Пример #1
    public uint GetCounterValue()
        uint counterValue;

        using (var countBuffer = new RawBuffer <uint>(1)) {
            counterValue = countBuffer[0];
Пример #2
 internal sealed override void GenerateSortKeysAndCopyReferences(
     ref TypeBatch typeBatch,
     int bundleStart, int localBundleStart, int bundleCount,
     int constraintStart, int localConstraintStart, int constraintCount,
     ref int firstSortKey, ref int firstSourceIndex, ref RawBuffer bodyReferencesCache)
     GenerateSortKeysAndCopyReferences <OneBodySortKeyGenerator>(
         ref typeBatch,
         bundleStart, localBundleStart, bundleCount,
         constraintStart, localConstraintStart, constraintCount,
         ref firstSortKey, ref firstSourceIndex, ref bodyReferencesCache);
Пример #3
        public bool TryCompression(Table table, TableSchema schema)
                var tx       = table._tx;
                int maxSpace = ZstdLib.GetMaxCompression(RawBuffer.Length);
                _compressedScope = tx.Allocator.Allocate(maxSpace + OverheadSize, out CompressedBuffer);
                Compressed       = false;

                var compressionDictionary = tx.LowLevelTransaction.Environment.CompressionDictionariesHolder
                                            .GetCompressionDictionaryFor(tx, table.CurrentCompressionDictionaryId);

                CompressionTried = true;
                var size = ZstdLib.Compress(RawBuffer.ToReadOnlySpan(), CompressedBuffer.ToSpan(), compressionDictionary);
                size += WriteVariableSizeIntInReverse(CompressedBuffer.Ptr + size, compressionDictionary.Id);
                var compressionRatio = GetCompressionRatio(size, RawBuffer.Length);
                if (compressionRatio > compressionDictionary.ExpectedCompressionRatio + 10)
                    // training dictionaries is expensive, only do that if we see that the current compressed
                    // value is significantly worse than the previous one
                    var etagTree = table.GetFixedSizeTree(schema.CompressedEtagSourceIndex);
                    if (ShouldRetrain(etagTree))
                        MaybeTrainCompressionDictionary(table, etagTree);

                if (CompressedBuffer.Length >= RawBuffer.Length)
                    // we compressed too large, so we skip compression here
                    // Explicitly not disposing this, we need to have the raw buffer
                    // when we do update then insert and the size is too large
                    // RawScope.Dispose();
                    Compressed = false;

                Compressed = true;
Пример #4
    public async Task Insert(Vector3[] data)
        uint gx, gy, gz;

        shader.GetKernelThreadGroupSizes(computeLeavesKernel, out gx, out gy, out gz);
        int numGroupsX = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)data.Length / gx);

        using (var leaves = new StructuredBuffer <int>(data.Length))
            using (var leafCount = new RawBuffer <uint>(1))
                using (var keys = new CounterBuffer <int>(data.Length))
                    using (var points = new StructuredBuffer <Vector3>(data.Length)) {

                        shader.SetFloats("size", bounds.size.x, bounds.size.y, bounds.size.z);
                        shader.SetFloats("min_corner", bounds.min.x, bounds.min.y, bounds.min.z);
                        shader.SetInt("max_depth", maxDepth);
                        shader.SetInt("point_count", data.Length);

                        shader.SetBuffer(computeLeavesKernel, "leaves", leaves.Buffer);
                        shader.SetBuffer(computeLeavesKernel, "points", points.Buffer);
                        shader.Dispatch(computeLeavesKernel, numGroupsX, 1, 1);

                        sorter.Sort(leaves, data.Length);

                        shader.SetBuffer(markUniqueLeavesKernel, "leaves", leaves.Buffer);
                        shader.SetBuffer(markUniqueLeavesKernel, "unique", keys.Buffer);
                        shader.Dispatch(markUniqueLeavesKernel, numGroupsX, 1, 1);

                        compactor.Compact(leaves, keys, data.Length);

                        shader.SetBuffer(computeArgsKernel, "args", indirectArgs.Buffer);
                        shader.Dispatch(computeArgsKernel, 1, 1, 1);

                        shader.SetBuffer(subdivideKernel, "leaf_count", leafCount.Buffer);
                        shader.SetBuffer(subdivideKernel, "leaves", leaves.Buffer);
                        shader.SetBuffer(subdivideKernel, "nodes", nodes.Buffer);
                        for (int i = 0; i < maxDepth; i++)
                            shader.SetInt("current_level", i);
                            shader.DispatchIndirect(subdivideKernel, indirectArgs.Buffer);

