public string getString(string file, string label)
        //Creates a dictionary for the current file
        Dictionary <string, string> table;

        //If the dictionary has already been read in, get it from the tables dictionary
        if (tables.ContainsKey(file))
            table = tables [file];
        //If it is a new dictionary, parses it using my super cool parser
        //Adds it to the dictionary of dictionaries
            table = RaphaelsSuperCoolJsonParser.toStringDictionary("Assets/Resources/Local/" + file + ".txt");
            tables.Add(file, table);
        //If the label is not in the dictionary, doesn't chanege anything
        if (!table.ContainsKey(label + language))
            //Debug.LogWarning("File " + file + " does not contain " + label + language);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(table [label + language].ToString()))
        return(table [label + language].ToString());
    public string getString(string file, string label, string englishText)
        Dictionary <string, string> table;

        //If the dictionary has already been read in, get it from the tables dictionary
        if (tables.ContainsKey(file))
            table = tables [file];
        //If it is a new dictionary, parses it using my super cool parser
        //Adds it to the dictionary of dictionaries
            table = RaphaelsSuperCoolJsonParser.toStringDictionary("Assets/Resources/Local/" + file + ".txt");
            tables.Add(file, table);
        //bool for whether or not the table was changed
        bool add = false;

        //If the table does not contain the key, adds the key/object pair
        if (!table.ContainsKey(label + language))
            table.Add(label + language, englishText);
            add = true;
        //If the table contains the key, but the string it contains is different from englishText
        //Changes the string at key to englishText
        else if (!(table [label + language].ToString().Equals(englishText)))
            table [label + "_en"] = englishText;
            table [label + "_sp"] = "";
            table [label + "_fr"] = "";
            table [label + "_it"] = "";
            table [label + "_jp"] = "";
            add = true;
        //If the table was changed
        if (add)
            //Writes a new json file
            string newJson = "{\n";
            foreach (string s in table.Keys)
                newJson += "\t\"" + s + "\": \"" + table [s] + "\",\n";
            newJson = newJson.Remove(newJson.Length - 2) + "\n}";
            //Writes the new one
            File.WriteAllText("Assets/Resources/Local/Source/" + file + ".txt", newJson);
        return(table [label + language].ToString());