Пример #1
        private void buttonRandomizeColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RandomizeColor rColor = new RandomizeColor();

            int[] button_color = rColor.NewColor();

            button1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(button_color[0], button_color[1], button_color[2], button_color[3]);
Пример #2
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (timer <= 0 && !Finnished)
         StartCoroutine(SendTextFade("GO!", new Color(0.3f, 1, 0.3f, 1)));
         RandomizeColor CM = ColorManager.GetComponent <RandomizeColor>();
         CM.Timer.GetComponent <TimerText>().started = true;
         CM.Started = true;
         Finnished  = true;
     else if (timer <= 1 && !Hit1)
         StartCoroutine(SendTextFade("1", new Color(0.6f, 0.7f, 0.3f, 1)));
         Hit1 = true;
     else if (timer <= 2 && !Hit2)
         StartCoroutine(SendTextFade("2", new Color(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.3f, 1)));
         Hit2 = true;
     else if (timer <= 3 && !Hit3)
         StartCoroutine(SendTextFade("3", new Color(1, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1)));
         Hit3 = true;
     else if (!Hit3)
         gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = "";
     timer -= Time.deltaTime;
Пример #3
        private void Update(EvaluationContext context)
            var worldToClipSpace = Matrix.Multiply(context.WorldToCamera, context.CameraToClipSpace);
            //Matrix worldToView = context.WorldToCamera * context.CameraProjection;
            //var worldToClipSpace = context.WorldToCamera
            //var viewToWorld = Matrix.Invert(worldToClipSpace);

            var brightness = Brightness.GetValue(context);

            var color             = Color.GetValue(context);
            var randomizeColor    = RandomizeColor.GetValue(context);
            var size              = Size.GetValue(context);
            var randomizeSize     = RandomizeSize.GetValue(context);
            var stretch           = Stretch.GetValue(context);
            var distanceFromLight = DistanceFromLight.GetValue(context);
            var spread            = Spread.GetValue(context);
            var randomizeSpread   = RandomizeSpread.GetValue(context);
            var positionFactor    = PositionFactor.GetValue(context);
            var randomizePosition = RandomizePosition.GetValue(context);

            var mixPointLightColor = MixPointLightColor.GetValue(context);

            var referencedLightIndex = LightIndex.GetValue(context);

            var innerFxZone      = InnerFxZone.GetValue(context);
            var edgeFxZone       = EdgeFxZone.GetValue(context);
            var zoneFxScale      = FxZoneScale.GetValue(context);
            var zoneFxBrightness = FxZoneBrightness.GetValue(context);

            var matteBoxZone = MattBoxZone.GetValue(context);

            var rand       = new Random(RandomSeed.GetValue(context));
            var fxZoneMode = (ZoneFxModes)FxZoneMode.GetValue(context);

            var rotation       = Rotation.GetValue(context);
            var rotationSpread = RotationSpread.GetValue(context);

            var rotateTowards = (Categories)RotateTowards.GetValue(context);

            int startLightIndex = 0;
            int endLightIndex   = context.PointLights.Count;


            if (brightness > 0.00001f)
                if (referencedLightIndex >= 0)
                    startLightIndex = referencedLightIndex;
                    endLightIndex   = referencedLightIndex + 1;

                var aspectRatio = (float)context.RequestedResolution.Width / (float)context.RequestedResolution.Height;

                for (int lightIndex = startLightIndex; lightIndex < endLightIndex; lightIndex++)
                    var pointLight = context.PointLights.GetPointLight(lightIndex);
                    var lightPosDx = pointLight.Position.ToSharpDxVector4(1);

                    var posInViewDx = SharpDX.Vector4.Transform(lightPosDx, worldToClipSpace);
                    posInViewDx /= posInViewDx.W;

                    // Ignore light sources behind
                    var hideFactor = posInViewDx.Z < 0 ? 0 : 1;

                    posInViewDx /= posInViewDx.W;
                    var lightPosInView2D = new Vector2(posInViewDx.X, posInViewDx.Y);

                    var count = SpriteCount.GetValue(context).Clamp(0, 1000);
                    if (count != _sprites.NumElements)
                        _sprites = new StructuredList <Sprite>(count);

                    // Render Planes
                    for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                        var f = count <= 1 ? 0 : ((float)i / (count - 1) - 0.5f);
                        var positionOnLine = (float)((-distanceFromLight
                                                      + f * spread * 2
                                                      + randomizeSpread * (rand.NextDouble() - 0.5) + 1));

                        Vector2 objectScreenPos = lightPosInView2D * positionOnLine * positionFactor + (new Vector2(1, 1) - positionFactor) * lightPosInView2D;