                        nodeData = await nodes.GetDataAsync();

                        nodeCount = (int)nodes.GetCounterValue();
Пример #5
        public static void load_translation(emu_options m_options)
            emu_file file = new emu_file(m_options.language_path(), global_object.OPEN_FLAG_READ);
            var      name = m_options.language();

            name = name.Replace(" ", "_");
            name = name.Replace("(", "");
            name = name.Replace(")", "");
            if (file.open(name, global_object.PATH_SEPARATOR + "strings.mo") == osd_file.error.NONE)
                uint64_t  size   = file.size();
                RawBuffer buffer = new RawBuffer(4 * (int)size / 4 + 1); //uint32_t *buffer = global_alloc_array(uint32_t, size / 4 + 1);
                file.read(new ListBytesPointer(buffer), (UInt32)size);

                if (buffer.get_uint32(0) != MO_MAGIC && buffer.get_uint32(0) != MO_MAGIC_REVERSED)
                    buffer = null;  //global_free_array(buffer);
                if (buffer.get_uint32(0) == MO_MAGIC_REVERSED)
                    for (var i = 0; i < ((int)size / 4) + 1; ++i)
                        buffer.set_uint32(i, endianchange(buffer[i]));

                uint32_t number_of_strings        = buffer.get_uint32(2);
                uint32_t original_table_offset    = buffer.get_uint32(3) >> 2;
                uint32_t translation_table_offset = buffer.get_uint32(4) >> 2;

                RawBuffer data = buffer;  //const char *data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer);

                for (var i = 1; i < number_of_strings; ++i)
                    string original    = "TODO original";    //(const char *)data + buffer[original_table_offset + 2 * i + 1];
                    string translation = "TODO translation"; //(const char *)data + buffer[translation_table_offset + 2 * i + 1];
                    g_translation.emplace(original, translation);

                buffer = null;  //global_free_array(buffer);
Пример #6
        #region Ctor

        public DynamicSizeBufferCache(int capacity)
            _cacheCapacity  = capacity.MinAt(1);
            _items_capacity = _cacheCapacity - 1;
            _firstItem      = RawBuffer.Null;
            if (_items_capacity > 0)
                _items = new RawBuffer[_items_capacity];
                for (int i = 0; i < _items_capacity; i++)
                    _items[i] = RawBuffer.Null;
                _items = null;
Пример #7
        #region Remove/Clear (Large buffer)

        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the largest buffer
        /// Small buffer ocuping the cache will be remove automaticlly when allocating
        /// Large buffer is safe for allocation But it consumes memory
        /// Call this to free memory..
        /// </summary>
        public void RemoveLargest()
            int       largeID = int.MaxValue;
            RawBuffer largBuf = RawBuffer.Null;

            if (_firstItem.buf != IntPtr.Zero)
                largeID = _firstID;
                largBuf = _firstItem;

            for (int i = 0; i < _items_capacity; i++)
                RawBuffer cur = _items[i];
                if (cur.buf != IntPtr.Zero && (largBuf.buf == IntPtr.Zero || largBuf.bSize < cur.bSize))
                    largeID = i;
                    largBuf = cur;
            //remove largest
            if (largeID == _firstID)
                var ptr = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _firstItem.buf, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    _firstItem.bSize = 0;
                var ptr = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _items[largeID].buf, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    _items[largeID].bSize = 0;
Пример #8
        *   PIXEL_OP_REBASE_OPAQUE - render all pixels
        *   regardless of pen, adding 'color' to the
        *   pen value
        *  -------------------------------------------------*/
        //public static void PIXEL_OP_REBASE_OPAQUE(ref int DEST, int PRIORITY, int SOURCE, int color)
        public static void PIXEL_OP_REBASE_OPAQUE(RawBuffer DEST, UInt32 DESTOffset, ListBytes PRIORITY, UInt32 PRIORITYOffset, byte SOURCE, UInt32 color, UInt32 trans_mask, ListPointer <rgb_t> paldata, int PIXEL_TYPE_SIZE)
            //PIXEL_OP_(destptrBuf, 0 * PIXEL_TYPE_SIZE, priptrBuf, priptrBufOffset, srcdata[srcptrOffset], PIXEL_TYPE_SIZE); //PIXEL_OP_(destptr[0], priptr[0], srcptr[0]);
            //DEST = color + SOURCE;

