Пример #1
        public void When_method_parameter_has_singleline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    // before
    void M(<annotate/> int? [|p|]) { } // on same line
    // after
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(code, code)

            // Act and assert
Пример #2
        public void When_method_parameter_has_multiline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    /* line before */
    void M(/* before */<annotate/>int? /* intermediate */ [|p|] /* after */) { } /* line end */
    /* line after */
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(code, code.Replace("<annotate/>", "<annotate/> "))

            // Act and assert
        public void When_field_has_singleline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    // before
    int? [|f|]; // on same line
    // after
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert
            VerifyNullabilityFix(source, CreateMessageForField("f"));
        public void When_field_has_singleline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
            // before
            int? [|f|]; // on same line
            // after
            " + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert
Пример #5
        public void When_property_has_singleline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    // before
    public int? [|P|] { get; set; } // on same line
    // after
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert
        public void When_field_has_multiline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
            /* line before */
            int? /* intermediate */ [|f|] /* after */; /* line end */
            /* line after */
            " + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert
Пример #7
        public void When_property_has_multiline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    /* line before */
    public int? /* before */ [|P|] /* after */ { get; set; } /* line end */
    /* line after */
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert
Пример #8
        public void When_return_value_has_multiline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    /* line before */
    int? /* intermediate */ [|M|]/* after */() { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } /* line end */
    /* line after */
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert
        public void When_field_has_multiline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    /* line before */
    int? /* intermediate */ [|f|] /* after */; /* line end */
    /* line after */
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert
            VerifyNullabilityFix(source, CreateMessageForField("f"));
Пример #10
        public void When_return_value_has_singleline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    // before
    int? [|M|]() { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } // on same line
    // after
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert
        public void When_indexer_parameter_has_multiline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
            /* line before */
            public byte this[/* before */<annotate/>int? /* intermediate */ [|offset|] /* after */ ] /* line end */
            /* line after */
            get { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
            set { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
            " + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                .Exactly(code, code.Replace("<annotate/>", "<annotate/> "))

            // Act and assert
Пример #12
        public void When_indexer_parameter_has_multiline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    /* line before */
    public byte this[/* before */<annotate/>int? /* intermediate */ [|offset|] /* after */ ] /* line end */
    /* line after */
        get { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
        set { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(code, code.Replace("<annotate/>", "<annotate/> "))

            // Act and assert
Пример #13
        public void When_indexer_parameter_has_singleline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    // before
    public byte this[<annotate/> int? [|offset|]] // on same line
    // after
        get { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
        set { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(code, code)

            // Act and assert
        public void When_indexer_result_has_singleline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    // before
    public int? [|this|][byte offset] // on same line
    // after
        get { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
        set { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert
            VerifyNullabilityFix(source, CreateMessageForProperty("this[]"));
Пример #15
        public void When_indexer_result_has_multiline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
    /* line before */
    public int? /* before */ [|this|] /* after */ [byte offset] /* line end */
    /* line after */
        get { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
        set { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
" + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                                      .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert
        public void When_indexer_parameter_has_singleline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
            // before
            public byte this[<annotate/> int? [|offset|]] // on same line
            // after
            get { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
            set { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
            " + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                .Exactly(code, code)

            // Act and assert
        public void When_method_parameter_has_singleline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
            // before
            void M(<annotate/> int? [|p|]) { } // on same line
            // after
            " + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                .Exactly(code, code)

            // Act and assert
        public void When_method_parameter_has_multiline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
            /* line before */
            void M(/* before */<annotate/>int? /* intermediate */ [|p|] /* after */) { } /* line end */
            /* line after */
            " + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                .Exactly(code, code.Replace("<annotate/>", "<annotate/> "))

            // Act and assert
        public void When_indexer_result_has_multiline_comments_they_must_be_preserved()
            // Arrange
            string code = @"public class T
            /* line before */
            public int? /* before */ [|this|] /* after */ [byte offset] /* line end */
            /* line after */
            get { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
            set { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
            " + RawSourceCodeBuilder.PublicGlobalNullabilityAttributes;

            ParsedSourceCode source = new RawSourceCodeBuilder()
                .Exactly(RemoveLinesWithAnnotation(code), code)

            // Act and assert