                        objectScreenPos += new Vector2((float)(randomizePosition.X * (rand.NextDouble() - 0.5)),
                                                       (float)(randomizePosition.Y * (rand.NextDouble() - 0.5)));

                        var sizeWithRandom = size * (float)(1.0 + randomizeSize * (rand.NextDouble() - 0.5)) / 0.2f;

                        var colorWithLight = new Vector4((color.X + randomizeColor.X * (float)(rand.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 4) * MathUtils.Lerp(1f, pointLight.Color.X, mixPointLightColor),
                                                         (color.Y + randomizeColor.Y * (float)(rand.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 4) * MathUtils.Lerp(1f, pointLight.Color.Y, mixPointLightColor),
                                                         (color.Z + randomizeColor.Z * (float)(rand.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 4) * MathUtils.Lerp(1f, pointLight.Color.Z, mixPointLightColor),
                                                         color.W * (1 - randomizeColor.W * (float)(rand.NextDouble() * 2)));
                        var spriteColor = Vector4.Clamp(colorWithLight, Vector4.Zero, new Vector4(100, 100, 100, 1));

                        var triggerPosition = fxZoneMode == ZoneFxModes.Lights
                                                  ? lightPosInView2D
                                                  : objectScreenPos;

                        var d          = GetDistanceToEdge(triggerPosition);
                        var cInnerZone = MathUtils.SmootherStep(innerFxZone.Y, innerFxZone.X, 1 - d);
                        var cEdgeZone  = MathUtils.SmootherStep(edgeFxZone.X, edgeFxZone.Y, 1 - d);
                        var cMatteBox  = MathUtils.SmootherStep(matteBoxZone.Y, matteBoxZone.X, 1 - d);

                        var totalTriggerAmount = (cInnerZone + cEdgeZone) * cMatteBox;

                        sizeWithRandom *= (1 + zoneFxScale * totalTriggerAmount).Clamp(0, 100);

                        var brightnessEffect = (zoneFxBrightness * totalTriggerAmount).Clamp(0, 100);
                        spriteColor.X += brightnessEffect;
                        spriteColor.Y += brightnessEffect;
                        spriteColor.Z += brightnessEffect;
                        spriteColor.W  = ((spriteColor.W + brightnessEffect)).Clamp(0, 1);

                        spriteColor.W *= cMatteBox * pointLight.Color.W;

                        // This might actually be a good idea. Maybe we should do this later..
                        // Fade with incoming alpha from FlatShaders and Materials
                        //color.W *= materialAlpha;

                        float spriteRotation = rotation;

                        switch (rotateTowards)
                        case Categories.Object:

                        case Categories.Light:
                            spriteRotation -=
                                (float)(Math.Atan2((objectScreenPos.X - lightPosInView2D.X) * aspectRatio, objectScreenPos.Y - lightPosInView2D.Y) +
                                        MathF.PI) * (180 / MathF.PI);

                        case Categories.ScreenCenter:
                            spriteRotation -= (float)(Math.Atan2(objectScreenPos.X, objectScreenPos.Y) + MathF.PI) * 180f / MathF.PI;

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                        // // Transforom UV to pick correct texture cell
                        // if (TextureCellsRows == 0)
                        //     TextureCellsRows = 1;
                        // if (TextureCellsColumns == 0)
                        //     TextureCellsColumns = 1;

                        // int row = (int)(Math.Floor(i / TextureCellsColumns) % TextureCellsRows);
                        // int column = (int)(i % TextureCellsRows);
                        // var translationUV = new Vector3(1 / TextureCellsColumns * column, 1 / TextureCellsRows * row, 0);
                        // var rotationUV = new Quaternion();
                        // var scaleUV = new Vector3(1 / TextureCellsColumns, 1 / TextureCellsRows, 0);
                        // var pivotUV = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                        // var transformUV = Matrix.Transformation(pivotUV, new Quaternion(), scaleUV, pivotUV, rotationUV, translationUV);
                        // var prevTransformUV = context.TextureMatrix;
                        // context.TextureMatrix = transformUV * prevTransformUV;
                        spriteColor.W *= brightness;

                        _tempList.Add(new Sprite
                            PosInClipSpace = objectScreenPos,
                            Size           = sizeWithRandom * stretch * hideFactor,
                            Color          = spriteColor,
                            RotationDeg    = spriteRotation + f * rotationSpread * 180,
                            UvMin          = Vector2.Zero,
                            UvMax          = Vector2.One,
            // Copy to structured array
            if (_tempList.Count != _sprites.NumElements)
                _sprites = new StructuredList <Sprite>(_tempList.Count);

            for (var spriteIndex = 0; spriteIndex < _tempList.Count; spriteIndex++)
                _sprites.TypedElements[spriteIndex] = _tempList[spriteIndex];
            OutBuffer.Value = _sprites;