            if (PIXEL_TYPE_SIZE == 1)
                DEST[DESTOffset] = (byte)(color + SOURCE);
            else if (PIXEL_TYPE_SIZE == 2)
                DEST.set_uint16((int)DESTOffset, (UInt16)(color + SOURCE));
            else if (PIXEL_TYPE_SIZE == 4)
                DEST.set_uint32((int)DESTOffset, color + SOURCE);
            else if (PIXEL_TYPE_SIZE == 8)
                DEST.set_uint64((int)DESTOffset, color + SOURCE);
Пример #9

        internal RawBuffer TryAllocate(int bSize)
            RawBuffer pBuf = _firstItem;

            short smallest     = _nullID;
            short cacheCounter = 0;//number of buffer(not null) in the cache, used to indicate cache's usage
            int   smallSize    = short.MaxValue;

            if (pBuf.buf != IntPtr.Zero) //_firstItem not null
                if (pBuf.bSize >= bSize) // first size match
                    if (pBuf.buf == Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _firstItem.buf, IntPtr.Zero, pBuf.buf))
                    {//_firstItem allcated
                        _firstItem.bSize = 0;
                    //else _firstItem taken go on with _items
                else// too small to allocate
                    smallest  = _firstID;
                    smallSize = _firstItem.bSize;
                    pBuf      = RawBuffer.Null;

            if (_items != null) // buffer container not noll
            {                   //first is null or too small or has been taken from other thread
                for (short i = 0; i < _items_capacity; i++)
                    pBuf = _items[i];
                    if (pBuf.buf != IntPtr.Zero)
                    {         //has candidate here
                        if (pBuf.bSize >= bSize)
                        {     //candidate match size
                            if (pBuf.buf == Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _items[i].buf, IntPtr.Zero, pBuf.buf))
                            { //candidate allocated
                                _items[i].bSize = 0;
                        else if (pBuf.bSize < smallSize)
                        {//candidate too small to allocate and even smaller than previous smallSize
                            smallest  = i;
                            smallSize = pBuf.bSize;

                        //item not null but cannot use
            //no matching buffer found

            // smallest buffer set
            if (smallest != _nullID)
                VoteToRemove(smallest, cacheCounter);
            //Else smallest buffer not set
            //Which means cache is all null
            //So no need to Vote/Remove at all

Пример #10
 internal abstract void Regather(
     ref TypeBatch typeBatch,
     int constraintStart, int constraintCount, ref int firstSourceIndex,
     ref Buffer <int> indexToHandleCache, ref RawBuffer bodyReferencesCache, ref RawBuffer prestepCache, ref RawBuffer accumulatedImpulsesCache,
     ref Buffer <ConstraintLocation> handlesToConstraints);
Пример #11
 internal abstract void CopyToCache(
     ref TypeBatch typeBatch,
     int bundleStart, int localBundleStart, int bundleCount,
     int constraintStart, int localConstraintStart, int constraintCount,
     ref Buffer <int> indexToHandleCache, ref RawBuffer prestepCache, ref RawBuffer accumulatedImpulsesCache);
Пример #12
 public void CopyCount(RawBuffer <uint> other, int itemOffset = 0)
     ComputeBuffer.CopyCount(Buffer, other.Buffer, itemOffset * other.Buffer.stride);
Пример #13
        public static unsafe void CreateBinnedResources(BufferPool bufferPool, int maximumSubtreeCount, out RawBuffer buffer, out BinnedResources resources)
            //TODO: This is a holdover from the pre-BufferPool tree design. It's pretty ugly. While some preallocation is useful (there's no reason to suffer the overhead of
            //pulling things out of the BufferPool over and over and over again), the degree to which this preallocates has a negative impact on L1 cache for subtree refines.
            int nodeCount     = maximumSubtreeCount - 1;
            int bytesRequired =
                16 * (3 + 3 + 1) + sizeof(BoundingBox) * (maximumSubtreeCount + 3 * nodeCount + 3 * MaximumBinCount) +
                16 * (6 + 3 + 8) + sizeof(int) * (maximumSubtreeCount * 6 + nodeCount * 3 + MaximumBinCount * 8) +
                16 * (1) + sizeof(Vector3) * maximumSubtreeCount +
                16 * (1) + sizeof(SubtreeHeapEntry) * maximumSubtreeCount +
                16 * (1) + sizeof(Node) * nodeCount +
                16 * (1) + sizeof(int) * nodeCount;

            bufferPool.Take(bytesRequired, out buffer);
            var memory          = buffer.Memory;
            int memoryAllocated = 0;

