public void Perform(string backupDir, ProgressBar progressBar) { RandomizableArchive.random = new Random((int)this.seed); if (isDir) { PerformDirRandomizer(backupDir, progressBar); } else { RandomizableArchive archive = new RandomizableArchive(); archive.OpenFile(rootDir, false, Platform.Unknown, out _, true); archive.Randomize(settings, out bool needToAddNumbers); archive.Save(); string message = "Randomization complete!"; if (settings.Enemies_Allow_Any_Type) { HashSet <VilType_BFBB> vilTypes = archive.GetEnemyTypes(); if (vilTypes.Count > 0) { string vils = ""; foreach (VilType_BFBB v in vilTypes) { vils += "\n** " + v.ToString(); } message += "\n* Due to Enemies_Allow_Any_Type, you need to import the following enemy HIPs to the HOP:" + vils; } } if (needToAddNumbers) { message += "\n* Due to Shiny_Object_Gates or Spatula_Gates, you need to import the numbers.HIP file to the HOP"; } MessageBox.Show(message); } ArchiveEditorFunctions.renderableAssets.Clear(); ArchiveEditorFunctions.renderableJSPs.Clear(); ArchiveEditorFunctions.renderingDictionary.Clear(); ArchiveEditorFunctions.ClearNameDictionary(); }
private void PerformDirRandomizer(string backupDir, ProgressBar progressBar) { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(rootDir, "boot.hip")) && Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(rootDir, "files")) && File.Exists(Path.Combine(rootDir, "files", "boot.hip"))) { MessageBox.Show("You're supposed to select the 'files' folder, not the folder which contains it. I'll fix that for you."); rootDir = Path.Combine(rootDir, "files"); } if (settings.PlayerCharacters) { settings.UnlockCharacters = true; } if (settings.UnlockCharacters) { var skipFiles = settings.skipFiles.ToList(); skipFiles.Add("hb05"); settings.skipFiles = skipFiles.ToArray(); } List <(RandomizableArchive, RandomizableArchive)> levelPairs = new List <(RandomizableArchive, RandomizableArchive)>(); // HIP/HOP file pairs List <(string, string)> levelPathPairs = new List <(string, string)>(); // HIP/HOP path pairs string firstDir = string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir) ? rootDir : backupDir; List <string> hipPaths = new List <string>(); foreach (string hipPath in Directory.GetFiles(firstDir)) { if (Path.GetExtension(hipPath).ToLower() != ".hip" || FileInFirstBox(hipPath) || Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(hipPath).ToLower().Contains("us")) { continue; } hipPaths.Add(hipPath); } foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(firstDir)) { foreach (string hipPath in Directory.GetFiles(dir)) { if (Path.GetExtension(hipPath).ToLower() != ".hip" || FileInFirstBox(hipPath) || Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(hipPath).ToLower().Contains("us")) { continue; } hipPaths.Add(hipPath); } } progressBar.SetProgressBar(0, hipPaths.Count * 4 + 3, 1); List <string> warpNames = new List <string>(); // Names of all warps in the game for the Warps randomizer List <string> namesForBoot = new List <string>(); // Names of all levels in the game for sb.ini boot level randomizer Game game = Game.Unknown; Platform scoobyPlatform = Platform.Unknown; List <string> toSkip = new List <string>(settings.skipFiles.Length + settings.skipFilesWarps.Length); // Uses these to skip warps that shouldn't be randomized toSkip.AddRange(settings.skipFiles); toSkip.AddRange(settings.skipFilesWarps); bool platformVerified = false; // Not all game/plaftorm combinations support all methods // This goes through each file in the game, loads them into memory, and also gets the warp names foreach (string hipPath in hipPaths) { RandomizableArchive hip = new RandomizableArchive(); hip.OpenFile(hipPath, false, scoobyPlatform, out _, true); progressBar.PerformStep(); // Verifies if game/platform combination is ok, also checks for EditorFiles in case it needs those if (!platformVerified) { game =; scoobyPlatform = hip.platform; if (Directory.Exists(ArchiveEditorFunctions.editorFilesFolder)) { AutomaticUpdater.VerifyEditorFiles(); } else { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("The IndustrialPark-EditorFiles folder has not been found under Resources. You must download it first. Do you wish to download it?", "Note", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { AutomaticUpdater.DownloadEditorFiles(); } } platformVerified = true; } if (settings.Warps && !FileInSecondBox(hipPath)) { warpNames.AddRange(hip.GetWarpNames(toSkip)); } RandomizableArchive hop = null; string hopPath = Path.ChangeExtension(hipPath, ".HOP"); if (File.Exists(hopPath)) { hop = new RandomizableArchive(); hop.OpenFile(hopPath, false, scoobyPlatform, out _, true); levelPairs.Add((hip, hop)); if (!FileInSecondBox(hipPath)) { levelPathPairs.Add((hipPath, hopPath)); } } else { levelPairs.Add((hip, null)); if (!FileInSecondBox(hipPath)) { levelPathPairs.Add((hipPath, null)); } } progressBar.PerformStep(); string nameForBoot = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(hipPath).ToUpper(); if (settings.bootLevelMode == BootLevelMode.Random && !namesForBoot.Contains(nameForBoot)) { namesForBoot.Add(nameForBoot); } } HashSet <string> uinqueWarpNames = new HashSet <string>(); if (settings.Warps) { foreach (string s in warpNames) { uinqueWarpNames.Add(s); } warpNames.Clear(); warpNames.AddRange(uinqueWarpNames); } // Perform things on boot.hip if (settings.Music || settings.bootHipLodtMulti || settings.UnlockCharacters || settings.RandomCharacters) { string bootPath = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir) ? rootDir : backupDir) + "/boot.hip"; if (File.Exists(bootPath)) { var boot = new RandomizableArchive(); boot.OpenFile(bootPath, false, scoobyPlatform, out _, true); bool shouldSave = false; if (settings.Music) { if ( == Game.Scooby) { shouldSave |= boot.RandomizeSounds(false, true); } else { shouldSave |= boot.RandomizePlaylist(); } } if (settings.bootHipLodtMulti) { shouldSave |= boot.MultiplyLODT(settings.lodtValue); } if (settings.UnlockCharacters) { boot.ProgImportHip("Utility", "patrick.hip"); boot.ProgImportHip("Utility", "sandy.hip"); shouldSave = true; } if (settings.RandomCharacters) { shouldSave |= boot.RandomizePlayerOnSpawn(); } if (shouldSave) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir)) { boot.Save(); } else { boot.Save(boot.currentlyOpenFilePath.Replace(backupDir, rootDir)); } } } } progressBar.PerformStep(); if (settings.restoreRobotLaugh || settings.widescreenMenu) { string mnu5path = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir) ? rootDir : backupDir) + "/mn/mnu5.hip"; if (File.Exists(mnu5path)) { var mnu5 = new RandomizableArchive(); mnu5.OpenFile(mnu5path, false, scoobyPlatform, out _, true); var shouldSave = false; if (settings.restoreRobotLaugh) { shouldSave |= mnu5.RestoreRobotLaugh(); } if (settings.widescreenMenu) { shouldSave |= mnu5.WidescreenMenu(); } if (shouldSave) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir)) { mnu5.Save(); } else { mnu5.Save(mnu5.currentlyOpenFilePath.Replace(backupDir, rootDir)); } } } } progressBar.PerformStep(); // Time for the actual randomization process! List <(string, string, string)> warpRandomizerOutput = new List <(string, string, string)>(); while (levelPairs.Count != 0) { bool item1shuffled = false; if (settings.UnlockCharacters) { item1shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item1.UnimportCharacters(); item1shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item1.FixTreedome(); } if (settings.UnlockCharacters || settings.disableCutscenes) { item1shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item1.KillFinalBossCutscenes(); } if (settings.Warps && !FileInSecondBox(levelPairs[0].Item1.currentlyOpenFilePath)) { item1shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item1.SetWarpNames(ref warpNames, ref warpRandomizerOutput, uinqueWarpNames); } item1shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item1.Randomize(settings, out bool needToAddNumbers); progressBar.PerformStep(); HashSet <VilType_BFBB> enemyVils = levelPairs[0].Item1.GetEnemyTypes(); HashSet <EnemySupplyCrateType> crateTypes = levelPairs[0].Item1.GetDynaCrateTypes(); HashSet <EnemyStandardType> enemyTypes = levelPairs[0].Item1.GetDynaEnemyTypes(); bool item2shuffled = false; if (levelPairs[0].Item2 != null) { if (enemyVils.Count != 0) { item2shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item2.ImportEnemyTypes(enemyVils); } if (crateTypes.Count != 0) { item1shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item1.ImportCrateTypes(crateTypes, true); item2shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item2.ImportCrateTypes(crateTypes, false); } if (enemyTypes.Count != 0) { item1shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item1.ImportDynaEnemyTypes(enemyTypes, true); item2shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item2.ImportDynaEnemyTypes(enemyTypes, false); } if (needToAddNumbers) { item2shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item2.ImportNumbers(); } if (settings.UnlockCharacters) { item2shuffled = levelPairs[0].Item2.UnimportCharacters(); } item2shuffled |= levelPairs[0].Item2.Randomize(settings, out _); } progressBar.PerformStep(); levelPairs[0].Item1.CollapseLayers(); if (levelPairs[0].Item2 != null) { levelPairs[0].Item2.CollapseLayers(); } // Save to a random different path (level files randomizer) if (settings.Level_Files && !FileInSecondBox(levelPairs[0].Item1.currentlyOpenFilePath)) { int newPathIndex = RandomizableArchive.random.Next(0, levelPathPairs.Count); levelPairs[0].Item1.Save(levelPathPairs[newPathIndex].Item1); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir)) { levelPairs[0].Item1.Save(levelPathPairs[newPathIndex].Item1); } else { levelPairs[0].Item1.Save(levelPathPairs[newPathIndex].Item1.Replace(backupDir, rootDir)); } if (levelPairs[0].Item2 != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir)) { levelPairs[0].Item2.Save(levelPathPairs[newPathIndex].Item2); } else { levelPairs[0].Item2.Save(levelPathPairs[newPathIndex].Item2.Replace(backupDir, rootDir)); } } levelPathPairs.RemoveAt(newPathIndex); } // Save to the same path (non level files or file set to not randomize warps) else { if (item1shuffled) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir)) { levelPairs[0].Item1.Save(); } else { levelPairs[0].Item1.Save(levelPairs[0].Item1.currentlyOpenFilePath.Replace(backupDir, rootDir)); } } if (item2shuffled) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir)) { levelPairs[0].Item2.Save(); } else { levelPairs[0].Item2.Save(levelPairs[0].Item2.currentlyOpenFilePath.Replace(backupDir, rootDir)); } } } levelPairs.RemoveAt(0); } string message = "Randomization complete!"; if (!ApplyINISettings(backupDir, namesForBoot, game)) { message += "\n* Unable to find game settings INI, so these were not applied."; } progressBar.PerformStep(); if (warpRandomizerOutput.Count != 0) { WriteLog(warpRandomizerOutput); message += "\n* A warps_log.txt file with the result of the Warps randomizer was saved to your root folder. Don't look at that file, it spoils the fun."; } File.WriteAllText(rootDir + "/settings.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this, Formatting.Indented)); message += "\n* The settings.json file with the settings used was saved to your root folder."; MessageBox.Show(message); }