Vector3 dir = charOnLadder - charPos;
                            Vector3 vel = dir - (ladderMatrix.Up * Vector3D.Dot(dir, ladderMatrix.Up)); // projecting up/down direction to ignore it
                            float len = vel.Normalize();

                            if(len >= ALIGN_ACCURACY)
                                float speed = (characterDefinition == null ? (sprint ? VEL_SIDE : VEL_CLIMB) : CHAR_SPEED_MUL * (sprint ? characterDefinition.MaxRunStrafingSpeed : characterDefinition.MaxWalkStrafingSpeed));
                                len = MathHelper.Clamp(len, 0.1f, 1);
                                character.Physics.LinearVelocity += vel * len * speed * TICKRATE;

                    // TODO find a way to control view
                        //var ctrl2 = (Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyControllableEntity)character;
                        //ctrl2.HeadLocalYAngle = 0;
                        //ctrl2.HeadLocalXAngle = 0;
                        // or MoveAndRotate() ?
                        // or... angularvelocity ?
                        // or I dunno!

                    if(Math.Abs(move) > 0.0001f)
                            learned[0] = true;

                        var halfY = ((ladderInternal.BlockDefinition.Size.Y * ladder.CubeGrid.GridSize) / 2);
                        var edge = charOnLadder + ((alignVertical > 0 ? ladderMatrix.Up : ladderMatrix.Down) * halfY);

                        // climb over at the end when climbing up
                        if(move > 0 && Vector3D.DistanceSquared(charPos, edge) <= 0.0625) // 0.25 squared
                            var nextBlockWorldPos = ladderMatrix.Translation + ladderMatrix.Forward * offset.Z + ((alignVertical > 0 ? ladderMatrix.Up : ladderMatrix.Down) * (halfY + 0.1f));
                            var nextBlockPos = ladder.CubeGrid.WorldToGridInteger(nextBlockWorldPos);
                            var slim = ladder.CubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(nextBlockPos);

                            // if the next block is not a ladder, dismount
                            if(slim == null || !(slim.FatBlock is IMyTerminalBlock) || !LadderLogic.ladderIds.Contains(slim.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId))
                                dismounting = ALIGN_STEP;

                        // on the floor and moving backwards makes you dismount
                        if(move < 0)
                            var feetStart = character.WorldMatrix.Translation + character.WorldMatrix.Up * 0.2; // a bit higher because the floor might clip through the character
                            var feetTarget = feetStart + character.WorldMatrix.Down * 0.3;
                            IHitInfo hit;

                            if(MyAPIGateway.Physics.CastRay(feetStart, feetTarget, out hit, COLLISSIONLAYER_NOCHARACTER))
                                // need to check the block under the ladder if it's anything but a ladder because "standing" stance occurs when character rests on its chest-sphere collision mesh too
                                var prevBlockWorldPos = ladderMatrix.Translation + ladderMatrix.Forward * offset.Z + (alignVertical > 0 ? ladderMatrix.Down : ladderMatrix.Up) * (halfY + 0.1f);
                                var prevBlockPos = ladder.CubeGrid.WorldToGridInteger(prevBlockWorldPos);
                                var slim = ladder.CubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(prevBlockPos);

                                // if it's not a ladder, check the distance and confirm your feet are close to its edge
                                if(slim == null || !(slim.FatBlock is IMyTerminalBlock) || !LadderLogic.ladderIds.Contains(slim.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId))
                                    // get the block's edge and the character feet position only along the ladder's up/down axis
                                    var blockPosProjectedUp = ladderMatrix.Up * Vector3D.Dot(prevBlockWorldPos, ladderMatrix.Up);
                                    var charPosProjectedUp = ladderMatrix.Up * Vector3D.Dot(character.WorldMatrix.Translation, ladderMatrix.Up);

                                    if(Vector3D.DistanceSquared(blockPosProjectedUp, charPosProjectedUp) <= 0.04) // 0.2 squared
                                        ExitLadder(false); // to recap: if you're moving char-relative down and in "standing" stance and the block below is not a ladder and you're closer than 0.1m to its edge, then let go of the ladder.