            resources.BoundingBoxes      = (BoundingBox *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(BoundingBox) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.LeafCounts         = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.IndexMap           = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.Centroids          = (Vector3 *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(Vector3) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.SubtreeHeapEntries = (SubtreeHeapEntry *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(SubtreeHeapEntry) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.StagingNodes       = (Node *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(Node) * nodeCount);
            resources.RefineFlags        = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * nodeCount);

            resources.SubtreeBinIndicesX = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.SubtreeBinIndicesY = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.SubtreeBinIndicesZ = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);
            resources.TempIndexMap       = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * maximumSubtreeCount);

            resources.ALeafCountsX = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * nodeCount);
            resources.ALeafCountsY = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * nodeCount);
            resources.ALeafCountsZ = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * nodeCount);
            resources.AMergedX     = (BoundingBox *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(BoundingBox) * nodeCount);
            resources.AMergedY     = (BoundingBox *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(BoundingBox) * nodeCount);
            resources.AMergedZ     = (BoundingBox *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(BoundingBox) * nodeCount);

            resources.BinBoundingBoxesX          = (BoundingBox *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(BoundingBox) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinBoundingBoxesY          = (BoundingBox *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(BoundingBox) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinBoundingBoxesZ          = (BoundingBox *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(BoundingBox) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinLeafCountsX             = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinLeafCountsY             = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinLeafCountsZ             = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsX          = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsY          = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsZ          = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinStartIndices            = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);
            resources.BinSubtreeCountsSecondPass = (int *)Suballocate(memory, ref memoryAllocated, sizeof(int) * MaximumBinCount);

            Debug.Assert(memoryAllocated <= buffer.Length, "The allocated buffer should be large enough for all the suballocations.");
Пример #14
 public void Initialize()
     pool   = new BufferPool();
     buffer = new RawBuffer();
Пример #15
        // moved to device_sound_interface_samples
        // device_sound_interface overrides
        //virtual void sound_stream_update(sound_stream &stream, stream_sample_t **inputs, stream_sample_t **outputs, int samples);

        // internal helpers

        //  read_wav_sample - read a WAV file as a sample
        static bool read_wav_sample(emu_file file, sample_t sample)
            // we already read the opening 'RIFF' tag
            uint32_t offset = 4;

            // get the total size
            uint32_t filesize;

            RawBuffer filesizeBuffer = new RawBuffer(4);

            offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(filesizeBuffer), 4);
            if (offset < 8)
                osd_printf_warning("Unexpected size offset {0} ({1})\n", offset, file.filename());

            filesize = filesizeBuffer.get_uint32();
            filesize = little_endianize_int32(filesize);

            // read the RIFF file type and make sure it's a WAVE file
            RawBuffer buf = new RawBuffer(32);  //char [] buf = new char[32];

            offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(buf), 4);
            if (offset < 12)
                osd_printf_warning("Unexpected WAVE offset {0} ({1})\n", offset, file.filename());

            if (!(buf[0] == 'W' && buf[1] == 'A' && buf[2] == 'V' && buf[3] == 'E'))  // memcmp(&buf[0], "WAVE", 4) != 0)
                osd_printf_warning("Could not find WAVE header ({0})\n", file.filename());

            // seek until we find a format tag
            uint32_t  length;
            RawBuffer lengthBuffer = new RawBuffer(4);

            while (true)
                offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(buf), 4);
                offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(lengthBuffer), 4);
                length  = lengthBuffer.get_uint32();
                length  = little_endianize_int32(length);
                if (buf[0] == 'f' && buf[1] == 'm' && buf[2] == 't' && buf[3] == ' ')  //if (memcmp(&buf[0], "fmt ", 4) == 0)

                // seek to the next block
                file.seek(length, emu_file.SEEK_CUR);
                offset += length;
                if (offset >= filesize)
                    osd_printf_warning("Could not find fmt tag ({0})\n", file.filename());

            // read the format -- make sure it is PCM
            uint16_t  temp16;
            RawBuffer temp16Buffer = new RawBuffer(2);

            offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(temp16Buffer), 2);
            temp16  = temp16Buffer.get_uint16();
            temp16  = little_endianize_int16(temp16);
            if (temp16 != 1)
                osd_printf_warning("unsupported format {0} - only PCM is supported ({1})\n", temp16, file.filename());

            // number of channels -- only mono is supported
            offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(temp16Buffer), 2);
            temp16  = temp16Buffer.get_uint16();
            temp16  = little_endianize_int16(temp16);
            if (temp16 != 1)
                osd_printf_warning("unsupported number of channels {0} - only mono is supported ({1})\n", temp16, file.filename());

