private void AddVehicleHistoryReport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { noError = true; string[] Data = new string[4]; Data[0] = VINText.GetLineText(0); Data[1] = NumOwnersText.GetLineText(0); Data[2] = RatingText.GetLineText(0); Data[3] = MileageText.GetLineText(0); MakeVHR VHR = new MakeVHR(Data, cn); try { VHR.CreateVHR(); } catch (OleDbException ex) { noError = false; ErrorWindow Error = new ErrorWindow(ex.Message); Error.ShowDialog(); } if (noError) { this.Close(); } }
public void SetText() { var distance = Vector2.Distance(this.transform.position, CollideObj.transform.position); var _RatingObj = new RatingObj("", Color.white, 0); if (distance >= 0 && distance < 0.1f) { _RatingObj = new RatingObj("Perfect", Color.yellow, 10); } else if (distance >= 0.1f && distance < 0.5f) { _RatingObj = new RatingObj("Good", new Color32(128, 255, 128, 255), 5); } else if (distance >= 0.5f && distance < 1f) { _RatingObj = new RatingObj("Bad",, 1); } Score += _RatingObj._Level; ComboText.text = ComboVum.ToString(); MessageText.text = distance.ToString(); ScoreText.text = Score.ToString(); RatingText.color = _RatingObj._RatingColor; RatingText.text = _RatingObj._RatingText; RatingText.GetComponent <Animation>().Play(); }
private void SetRating(float rating) { ratingController.SetRating(rating); RatingText text = emotionClient.GetTextsFor(rating); TopLabel.Text = text.Top; MessageLabel.Text = text.Message; }
private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Resturant rest = new Resturant(NameText.Text, AddressText.Text, PhoneNumberText.Text, ZipCodeText.Text, RatingText.Text, ReviewText.Text); if (!listOfRestruants.Contains(rest)) { listOfRestruants.Add(rest); } else { listOfRestruants.Add(rest); } NameText.Clear(); AddressText.Clear(); ZipCodeText.Clear(); PhoneNumberText.Clear(); RatingText.Clear(); ReviewText.Clear(); }
public RatingText GetTextsFor(float rating) { var texts = new RatingText(); if (rating > 0.7) { texts.Top = "Great! Glad you like the app!"; texts.Message = "Oh, beautiful smile! Thank you!"; } else if (rating > 0.4) { texts.Top = "The app is good for you, but could be better."; texts.Message = "OK. Maybe not good enough :-|"; } else { texts.Top = "You don't like the app after all."; texts.Message = "Ooops, it seems that you are sad :-("; } return(texts); }
public override object Get() { var parts = ListUtils.Partition(Model.Students, x => Model.StudentInfos[x.StudentInGroup_ID].IsWebinar); var webinarList = parts.Item1; var other = parts.Item2; var webinarTable = GetTable("Вебинар", webinarList, 0, true); var otherTable = GetTable("Очное обучение", other, webinarList.Count); var form = AjaxForm(Url.Lms().Urls.UpdateLecture(null))[ HiddenFor(x => x.Lecture.Lecture_ID), webinarTable, otherTable, Model.LectureEditStatus != LectureEditStatus.Nothing ? (object)bh.SubmitButton("Сохранить") .Style("margin-bottom:10px;").Id("button-lecture-edit") : bh.Warning("Сохранить изменения может только преподаватель {0} в день проведения занятия" .FormatWith(StringUtils.AngleBrackets(Model.Lecture.Teacher_TC)))].Id("form-lecture-edit"); var date = Model.Lecture.TrainerComingTime; var group = Url.Lms().Group(Model.Lecture.Group_ID, Model.Lecture.Group_ID); var comingTime = div[b["Время регистрации: "], date.HasValue ? date.Value.ToShortTimeString() : "не определено", b[" Группа: "], group, Model.Rating.GetOrDefault(x => b[" Служебный код: "]), Model.Rating.GetOrDefault(x => Anchor("#", x.Current).Class("not-link").Title(RatingText.FormatWith(x.Current, x.Max)).Data("toggle", "tooltip")) ]; var updateForm = Model.LectureEditStatus == LectureEditStatus.All ? UpdateForm() : null; return(div[ GetScript("/Scripts/Views/Lms/lectureeditview.js?v=6", "LectureEditView.init", Url.File().Urls.AddLectureFile(Model.Lecture.Lecture_ID)), comingTime, BootHtmls.Collapse(_.List(GetWebinarBlock())), BootHtmls.Collapse(_.List(updateForm)).Style("margin-top:5px;"), form, BootHtmls.Collapse(_.List(UploadArchive(), FtpBlock())), br, LmsViews.SupportInfo, h3[Url.Lms().LectureQuestionnaire(Model.Lecture.Lecture_ID, "Анкета преподавателя")] ].Class("lecture-edit").Style("font-size:10px;")); }