                        // climbing on the ladder

                        if(!learned[1] && sprint)
                            learned[1] = true;

                        float speed = (characterDefinition == null ? (sprint ? VEL_SPRINT : VEL_CLIMB) : CHAR_SPEED_MUL * (sprint ? characterDefinition.MaxSprintSpeed : characterDefinition.MaxRunSpeed));

                            character.Physics.LinearVelocity += (alignVertical > 0 ? ladderMatrix.Up : ladderMatrix.Down) * move * speed * TICKRATE;

                            LadderAnim(character, (move > 0 ? LadderAnimation.UP : LadderAnimation.DOWN));
                    else if(!movingSideways)
                        LadderAnim(character, LadderAnimation.IDLE);

                                   climb: (alignVertical > 0 ? move : -move),
                                   side: (alignVertical > 0 ? side : -side),
                                   sprint: sprint);


Пример #48
        public bool Intersect(RayD ray, ref Vector3D p1, ref Vector3D p2, ref Vector3 n1, ref Vector3 n2)
            // Substituting equ. (1) - (6) to equ. (I) and solving for t' gives:
            // t' = (t * dot(AB, d) + dot(AB, AO)) / dot(AB, AB); (7) or
            // t' = t * m + n where 
            // m = dot(AB, d) / dot(AB, AB) and 
            // n = dot(AB, AO) / dot(AB, AB)
            Vector3D AB = P1 - P0;
            Vector3D AO = ray.Position - P0;

            double AB_dot_d = AB.Dot(ray.Direction);
            double AB_dot_AO = AB.Dot(AO);
            double AB_dot_AB = AB.Dot(AB);

            double m = AB_dot_AB > 0 ? AB_dot_d / AB_dot_AB : 0;
            double n = AB_dot_AB > 0 ? AB_dot_AO / AB_dot_AB : 0;

            // Substituting (7) into (II) and solving for t gives:
            // dot(Q, Q)*t^2 + 2*dot(Q, R)*t + (dot(R, R) - r^2) = 0
            // where
            // Q = d - AB * m
            // R = AO - AB * n
            Vector3D Q = ray.Direction - (AB * m);
            Vector3D R = AO - (AB * n);

            double a = Q.Dot(Q);
            double b = 2.0f * Q.Dot(R);
            double c = R.Dot(R) - (Radius * Radius);

            if (a == 0.0)
                // Special case: AB and ray direction are parallel. If there is an intersection it will be on the end spheres...
                // NOTE: Why is that?
                // Q = d - AB * m =>
                // Q = d - AB * (|AB|*|d|*cos(AB,d) / |AB|^2) => |d| == 1.0
                // Q = d - AB * (|AB|*cos(AB,d)/|AB|^2) =>
                // Q = d - AB * cos(AB, d) / |AB| =>
                // Q = d - unit(AB) * cos(AB, d)
                // |Q| == 0 means Q = (0, 0, 0) or d = unit(AB) * cos(AB,d)
                // both d and unit(AB) are unit vectors, so cos(AB, d) = 1 => AB and d are parallel.
                BoundingSphereD sphereA, sphereB;
                sphereA.Center = P0;
                sphereA.Radius = Radius;
                sphereB.Center = P1;
                sphereB.Radius = Radius;

                double atmin, atmax, btmin, btmax;
                if (!sphereA.IntersectRaySphere(ray, out atmin, out atmax) ||
                    !sphereB.IntersectRaySphere(ray, out btmin, out btmax))
                    // No intersection with one of the spheres means no intersection at all...
                    return false;

                if (atmin < btmin)
                    p1 = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * atmin);
                    n1 = p1 - P0;
                    p1 = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * btmin);
                    n1 = p1 - P1;