            // sample rate
            uint32_t  rate;
            RawBuffer rateBuffer = new RawBuffer(4);

            offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(rateBuffer), 4);
            rate    = rateBuffer.get_uint32();
            rate    = little_endianize_int32(rate);

            // bytes/second and block alignment are ignored
            offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(buf), 6);

            // bits/sample
            uint16_t  bits;
            RawBuffer bitsBuffer = new RawBuffer(2);

            offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(bitsBuffer), 2);
            bits    = bitsBuffer.get_uint16();
            bits    = little_endianize_int16(bits);
            if (bits != 8 && bits != 16)
                osd_printf_warning("unsupported bits/sample {0} - only 8 and 16 are supported ({1})\n", bits, file.filename());

            // seek past any extra data
            file.seek(length - 16, emu_file.SEEK_CUR);
            offset += length - 16;

            // seek until we find a data tag
            while (true)
                offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(buf), 4);
                offset += file.read(new ListBytesPointer(lengthBuffer), 4);
                length  = lengthBuffer.get_uint32();
                length  = little_endianize_int32(length);
                if (buf[0] == 'd' && buf[1] == 'a' && buf[2] == 't' && buf[3] == 'a')  //if (memcmp(&buf[0], "data", 4) == 0)

                // seek to the next block
                file.seek(length, emu_file.SEEK_CUR);
                offset += length;
                if (offset >= filesize)
                    osd_printf_warning("Could not find data tag ({0})\n", file.filename());

            // if there was a 0 length data block, we're done
            if (length == 0)
                osd_printf_warning("empty data block ({0})\n", file.filename());

            // fill in the sample data
            sample.frequency = rate;

            // read the data in
            if (bits == 8)
                RawBuffer sample_data_8bit = new RawBuffer(length);
                file.read(new ListBytesPointer(sample_data_8bit), length);

                // convert 8-bit data to signed samples
                ListBytesPointer tempptr = new ListBytesPointer(sample_data_8bit);  //uint8_t *tempptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&sample.data[0]);
                for (int sindex = (int)length - 1; sindex >= 0; sindex--)
                    sample.data[sindex] = (Int16)((sbyte)(tempptr[sindex] ^ 0x80) * 256);
                // 16-bit data is fine as-is
                sample.data.resize((int)length / 2);
                RawBuffer sample_data_8bit = new RawBuffer(length);
                file.read(new ListBytesPointer(sample_data_8bit), length);

                // swap high/low on big-endian systems
                if (ENDIANNESS_NATIVE != endianness_t.ENDIANNESS_LITTLE)
                    for (UInt32 sindex = 0; sindex < length / 2; sindex++)
                        sample.data[sindex] = (Int16)little_endianize_int16(sample_data_8bit.get_uint16((int)sindex));  //sample.data[sindex]);

Пример #16
 public void FreeRaw(ref RawBuffer buf)
     buf = RawBuffer.Null;
Пример #17
        #region Internal Allocate (buffer)

        public RawBuffer AllocateRaw(int byteSize)
            if (byteSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            int matchLevel = Array.BinarySearch(_fixedBufferBSize, byteSize);

            if (matchLevel < 0)
                matchLevel = ~matchLevel;

            RawBuffer buf = RawBuffer.Null;

            if (matchLevel >= _fixedSizeLevelCount)
                if (_largeBuffers == null)
                    DebugX.Log($"BufferPool large buffer({byteSize})");

                    buf.buf   = AllocHGlobal(byteSize);
                    buf.bSize = byteSize;

            int searchUintil = Min(_fixedSizeLevelCount, matchLevel + BufferSizeLevelSearchCount);
            for (int l = matchLevel; l < searchUintil; l++)
                var fsp = _FixedSizePools[l];
                buf.buf = fsp.TryAlloc();

                if (buf.buf != IntPtr.Zero)
                    buf.bSize = fsp._byteSize;
            if (_largeBuffers != null)
                buf = _largeBuffers.TryAllocate(byteSize);
            if (buf.buf != IntPtr.Zero)
                int fSize = _fixedBufferBSize[matchLevel];
                DebugX.Log($"BufferPool new buffer({fSize})");

                buf.buf   = AllocHGlobal(fSize);
                buf.bSize = fSize;
Пример #18
 internal abstract void GenerateSortKeysAndCopyReferences(
     ref TypeBatch typeBatch,
     int bundleStart, int localBundleStart, int bundleCount,
     int constraintStart, int localConstraintStart, int constraintCount,
     ref int firstSortKey, ref int firstSourceIndex, ref RawBuffer bodyReferencesCache);