                if (atmax > btmax)
                    p2 = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * atmax);
                    n2 = p2 - P0;
                    p2 = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * btmax);
                    n2 = p2 - P1;

                return true;

            double discriminant = b * b - 4.0 * a * c;
            if (discriminant < 0.0f)
                // The ray doesn't hit the infinite cylinder defined by (A, B).
                // No intersection.
                return false;

            double tmin = (-b - Math.Sqrt(discriminant)) / (2.0 * a);
            double tmax = (-b + Math.Sqrt(discriminant)) / (2.0 * a);
            if (tmin > tmax)
                double temp = tmin;
                tmin = tmax;
                tmax = temp;

            // Now check to see if K1 and K2 are inside the line segment defined by A,B
            double t_k1 = tmin * m + n;
            if (t_k1 < 0.0f)
                // On sphere (A, r)...
                BoundingSphereD s;
                s.Center = P0;
                s.Radius = Radius;

                double stmin, stmax;
                if (s.IntersectRaySphere(ray, out stmin, out stmax))
                    p1 = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * stmin);
                    n1 = p1 - P0;
                    return false;
            else if (t_k1 > 1.0f)
                // On sphere (B, r)...
                BoundingSphereD s;
                s.Center = P1;
                s.Radius = Radius;

                double stmin, stmax;
                if (s.IntersectRaySphere(ray, out stmin, out stmax))
                    p1 = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * stmin);
                    n1 = p1 - P1;
                    return false;
                // On the cylinder...
                p1 = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * tmin);

                Vector3 k1 = P0 + AB * t_k1;
                n1 = p1 - k1;

            double t_k2 = tmax * m + n;
            if (t_k2 < 0.0f)
                // On sphere (A, r)...
                BoundingSphereD s;
                s.Center = P0;
                s.Radius = Radius;

                double stmin, stmax;
                if (s.IntersectRaySphere(ray, out stmin, out stmax))
                    p2 = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * stmax);
                    n2 = p2 - P0;
                    return false;
            else if (t_k2 > 1.0f)
                // On sphere (B, r)...
                BoundingSphereD s;
                s.Center = P1;
                s.Radius = Radius;

                double stmin, stmax;
                if (s.IntersectRaySphere(ray, out stmin, out stmax))
                    p2 = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * stmax);
                    n2 = p2 - P1;
                    return false;
                p2 = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * tmax);

                Vector3D k2 = P0 + AB * t_k2;
                n2 = p2 - k2;

            return true;
        private Vector3 GetBoneOnSphere(Vector3I center, Vector3I bonePos, MyCubeGrid grid)
            Vector3D worldCenter = BoneToWorld(center, Vector3.Zero, grid);
            Vector3D worldBone = BoneToWorld(bonePos, Vector3.Zero, grid);

            BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(worldCenter, grid.GridSize);
            Vector3D direction = worldCenter - worldBone;
            RayD ray = new RayD(worldBone, direction);

            double tmin, tmax;
            if (sphere.IntersectRaySphere(ray, out tmin, out tmax))
                Vector3D onSphere = worldBone + direction * tmin;

                var worldOnSphere = Vector3D.Transform(onSphere, grid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled);
                worldOnSphere += new Vector3D(grid.GridSize / MyGridSkeleton.BoneDensity);
                return (worldOnSphere - (Vector3D)(bonePos / (float)MyGridSkeleton.BoneDensity) * grid.GridSize);
                return Vector3.Zero;
         * Project a position to a face of the (-1, -1, -1)(1, 1, 1) cube.
        public static void ProjectToNearestFace(ref Vector3D localPos, out Vector3 faceCoords)
            Vector3D gravity;
            Vector3D.Normalize(ref localPos, out gravity);
            gravity = -gravity;

            RayD r = new RayD(localPos, gravity);

            double? travel = s_unitsBox.Intersects(r);

            Debug.Assert(travel.HasValue, "Ray does not intersect with planet!");

            faceCoords = localPos + (Vector3D)(gravity * travel);